Crown of Chaos

Chapter 534, Meeting of Storms and Winds: The Return of the Original Body

Cang Ye, my Cang Ye! Take me away, Cang Ye!

Slaanesh squirmed on his seat, and the Prince of Joy rubbed his belly against his seat like a flexible snake in the mountains. He happened to use the three inches under his belly to align with the sharp corners of the seat. He rubbed it hard, and the expression on his face seemed to be in heaven for a while, and then fell into the abyss for a while.

But for Slaanesh, whether he goes to heaven or falls into the abyss, there is only one answer.

So cool.

Cang Ye, I really like you! For you, I want to sing Cat Poisoning~

There are many strange paintings placed around Slaanesh, and the scenes on each painting are strange, ferocious and twisted, enough to drive a mortal with a slightly fragile mind crazy on the spot.

It is said that this is Slaanesh trying to recreate Cang Ye's true appearance, but Slaanesh admitted with excitement and frustration that he could not recreate Cang Ye's appearance at all.

Even so, the good brother of Slaanesh continued to work hard. He painted hundreds of paintings. The face of Cang Ye in each painting was different, but these paintings had one thing in common - at midnight, the demon of Slaanesh The body will gradually emerge from these paintings.

Let's watch it again, a classic of lovely Cang Ye~

I saw her again in an empty theater~


Oral area! Slaanesh spit out another mouthful.

How long has this symptom lasted? Aaron watched the one-man show of Slaanesh's good brother speechlessly and asked Tzeentch.

Who knows, hee hee hee~ Tzeentch twisted himself into the shape of a six-pointed star again. The Lord of Changes said ecstatically: Maybe he has always been like this. The shadow of Slaanesh is immovable, and the shadow of Slaanesh is ten thousand. move!

Leave him alone. Khorne's expression was extremely fervent: Do you still remember your last sacrifice?

The Battle of Arabelle? Gruush? Aaron nodded.

I feel that the orc god intends to join this war. The Skull King pointed to the armrest of his throne: I want to hang his head here.

Very good. Aaron suddenly thought, the orc god Gruumsh is coming too?

However, thinking about Gruumsh's fighting power, he felt a lot more relaxed. No matter how strong Gruumsh was, he would never be as strong as Khorne.

On the contrary, the stronger the enemy's combat effectiveness, the more it inspires Khorne's good brother to fight.

For this great battle, Khorne is extremely important, more important than the other three gods.


After communicating with the Four Gods of Chaos, Aaron immediately returned to the Salian Shogunate Army Camp in Dagger Falls.

As the Shogunate Army accepted the participation of various forces, the Salian Shogunate Army gradually expanded to become a truly multi-racial and diverse coalition. At this time, it is no longer appropriate to use the title of Shogunate Army to describe this army.

This is a holy war! It will be a long time since the whole country has been praying for Santarin! The reason we are united here today is the Holy War, to completely wipe the Zhentarim from the map!


Therefore, since the Moon Sea is in the east and the Shogunate Army is in the west, Aaron's Salian Shogunate Army was officially upgraded to the Western Army, and the Zhentarim Army of Darkness on the other side of the Moon Sea became the Eastern Army .

More and more people came to join the war.

Samir the Harper stood in the camp, the star-studded Harper flag fluttering in the wind, and Eleonora, another succubus nun who had accepted the transformation, stood among the many harpers.

Your Highness, I brought you three hundred elites from Waterdeep City! Samir waved to Aaron: The Zhentarim are dead this time!

Definitely. Aaron waved to Samir.

Five hundred Sipaxi heavy cavalry have arrived from Calim Port, Your Highness. Annuoming appeared from a large group of heavily armored knights. The Demon Prince and another heavy knight carried a cauldron together: Sir- His Majesty the Pasha is willing to support our actions!

I'm glad that the Calishans are willing to join our cause. Aaron waved to the Calishan heavy cavalry. These super-heavy knights, all covered in chain mail with only a pair of eyes exposed, responded: Salute to you, General!

Aaron! Cousin Robert arrived and reported the situation.

The gold knight of Amn has arrived, Your Highness.

The paladins of Neverwinter came to join the battle on Ilmat's orders, Your Highness!

Two wood elf legions from the Supreme Forest are also here. After seven thousand years, the snow elves and wood elves reunited in the country again! But they had a fight first, and the snow elf won. Robert stretched out a long The list was sent to Aaron: What a weird reunion. Oh, by the way, the Hell Knights of Eltoril are also here.

Robert pouted towards the roadside and said, And I brought my own dry food.

Three battalions of Eltoril Hell Knights all joined in. They wore tall tricolor kite helmets and robes from the Gate of Hell. Their fine steel plate armor was polished extremely brightly in the sun. , with the coat of arms of Eltoril engraved on the shield, headed by Hell Knight Commander Scharnhorst, whom he had met once before.

Salute to you, Your Highness General! The Hell Knights saluted together: Eltoril has joined the battle!

Has anyone come to Baldur's Gate? Aaron returned the greeting to the 1,200 Hell Knights. These knights are all elites in hundreds of battles. Many Hell Knights have also entered Hell to fight alongside Zariel - of course this has become a Eternal disgrace to Hellknights.

Now the Hell Knights come to wash away the shame.

