Crown of Chaos

Chapter 298, Cyric’s counterattack!

Chaos Demon Realm, with the central temple on top.

A crisp sound echoed in the air. Wearing a high-collared gentleman's suit and holding the Scripture of Cyril in his hand, the incarnation of Cyric with pale skin and black eyes was looking at his results with satisfaction.

His Book, His Power.

Nearly 20,000 Chaos Demons guard the central temple on the top of the Chaos Demon Realm. Among them, there are many who have strength beyond the demon lords, high-level blazing envoys, and petitioners of gods. Those big demons who are seven or eight meters tall can be defeated as long as they enter the mortal world. It can wipe out an entire small army, and non-legendary professionals cannot compete with it.

However, facing the power of Cyric at this time, these chaos demons could only grovel and kneel at the feet of Cyric's incarnation.

Sure enough, I am the only true God of the kingdom.

In the mind of Cyric's incarnation, he vaguely recalled the time when he was a mortal, his birth, his experience in Zhentil Keep, and his fight with Midnight to find the Stone of Destiny, that disgusting warrior Ke How Lanwo got in between them, and how that annoying pastor Ayton messed up his perfect plan.

Hate, unforgettable hatred.

Cyric would always remember how Midnight abandoned him.

He now has a wonderful idea - if he could control these demons and release them into the kingdom, what a grand scene it would be. The news came back from his servant Knight, the Left Hand of God. Let’s see, those four false gods have more than hundreds of millions of servants?

Make their servants surrender to me, the only true god in the universe, through the Xirui Sutra, open the portal, and send billions of demons in to kill the false gods and burn the country!

Such a day is not far away.

Cyric looked around with satisfaction. He felt great, just like he once found a silver coin in the city's well as a thief, or a bard who played the wrong tune during a performance, which made him feel so good. He couldn't help but want to laugh wildly.

In the dark sun era, there is excitement!

The Central Temple of Chaos is located in the middle of this invisible continent. It has a very typical circular design. There are no load-bearing pillars here, and even many building structures are floating in the air. The air is burning with cold and biting flames, and the sky is falling. What kind of material is made of flying snow, but the rivers on the ground are flowing with hot magma.

There are no partition walls to divide this temple into independent spaces, and there is no place to provide shade. Above it is an arch made of iron and stone. Massive skull patterns fill every corner of the sight, and they pass through each other through a mass of The energy threads are connected to form the pattern of an eight-pointed star. The holy symbols of these eight-pointed stars are chaotic and disorderly. Each holy symbol has different degrees of mutation, but it also has a strange pattern.

Two spiral staircases lead to higher levels, with a chandelier hanging from each staircase. Each lamp is designed as a geometric iron cage, with squares coming together to form stars, which are in turn combined into pyramid shapes stacked on the edges of the final square chandelier. A closer look revealed that there were not candles on the chandelier, but huge eyes glowing, but their color and brightness were diluted by the surrounding ambient light.

His eyes were fixed on Cyric's figure. Wherever he moved, his eyes would turn.

Oh, the so-called false gods can only do this in front of the true God.

Cyric couldn't help but laugh.

The more the enemy opposes me, the more it means that I have done the right thing. The more the enemy agrees with me, the more it means that I have done the right thing. The more the enemy is ignoring me, the more it means that I have done the right thing, leaving the enemy speechless.

As for friends?

I, Cyric, don't need any friends!

midnight? She is dead! Now all that's left is the bitch called Mystra!

Cyric looked up at the middle loft, where the light source that truly illuminated the secret chamber was the source of the buzzing energy in the air—a giant silver door with vortexes rippling on its surface.

This is a portal, but it was not made by the Four Gods of Chaos. On the contrary, the row of statues next to the portal shows that the creator of this portal is someone else. The stone pillars are carved with a row of statues of amphibian humanoids.


Cyric didn't know what these statues represented. As a newly powerful divine power, Cyric roughly knew that humans in the country were not native species. They were aliens just like elves, dwarves, and dragons.

Are these amphibian humanoids the ancestors of humans?

No, it's impossible! How could I, the majestic Cyric, be the descendant of a frog?

No, that's not right. I am originally a god. I have possessed divinity since birth. I am destined to be the only true god. No god, not even AO, can change this truth.

What we have to do now is to open the portal and send the Chaos army into the country.

The first goal is.

Cyric's avatar showed a ferocious smile.

The goal is to collect it at sunset.

Aaron Salian, feel the pain of losing a loved one.

Quick, Mansu.


The boundless deep sky, the intersection of heaven and earth, the void zone between the floating island and the reflected continent.

The nine-headed Tzeentch Flying Shark dragged the Tzeentch Fire Chariot across the sky. They rose higher and higher, passing through the clouds and the sky full of lightning and aurora, heading towards the Central Temple of Chaos overhead. .

This is really a magical place. Drizzt sat in the front seat, and the drow ranger looked at the starry sky and chaotic clouds with interest: Bruno once told me that he didn't like the sky, because every time he saw the sky, He was afraid of falling in.

Aaron and Nestia were sitting in the back seat. After experiencing a grand performance, an accident and an encounter in the Chaos Realm, they finally had a moment to relax a little.

