Crown of Chaos

Chapter 451, Aaron is a favorite

Aaron's recruitment of troops went very smoothly. In the Sunset Territory and even in the entire Cormyr, Aaron's appeal was astonishing. With his announcement of the expedition, the number of adventurers and farmers recruited was almost ten. Raise ten and get a hundred.

Brosnan, the leader of the Dragonborn family who just moved to the Sunset Territory, even led his people to join the Northern Expedition. Brosnan said that our Dragonborn family does not seek an independent community status like the Snow Elf Autonomous Region, but we seek to be able to follow you. Show the splendor of my dragonborn family.

The Sunset Army quickly pulled out an army of 2,800 people. Except for the 1,500 people of the Shepherd Legion, the other 1,300 people were already the result of Aaron's streamlining and streamlining.

The Sullon Church, the most influential church in the Sunset Territory, has also formed a powerful church army - the Silver Hand, led by the pastor Miss Eleanor and the female Aasimo Dark Night Song Lady Irene.

On the other side, the Great Temple of Tymora in Arabel heard the news. The bishop of the temple, uncharacteristically, immediately announced that we would also join Tifantun's Northern Expedition. The priests of the Lucky Lady were gearing up and couldn't wait to show their strength.

At the same time, the news that Aaron suddenly pulled out a thousand heavily armored elite warriors and a hundred monster knights from the Sunset Territory immediately spread throughout Cormyr and even all surrounding areas following the reports from various spies.

Ser, Vale, Cormanthor, Zambia, Tiffanton, Rockland and then to the Sword Coast in the west. After the news of Aaron's parade spread, several turbulent political forces inside and outside Cormyr immediately surfaced.

Whether it was Battle of Baldur's Gate or Destroying the Horned Rat God, when Aaron pulled an army of this level from his territory, everyone realized that Aaron was no longer the same person. .

All kinds of people and forces are secretly making plans for the Ninth Shepherd Legion, including Salian's Nine Scrolls and various new things in his territory, hoping to use them for their own purposes.

Many of these forces are completely opposed to each other.

The first to get the news was within Cormier.

One is the local nobility of Susar and the external nobility.

Many local nobles in Susar have long been dissatisfied with the status quo. Ever since the death of Assan IV, Aliceser has deliberately suppressed the status of the local nobles in Susar. The Purple Dragon Knights complained more than once that Your Highness would rather We don't need outsiders, Alice Sayre always ignored these voices.

The Purple Dragon Knights are better. Although they have not had combat missions for several years, the old Purple Dragon Knights have still experienced the era of fighting in the north and south with Assan IV. Alice Searle was once one of the Purple Dragon Knights. Although she doesn't use the Purple Dragon Knight, she still attaches great importance to the Purple Dragon Knight.

The other group making noise is a large group of untitled nobles in Susar. This group of people is quite numerous in Susar. Although they are not idle in the capital, at most they are just like Aaron, relying on Living a life at the expense of their parents or their ancestral real estate store without the opportunity to reuse them is already very depressing. Moreover, some of them have already had problems with their livelihoods and rely on borrowing money or selling off their property to maintain a decent life. Waiting in line for your chance.

Looking out from Susar, after the regency of Alice Ser, the only one who was truly employed, promoted and finally became an actual noble was Aaron Salian.

With this situation, more and more local nobles in Susal are unconvinced. There are endless complaints about Alice Ser among the people in the market, but what are the abilities of these people? After tossing and turning, the only thing I could say was Aaron.

Who said Arabelle was recovered by Ms. Raul? Wasn't it Aaron who personally led the team into the orc tent and destroyed the totem pole of Great Khan Tujin?

The Sunset Territory was defeated by Aaron himself with his army. Aaron penetrated the Hurek Forest! The last time Cormyr conquered Hurek Forest, the late king personally led the army!

If it weren't for Aaron, Baldur's Gate would have been destroyed long ago. Isn't it too much for all the Baldurs to give us Sussars a kowtow first?

Aaron is a native of Susar, our local!

Why doesn't Alice Searle use our Sousal locals more and wear a skirt with Ms. Raul from the north?

If she had reused us Susar people, what would we be like now?

The local nobles in Susar began to clamor non-stop, and the news naturally spread to the palace.

Iriselle made them laugh angrily in the palace.

