Crown of Chaos

Chapter 358, Eltoril

Barriel's judgment almost happened at the same time that the Githyanki dragon knight broke through the wall of the conch ship. Following the walls of the conch ship that were destroyed by the red dragon's fire, the first wave of Githyanki warriors had arrived.

This isn’t the first time Aaron has seen the Githyanki, but the Githyanki this time are obviously different from the Githyanki Aaron met before. The Githyanki who appear this time are obviously more powerful in combat. Strong, they all wear the standard Githyanki mithril armor, and are armed with extraordinary weapons such as Gith greatswords, long swords, hand axes, and each is equipped with a Gith crossbow.

There were a few psionic warlocks among them, and as soon as they landed, they opened the star gate, and in the silver vortex, more Githyanki warriors appeared from the star gate.

Once the Githyanki boarded the ship, they were shocked by the scene before them. They saw that the mind flayer's proud conch ship was filled with corpses. Their mortal enemy had obviously encountered some unmatched enemy, and the hatching pool was destroyed. It was destroyed, and the disgusting mind flayer tadpoles were shattered on the ground. The leader, the Githyanki captain, had a mohawk and was very thin. He picked up a mind flayer tadpole struggling in the mucus from the ground. With a little force between the index finger and thumb, the little Mind Flayer tadpole immediately burst out a stream of yellow viscous liquid like juice.

The Githyanki acted fast, they immediately surveyed the scene and found the dead Perfect Mind Flayer and the mind flayer mastermind, corrupted by Chaos.

somebody is coming!

Someone got there before us.

They destroyed and killed the Perfect Mind Flayer, we are too late!

These people are very powerful, please report to the Queen immediately!

The Githyanki surrounded the conch-shelled ship from all sides. Not long after they arrived, an old dragon roar sounded, and all the nearby Githyanki retreated and knelt down in worship.

An old red dragon was seen arrogantly tearing open the surface of the shell ship with its claws, tearing it open from the middle like a piece of rag. A group of elite guards holding the silver sword of Gith appeared from both sides, guarding The old red dragon wears a crown on his head, his face has turned into a corpse, and he is a female lich wearing expensive clothes and gorgeous jewelry.

Vlaakith, the Lich-Queen, the ruler of the Githyanki, has arrived here.

Githyanki society is ruled by a queen. Among the Githyanki people, the queen is the supreme being. The Githyanki do not believe in gods, they only believe in their queen. In society, the queen's status is higher than that of Mother Lolth in the city of Menzoberranzan in the Underdark, and she has absolute dominance.

The queen is the pinnacle of existence in the eyes of the Githyanki. To the Githyanki, she is the god of their race. Although the queen is not immortal, they will gradually age and extend their lifespan by turning into a lich themselves. , eventually fell, but the Githyanki always worship and believe in the queen like a god.

Since the first generation led the successful uprising of the mind flayer slaves and the disappearance of Queen Gith, who destroyed the mind flayer empire, it is said that the rule of Queen Vlaakith has changed for more than a hundred generations, with each generation of Githyanki queens being called Vyla Lakisi, life is endless.

According to Elminster's book, the strength of Queen Vlaakis is not certain. Some queens are as strong as gods, and some are only high-level legends. But there is no doubt that they are all true A strong man, and rarely appears on the main material plane.

Silver Sword! The Lich Queen of the Githyanki landed on the ground of the shell ship. She stepped on the perfect mind flayer's head and stretched out her hand. The old red dragon immediately lowered his head and humbly rubbed his head against Wei. Vlakia felt the rotten lich hand of Lakia and said sternly: I feel the power of the silver sword!

Someone used the power of the Silver Sword of Gith to kill the Perfect Mind Flayer and the Elder Brain!

They haven't gone far yet, search, now!

As the Lich Queen screamed, the Githyanki immediately gave up cleaning up the battlefield and spread out along the conch, searching for the mind flayer's space ships one by one.

Dimensional anchor!

The footsteps gradually approached, and Aaron and others hid in the treasure house, preparing to escape.

How to escape is undoubtedly a problem. The Lich Queen has used dimensional anchors to fix all the spaces near the giant spiral shell ship. At this moment, any teleportation spell will be noticed by the Githyanki.

Da da da da da~

Dense footsteps could be heard coming from far away, and a small group of Githyanki, armed with supernatural weapons, followed by psions and spellcasters, gradually approached the mind flayer's vault.

In the treasure house, the hearts of the two female drows and the priestess were beating wildly. They clenched their weapons, knowing that a fierce battle might be inevitable.

