Crown of Chaos

Chapter 428, Buyer will protect everyone!

Baldur's Gate, Uptown.

The once prosperous upper town of Baldur's Gate has now become a green fire hell, with ruins everywhere. The sudden explosion almost destroyed half of the Baldur Zonggui Manor, and the other half is also on the verge of destruction.

The blast of the explosion blew away thousands of mortals. Everyone discovered that no matter who you are at this moment, there is no way to survive in this destructive explosion, unless your physical attributes are close to extraordinary abilities. Only the professionals could barely maintain their combat effectiveness in this first impact.

People are constantly screaming for help in the ruins of the upper city, and weak cries for help are constantly coming from the collapsed buildings in the neighborhood. However, now no one can save these once majestic and arrogant Hakatoshi Sonoki. and their families, because after the twin-tailed comet landed, short screams began to be heard from the ruins and sewers.

yesyes~ breakbreak~diedie!

Shu Shu~ For the Horned Mouse!

With the unnatural squeaking sounds of millions of rats, the Skaven army emerged from the ground. The hungry and thirsty rat people directly crossed the city and launched an attack into the city.

Temple area.

The only two areas in the upper city that can be said to be relatively intact are the temple area and the Hall of the Supreme Lord. The temple of the sea goddess Amberli was the least damaged in the attack, and the high priest here was obviously angered by the attack. At her call, the six-meter-long Naga royal guards and armored giant turtles were slowly walking onto the coast one after another.

In Gond's Supreme Hall of Miracles, gnomes and dwarves gathered together and started the defense process of the God of Artisans together with the human craftsmen. The entire Supreme Hall of Miracles was shrouded in a layer of dazzling light, and every Gond statue was With their eyes glowing and thunderbolts flashing from the hammers in their hands, the temple guards all wore uniform magic armor and stood shoulder to shoulder at the gate. Behind them was a huge army of golems.

Baldur's Gate is the core place of worship of Gund, the God of Craftsmen. The famous landmark House of High Miracles is located here. It gathers a large number of apex creations of the multiverse and is the most important workshop of the priests of the God of Craftsmen.

The priests of Gond were enraged. These once gentle and unconcerned craftsmen who devoted themselves to studying technology all day long tore their robes to pieces and decided to show their core technology to the enemy.

The ball at the top of the Supreme Hall of Miracles opened, revealing a 900 mm caliber magic crystal cannon. The surrounding floating artillery and the crystal magic cannon surrounding the building were all activated, and each Gond statue had a Gond priest begin to recite. The sacred inscriptions and the mysterious light prism technology will be put to use for the first time.

The temple area has always been the most defensive area in a city.

In addition to the temple area, the watchmen in the upper city area are frantically putting on armor.

As the explosive mushroom cloud enveloped the sky, the officers of Baldur's Gate were listening to different reports. Duke Iltan led a small group of Flamefist guards and was coming from the lower city with news.

Both rats and rat-men crawl out of the sewers! They attacked and bombed the city, and much of the city's southern lower city was already overrun with Skaven. Archduke Takshi's Baldur elite and his Iron Guards were at the center of the explosion. , at this time, Takshi was passing through the fortress gate and wanted to retreat to the Hall of the Supreme Lord.

The city is in danger, Baldur's Gate is in danger!

In an instant, dozens of places across Baldur's Gate were attacked, and hordes of Skaven poured out of the drainage pipes from the fishing docks along the Chongsa River.

A sinkhole appeared in the underground stronghold of the Nine Fingers of Thieves Guild, and then thousands of Skaven troops poured out. From the East Road area in the lower city to the cemetery group in the crowded side block, the Skaven emerged from the manhole cover.

These lean, wild-eyed lycanthropes kill anything that moves, and some hungry ones stop as soon as they catch something, clawing at the fallen with fangs spread as they devour the fallen. Eating men, elves, dwarves, livestock, even fiery tieflings and hard-to-gnaw dragonborn - whatever they could catch. There was nothing picky about these hungry tribesmen.

The whole city was filled with the sound of fighting. The slave rats and clan rats that first emerged from the ground were quickly wiped out by the well-trained adventurers and Flame Fist guards. Two Skavens were killed. The vanguard army was undoubtedly destroyed in the first surprise attack.


The Hall of Miracles of Gond in the Temple District undoubtedly also withstood the first horrific ordeal.

All the Skaven who rushed at the beginning were eliminated by the priests of Gond. The light beams of the Gond statue crisscrossed along the marble floor, burning the clan rats holding shields into ashes. The floating cannons were accurate. While he was trying to kill those who were left alone, the magic crystal cannon was still charging - it would take time to activate it and transfer energy from the mechanical realm.

The Skaven attack could only leave corpses on the ground in front of the long street of the temple area. Soon, a Skaven warlord ordered the army to retreat.