During my father's time, he was worried about how to deal with these aristocratic uncles who were living in Sousal relying on the favor of their ancestors and real estate rents. Now an anomaly appears by chance. Does it mean that the old men walking birds in the upper town of Sousal are all different? Can you be like Aaron?

It happens in every country that the descendants of nobles rely on the grace of their ancestors to become worms in the kingdom. It is not surprising.

After thinking about it, Aliceser suddenly changed her mind.

That's right, don't these bird-walking gentlemen just want an opportunity to make contributions?

give them!

As for the other two forces, it is naturally the conflict between the nobles and the common people.

Aaron has always promoted a large number of civilians to high positions. His subordinates are all kinds of people of all races, classes and beliefs, but there are very few nobles. The Ninth Shepherd Legion also recruits a large number of civilians and other races into the army. Now everyone wears He wore plate armor, picked up majestic extraordinary weapons, and mounted a fierce and heroic mount. The civilians were naturally delighted.

The absurd thing is that the nobles of Cormyr also found arguments to support them in Aaron: Aaron was originally a noble. Since he can complete such a miracle in a few years, it shows that the nobles are indeed inherently better than the common people. We are going to be even better. The previous series of chaos were just bad luck. It is up to us nobles to truly recreate the glory of the past kings' era.

The commoners were stunned: Salian's nine books, power words, astral magic, the Golden Law, contracting with the powerful dragon, and defeating Be'lak to become the guardian knight of the fairy princess. How do these things have anything to do with noble status?

The nobles were very proud: it was because Aaron was the son of Manuel, the last Salian, an orthodox local nobleman of Susar, that he had accomplished so many feats!

Then comes the most interesting part.

The local nobles of Susar used Aaron as an example to attack the feudal nobles, and the foreign nobles used Aaron as an example to attack the bird-walking uncle of Susar.

The common people used Aaron to satirize the nobles for not wanting to make progress, and the nobles used Aaron to support their theory of blood superiority.

Ever since the King's Recruitment Order was issued, a political whirlpool has begun in Cormyr. They are secretly gearing up to start a new storm as soon as the Battle of Tifanton is over.

And at the deepest, most secretive core of the regime, deepest in the Obeschier Palace, there was also a person who was using Aaron to pave the way for his next centralization of power and the wedding of the century.

This person is none other than Alice Searle, the regent of Cormyr.


The situation in Cormier is changing, but the turbulent waves in Sousal cannot be expressed for now.

Sunset Territory, Salian Castle.

Aaron was having a small meeting with his cousin Robert and his cousin Maximian. If there was anyone else, it was the maid Jingxiang standing behind Aaron.

Buyer hasn't come back yet, and Dalonglong expresses her distaste for such meetings, saying that she can just watch the excitement by then.

In the conference room, Robert stood in front of the blackboard and described the situation in Tiffany to Aaron and Maximian.

It has been three years since he came to the Sunset Territory, and Robert still has the same arrogance, frivolity, and arrogance as before. But facts have proven that many of the founders of the country are concentrated in a certain place, not because this place specifically produced the talents of the founding of the country. , and just because the founding emperor was also born and grew up here, Robert, who was just a small secretary of the Adventurer's Guild before, has truly experienced enough experience, and now he is very talented in various matters.

When time comes, heaven and earth all work together to transport heroes without freedom.

Aaron has already arranged the future of Robert and Maximian. He will give Robert the surname Welf, plus Maximian the surname Suplin. These two Cousins ​​and cousins ​​will each play important roles in the future and branch off from the Salian family to form auxiliary families.

After several years of trials, Maximian has become more calm and steady, and his cousin doesn't even like to talk much.

Robert's target kept wandering around the maid Jingxiang behind Aaron. He was surprised that Aaron found such a top-notch mature maid. It wasn't until Aaron coughed that he started to introduce the story about Tiffany Dun. everything of.

Tiffanydon is currently ruled by Duke Bilgard The Viper.

Duke Bilgard was once one of Assan IV's military mages. He fought bravely and had cunning tactics. He was later appointed by Assan IV as the governor of Masemba. However, while in office, Bilgard began to conceal military expenditures and embezzle money. He paid taxes and lived an extremely luxurious life. When Assan IV found out about this, he demoted him to the rocky land in the north.

