Crown of Chaos

Chapter 289, the future is yours

Kelburn - Blackstaff, Lord of Waterdeep, Chosen of the Goddess of Magic, Owner of Silver Fire, Legendary Archmage.

He was once the son of a half-elf Aurang-Meldrim of Myth Drannor and a human ranger Harper. He had one-quarter elven blood. Due to the contempt of the noble families for Kelben and his His father didn't care about Kelben. Kelben had no name for a long time. The elves called him Bill (meaning garbage), and the sun elf nobles called him Zenar (meaning less than half, that is, A nickname for the thin elven blood in him) called him.

It was not until Kelben came of age that he received the title Orosan (which means son of Orang) as he liked it.

It is worth mentioning that although the bloodline is relatively thin, Kelben himself is already the last bloodline of the elven noble family Meldrim. Therefore, some elven nobles hope that Kelbourne can achieve great success. Acknowledge your ancestors and return to your clan, but was flatly rejected by Kelben himself. It is said that this elect has always hoped that the goddess of magic will turn him into a real human being, rather than a hybrid with one-quarter elven blood.

This was Aaron's first meeting with Kelben Blackstaff. He had heard the name of this legendary archmage many times before.

There is no need to welcome you. The Black Stick himself was serious in speech. He always squinted his eyes to look at people: Very powerful magic, young man. Phil Farrell always likes to talk about you, so I'm here. It's that simple.

Black Rod's eyes seemed to contain profound power: I don't like verbal confrontations, young man.

Aaron's mouth suddenly became dry. The eyes of the Lord of the Black Staff Tower are like the bottomless abyss in the night sky, with stars twinkling and rotating in its depths, making people uncontrollably fall to its bottom, falling, falling...

Aaron shook his head vigorously and gritted his teeth with all his strength. He straightened his body and released his strength. When he wanted to maintain his posture, it seemed as if there was a castle pressing on his shoulders. Tightly shackles him.

Kyle! The silver-haired young lady complained, Don't do this! He is not our enemy!

He is not our enemy, but the blood in his body is hard to tell. Kelben Blackstaff whispered to his wife: Don't resist me, young man, I am entrusted by Assan IV... I Alice Thel cannot be entrusted to a warlock bloodline of unknown origin.”

The young man's expression was very playful: I will not resist you, Lord Black Stick, I will even welcome you, but have you really thought about it?

... A ray of light shot out from the eyes of Kelben-Black Staff, and slowly grew longer. The Archmage pointed it at Aaron's head, and the two of them looked at the slender light, along the direction of their sight. , stretched lazily, and slowly touched Aaron's forehead.

The severe cold hit, and Kelben Blackstaff recalled everything he saw in disbelief. Even his fingers were frozen, his body trembled, and he heard his teeth chattering uncontrollably, gurgling. He gasped and looked at Aaron in astonishment.

A burning memory, a broken whisper, a bloody prophecy.

What is that? Kelburn Blackstaff's forehead was sweating, and his voice could not stop trembling: Young man?

He saw the mother body surging in the void, and the endless evil in the mother body.

But he also saw the face of the Silver Virgin Suellen. The beautiful face of the goddess was smiling, showing a bright and satisfied smile to the chosen one of the magic goddess.

This scene made Kelben hold his breath. He knew that this scene would accompany his memory and never fade away.

This is my Lord's salvation. Aaron sprayed out a sacred symbol of Su Lun on the tip of his finger: This is the reason why I can survive to this day.

Amazing young man. Kelburn Blackstaff looked at Aaron for a while: Being burdened with extreme evil and chaos, in hell, and with a bright heart, we should all thank the Silver Virgin. If it weren't for Him, I would Do you think the country will soon face a terrifying existence that is even more difficult to deal with than the Dark Sun?

The future is yours, young man. Most of the doubts on Black Staff's face disappeared. Although he did not fully understand it, he already had a general understanding of the origin of Aaron's bloodline and Su Lun's role in it.

Aaron thought to himself: Why does this sentence sound so familiar?

The future is yours?

Can I ask you a question? Mr. Black Stick, how many people have you said this to?

Almost, 200. Kelburn Blackstick said slightly relaxedly: I have met many outstanding young people.

Um, how many of them are still alive?

About 10. A smile appeared on Kelben's face: The future is yours, but I want to thank you for giving me the present.

really! Aaron thought to himself that this was not a blessing at all!

This guy is flattering himself in a roundabout way!

