Crown of Chaos

Chapter 312, Tzeentch Sky Patrol Chariot

It's a curse, a very powerful curse.

Barrel Moonflower from Evermeet Island inspected Arion's body. The fat sun elf frowned and said to Aaron sitting aside: He has the aura of demons from the bottomless abyss. .”

The aura is relatively stable at the moment. It seems that it has not had an attack for a long time, but you can still feel the strong power of the abyssal demon from his body.

A faint magical aura appeared in the eyes of the master Sun Elf Arcane High Priest, which was also mixed with a hint of divine power. After checking it, he instinctively stepped back, frowned, and asked hesitantly: Are you Who have you offended? Otherwise, why would they curse you so hard?

When Barrier-Moonflower was found by Nestia, she was eating pizza and drinking heavily at the largest human bar in Sunset Town, while having a fierce scolding battle with Reinsdorf.

Yes, the great merchant Reinsdorf was extremely excited after he got the emperor's trade license and staged a rejuvenation. He was already extremely wealthy, and he was in a good mood and took people directly into the largest human settlement in the area. Opening the bar, he came up, grabbed a handful of golden tickets, and threw them on the bar.

I, Jerry Reinsdorf, will cover all the expenses for everyone here today.

Humans only, of course.

The bar naturally welcomes such arrogant guests. Most of the drinkers have never imagined such a wonderful start. Everyone raised their glasses to cheer for Reinsdorf and applauded him.

Reinsdorf's interest was very high. The big businessman soon talked about the history of his fortune. How he sold one apple on the first day and earned two apples back. How to trick a butcher with two apples and get a batch of pig meat from the butcher.

On the third day, Reinsdorf's grandfather, the Reverend Woking of Waterdeep City, his father, a judge of Waterdeep City, and his mother, a senior lecturer of Waterdeep City School, took him to attend the banquet of the open lords. At the banquet, his family It was decided to give Reinsdorf a large amount of start-up capital to test his business talents.

This was the first pot of gold that Reinsdorf used to launch his own Reyn Chamber of Commerce across the multiverse.

Naturally, the appearance and arrogance of the big trench merchant made Barrel fall out of favor. The arcane high priest of the Moonflower family immediately found that he was no longer the focus of the tavern.

Next, Reinsdorf's so-called elf pseudo-historical theory completely angered the sun elves.

The history of elves? A lie.

Nine times out of ten, the so-called histories of the elves are false and self-promoting. The elven fleet always likes to brag about its own strength. A naval fleet of the so-called elven empire defeated the Arcanist pioneering army of Netheril. , but they exaggerated the number of Netheril troops. A few thousand elven empires defeated a hundred thousand Netherese pioneers. Is it possible? They magnified the number by almost a hundred times.

The so-called history of the elves was also made up by themselves. How could there be a so-called powerful elven empire tens of thousands of years ago? Those kingdoms of Mayelita, Vasanta Kingdom, and Arivanda are actually fake histories. It was invented by the elves in order to add gold to their own history. In fact, it does not exist at all. I have been to the Supreme Forest, and the actual level of the wood elves there is so ridiculous that it is speechless. It is not as good as a branch of the Imasca Empire...

This so-called lie that elves rule the world couldn't be rounded out anymore, so the elves made up a so-called five crown wars to end all disputes. This is too obvious.

Everyone must not be superstitious about authority. I see that the history of elves is only 2,000 years, starting from Myth Drannor. That's about right. It's much shorter than us humans.

What? You said Myth Drannor is powerful? If this country was really powerful, it wouldn't be destroyed by three demons.

History books always mention that the Great Split of the Elves created the Isle of Evermeet. This is even more nonsense. If the Elves really have such magical power, why can't they split again to destroy all their enemies? So, The Great Schism was also made up. Elves are just like that. They like to fabricate history and brag about themselves. It’s really ridiculous. A race that cannot defeat humans can only escape to an isolated island overseas. That’s what it’s like.”

Reinsdorf talked to everyone.

His move completely angered Barriel, and the sun elf stood up and started a debate with Reinsdorf.

Unfortunately, Reinsdorf's logic is very simple: since you say you are not a pseudo-historian, you have to prove it to me yourself.

