Crown of Chaos

Chapter 272, Paradise Plan

PS: Sorry for being late, this update is from yesterday.

After a brief conversation, Aaron gradually understood what Su Lun meant.

Since Aaron's rise, it's not that Su Lun doesn't like her anymore and doesn't want to see her, but Su Lun thinks that Aaron can live a good life without him, so he can slowly fade away from Aaron. In his life, he thought that Aaron no longer needed His help.

This may be the creed that Su Lun has always believed in: He always tries his best to give the most care to his underage children, but if they have successfully grown up and no longer need his protection and help, then He will let them go and fly.

Whether it is life or death, success or failure, Su Lun will no longer take the initiative to interfere, unless his children take the initiative to ask him for help.

Therefore, the most ancient goddess has a somewhat arbitrary attitude towards mortals. As a kind and funny goddess, Su Lun's usual decisions always have an arbitrary flavor. She often makes some strange decisions on a whim, so her The church also frequently changes its policy following Him from time to time, so Sullun's church always has a similar problem when it does not grow well. The priests only have the general policy given by the goddess, but do not understand the long-term goal.

Su Lun Mama doesn’t need Aaron, but Aaron thinks he can’t leave Su Lun Mama.

So he came, he came on his own initiative, and today he came with Buyer precisely to give Surun Mama a great goal.

Paradise Plan!

Today, Su Lun is wearing a star-moon, purple, blue, orchid, tasseled skirt. The bright moon hanging high in the sky illuminates the white gauze on the body of the ancient goddess extremely transparently, completely revealing her soft and maternal look. The outline of the plump body was exposed in front of Aaron's eyes - the plumpness under the delicate collarbone was ready to be revealed, and the long skirt raised a sharp protrusion at the neckline. The waist was slightly wavy but not lost, and the wide hips were formed. With her sexy curves, the light beam formed by her two voluptuous thighs is sacred and seductive. Her slender and shapely calves and bare feet are exposed, perfectly supporting her three-meter-tall body...

A pair of standard Greek-style sandals were placed on the fine gravel. The huge visual impact and pressure brought by the ten-foot-tall goddess put the young viscount, who had just grown up and was only 1.8 meters tall, into an embarrassing situation. , the natural and gentle temperament exuded by mature women turned the hot-blooded and reckless young man into a shy and timid child at this moment. His trembling voice involuntarily revealed the nervousness in his heart, and his heart was beating violently. , her slightly thin body trembled unconsciously, her eyes were facing that motherly and charming beauty, and she was a little speechless for a moment.

After all, Aaron knew that he had some... well, dark thoughts in his heart.

Well, yes, that...I came here this time for...

When Aaron was thinking about how to put forward his idea, Suellen's eyes were attracted by Buyer who was pulling Aaron's sleeve and looking at him curiously.

so cute!

How could there be such a cute creature!

Suellen's ten-foot-tall body was immediately pressed down by the weight of the mountains, and he stretched out his hands, wanting to hug the little princess from the Fairy Wilderness.

Buyer did not resist this time. She obediently let Suellen pick her up and greeted her politely: Are you the Silver Virgin? I often hear my father, mother and Mr. Knight mention you!

Father, mother, it must be Oberon and Titania. Suellen happily rubbed his face against Buyer's little face. The Silver Virgin held the fairy princess, and the love and affection on her face could not be concealed. Zhi: It's so cute! Buyer, can I call you that?

It's an honor for you to call me like this. The fairy princess used her own actions to interpret the saying small ones are cute. Her answer made Su Lun's maternal nature explode. The ancient goddess picked up Buyer, and her affectionate attitude made Aaron a little... jealous.

So he took the initiative to interrupt the interaction between Su Lun and Buyer, and said with a smile: She is Buyer. As my lord said, she is the daughter of the Fairy King Oberon and the Fairy Queen Titania. The heroine of our story this time.”

Oh, so you came here this time to give her to me? Su Lun held Buyer in front of him, looked at Aaron who took the initiative to interrupt him, and smiled slightly.

That's not true. I talked with the King of Goblins. We signed a contract and he agreed to foster Buyel with me. Aaron said slightly anxiously: I brought her here because...

What if I have to keep her by my side? Su Lun made a little joke: How cute!

