Crown of Chaos

Chapter 352, The Mind Flayer is coming!

The second day in the cabin, Long Lake, the western section of the Meteor Star Sea.

The winter sea water lapped against the side of the ship. This was the second day of the four-person team's trip. After the novelty of the first day, the trip on the second day gradually became boring. The eldest lady soon began to feel that she could not see. The sea water at the end and the endless sound of waves were boring, especially since she didn't sleep well last night, so she decisively chose to catch up on her sleep during the day.

Eleanor also got up relatively late. Miss Pastor slowly rubbed her sore waist and eyes, supported the wall and expressed her intention to go out for a walk with Aaron. Unlike Charlotte who didn't like to socialize, as Suellen, she was numb. Pastor, Eleanor naturally has to come into contact with a large number of strangers.

Aaron described his plans to Barrier, including the entire Baldur's Gate plan. This sun elf mage was well-informed, a member of the Moonflower family, and his magic advisor. Naturally, it is necessary for both parties to discuss it.

Aaron's highest goal for this trip to Baldur's Gate is to find all the sons of Baal led by Chanem and Imon, recover all the Baal divinity in them, devour these Baal divinities with the power of Khorne, and obtain The country’s native “killing” power, while also figuring out what Nurgle’s “great love” is, being promoted to legend, and preparing to become a god.

As for Aaron's minimum goal for Baldur's Gate this time: to protect Chanem, Imon and others, at least not to allow Be'lak to obtain the divinity of Baal in them. At the same time, whether it is deception, abduction or life and death, Yaron Ren's goal is to obtain at least a trace of Baal's divinity. With a trace of Baal's divinity, he can summon an incarnation of Khorne.

Aaron told Barrel about his goal. After hearing this, the Sun Elf Arcane High Priest looked strange: There are indeed stories circulating on the mainland about killing the Son of God, but how do you know that these people are indeed the Son of Killing God? Yes? Warlocks can also use this level of prophecy ability?

Um... Aaron thought to himself, I can't tell you that I played this game in my previous life and died many times in a row when I went out, right?

Seeing that Aaron didn't say anything, Barrel would have misunderstood. The sun elf pushed up his round glasses and couldn't help criticizing: Your Excellency, I know you are very powerful, and I also know that you possess four powerful powers. bloodline, but you should be careful when predicting the Son of God. In the Cinderella pantheon of our elves, no matter how kind and amiable the god is, if any of his descendants dare to touch the god's domain, he will not hesitate to rain down thunder. Wrath.

If your Excellency is gone, then I can only pack up my things and go to Everriska. Barrier said with a smile: Although Everriska's guards will shoot at any stranger who comes near the mystery lock. The meteor exploded, but I should have had time to show my Moonflower identity.”

So in your eyes, I am just a tool. Aaron crossed his arms. He found this sun elf very interesting and he was very honest.

Am I also a tool mage? Barrel said nonchalantly: How can I be a chess player if I have never been a chess piece? A guy like me is destined to be a rolling stone. If he doesn't hone himself, he will never have a chance to get ahead.

You're right. Aaron nodded, and the two discussed for a while.

So the current situation is very clear. Your Excellency knows that there are at least two killing gods in Candlekeep, named Chanem and Imoen. They have not yet awakened. If conditions permit, you plan to collect the divinity from them. , if conditions do not allow, you must at least ensure that these divinities do not fall into the hands of the god-like power Bilak. Barrel finally added: The last question, Your Excellency, are you planning to... take it by force? Even murder, right?”

I will show my greatest sincerity. Aaron raised a hand, and the Holy Emblem of the Chaos Eight-Pointed Star flashed in his palm: I will try to avoid hurting them and deal fairly. As long as they give me divinity, I will Willing to grant them power far greater than that of divinity, like Anomin.”

Oh, Father God Corellon! Barrel sneered: Becoming like Anomin? Then maybe it's better to kill them.

It's different. Anomin is a stupid self-transformation, passive transformation, which is different from my active transformation. Aaron shook his head: You can imagine that after retaining all human characteristics, they can be like me when necessary. The divine spark transforms into fighting like this.”

That's more or less the same. Barrel thought for a while and finally accepted the proposal: If you really intend to kill people and steal goods, then I won't help you.