As for the examples Barrier gave, Reinsdorf's attitude is that I don't believe any of them, because history can be forged, physical evidence can also be fake, and the best parchment can only be stored for 2000 years at most. , you said that there are documents recording tens of thousands of years of elves’ history on Everjum Island? Who are you lying to?

That makes no sense?

Barrel decided to make a big move, and the sun elf sneered at Reinsdorf and made his declaration.

Jerry Reinsdorf, you are a slave seller in Waterdeep, a woodcutter in the woods of Jondas, a linen weaver in Calimshan, a piece of Bane's shit, a retarded fan of Karthus, The man who licked His ASS under the seat of Moando, the thief of Saluk scrolls, the soft-legged shrimp who kissed the feet of the headless emperor of Amn, the paranoid whose legs were broken by dwarves in the distant mountains, the lackeys of the Hammer God, go to hell. , get out of the territory we gave to the Valemen, the elves of Everriska and their protector Corellon will crush every mortal of yours who comes in until even Lolth can't eat it! Now, before we Before you are bombarded to ashes, swallow up your words about us being fake history!

The sun elf's curse also angered Reinsdorf. The human trench trader was severely offended by these words. He immediately signaled the legendary warrior Wagner to take action to teach Barrier a lesson.

Just when the two sides were about to start a battle, Nestia arrived.

Aaron had just learned about this from Nestia. He couldn't help but smile, and at the same time, he felt a sense of vigilance in his heart.

It is difficult for people to understand each other, especially after crossing the race.

This would only happen more and more often as his men grew in number, his circle of control expanded, and his territory expanded.

This is why any empire is eventually forced to diversify.

Surely some people will say that the human empire is not unified?

Completely wrong. The 20 different original bodies and 20 legions with different styles are the best proof. Even on Holy Terra, the Emperor only integrated all the warlords in an alliance. In fact, except for faith and In addition to the pathological persistence of the race, the Emperor formed a completely diverse empire. Some worlds worshiped the imperial bureaucrats as gods, while some worlds just regarded the planetary governors as idiots who came to scrape the land.

Barrel Moonflower, as a mage among the sun elves, is naturally very experienced. His words made Arion nod helplessly.

I was born in a lord family in Tethyr. I am the eldest son in the family and have three younger brothers. I was expected to be trained to be an excellent politician, diplomat and general to inherit my father's territory.

But I am very naughty by nature. When I was eight years old, because of my bet with my brothers and greed, I fell in love with the gems worn by a customer named Abel at the market, and I stole them. magical gem and show it off to my family.

It turns out that this guest is a legendary warlock, a warlock who signed a contract with the supreme being of the bottomless abyss.

Arian lowered his head with a pale face: My behavior angered him, and my family suffered a disaster. After the warlock took away most of our family's property and the female fetus in my mother's belly, He just announced that he would let us go, but he still placed a curse on me.

Everyone looked at each other.

Eleanor recalled the time when she once wore a veil, Charlotte recalled the experience of having her blood drawn in her childhood, Alice Sayre couldn't help but think of the side effects of the red dragon's blood, Buyer and Ness Ti Ya thought of the dilemma she faced before being rescued by Aaron.

I'm hungry, I really want to eat the dragon beast. The great dragon Egil touched his chin.

What curse? Aaron asked.

I don't know, I just know that he just said that this will not be the end of everything, and that he will continue to ask me for 'the remuneration I deserve' one day in the future. Arian said calmly: Since then, I have already made up my mind that I will not marry, have children, hold land, or compete for honors until I die.

So why are you here? Aaron nodded. He finally understood the tragic past of this young man who was not even a professional.

I heard about what happened here, and I thought maybe this place could help me lift the curse, and the answer is obvious. Sir Aaron, your power can suppress the curse on me. When you get close to me, At that time, I could clearly feel that the power of the curse on me was lessened.

So why should I protect you? Aaron laughed after hearing this: You are not even a professional.

I am an excellent steward. I have great experience in managing a territory, creating complex debt leverage, and figuring out the flow of every fund. As you can see, I am also a good diplomat. Arian was very calm.

This is not enough. You know, there is no shortage of excellent stewards and diplomats in Susal's court. Even Mr. Barrel-Moonflower from Yongju Island took the initiative to come under my command. Aaron shook his head: If you want me to protect you, you must have a suitable reason.