Not yet, no one from Baldur's Gate has come yet. Robert knew about the special relationship between Aaron and the Grand Duchess Nestia of Baldur's Gate. His cousin smiled ambiguously: But there is a letter from our Lady Imon. Well, the shadow thieves of Amn rejected the invitation of the Dark Sun and joined our side! There are also Eboud and Shafrok, these two brothers said you would see them in the military camp.

Very good. Amidst the neighing of the war horses, Aaron nodded: The number is close to 100,000. This will be the largest battle since Tukan's invasion.

More will come. Robert took the report and said: Fortunately, we have sufficient food reserves, otherwise these 100,000 people would eat them every day and bankrupt us.

Thank you Buyer, our little Lucky Grass King. Aaron was about to explain some matters to Robert. Suddenly, special energy fluctuations coming from the front caught his attention: Where is it?

It's a strange combination of several people. Robert twitched his lips: The leader calls himself Dorn. He said he knows you. Lady Eleanor confirmed this, otherwise I would never let this pair A strange combination joins us.”

There was a very strange group of people standing in the clearing by the creek, especially Aaron who saw a group of about 200 Githyanki troops actually appearing here. Each of them was holding Gith silverware and they were surrounding a man. A gaunt Githyanki with a silver tiara and figure-hugging purple robes.

The Prince of Comet is back! The Githyanki gathered around this extraordinary chicken keeper and cheered in unison: Long live Orpheus! Long live Orpheus! Long live Orpheus!

The face of the chicken farmer named Prince Comet was full of emotions. He spoke elegantly, and there was a sense of nobility in his movements. He also had an appearance that was quite handsome and outstanding even in the eyes of humans: Voss !My most loyal friends, I am truly happy and happy to be reunited, Mother Geese.”

“Your Highness the Prince, you really think too highly of me.” The Githyanki captain had tears in his eyes, but he quickly turned his attention to another weird being in the team: “But Your Highness the Prince, can you Explain why there is a brain-eating bastard among your companions?

Next to the Githyanki prince Orpheus, the legendary Perfect Mind Flayer monarch is standing with his hands behind his back. He does not respond at all to the Githyanki's questioning. Next to the monarch stands Ana, the wolf-child, who is the reincarnation. After only a few years, Rogal Dorn had not seen each other for a few years. Rogal Dorn, who was only a few years old, had already grown to a height of two meters. He was carrying the Stormfang sword and watched the reunion with satisfaction.

The Primarch is here too?

You are right, he is a mind flayer, but without him, I would not be saved. Orpheus narrowed his eyes: He is called the monarch, and it is through him that we can find the meaning in a series of scrolls. He came out of my prison in the astral world and led people to rescue me. His purpose is the same as mine, to end the Mind Flayer Empire. Unlike other Mind Flayers, he has a self.

Is it true, Lord? Although I hate your tentacles, I am grateful for what you have done. The skies of Tu'narath will salute you with hymns, a righteous mind flayer? Gith? The Yankee captain couldn't believe it, but he still accepted the prince's request: No matter what, thank you, you have brought us the hope of a race.

What you should be more grateful for is this unparalleled warrior, Rogal Dorn. The Perfect Mind Flayer Lord said with his hands behind his back: While I was still thinking about what props I should use to destroy the crystal prison that binds your prince, Dorn gives us the right answer - he shattered one of the strongest substances in the multiverse with just his fist.

But there's no need to call me monarch. Dorne doesn't like my name emp, so just call me ceb. The monarch's expression was indifferent: We each get what we need.

The perfect mind flayer's expression looked calm, but Aaron could still feel the joy of planning hidden under the monarch's octopus face.

This cunning mind flayer is obviously planning something again.

Okay, Mr. Seb.

This is Thompson. Comet Prince Orpheus continued to introduce another person in the team: Star Wanderer, a powerful three-system astral magician.

A young but unshaven mage stood behind Dorn. He was wearing a pure white gold-rimmed stand-collar magician's robe. His eyes were pure white from pupils to eyelids, and were shrouded in a strong magical light. , what is noteworthy is that there are three magic balls composed purely of arcane energy that are constantly rotating around Thompson, namely ice, thunder, and fire.

Mr. Thompson is a star wanderer we met in the star world. He once thought that his magic was the strongest in the star world, until he met Mr. Dorn. His entire set of spell sequences that he was proud of was destroyed. Dorn punched him down, and he joined us from then on, just to prove that magic is better than fists. Comet Prince Orpheus continued to introduce.

Donn said the big one was coming, so I came. Thompson raised his head very proudly: One ultimate life form is amazing enough. He said there is a second one with a different type. I am very interested.

Yes, the second one will come. Dorn finally spoke.

Your Majesty the Primarch, I'm glad that you can join my army. Aaron thought to himself how these two living treasures got the Githyanki prince: With you joining us, we will definitely win this war. victory!

Don't let your guard down, La. There was no trace of joy on Dorn's face. He just shook his head: I came to join your army not because of my father, not because of you, and not because of any justice. These things have nothing to do with me. .”

I will join your army just because Pertrabo joined the other side. Dorn mentioned this name, and the anger in his heart almost overflowed from his eyes.

In this world, I want to end things with this guy, once and for all!

There is also bad news... Dorn said coldly, and Aaron immediately interrupted him: Lorgar is here too, right?

That's right!

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