But there was no chance for the Gond priests to breathe. Soon, the Skaven weapons team joined the battlefield. They appeared on the top of the house. The engineering warlocks shook the ratlin and drew on the top of the rows of stone structures Shooting out lines of fire, the poison gas trebuchet dropped terrifying poisonous balloons. Those who smelled it would immediately fester and die. The warpstone flamethrower sprayed out black flames, mixed with a strange green light. When a building catches fire, red tongues of flame shoot upward, burning like tinder in the shrouded city.

This is brand-new technology that the people of Bode have never seen before, and the people in the temple area have not experienced this kind of battle for a long time.

Seeing the green barrages crisscrossing from the top of the rat forest covering half of the sky, and seeing the waves of poison ball flames falling like raindrops, some people already felt timid.

The country is a country that pays attention to faith. Once the hearts of the priests begin to waver, the divine shield protecting the temple will weaken visibly!

Don't be afraid! The Gond High Priest of the Hall of High Miracles pointed at the Skaven weapons team in the distance and shouted: They have it, and we have it too!

Glock, Lillard, how long will it take for our cannon to be activated? The high priest continued to encourage the morale of the people around him. He believed that as long as the magic crystal cannon was activated, everything would be fine.

Prism rays, magic floating cannons, activated golems of various colors, fixed magic artillery on buildings, and various magical spells, the entire Baldur's Gate sky was dyed colorful, and barrage attacks from both sides came and went. The resonance of the light prisms of multiple Gond idols had just sent a Skaven plague trebuchet into the sky, and the Skaven's warpstone lightning cannon reduced a statue to ashes along with the charged priest below.

It was at this time that the Skaven finally unleashed their ultimate move for this national invasion.


Amidst the explosion, the eight-headed rat trolls appeared beneath Baldur's Gate, carrying a huge frame assembled using a crude wooden structure. The wooden platform was made of twisted wormwood and discarded wood, supporting a crude scaffolding frame. , the surface of the wood is covered with green inscriptions, which looks extremely weird.

Ding bell~ding bell~

The clear ringtone can be heard throughout the city.

what is that? !

As the rat troll sped up to lift the frame off the ground, the ringing thing emerged.

A large clock made of brass and warpstone alloy was gradually pushed out of the ground, giving off a dim glow. On its broad waist, a circle of Great Horned Rat runes carved using the Gray Prophet's dimensional magic emerged like life. They seemed to They have their own consciousness. Under their strange runes, everyone can feel that there is a pair of eyes full of malice and desire for destruction watching mortals behind them.

However, while the clock's appearance is unsettling, the visual horror is nothing compared to what comes next.

Under the command of the Gray Prophet, the rat troll pulled the chain thicker than a human arm.


The bells echoed in Baldur's Gate, and sound waves mixed with madness and destructive desire resounded in everyone's head. Discordant noises spread from one side of the city to the other. Mortals with weaker physical fitness Immediately they felt pain in their heads, and there was a roaring sound in their ears, which made their whole body hurt and their nostrils bleed!

On the contrary, to the Skaven, the shrill and discordant sound of this giant bell is like a sound of heaven!

Yes, yes, the time of Rat and Rat is coming!

Ring the bell! Ring the bell! The Horned Rat will walk among us!

Ring the bell! ! !

The bell aroused the rat people's awe and devotion to the Horned Rat God. The Skaven army, which had been thwarted in their attack, began to gather from around the city. The rat trolls gathered at the bottom of the big bell, listening to the sound of the bell and growing blood and flesh crazily. !

The life of Rat and Rat is also life, and Rat and Rat also need love!


The bell rings again, and the evil power begins to reverberate!

The evil power of the evil god spreads along the bell, and the blasphemous power of destruction gradually eliminates the divine shield in the temple area. Outside Gond's Supreme Miracle Hall, eight storm rats gradually approach, and the dimensional stone impact drill, rat special Lin and his warpstone flamethrowers were on full fire, and around them, the plague monks and weapons teams joined the battlefield!

Gond's defense of the Hall of Miracles was immediately put to a very severe test. Floating cannons were shot down one after another. Divine spells frequently failed under the interference of the bells. Even the surface of the divine shield had cracks!

The power of the gods was getting weaker and weaker, and the eight storm rats gradually advanced. Behind them, the dimensional stone lightning released by the gray prophets of the rat people struck down, and gradually approached the temple gate.

Despair hung over the temple.

Fear, destruction, green fire and bells are everywhere!

But just as the priests of Gond were preparing to meet their final fate, some strange commotion suddenly occurred in the distance.

Look! Lord Boulder! Look! A Gond priest who was using a telescope had an expression of disbelief on his face. He pointed into the distance and jumped excitedly: Look over there!

Rumble, rumble~

Hundreds of buds sprouted from the marble floor of the upper city, growing into a green forest at a speed visible to the naked eye. The dense vines, shrubs and thorns that grew there enveloped the Skaven military formation. , then tightened.