You have a bottom line. Aaron nodded. He was not surprised by Barrier's attitude. Although the elves are arrogant, their natures tend to be kind under the influence of Corellon. Among them, the sun elves are better in this regard. It is particularly awkward. On the one hand, they always consider themselves arrogant and rude as they are the direct descendants of the blood of God the Father. On the other hand, because of this status, they naturally believe that they should have certain moral standards for themselves.

I'm going out for a walk. By the way, Your Excellency, those two drow. Barrel stood up, touched his round belly, and said casually: They are believers of the Dark Maiden, there is no danger. If you are not afraid of Ms. Eleanor and Ms. Charlotte’s objections, you can give it a try, I don’t think they will refuse.”

Forget it, a black cow and a white cow can make a Friesian cow. What will the two drow and I make? A blood descendant of a black and white cow? Aaron said meaningfully: Breeding is a science.

Barrel's pupils shrank suddenly, and the sun elf bowed respectfully: If possible, I am willing to further discuss the mysteries of magic with you.

If there's a chance, of course.


In the room, Charlotte was still sleeping soundly. It was not interesting for Aaron to stay alone in the cabin, so he decided to go out for a walk.

The Shiyue Passenger Ship was produced at the Royal Dockyard in Susar. It sailed for a whole day from Zambia in the east to Bosku in the west. It lasted for a week and stopped at the sunset of Feilong Water Lake. There were dozens of guests and Some cabins range from large berths on the lowest floors to luxury cabins on the upper floors, and there are also a few entertainment facilities.

Many of the people who boarded the ship were adventurers who participated in the Chaos Expedition, but only a few adventurers successfully completed the Chaos Expedition and returned with a full load. The remaining guests gave up the third chance to fight for their lives after exhausting two opportunities. Sadly, I embarked on my way home.

Aaron put on a slight disguise for himself. He wore an adventurer's cloak, covered his face with a hood, and listened to a few lucky people from the Chaos Expedition telling their experiences.

What a big rat! A rat as tall as a human being is very weak. Even though I was just a farmer's son, I could easily kill dozens of rats with my ability to control a pitchfork. At that time, I felt like I was a god! Haha, Fighting goblins is not so fun!

I was lucky. After I collected enough wasteland coins, I immediately prayed for divine favor from the Chaos Shrine! Guess what I got randomly first? Yes, I randomly got 'Immortal Wrath', and the King of Skulls blessed me every day. Every time you are about to die, you can ignore all damage for 10 seconds and gain unlimited movement capabilities! The cooling time is 3 hours!

With the blessing of the King of Skulls, I chopped and killed all the way. In the end, I didn't even know what I was cutting. It seemed that only me and the monsters around me were left between heaven and earth, for blood and glory!

Finally we arrived at an arena. Wow, I swear to Tempus, that is the most powerful enemy I have ever seen in my life. The bull demon who claims to be the champion of the Blood God stands in the center of the arena. If it is in the country Here, I’m scared to death, how can I dare to go up there?”

But it's different now. The four of us have become legends during the three-day expedition to the Chaos Wasteland. What are we afraid of? We just rush forward and do it. My mage teammate has won the responsibility of Xin Liezhi. Every time he releases a magic They will randomly apply a 2-level magic spell enhancement to us, Yoho, Shuangwaiwai, and our ranger, who was just a waste at first, but ended up getting the endless pleasure of Shalishi, and the quiver could not be filled no matter what.

Finally, after killing for who knows how long, the bull demon who claimed to be the champion of the Blood God finally fell! A voice told us that we have completed the Chaos Crusade and it is time to collect our rewards.

Ha, what kind of blood god champion bull demon? Pure pure bull demon reward!

It's a pity that the power in the expedition cannot leave the Chaos Demon Realm. Hey, I am already a legend in the Demon Realm!

Several adventurers who had completed the Chaos Expedition told about their adventures. Their success amazed the surrounding adventurers. Two of the four adventurers were on this passenger ship, and they all got enough money to buy a The gold of the entire farm, one of the adventurers chose to accept the favor of Chaos, and upgraded his apprentice-level strength that he had maintained for more than ten years to the elite level. He planned to return to his hometown to get married after completing the expedition.

Another adventurer showed off the treasure he got from the Chaos Wasteland.

Pewter ring, magic equipment.

This ring contains the power of Tzeentch. By releasing its power to turn Tzeentch's wheel of fortune, there is a chance to change destiny among 99 possibilities (both good and bad).

The people around him all looked at this adventurer with envy. Some even couldn't help but be jealous, and the greed in their eyes could not be dissipated.