Aaron's guess was correct. Although Kelben Blackstaff particularly liked to treat people with a serious image, a stern mentor, and an unsmiling look, this archmage actually did not have this character at all. He was essentially a person who liked to be funny and talk. People who make jokes, but Kelben soon discovered that maintaining a solemn image is conducive to maintaining his mystery as an archmage and his sense of majesty to his apprentices, so in front of unfamiliar people, the black staff will behave like this.

Commonly known as pretending.

As for the identity of the silver-haired young lady following the black staff, there is no need to guess. She is Laila Silverhand, one of the famous Seven Sisters of the North.

The love between Lyra Silverhand and Black Staff is quite interesting. As we all know, the second generation of Magic Goddess left behind a lot of voters. Among them, the seven sisters of the North have always been known for their corrupt private lives. The most famous one is the one from Silvermoon City. Mage Lord Alustriel Silverhand, she has been reading almost forever in the process of changing partners - getting pregnant - giving birth to children - changing partners. Over the past thousands of years, she has given birth to at least three digits of children, most of whom are different. There was only one elf lord who was particularly favored by Alustriel - Alustriel had at least 12 children who could confirm that their father was this elf lord (unfortunately, he was later killed by the orcs).

Lyra Silverhand is no exception. She has had countless romantic encounters over the past millennium. However, she unfortunately fell into the trap of Melkor, the King of Bones, before the Troubled Years. The chosen one wore Melkor for himself. She made the artifact Crown of Horns and became insane with it. She even got pregnant, and she didn't even know who the child in her belly belonged to.

When Lyra Silverhand was in trouble, it was Kelben Blackstaff who rescued her. He brought her back to the Blackstaff Tower and nursed her back to health for three years, allowing her to gradually regain her sanity and strength. With this kind of manly behavior, Kelburn Blackstaff won the heart of Lyra Silverhand, and the two voters officially became husband and wife.

However, after marriage, the two still spend less time together and more separation. Lyla Silverhand is addicted to adventure and rarely stays in one place all the time, while Kelben prefers to conduct his own magic research and various activities in the Black Staff Tower. Big plans.

You two, please, I have prepared a place for you to stay.

Aaron immediately invited Kelben and Leila to stay at Sunset Collar.


After demonstrating his miraculous magic, Aaron took his guest away.

Sunset Town was still marveling at the lord's magic, especially when they saw that the three people who were destined to die and were cursed by the dark sun could actually come back to life. People were amazed at the scene and still felt that they were still unsatisfied. They gathered in the streets and alleys. In bars and hotels, and even in the market, everyone was chatting about Aaron's astral magic.

Did you see it?

The black-clothed monk of the Shadow Sect said to several subordinates: That is astral magic!

We are bound to get the Book of Salian this time. This is the will of Lady Night. Aaron Salian was originally chosen by Lady Night. He was just brainwashed by the silver old woman. Unfortunately, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Place was born into the wrong family.”

It was the Lady of the Night who was full of mercy. She forgave Aaron his sins and allowed him the opportunity to return from his lost ways.

But we don't have these opportunities. We only have two weeks. If we can't get a VIP seat ticket, you know what will happen.

Several men in black were lurking in the corner of the tavern, silently discussing plans.

They quickly zeroed in on one person.

At the same time, in another corner of the town, several elegant and polite visitors wearing luxurious noble attire were also whispering.

Each of them moved very appropriately, each holding a glass of bright red wine. The leader was wearing a black cloak with a red background. Every move showed his aristocratic character, and under his body, there was a faint red flame.

Unexpectedly, after catching three living dead, I actually found Aaron Salian's true ability. This time I won't lose.

Hahahaha, An Ri probably never thought that it was us who did it, right?

It doesn't matter, Dark Sun has enough troubles. The hypocritical god hates him, and the evil god also hates him.

This time, we have only one purpose.

Capture at least one of the nine volumes.

If you can learn all the astral magic, then the throne of Nessus may not be out of reach.

Outside the town, a group of Amazon warriors who were hunting prey with harpoons by the Feilongshui Lake were also chatting about what had just happened.

The leading Amazon warrior is dressed in a very special way. She is wearing a piece of sharkskin clothes and pants. She obviously has a beautiful appearance, but her face and body are covered with dense scars and burn marks. The harpoon in his hand glowed with lightning from time to time.

The cloak behind her was made of a sea dragon.

But what's really striking is that this Amazonian warrior has one breast and only a scar on the other side. Normally, women would try to hide this physical deformity.

But these female warriors instead showed it to everyone.