The reasonable reason is that I from Tessel came as soon as I got the news. I spent all my money without hesitation, and even though I was digging wild vegetables and drinking porridge, I came to join you. Arian looked at Ya Lun: So, are you going to take me in?

Aaron raised his eyebrows. He and Alice looked at each other and found that the princess gave him a look of approval.

Take this Tethyrian in and it will help you tell a moving story.

Is it worth buying horse bones with thousands of gold?

Aaron nodded in thought.

The supreme existence of the bottomless abyss is a very scary place in the eyes of mortals.

But for the Chaos Demon Realm, the bottomless abyss? What's the big deal?

To ordinary people, the bottomless abyss represents the ultimate chaos and the deepest despair, but to Aaron, the bottomless abyss is just a more dangerous place.

No matter how dangerous a place is, can it be more dangerous than the homes of four good brothers?

Moreover, Aaron had the strongest premonition that if he wanted to become a god with the Chaos Priesthood, he would have to go to the Abyss.

Without defeating the Demon Prince, the two-headed baboon Demogorgon, and without having a real duel with Spider Queen Rose, the Priesthood of Chaos would not be delivered to him.

Thinking of this, Aaron made a decision.

You told a wonderful story. You are right, Mr. Aryan. You are the first person who would rather spend all his money, eat wild vegetables and porridge and get a stomach perforation to come to me.

So, I'll give you a chance.

I hope you cherish it.


After settling in Anuoming and Arian, the atmosphere suddenly became a lot weirder.

Eleanor and Buyer both wanted to discuss the construction of the hospital with Aaron. The princess and the eldest lady both expressed that they wanted to discuss the construction of the territory with him. Egil said that she was hungry and wanted a servant to serve her for meals. Only Ness Ti Ya smiled and said nothing.

Aaron quickly said that he still had something to do and asked everyone to leave first.

Eleanor and Buyer didn't care. Egil just yelled that it would happen next time. Only Aliceser and Charlotte looked at each other, looking a little unhappy.

The Fourth Wall is over. Charlotte is fine, but it's almost time for Alice to leave. The princess has squeezed a lot of state affairs to be processed. She is a little reluctant to bear it. She knows that the next time she will see Aaron is who knows how long it will be. .

The princess's expression also fell in Aaron's eyes, and he thought it was time to do something.

There was no rush, Aaron went to the Round Table Hall first.

In the Chaos Pact Court, Tzeentch fulfilled his reward for Aaron.

Chaos Artifact - Tzeentch Sky Patrol Chariot!

Like heaven illuminating the human world, the chariot flying across the sky like a comet was a gift given by Tzeentch to Aaron. As a token of success, he successfully held this grand celebration, deceived everyone with his plan, fooled and killed As a reward for Cyric's incarnation, Tzeentch, deeply pleased with Aaron's actions, decided to grant Aaron his survey chariot.

The Tzeentch Sky Survey Chariot is 9 meters long and weighs over 5 tons. It is pulled by eight Tzeentch flying sharks and assisted by two Tzeentch high-level fire monsters. The carriage is 5.5 meters long and the surface of the carriage is made of the Labyrinth of the Lord of Change. Total 999 The skin of the head is fused with the skin of Secretary Tzeentch. The entire body is made of special materials from the Crystal Maze. The interior can be changed into any structure Aaron wants. There are several launchers installed around the carriage, which can spray out colorful treachery at any time. Strange flame.

The roof of the car is equipped with a treacherous radiation gun, which can shoot three devastating rays of destruction from Tzeentch.

At the bottom of the carriage is the Green Lotus Hub, which was made using part of the lotus platform under Tzeentch's seat as raw material. Tzeentch gave it the ability to teleport a small army at any time, and to disturb the space-time force field, and also to attack the enemy. Branded units were recalled.

That's why the Chaos Mark he gave Nestia was a pink-purple lotus.

But Aaron was obviously not satisfied. After accepting the Tzeentch Sky Survey Chariot, he suddenly said to his good brother Slaanesh: I need your help, Prince of Joy.

Oh? What kind of help does my love need from me? Slaanesh stretched out his long tongue, and the row of copper rings on it kept shaking.

“I need a perfect candlelight dinner that’s above the stars.”


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