Aaron obviously did not expect Su Lun Mama to say this, and he was stunned for a moment.

Buyer, are you willing to stay with me? Su Lun's green eyes were full of playfulness. He held Buyer in his broad chest and asked casually.

Aaron stood awkwardly in front of Su Lun and waited. At this moment, time seemed to be stretched infinitely, and the waiting turned into unbearable torture.

Giggle~ Before Buyer could answer, Su Lun put Buyer down. The Ancient Goddess chuckled, half-blaming, half-playing glance at Aaron: My child, this It can be considered a prank played by your mother. Next time you want to see me, just tell me directly. Don’t play this kind of prank of sneaking into my kingdom of God directly, okay?”

Yes. Aaron had no choice but to admit his mistake.

Fortunately, a good mother will always forgive her children. Seeing that Aaron admitted his mistake, Su Lun threw away all his displeasure. Just as he was about to ask Aaron some details about this incident, he heard two screams. The conversation between mother and son was interrupted.

so cute!

Wearing a bright red evening dress, with long honey-blonde hair, ivory white skin, and a completely hot figure, the beautiful goddess's eyes were shining with love, and she took Buye directly without Su Lun's consent. I held Him in my arms and looked at His expression. He was simply ecstatic, ecstatic because he had discovered something beautiful.

Aaron knew that this was the fire-haired lady, Suni, the goddess of love and goodness.

At the same time, Aaron also heard a cat meow, and a figure with the speed of light crossed the space. Before Aaron could react, he felt his shoulders sink, and a creature with a cat head and an exquisite human body fell down instantly. On Aaron's shoulder, the tongue full of barbs scraped the down on Aaron's face, and said in Aaron's ear teasingly and flirtatiously.

Hey, he feels younger than the rumors say, but he is already a mature man~

After saying that, the cat-headed woman licked Aaron's face a few more times. She stuck out her tongue and scraped the tip of her tongue with her slender nails, full of regret: Well, it already tastes like an adult. You already have the taste of an adult. You are no longer pure, otherwise I can give you meat~

Maomaotou was a little disappointed at first, but after carefully tasting the remaining redness on her tongue, she became excited again: Oh, this is the taste of joy and indulgence! You, you, you have the scent of chaos from the abyss!

Hey, now, do you want to have a baby with me? Maomao Tou grabbed Aaron's collar: The bloodline born between us will definitely...

Xia Ruisi!!!*2

Su Lun and Shu Ni burst into impatient accusations almost simultaneously.

Can you not want to mate without seeing an interesting male species? Shuni covered her charming and charming face, and said with sadness: Shouldn't I have you? Rescued from the palace in Calimport...

Don't pass on your bad habits to Aaron! Su Lun also said very dissatisfied: I asked you to come here to help with the script, not to make you angry!

Tsk, tsk, tsk! It's so boring.

The Cat Goddess Charis spun lightly in the air, swung her long cat tail and rubbed against Aaron's face. The cat's head left Aaron's body and turned its attention to the Fairy Princess. On the body: So cute!!! Come on, let me touch you!

Buyer also had a bad look on Mao Maotou.

You have seen this one, the fire-haired lady Suni. Su Lun glared at Xia Ruisi and introduced to Aaron: I think you have guessed this one, she is the cat goddess Xia Ruisi.

Aaron Salian, pay homage to the two goddesses. Aaron wiped the drool left by the cat's head on his face with his hand and saluted respectfully.

This kid can actually find his way directly here. Su Lun, you really have a good child! Shuni said with a hint of a smile.

It's so cute, it's so cute, I want to hug it, it's so cute, I want to kiss it~ The cat kept pestering Buyer.

The three goddesses invited Aaron and Buyer to sit down. Su Lun took the initiative to pour Aaron a cup of black tea from the Karatu Xianglong Empire, and then formally asked Aaron about the purpose of coming to the Kingdom of God.

Aaron thought for a while and told Suellen and the other two goddesses that Buyer had obtained the inheritance of Isha. In his story, Aaron was a hybrid born at the pinnacle of powerful divine power in four other universes. After passing this trial, one of the four powerful divine powers and his divine queen took a fancy to Buyer and were willing to give all their inheritance to him.