Aaron’s hands also glowed with the brilliance of the Wind of the Godly Gate. The Githyanki came so fast that they couldn’t find an angle to escape. They were surrounded by dragon knights and portals. The Githyanki Queen even used Dimension The anchor fixes the space and does not give any chance of teleportation.

In times of crisis, Barrier stood up!

The sun elf mage stood up decisively. He took a deep breath and spread his arms. Golden sparks spurted out from his fingertips. A long river of destiny composed of threads of time appeared around his body and slowly rose into the air. , the fat and bloated sun elf fat man opened his eyes, held both ends of the river of destiny with his hands, and blocked time and space abruptly!

Time system...the legendary archmage? !

Aaron narrowed his eyes.

My magic consultant, the fat man from the Yuehua family on Yongju Island, turned out to be not only a legend, but also an extremely rare time-based legendary archmage among the mage professions!

No wonder he likes to humiliate Nese people and the magic of other races in the country so much.

Because he already has this qualification!

Don't just watch there, Your Excellency! Barrel looked extremely serious at this time. The fat sun elf squeezed the golden river of time into a ball of light, and was drawn along the endless destiny nodes on thousands of golden threads. He twisted his hands into a ball and gradually turned it into a golden ball of light with a diameter of thirty centimeters. As soon as the ball of light was condensed, the Sun Elf Archmage's expression immediately became much more depressed, and his original mellow voice became very hoarse: Only 15 seconds!

Enough! Aaron nodded immediately.

Okay! Barrel suddenly threw the ball of light towards the door.


The sharp sound of friction immediately enveloped the center of the shell ship along with the strange golden light, bringing the entire shell ship and all the living and dead things inside into the coverage area, and then it was as silent as death.

The dragon, the Githyanki Queen, the Githyanki, and everything in the conch ship all stopped. Their time all stopped at the moment Barrel released his magic, and even the spit from his mouth during the conversation was in the air. stagnation.

Their time has stopped, but the time of Aaron and others continues!

Stopping everyone's time and temporarily banishing their destiny to a non-existent dimension. Is this the strength of a time mage?

Aaron didn't have time to be shocked, because it was visible to the naked eye that after Barrier released the magic, it deflated like a balloon with a hole in it. He collapsed on the ground and foamed at the mouth. At this moment, Aaron almost didn't even think about it. He immediately grabbed Barrel's arm and signaled everyone to stand with him. The eight magical winds stirred at the same time, and the power of chaos rose. Aaron directly forcibly tore open a door in the star world and the mortal world, using his own Magic created a void conveyor belt and jumped in with his team!

Except for Charlotte and Barrel, who were semi-conscious, the remaining three people were lucky enough to experience a real subspace journey. Following the chaotic rift opened by Aaron, they witnessed an extremely terrifying world: the convergence of space. At the end, a corner of reality emerges. The terrifying abyss is filled with crawling chaos and countless hidden mysteries; in front of the roaring void raging beyond, all living creatures in the world seem to be just floating in the storm. of tiny dust.

In the void composed of twisted souls, millions of subspace chaotic creations condensed together, constantly being born and destroyed. Every existence watched Aaron and others in the conveyor belt subconsciously pounce on them, out of the most basic Hunger, thirst and hatred, greed and viciousness, almost no original positive emotions can be felt.

No creation of chaos could touch Aaron. When he raised the power of the four gods, all these primitive creatures were sealed at the other end of the conveyor belt.

It didn't take long for them to reach the end of the conveyor belt, and the mortal scenery appeared in front of everyone's eyes again.

What, what is this? Eleanor couldn't help asking.

You can understand that this is the void where the world was created, dear. Aaron smiled slightly: It is also the source of the power of my bloodline.

The void where the world was created? Is this the environment where my lord and Lady Night fought? Eleanor murmured: No wonder, no wonder my lord has mentioned more than once, the power of your blood and the His original power is very similar.

Only half. Aaron said softly: The war in heaven is half a noisy world of light and half a silent dark void. Only the combination of my Lord and the Lady of the Night can describe the source of my power more accurately.

One more thing. After several people completely escaped from the Chaos Conveyor Belt, Aaron said a little embarrassedly: 15 seconds is really too little.

So...? Eleanor already felt a little weightless, and the pastor's face turned pale.

So I didn't have time to determine the location. Although it was teleported dozens of kilometers away, this place is more than three thousand meters away...


He was answered by the screams of Eleanor and the two female drow, and the five-person team fell straight down from an altitude of three thousand meters!