Later in the Goblin War, Asan IV died in battle and Arabelle fell. Bilgard took the opportunity to present himself as the Duke and occupied Tiffanydon. This guy was very capable and could deal with Turgeon, the orc Great Khan at the time. With his connections, he can also establish trade treaties with the Bedai Barbarians and the Zhentarim in the north. It seems that he can play with any force.

Aaron, Bilgard seems to have an old relationship with his uncle...that is, Sir Manuel. Robert was a little embarrassed when he said this: It is said that they often quarreled in front of Assan IV. Manuel is an old-fashioned man. People, and Bilgard has always used any means to achieve his goals...

Father has conflicts with many people, including this one. Aaron leaned back in his chair and said nonchalantly.

Manuel is Manuel, and I am me. There is no need for me to inherit the hatred of my father’s generation.

But there is news that... Billgard once said after drinking... that the deaths of Manuel and Elizabeth were related to him... Robert shrank his head and looked at Aaron carefully.

Sure enough, when Aaron heard the news, he narrowed his eyes subconsciously, and then... the light shone brightly.

Avenging your father is a very valid reason, isn't it?

snort! Manuel is my father, and I am the most orthodox heir of Salian, the last bloodline with the surname Salian. If I don’t come to avenge him, who else will do it? !

Very good, we have an excuse to start a war. Aaron said coldly: Go on, what does Duke Bilgard rely on to maintain his rule in Tifantun? Is it just relying on the few soldiers under his command? Is there a trade route that works sometimes in the Moon Sea?

No. When my cousin talked about Duke Birgard, a chill ran down his back: Duke Birgard is not very strong, and his army is not elite, but he seems to be the same as the snake god Mai. There was a connection to Ershock, which is where his viper nickname came from.”

Snake God-Mersok? !

Wait, isn’t the snake god Seth? When did it become Mersok?

Robert had also done his homework in advance, and his cousin immediately told the story about the relationship between Meerschok and Seth.

As mentioned before, Saluk Wuhu, one of the founder races, once worshiped a supreme entity at the cosmic level-the Giant Serpent of the Universe. The Serpent of the Universe gradually split in the face of multiple beliefs, forming many faces, and In the end, it was completely divided into multiple gods. Among them, the snake god Myershok was the face of the giant snake in the world, and was worshiped exclusively by snake people.

However, Meershok is considered to be an inferior aspect split from the Great Serpent of the Universe. Because of its low quality, Meershok has been intrinsically defective since its birth. Correspondingly, the high-quality aspects of the Great Serpent of the Universe were split. Appearance - Powerful, nine-faced dragon god Io.

Mershok was very active for a period of time when he first split. However, because he inherited inferior parts from the giant snake of the world, Mershok inevitably became sleepy. The snake god is always sleepy, and will fall asleep as soon as he falls asleep. It is difficult to wake up, the kind that cannot be woken up even if someone swallows His flesh and blood and divine power.

To this end, Mershok released a still-active incarnation of Seth, but he did not want the incarnation to usurp Melshok's position in the kingdom, causing Mershok to become the face of Seth. And Seth himself became a snake god.

But in the end, Seth could not avoid being sleepy. The snake god Seth last appeared in the Year of Turbulence, and then both he and his body returned to the abyss and entered a long sleep again.

Is there the support of the snake god behind Bilgard? Aaron thought to himself. Sure enough, in the country, behind any powerful force there must be the shadow of divine power and divine-like power.

However, the snake gods are always hibernating. They are sleeping from a sleep that they cannot wake up from. It is a little strange that Bilgard is a believer in the snake gods.

In addition to the relationship with the snake god, Aaron, we also saw many signs of drow activity in Tifantun. Robert continued: Perhaps the drow will also prevent us from regaining Tifantun.

That's not right. Aaron said lightly.

I am not afraid that you are not strong, but I am afraid that you are not strong enough.

Salian's army needs a battle of sufficient intensity, whether it is drow, snake people, or even snake priests and the like, all have to be fought before the soldiers can truly experience the baptism of blood and fire, and in the future they will be able to Conquer the Great Desert in the North and the Great Forest of Cormanzo in the Northeast.

Pass my order. Aaron said to Maximian who said nothing: Tomorrow morning, the army will set off!


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