Crown of Chaos

Chapter 356, the eldest lady of five equal parts

The mind flayers have their own pantheon, and the chief god among these multiverse tyrants is called El-Sin, who is said to be a powerful deity.

The reason Aaron originally remembered this name was that the name of the Mind Flayer Lord was very similar to Elminster. If Elminster could be referred to as 12345, then the number corresponding to the name of Elminster would be It's 12341.

Simple, fast, and easy to remember, Aaron easily remembered the name of the mind flayer god.

The Perfect Mind Flayer fell, and Aaron immediately felt the divine power of the Mind Flayer Lord through Tzeentch's power.

Tzeentch is the God of Chaos Wisdom, and El Shen Siyin is the God of Wisdom of the Mind Flayers. The collision of the powers of the two gods not only did not produce any signs of fusion, but instead caused a very sharp conflict between them!

The colorful flame eyes symbolizing the power of Tzeentch and the dark green luminous brain collided in the air. The divinity of Il Shen Siin immediately retreated, from the arrogance at the beginning to a cautious and slightly fearful state.

What a powerful God of Knowledge!

This is the perception ability of gods. If only a mortal defeated this perfect mind flayer, the divinity of Il Shen Siin would not be killed. A trace of divinity with powerful divine power is almost impossible to be destroyed by mortals, but when After the divinity of Ilshensiin confirmed what the enemy was, the Mind Flayer Lord God realized that the other party had the ability to destroy his divinity. His attitude changed instantly and he actively released his willingness to negotiate towards Aaron.


Aaron couldn't help but think in his mind that according to the description in 12345's illustrated book, the mind flayer god 12341 was considered an extremely arrogant and nihilistic god. Although he was the patron saint of the mind flayers, the God of El Si The mind flayer's race doesn't care much. He spends most of his time immersed in wild fantasies and thinking about philosophical concepts, without caring about worldly affairs.

If Tzeentch's good brother is a complete god of fun, then Ilshen Siyin is a complete god of trouble - he is obviously very powerful, but he doesn't want to do anything. He feels a bit like Asuryan, the lord of elves and phoenixes in the ancient war hammer. .

Asuryan locked himself in the Phoenix Realm. The main Elf God, who was clearly capable of driving back the Four Gods of Chaos, refused to leave the Phoenix Platinum Pyramid out of fear of falling. Eventually, the Elf God system was leaderless. With the efforts of the Moon Maiden Lilith, Down to destruction.

So, should we absorb this trace of the mind flayer's divinity?

Aaron fell into thinking. Theoretically speaking, the divine domain of the Mind Flayer Lord overlaps with the wisdom domain of Tzeentch. It is not impossible to absorb the divinity of the Mind Flayer Lord.

However, Ilshensiin is a god of the lawful evil camp. The offerings and sources of power he accepts are completely different from those of the human pantheon, and the way he grows and thinks is also completely different. The mind flayer's influence on Ilshensiin is Sacrifice is about spiritual communication and brain (in a physical sense) worship. The longer the believer worships his faith, the god will gradually tilt in this direction. Aaron does not want to turn into a vain octopus face.

The road to becoming a god is difficult, and Aaron is still exploring Nurgle's love.

Firm will and clear belief are two indispensable spiritual factors for becoming a god.

Resisting the erosion of the four gods of chaos has left Aaron with lingering fears. Look at Dark Sun Cyric. Many people suspect that Dark Sun does not fully control the power of the three gods of death. He has actually gone crazy.

As a god, if you don't have strong enough willpower, it is very likely that your thoughts will be controlled by the priest.

Because the gods have to receive too many prayers every day, for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands and millions of prayers are received every day, Karsus staged an explosion on the spot, and only the powerful power and will of the gods, can withstand such a massive amount of information.

Even so, some ancient gods were extremely tired of their priesthood and chose to give up their priesthood to others and retreat behind the scenes.

For example, the ancient god of death-Yager.

After thinking about it, Aaron gave up his plan to absorb the divinity of the Mind Flayer Lord God. At the moment when his expression relaxed slightly, the powerful divine will from the realm of unity of contradictions also came here.

A traveler from beyond the stars...I have a proposal...

Aaron listened carefully to Ilshensiin's proposal, and nodded without hesitation, regardless of the angry rejection from the four gods of chaos in his body.

make a deal!

A contract appeared in front of me.


The divinity of the Mind Flayer Lord turned into a wisp of dark green light and disappeared outside the skyline. Aaron raised his lightless staff, and on the iron stone at the tip of the staff, came from El Shen Siyin's divine power permanently strengthens the staff.