The three goddesses all marveled at Buyer's good luck. The little fairy princess took turns being held in their arms, enjoying the thighs and breasts of the goddesses.

But Aaron was thinking about other things at the moment.

He suddenly remembered that many people who traveled through ancient Internet literature had something similar to a stamp of thought. Wherever they went, they had a pathological obsession with the so-called class and equality between men and women. They must promote equality for all living beings and eliminate patriarchy, gender, and gender. Liberation measures.

But this doesn't work at all in the kingdom. First of all, nearly half of the gods of the kingdom like to show themselves in female form. Each of them has powerful power and wide influence.

Furthermore, if you want to engage in so-called male supremacy, the drow will laugh out loud on the spot, but the Amazon women on the west coast of the country will punch you on the spot to make you understand what a female punch is. These Amazons who believe in Talos, the Lord of Storms Not only are the women stronger than the men, but they are also a completely female-dominated society. Even if the men in the Amazon reach legendary strength, they can only barely reach the middle level.

Who wants you to do this? Who are you?

Fortunately, this weird logic gradually declined in the first few years of Aaron's time travel. With the gradual change of ideas, subsequent time travelers no longer have similar ideological stamps, but can safely integrate into the existing society. Order and accept the concept of well-matched men and women.

Aaron thinks this is good, respecting the fate of others and letting go of these unrealistic ideas. The country is a magical place where strength is respected.

While he was thinking, the three goddesses under the moon also discussed Buyer's problems.

Well, I checked. My child, according to what you said, Buyer has a wide range of divine powers. What I can see includes 'Mother, Elf, Fertility, and Love.' , healing, fertility’ in a wide range of areas.”

Su Lun frowned slightly.

Mother is her domain, elves are Corellon's domain, fertility is the domain of the Earth Mother Goddess Chantia, love is Suni's domain, healing and fertility are not very clear.

It can be seen that this is the inheritance of another powerful divine power.

So you brought her to find your mother? Shuni smiled and covered her mouth: Let her help you coordinate these? I don't mind that this little guy is related to my field. I want someone to help me share some of the burden.”

It doesn't matter anything else. My lord, the most important inheritance Buyer has received is healing and fertility. Aaron said solemnly: Healing symbolizes the ability to cure all diseases, and the field of fertility... my lord, Do you know what this means?

Su Lun's expression immediately changed. The Silver Virgin's motherly and loving face stared at Buyer's cute face: Wait, you mean...increase production and increase efficiency?

As long as the inheritance of Mother Goddess Isa is shown through Buyer, the land blessed by her can be harvested four times a year. Aaron said softly: With Buyer's control of the power of fertility, no matter how barren it is, On any land, crops can be harvested at least four times a year. As long as she successfully inherits Isa's power, all lands, no matter how bad, can be harvested at least eight times a year, while slightly better lands can harvest at least eight times a year. There’s no problem with being mature twelve times!”

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all three goddesses changed.

Four crops a year? Eight crops a year? Twelve crops a year? !

This...this doesn't make sense!

Wait, if what Aaron said is true, then the changes that the Fairy Princess can bring to the country are really...

Su Lun asked almost subconsciously: At present, how big of an area can Buyer cover?

The current Buyer is only a divine creature with legendary strength. The area she can cover with blessings is indeed very small. Aaron showed a smile, and the fairy princess's flower knight talked to the three goddesses under the moon: At present, Buyer can only cover the entire Sunset Territory under my command.

As soon as these words came out, the three goddesses could no longer maintain their elegant postures. The two goddesses looked at each other with a cat head, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes.

If he can do it, this kid's future will be limitless!

So, do you hope that I can communicate with Chandiya so that Buyer can get involved in her field? Su Lun hesitated for a few seconds and looked at Aaron with a soft, motherly gaze. The tenderness is almost overflowing.

Aaron~ is really my good boy. When he gains something, he always shares it with me immediately.

That's just one aspect.

However, Aaron's next words completely shocked the ancient goddess.

Mama, the battle in heaven between you and your sister has been going on for countless centuries, right?

Have you never thought about ending this war completely?

Your child wants to help you and completely win this battle in heaven!

Updated, sorry for being late, I went to watch the game!

China has B, China has B!

Support the Chinese father-in-law! blg, fighting! ! !

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