The journey from the floating island to the mainland takes several hours.

Bruno Warhammer, I remember he seems to be the king of Mithril Hall, your comrade-in-arms. Aaron nodded, thinking about how he should get along with Drizzt: It turns out that even among the drow elves and the surface races, There will also be a great friendship between us, Sister Nestia, you have to have confidence in me.

I still say the same thing, you don't understand how scary the Spider Queen is, Aaron... Nastia leaned on Aaron, and there was an unspeakable expression on Baipi Zhuoer's charming and beautiful face. In the silence, she was conflicted. She leaned on Aaron's shoulder, feeling the strong wind and the chaotic magical atmosphere in the air, smelling the fragrance emanating from Aaron's body, and suddenly felt that it would be better if this journey could last a little longer.

No matter how strong the Spider Queen is, can she be stronger than the four gods behind me? No matter how strong the Spider Queen is, won't she be defeated easily by Corellon and be cursed into a big spider? Aaron lifted the All-Changing Demon Lord's power After transforming, he gently hugged Nastia's waist and whispered seriously to his dark elf sister: The important thing is, are you willing to let go of the past? Are you willing to say goodbye to your past? As long as you If you are willing, I will always be behind you, and everyone will give you a chance, why don’t you want to give yourself a chance?”

You... Nestia sighed again, and the Dark Elf sister suddenly smiled: So, are you a novice like you also such a talkative person?

I only talk too much to people I think are valuable. Aaron looked into the distance. He was very confident, with stars shining in his eyes: Some people also think that I am long-winded, such as Eleanor, but There are also people who like to talk to me!

Oh, I can see it. Is it the regent Princess Alyssa who lives in Purple Dragon, or her best friend Charlotte? Nestia stretched out her green-white fingers, and traced her fingertips across Aaron's throat: Grrrr~ I also want to hold your head and sit on a boat to cruise around the Sea of ​​Fallen Stars. Give me a chance~

Aaron felt a chill, and he knew that his dark elf sister really had this idea!

Drow are such creatures. Even for Drizzt, an officially designated kind-hearted protagonist, his love for fighting and killing is still engraved in his bones.

Nestia, it just so happens that we have time now. If you are willing to tell me your story, I am willing to listen. If you continue like this, you will only have a mental breakdown. Aaron followed the guidance: Tell me, tell me, It’s more comfortable than hiding it in your heart.”

... Nestia was silent for a while. She raised her head, her scarlet charming eyes full of expectation. After seeing Aaron's encouraging look, she also noticed that Rose would not sense this. Finally, the swordsinger finally spoke.

I...I, Nestoria Baenre, was born in Menzoberranzan. I don't know much about my life experience. Drizzt must also know this. Menzoberranzan has always been a city full of people. A place of conspiracy, assassination, and chaos.”

Nestia tried hard to recall the past: I only vaguely remember that the woman who adopted me was a Spider Queen priest from the Baenre family, named Ginafee Baenre. She happened to meet me during a mission. At that time, the Spider Queen suddenly delivered an oracle, telling the Baenre family that I was the 'gift of the spider', so she took me back to the Baenre family and trained me as the favored one of the Spider Queen.

Ginaphy Baenry became my adoptive mother. She worked very hard to raise me. Unlike other Spider Queen priests, my adoptive mother not only taught me the teachings of the Spider Queen, but also occasionally taught me some things about the earth. Racial content.”

When I was 13 years old, that is the day I discovered her, my adoptive mother Gina Fey got the oracle from the Spider Queen. She told me that she would be back soon. When she comes back, we can celebrate her birthday together.

I was so happy at the time, really so happy. I had never celebrated a birthday in my 13 years of life, so I waited at home for an hour or two hours. I looked forward to it even more. I knew that the Spider Queen would never summon her. After being a priest for so long, the adoptive mother must have been rewarded by the Spider Queen. I am even more looking forward to it. For the drow race, the Spider Queen means everything.

... Aaron and Drizzt looked at each other, and both saw sighs in each other's eyes.

Nastia smiled miserably and said: But I never waited for my adoptive mother again, one day, two weeks, until two weeks later, the matron of our Banre family came to tell me that Gina Fey-Banre was because of her relationship with The spider queen was offended by contact with surface races, and she was executed by the spider queen.”

The mistress said that as her adopted daughter, I should of course be executed, because the fate of any drow who disobeys the Spider Queen has been determined. I should also be sacrificed to the Spider Queen, thrown into the spider web pit, and killed by the spider. Let’s eat clean.”

In fact, the mistress did the same thing. Several priests came up and dragged me away, dragged me to the cobweb pit and prepared to throw me down. At that time, I was scared and anxious, and I desperately shouted my adoptive mother's name in my heart, calling me The names of all the gods known to me, implored to the Spider Queen.

Just when I was about to be thrown down, the wax melt demon from the Spider Queen appeared. It told the mistress that the Supreme Goddess didn't want me to die like this. If I was willing to accept the albino ritual, she could keep me alive.

So you accepted the albino ceremony? Became a white-skinned drow? Aaron asked.