Seemingly realizing that he had said too much, his successful companion came over to hold him back. The appearance of elite and high-level adventurers immediately made most people in the cabin put away their greed.

Although the kingdom is said to have as many legends as dogs and lichs everywhere, one must realize the reality that for many adventurers, the elite level is already the strongest person they can see in their daily life.

The owner of the ash stone ring looked at his companions complainingly. He had just activated the effect of this magical equipment and was planning to let everyone see it.

Aaron just looked at it from a distance and had no intention of joining. There were many adventurers participating in the Chaos Expedition. No matter whether they succeeded or failed, every adventurer provided Aaron with a lot of soul energy. The essence of the Chaos Expedition was just Asia. Lun will return part of the soul power to the winner as a reward.

He began to look for Miss Priest.

Eleanor was on the deck at this time, and the priest lady was talking to a pair of plainly dressed father and daughter. The man was wearing a shabby fur coat and a wide-brimmed cat. He had a simple appearance and a plump figure. Behind the man was a group of people. There is a little girl, wearing a simple burlap skirt that has been washed white. She is petite and cute, grabbing the back of the man's fur coat. She is shyly hiding behind her father, revealing her brown hair and a pair of emerald green eyes: You ,Hello……

Aaron, are you here? Eleanor's eyes lit up when she saw Aaron appear. The pastor lady motioned for Aaron to come over. She proudly introduced them to Aaron.

The father's name was William and his daughter's name was Rebecca. They came from Eltoril seeking medical treatment.

Eltoril? Aaron had heard of this name. It was a new city on the upper reaches of Baldur's Gate.

I haven't told you, right? I was born in a half-elf village near Eltoril, but there was no city of Eltoril at that time. Eleanor, who was nourished and cared for by Aaron, said When she remembered this incident, the halo on her face dimmed. She touched the little girl's braided head and said there was no need to be afraid. Her sister has always been here: I didn't expect to see my fellow countrymen here. Rebecca... was born that year, and she was cursed by the gnoll.

Thank you to the Silver Virgin, thank you to the Fairy Princess, thank you and the church for your selfless help. The man immediately took off his hat and expressed his gratitude to Eleanor and Aaron: In Jingshan Palace, His Highness Buyer finally gave me We have banished the gnoll curse, and I don’t have to worry about Rebecca being in danger of turning into a gnoll.”

Rebecca... I don't want to become a jackal... Rebecca, I want to be with daddy! the little girl said timidly, her big eyes filled with joy: Thank you sister Eleanor, and praise Mother Suellen. !”

After this incident, their whole family decided to believe in our Lord. Looking at the father and daughter hugging each other, Eleanor felt joy from the bottom of her heart. She secretly held Aaron's hand and stood on tiptoe. He picked up his white silk toes and kissed Aaron on the face: Thank you.

Spreading Su Lun Mama's faith with Aaron and making people in the country realize the greatness of Su Lun Mama is the happiest thing for Ms. Pastor. The double happiness is mixed together. Eleanor is always proud of Aaron's achievements. feel proud.

This thank you is a bit cheap, my dear. Aaron rolled his eyes and said with a bad smile: Can I exchange it for something else?

Miss Pastor didn't know what bad idea her boyfriend had. She glared at Aaron with a slightly threatening look. Just when she was about to say something to warn him not to think about it, the hull of the passenger ship suddenly shook twice.


The irregular shaking made the sailors and tourists on the deck unstable. William quickly held Rebecca in his arms, while Aaron decisively hugged Eleanor's waist under the pastor's robe: Don't worry, this ship The passenger ship is produced by the Sousal Royal Shipyard, so there will be no problems.

Sir! Madam! Look behind you! Heaven! William ignored Aaron's words at all, and the man pointed at Aaron's back with a look of horror on his face.

Ahhh! The little girl's scream made Aaron realize that something was wrong, and he immediately turned around.


The scene before his eyes made Aaron's pupils shrink into a ball.

A giant shell-shaped bio-aviation ship fell from the winter sky. Groups of tentacles naturally hung down, twisted and turned along the front and rear of the shell.

The giant ship was heading straight towards the passenger ship. One after another, monster figures airborne from the shell ship and quickly fell to the deck!

Octopus head, tentacled face, elegant dark robe.

Mind Flayer? !

Get ready to fight! Get ready to fight!!!

A shrill roar sounded on the deck.

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