These female warriors who came from afar were extremely fierce. They looked fierce and their mouths were even fiercer.

What are you looking at? Have you never seen a woman?

You like watching it so much? Come on, give me a smile?

Why, you are interested in my body? Yes! Defeat the sword in my hand? I can stay with you as long as you want! But do you have the ability?

What? Little one? I'll give you a two-punch. Let's go. Do you want to go into the house with your sister?

This group of female warriors acted mischievously one after another, causing the nearby citizens who were originally curious about them to avoid these women like the plague.

Astral magic belongs to the Lord of Fury!

Aaron shamelessly stole our Lord's great inventions, and he had the nerve to display these things as his work?

What we have to do is retrieve the holy relics of our Lord.

The fury, the lightning, the storm, never cease!

In this way, groups of outsiders arrived in the Sunset Territory one after another. Among them, Kelburn Blackstaff, the first to arrive, showed the highest level of sincerity. He presented it to Alice Ser in the name of the Lord of the Blackstaff Tower. He and Charlotte acquired 500 sets of magic books and 120 magic scrolls, and presided over the research and design of the main structure of the Miss Wizard Tower.

Laila Silverhand, like all women, had a motherly outburst when faced with the fairy princess Buyel. The seven sisters from the North hugged Buyel fiercely as soon as they came up. She was inseparable from the fairy princess during this period. , hanging out together every day.

As time continued to advance, groups of guests came to Sunset Landing, and the main building of the Silver Moon Theater was also waiting for completion. At this time, there was less than a week left before the large-scale performance of The Fourth Wall.

However, at this critical moment, cousin Robert ran into a little trouble.

He was kidnapped.

He only remembered that night, he had a big drink with his new girlfriend in the pub. After getting drunk, he lost consciousness. When he was splashed with water and woke up, a group of kind-faced professionals in black appeared. in front of him.

They all wear the emblem of the Dark Sun, and they must be called the Holy Lord of the Dark Sun.

The leading monk in black had a pleasant look on his face. He took out an iron rod and shaped it into an iron ball with his hands. Then he used his own hands to grind the iron ball into an iron pestle, and with his dark fingers, he whittled the iron rod into an iron pestle. Pieces of discus were shown to Robert.

Warrior Monk - Legendary Diamond Body!

You, what do you want to do? Robert turned pale with fright: My brother, my brother is Aaron!

Mr. Robert, we want to ask you to do us a favor. The monk in black stretched out his hand to touch his cousin's face. Goosebumps appeared all over Robert's body: What, what's the favor?

Our Xianglong Empire of Karatu Continent once had an old saying. The black-clothed monk turned out to be an Easterner. He slowly put on his gloves under Robert's gaze: Xixi Material, Wei Junjie.

Mr. Robert, you must be very willing to help us~

I hope you can cooperate with us well, and we will not treat you badly~

We need a VIP ticket, can you help us?

But, but... Robert said hesitantly: The tickets are fixed, where can I get extra tickets?

The atmosphere in the room suddenly changed. The monk in black blew gently on his fingertips: That means we can't talk?

We can talk, we can talk, we can talk! Robert thought of the discus on the ground, and his cousin nodded like garlic: Let me think of a way, think of a way, okay?

Well, you guys let me go first and let me go back. I'll tell Aaron and ask him to give me an extra ticket, okay? Robert said in a flattering tone.

Ha~ The men in black all sneered.

How could it be possible to let him go?

Should we let this guy go back and lure Aaron, Black Stick and others over?

The leader, the monk in black, couldn't help but look disappointed. He looked at his subordinates and was about to make Robert suffer a little, when a coquettish and distorted voice suddenly sounded from his heart.

Let him go.

Upon hearing this voice, the black-clothed monks immediately knelt on the ground as if out of a conditioned reflex, with their foreheads on the ground, and fearfully talked to the master they served through qi.

My lord, Lady Night!...You mean, let us let this person go? But the high priest said that if we can't get VIP seats, we will all die...

Let him go, don't let me say it again! There was a hint of impatience in Ms. Night's voice.


Several men in black had questions on their faces after receiving the order from the monk in black, but they still let Robert go.

Aaron's cousin used his hands and feet to rush out without looking back and disappeared around the corner of the street.

Strange, when did my Lord become so... kind?

The people in black couldn't understand.

But the next sound immediately made them happy.

Things went well.

When I come, everyone will be rewarded.


In winter, the sky is filled with snow and thousands of miles of silver frost.

There are only two days left until the grand opening.

Updated, please vote~

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