Yes, I accepted the albino ceremony and became a white-skinned drow. I underwent the most rigorous training. Under the instructions of the Spider Queen, I also received the massive resources of my family... After the Year of Turmoil, the Spider Queen has been What is the plan? He asked me to infiltrate the surface activities. In addition to getting the egg of the snake god Seth last time, the Spider Queen also asked me to change my identity frequently, especially as a moon elf and a star elf who just decided to return to the country. .”

Nestia lowered her head. Every time the Dark Elf sister mentioned the name of the Spider Queen, she couldn't help but tremble.

What exactly is the Spider Queen planning to do? Aaron frowned. He stroked Nastia's long, silvery hair and soothed her emotions. Seeing her like this, the Son of Chaos felt very distressed.

If the four gods were not blocked when entering the kingdom, Aaron himself would most likely be in this state.

If you want to resist, you can't help it.

I don't know, the Spider Queen has always asked me to do whatever she needs. I don't know what the Spider Queen thinks. I only know to accept orders and execute them. This is the meaning of my existence. Nestia took out the master Mother Staff, her beautiful face was full of helplessness: Last time, I did a good job with the Snake God's Egg. The Spider Queen gave me the Mother Staff. With this staff, I can...

With this, you are now equivalent to the matron of all drow families. Drizzt interrupted: So I am surprised that the Spider Queen would give such a heavy reward. She must be planning something.

After saying this, Drizzt, the old black man, also had some emotion on his face. He kept his cool expression, but showed a hint of sympathy in his eyes: It was the same when I first came to the surface... everything When people see that I am a drow, they are hostile to me and hate me. It is my fault that the cows in the village got sick and died, it was my fault that the children got lost, and even today it rained heavily and I could not go out, it was my fault.

Evil drow, symbol of killing and enslavement.

If I hadn't met Monterey, who guided me to the way of Melikai, I would never be like what I am today. Cui Heizi said calmly: You are very lucky, Nesty from the Baenre family. Ya, you have also met your Monterey. As for whether you are willing to take a new path, the choice is yours.

Are you willing to come with me? Sister Nastiya? Aaron knew that Cui Heizi was assisting him, so he took advantage of the situation and held Nastiya's hand tightly: I can find a place for you, Spider You can’t feel it afterwards.”

I...I don't know... Nastia lowered her head in pain: My life is a complete mess, my hands are stained with blood, I have always been trained as a tool, but... Aaron, the Spider Queen has saved my life twice and treats me well. The Banrui family has invested countless resources in cultivating me. I really don’t know... Give me some time to think about it, okay?

Long-term surface activities have given Sister Dark Elf a certain sense of morality.

Instead, this moral concept restricted her and made her extremely painful.

Fate is so cruel sometimes.

It's okay, we still have some time. Seeing that Nastia was having trouble taking the last step, Aaron decided not to force her yet.

Whether it was Drizzt or Nestia, they were born in the environment of drow and grew up in a place like Menzoberranzan, which meant that their original family environment had a huge impact on them. In this environment The drow who grew up in the world are arrogant, ambitious, sadistic, cunning and hedonistic.

It is extremely difficult for Zall to break through this environment and liberate himself.

Why is Drizzt so legendary? Because he truly broke away from the dark society created by Spider Queen Rose, which is so rare.

This couldn't help but remind Aaron of the black man in his previous life.

In people's minds, black people seem to be forever associated with sex, violence, drugs, guns, and crime.

One of the most important reasons is the living environment of black people since childhood.

There has been a survey by university professionals in the United States that 67%-75% of black newborns cannot find their fathers when they are born, only their mothers. If the age is pushed to 18 years old, then this figure can be increased to 80% (later because Due to political correctness, this data is not allowed to be published).

In other words, family education does not exist for the vast majority of black people from birth.

Some black people are born to act differently than other black people.

For example, Michael Jordan, the god of basketball, is not only handsome and good at playing basketball, but also has a humorous and natural conversation. He also has a sense of domineering. Whether it is his eyes, temperament or expression management, he can feel that he is different from other black people at a glance. difference.

The reason is simple - Jordan has a father.

The reason is simpler - Jordan not only has a father, but his father has a decent middle-class job at General Electric (later promoted all the way to department head). His father relies on this decent formal job to not only support the family, but also Jordan received a complete higher education, and every time he played a game, Jordan's father would bring his family to the sidelines to cheer him on.

So Jordan's temperament is different from other black people at first glance.

The same is true for Zall.

It is really difficult to completely get rid of Rose's influence.

When Aaron was thinking about what to say, he suddenly raised his head and aimed his eyes at the Central Temple of Chaos on the other side of the starry sky.

The portal to the kingdom is opening? !

Who did it? Cyric?

So fast!

But no matter what, Aaron knew that if the portal opened, it would definitely be a terrible disaster for the country!

Okay, let's wait until we solve this accident. Aaron couldn't care so much at this time, and he began to inject magic into the Tzeentch Fire Chariot.

One last time, our flight is going to speed up! Aaron began to cast a spell, even though it required him to use a lot of magic power, he didn't hesitate!

Seven Rings of Tzeentch Magic - Made in Heaven!

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