From today onwards, Aaron will be immune to all psychic magic and divine spells of levels 1-3.

At the same time, in exchange, Ilshensiin told Aaron where the treasure house on this shell ship was located and how to open it. He gave Aaron the highest authority and allowed Aaron to access all the treasures on this giant ship. Technology and wealth.

El Shensi promised to warn all space mind flayers not to actively oppose Aaron.

Is it over? Your Excellency?

When Barrel saw the divinity of the Mind Flayer Lord go away, the sun elf mage wiped his sweat and asked carefully.

Yes, it's over. Aaron stared at the arc light trail of the Mind Flayer God's divinity as it receded. At a certain moment, he came to the starry sky and saw other planes flying across the star realm. In other independent worlds, he saw the kingdom of gods, the corpses of dead gods, demiplanes forgotten in the long history, and maybe some other crystal wall systems that have not yet been discovered.

There were bright stars above his head, but when he looked over. What he saw was not the stars but the kingdom of countless gods. Instead, he saw an eternal endless battlefield and fortress of chaos calling him, as if waiting for his return.

The realm of chaos, the playground of the four gods.

Just wait, four good brothers, plus me!

After roughly cleaning the battlefield for a while, the mind flayers found nothing of value, only some scattered gold and silver. Perhaps the most valuable thing to the mind flayers was the brains of humanoid creatures. Aaron and Eleanor patrolled After saying it again, the pastor lady just shook her head: It's hopeless.

Give them a good time. Aaron said to the two female drow.

As expected, the followers of the Dark Maiden do not have any benevolence as women. They determined that the humanoid creatures near the incubation pool were either infected or had been eaten and brain-dead. After hearing Aaron's order, Vanessa and Kafka He killed without hesitation, and even the few remaining mind flayers were killed by the drow in fear.

Eleanor sighed softly. The priestess was very sad about the fate of these people. She asked the two drow to pile the corpses together, kneel on one knee, and attracted Selun's moon flame to incinerate these people. corpses, and chant the Blessing of the Moon to save their souls (although they will no longer have souls after being transformed into a mind flayer).

This encounter is really inexplicable. Barrel complained to Aaron, who was watching the cremation scene silently: Logically speaking, the space mind flayer empire has declined. They no longer know how to make a shell ship. They know that This is using one less thing. Why did they suddenly bring the shell ship to the country to capture slaves? The Perfect Mind Flayer is a very thoughtful creature. How could they do such a reckless behavior?

It's not inexplicable. Aaron picked up the ash stone ring and showed the remaining words on it to Barrel.

A special express delivery?! Barrel still felt strange: But isn't this the treasure obtained from the Chaos Expedition? Sir, is it possible that one of the powerful gods behind you is the Mind Flayer Lord God?

Only octopus faces believe in mind flayers. Do you think I look like octopus faces? Aaron complained.

So... why? Barrel was really curious.

Aaron responded with silence.

The fact that Tzeentch's special express could attract the Mind Flayer's giant ship can only illustrate one fact - the influence of the Four Gods of Chaos on the realm of heaven, and even the entire multiverse, has further deepened.

I don't know either. Aaron motioned for several people to follow him: Let me see what treasures the Mind Flayer has!

The Perfect Mind Flayer's treasure trove is located at the stern of the shell ship. Behind a door made of sphincter muscles lies the Perfect Mind Flayer's collection over the years, among which Ilshensiin mentioned a crucial thing.

Your Excellency has seen the biotechnology of the Mind Flayer this time. How do you feel? Barrel never misses the opportunity to communicate with Aaron.

It doesn't feel as good as Netheril... the magic ship. Aaron looked at the surrounding flesh and blood veins, the complex biological structures and the tentacles hanging from above, the long and deep passages, and the mucus dripping from time to time. For this kind of technology, Aaron felt an instinctive physical discomfort.

In fact, as the personal choice of the Four Gods of Chaos, Aaron should like these and be ready to have something happen with the shell ship at any time. So many people liked the ship girl game in the previous life, how come they became impotent after meeting a real ship girl? My good brother Slaanesh despises you!

Oh, Your Excellency, don't brag about Netheril, really. Barrel couldn't help but laugh. He casually took out a staff from his space ring: For us elves, looking at Netheril The Seril people stole the magic power of the Goddess of the Magic Network and forcibly created the crystal wall system. The navy of the Elf Empire made a lot of jokes about this.

For example, when you see the Grand Arcanist unleashing Valdic's Spinnaker Technique on those scraps of metal, this is the favorite gesture of the Imperial Navy generals. Barrier held up his staff and gestured vividly and simultaneously. With contempt and ridicule: Primitive man, make a hole!