15 seconds later, the golden light on the giant spiral ship dissipated, and the Githyanki clocks started turning again. They soon discovered the mind flayer's treasure trove and reported it to the Lich Queen as soon as possible.

The Lich Queen pointed directly at the door to the mind flayer's treasure house.

I pray...


The treasure door exploded, and two elite groups of Githyanki guards immediately rushed into the treasure vault.

They saw nothing but piles of brains.

It's weird, I just felt like there was someone in the treasure house! said a Githyanki guard, holding a giant sword in both hands and staring around cautiously.

The Githyanki psions also cast spells to search, with no results.

Incompetent trash! the Lich Queen snorted, and all the Githyanki immediately knelt down, not daring to express their anger or even defend themselves.

Looking at these men, the Lich Queen casually pointed at one of them, and with a finger of death, a master githyanki warrior was turned into ashes.

In fact, the Lich Queen was also a little strange. She had clearly sensed the message from the Silver Sword of Gith before, and since the distance was so close, she would not feel a mistake no matter what.

But she didn't need to explain to these subordinates, and she didn't need to explain to these subordinates.

Because all Githyanki are essentially consumables for her, Vlaakis, to one day ascend to the throne of God!

“Keep searching, don’t miss any corner!” Seeing that things were beyond her understanding, the Lich Queen, who put her own safety first, immediately rode on the red dragon and left, leaving a group of Githyanki behind to continue. search.



Falling at the speed of light made it impossible for Aaron to concentrate on releasing the Feather Falling Technique.

Fortunately, I still have the power of my good brother Tzeentch.

Tzeentch patrol chariot!

Aaron immediately used Tzeentch's power to summon the Sky Patrol Chariot. The nine-headed Tzeentch Flying Shark drove the Sky Patrol Chariot from the void and caught the team members along the falling curve.

Opening the car door, Aaron stuffed Barrel and Charlotte in first, and then when he stretched out his hand to grab Eleanor, he felt his head hurt, and two streaks of bright red dripped from his nostrils.

First there was the Grand Ceremony of Destiny, then the battle with the Perfect Mind Flayer, another series of Power Word spells, and then communication with El Shen Siin, and forced Chaos Wandering in an emergency. Aaron was also exhausted at this time.

Seeing Aaron bleeding, Eleanor said nothing. Miss Pastor immediately increased her strength, grabbed the edge of the car door, and pulled herself into the car with brute force. She pressed Aaron on the seat, turned around and pulled him into the car. Vanessa and Kafka, who were hanging on the edge of the car, came in and finally closed the door.

With a thud, the whistling wind and sharp friction sounds outside became smaller, and the Tzeentch survey chariot began to fall steadily.

This is really... the dark girl's blessing, we survived. Vanessa, who was still in shock, let out a long breath.

Dark Girl, thank you for your protection. Kafka also held the Dark Girl pendant on his chest tightly, prayed loudly, held hands with Vanessa, and praised the name of the Dark Girl.

If there weren't too many people in the carriage, they would have been ready to dance.

What a dark maiden, it was obviously the power of my Lord and Aaron that you were saved! Eleanor was a little angry. Miss Pastor originally had a good impression of the two female drows, so upon seeing this, she immediately downgraded their evaluation level.

Aaron did not speak. He controlled the sky patrol chariot to ensure that the chariot landed smoothly.

Five minutes later, the Tzeentch survey chariot slowly landed on the lush grassy river valley. The warm late winter sunshine shone on the nearby fertile land. Along the river, some fishermen were fishing around. On the nearby hills There is a small sentry post, and farms and small settlements can be vaguely seen in the distance, and large boats on the river are constantly coming and going.

Sorry, I don't know where we are. Aaron covered his head and opened the car window, looking at the surrounding environment. He saw many people looking at the Tzeentch survey vehicle with looking at aliens eyes, helplessly He said to Eleanor: The matter is too urgent, I can't determine the location.

Eltoril. However, Eleanor's face did not show any joy of surviving the disaster, and the priestess stared blankly at the hills in the distance.


This is Eltoril, my hometown. Eleanor repeated. Miss Priest shook her head and held the vial on her chest with her hand: I originally swore that before that thing was completed, I would not Will come back again…”

This is Eltoril? Then we are very close to Baldur's Gate! Aaron's eyes lit up: The random teleportation is good... Are you sure?

I'm sure. Eleanor pointed to the squad of heavily armed soldiers coming from a distance.

Look, it's the Hell Knight!

Updated. I am addicted to Baldur 3. I have played it for 10 hours and I feel like I am going to die suddenly.

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