In the blink of an eye, more than three hundred rat-men were twisted into a ball of blood mist by the tight vines and tightening thorns.


Four wooden square pillars ten meters high and one meter wide were erected on the ground at the same time. The surface of these pillars was shrouded in a healing light, which made the surrounding Skaven feel very uncomfortable. They were like hair. They besieged these wooden piles like crazy, but no matter how they attacked, the wooden piles remained motionless and did not even have any scratches.

A girl's figure appeared in the forest. She was petite, with a pair of pointed elf ears. Her long white to gray hair was tied into a side ponytail. There was an obvious green gradient at the end of her hair. There is a young leaf with a golden ring of law printed on it.

The girl's pupils are also very special. The bottom layer of her iris is dark green, and the cross-shaped pupil is light green, shaped like a four-leaf clover. There is a circle of dark green lines around it, and the golden lines on the surface of a white bud are glowing.

The girl's appearance is very lovely, as pure as the rising crescent moon, and like a bud about to bloom.

But at this moment, there was a thin layer of anger on the girl's face, and she glanced around.

That's great, I hope everyone is okay.

The girl floated in the air, clasped her hands together, and said very seriously: Please don't worry, Buyer will definitely protect everyone!

After saying that, the fairy princess clapped her hands violently, and an invisible wave of air burst out.

The four wooden pillars simultaneously released an emerald-green shock wave, the Nova of Light, and hundreds of Skaven around them flew out!

The emerald green energy spread in all directions in a radiant state. Under the healing contained in the girl's singing, all the dimensional stone energy and plague poison within a radius of 100 meters around her were dissipated.

Now I no longer want to be a bystander. Buyer continued to rise into the sky: Sister Isa, Mr. Knight, father and mother, please watch this. This is my own choice, Buyer. !”

Four wooden stakes were pulled out from the ground and turned into four wooden dragons with a length of more than ten meters. They spun in the air and fell again. They tightly entangled the four Storm Rats with lightning speed and bit the four dragon heads in one bite. Four large rat heads!

Buyer gently clenched his fist, and the Storm Rat's whole body trembled, and its tall and sewn body was shattered inch by inch, turning directly into broken bones on the ground.

Breeding Light!

Facing the Skaven who were surrounding them from all sides, Buyer held up a burst of emerald green energy in both hands and threw it into the sky. There was a dull explosion in the air around him, and a rushing water wave spread with scorching light. As it came forward, strong air waves blew sand and rocks around. All nearby ratmen flew backwards, and all the warpstone weapons in the entire block malfunctioned and could not be used.

Legend, a high-level legend, a high-level divine legend!

There was an expression of disbelief on the face of the High Priest of Gond. He glanced at the Hall of Miracles behind him and shouted: Quickly, activate the cannon! Re-inject divine magic, everyone, take action!

Hold on until my lord intervenes, and things will be saved!


On the other side, incredible reinforcements were also waiting for the Supreme Lord Hall.

Just as the entire lord's hall was bathed in the sound of bells and cannon fire, a giant dragon with purple-black translucent scales that was more than ten meters long spread its wings and glided past. The strong wind it whipped up almost blew up the Flame Fist guards.

An enemy? Is it a friend?

When the Flame Fist guards and watchers were unsure, they saw the dragon take a deep breath.

The jet of destructive white light spit out from the dragon's mouth and swept across the entire block, melting all the rat people and their siege equipment on the block's houses into the white light.

Hahahahahahahaha~ The giant dragon laughed arrogantly in the air: Poor and weak, poor and weak, damn mice, you have offended me! Weak splashes are not worth mentioning in front of the huge waves. Hum hum. ,a ha ha ha!

The guards in the High Lord's Hall immediately burst into cheers.

That looks like friendly forces! The captain of the Flame Fist guard said to Duke Iltan, the commander of the Flame Fist: Does Baldur's Gate have any dragon friends? His Highness Duke Gao?

Duke Iltan thought for a moment and his eyes lit up.

It seems there really is!

He remembered that Bodean once left a message to his four captains, saying that there was an old dragon named Anzu underground under Baldur's Gate. He once promised Bodean that he would come out to save the city at a critical moment of life and death!

Isn't this a time when the city's life and death are at stake?

Sure enough, it appeared!

Bodean! You are so great!

Our founder, the great navigator, have you even considered this?

Yes, his name is Anzu! Duke Iltan immediately ordered everyone to call the dragon: Your Excellency Anzu, please support us! Baldur's Gate needs you!

Egil heard the call of the humans below in the air. Due to the sound of wind and explosions, Dalonglong could not hear clearly. It seemed that someone was calling her name.

The pronunciation of Anzu is somewhat similar to Egil.

oh? So I am so famous? Dalonglong thought happily: Why did my servant never tell me that I, Egil, was so admired?

Hey, don't panic, my mortal vassals!

Calling wind and rain, devouring all things, your dragon master Egil is here to save you!

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