Pfft! Eleanor, who was originally looking solemn, couldn't hold back any longer. Miss Priest covered her mouth and snickered. As a Cormyr, she didn't have a good impression of Netheril.

The two female drow elves also wanted to laugh, but they held back. Kafka motioned to Vanessa to wait, they needed a suitable opportunity to make their request.

After going around several turns, the deep and long passage has reached the end. Two giant flesh-and-blood statues of the Mind Flayer guard the five-meter-high treasure house door.

Aaron raised his lightless night staff.

Welcome back, Master. The flesh-and-blood colossus of the Mind Flayer knelt down, and the door to the treasure house opened.

At this moment, even Eleanor couldn't help but look at the scene emerging on the other side of the door, imagining what good things the Mind Flayer would have.

The scene in front of them quickly disappointed everyone.

Brain! Brain! Brain!

Or the brain!

On the floor, on the table, on the cabinet, and in the training cabin next to it, there are all brains! Brains wrapped in unknown liquid are everywhere in the mind flayer's treasure house. They are in jars, petri dishes, and bowls. At a glance, you can only see piles of brains in the entire treasure house. brain!

The Perfect Mind Flayer also carefully labeled each brain with the words Inspiration.

Is this the Mind Flayer's most valuable treasure? Eleanor couldn't help but feel the nausea coming from the depths of her throat. The priestess covered her mouth and nose with her small hands and subconsciously stepped back: Aaron, look at it. , I’ll wait at the door.”

Yes, this is the most important and valuable treasure of the Mind Flayer. Barrel was not surprised by this situation. The sun elf mage noticed an dissected Githyanki corpse on the table and sighed. : Look for the Gith silver sword, Gith crossbow, and Gith mithril chain armor. These are the most valuable things to us.

You guys can search for anything valuable. I'm looking for something. Eleanor, if you can't bear it, just wait at the door. Aaron immediately assigned the work.

Did you hear me? I'm calling you. Go and search for the guilty ones in the Underdark. Barrel immediately followed Aaron's words and directed Vanessa and Kafka: This is what you do.

There was an angry look on the drow's face. They really wanted to tear Barrel into pieces, but they had a mission, so they could only do it.

They looked through it carefully, and actually found some wealth.

6 4-ring ice storm magic scrolls, 5 Githyanki greatswords, 3 sets of Githyanki armor, some scattered uncommon magical jewelry, a Githyanki tiara that can unleash a crown of madness, and other odds and ends There were coins worth more than 3,000 gold coins scattered from all over the multiverse, as well as several boxes of stolen valuable goods. The crates were sealed, and I didn't know what they were.

However, Aaron never found what he wanted - where is the key item that Ilshen Siin said?

Aaron searched in the treasure house for a long time, but found nothing.

At this moment, the sound of high-heeled shoes clicking was heard at the door of the treasure house. As soon as Aaron heard the sound, he knew who was coming.

Charlotte? She sent the refugees away?

Aaron! It's not good, it's not good! Charlotte held a small hexahedral metal square box in her hand. The eldest lady rushed towards Aaron in panic: Brother, help!

Sister?! Aaron was surprised at first. His eyes followed Charlotte's swaying fullness and immediately locked onto what the eldest lady was holding in her hands.

Yes, that's it!

The key item mentioned by Ilshensiin is the artifact made by the great arcanist Karsus - the Karsus Box!

Aaron, it's bad, the number of sisters has increased! Charlotte took a big step, and Eleanor took the opportunity to push away, and was about to pounce on Aaron: Run!

What's going on? What happened? Aaron held the eldest lady in his arms. Before the eldest lady could speak, four slim pink-haired men had appeared at the end of the corridor at the entrance of the treasure house.

Brother~sister is here!*4

Charlotte, the eldest priest, is dressed in a gorgeous white priest's robe with gold trim, holding a sun mace and a golden scale shield.

Charlotte, the eldest druid, wears a leaf cloak, a bearskin cape and deerskin boots, and holds an emerald green staff.

The mage Charlotte is wearing a long blue mage dress, with slits in the skirt revealing her slender legs and blue high heels.

The golden helmet, the winged peaked helmet, the blazing sun sword in both hands, the paladin Charlotte who is burning in the sun.

The four Charlottes have the same appearance, the same pink hair, and the same liveliness and brightness.

This situation stunned everyone.

Who are you? Aaron glanced at the eldest warlock in his arms, and then looked at the eldest ladies in front of him: Are you all Charlotte?

Yes, it's my sister!*4

Aaron: ????

Five equal parts... the eldest lady? !

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