Crown of Chaos

Chapter 262, trembling, Billak's counterattack!

Aaron took his own trophies, bid farewell to Rockefeller, the Lord of the Dawn, and headed north alone.

Save me...come...

He heard the voice again, and this time there was no doubt that the small figure was trapped among the rotting trees in the hills and sky at the end of the Road to Moander.

Aaron knew he had to see the Road of Moander. Even if he didn't get the call, he would try to unlock Nurgle's power.

I have to say that Fat Grandpa is really too lazy.

Nurgle didn't care at all whether Aaron unlocked his powers or what Aaron did. He just stayed in his rotting garden, enjoying the happiness of his children and grandchildren around his knees, or immersed himself in experiments in his own cauldron. New Minute Maid Burger.

In terms of the overall strength of the Four Chaos Gods, Nurgle will never be weaker than Khorne, but in terms of the influence and destructive power of the Four Chaos Gods, Nurgle is only slightly stronger than Slaanesh.

So just as Tzeentch reminded him, Aaron wanted to try to stimulate Grandpa Nurgle's instinctive reaction through external forces.

Then, the Road to Moander is the most suitable candidate.

Moander, the God of Rot, is an ancient god of decay, decay and withering, and is quite famous in the realm (as a loser).

It is unclear when Moander first appeared in the kingdom. Generally speaking, it can be known that this god of decay came to the kingdom after the Elf Crown War declined in power and before the rise of the Netheril Empire. A strange god who always showed masculine signs and feminine temperament in appearance. He built a temple of his own in the mountains and began to spread his beliefs. The Netherese once recorded that Moander How the tribe was wiped out by poisoning crops, livestock and water.

This is also the earliest belief in Moander, the god of decay.

After that, this evil god did some famous things:

Before and after the Vale Calendar, Moander once tried to invade the elven United Kingdom of Cormanthor. However, with the support of the elven gods, Ms. Silinxi of the Cormanthor Kingdom defeated Moander using the ultimate holy sword of the elven empire. Ender's incarnation brought a huge defeat to the god.

In the famous Tribulation of the Dawn, Lathander, the God of Dawn, tried to reshape the Pantheon in his own image and form the Dawn God System. At that time, Lathander's lover, Goddess of Luck Taj, disapproved of Lathander's approach. , he chose to leave Lathander's side and gave him an unfortunate kiss. Afterwards, Taj wandered around the country and met a dazzling rose on the top of a mountain.

The rose was so beautiful that the gods could not withstand the temptation, so Taj pinned the flower on her head and continued her wanderings.

But in fact, this rose is the seed of life of Moander. It didn't take long for Taj to be corrupted into an empty shell by Moander. Fortunately, Lathander and Suellen came to visit together at this time. Suellen discovered that this former It was Taj's god who was nearing no cure, so he sent out a purifying beam, breaking Taj in half.

Thus Tamora, the goddess of luck, and Benshaba, the lady of misfortune, were born.

Finally, there is what happened recently. During the Year of Turmoil, the legendary bard Vander-Dragonthorn defeated Moander's weak saint form in the Great Forest of Cormanthor and killed the god, Moander. His divine blood and remaining divine power polluted an area in the great forest, known as the Road of Moander.

Aaron felt that it was very accurate to describe this foreign god as successful battles and repeated defeats. He didn't know what was particularly attractive about the country to this rotten god, which caused him to send incarnations to invade here again and again.

He spent two days approaching the Road to Moander, and the weather was not very good. The moment he left the Myth Drannor area, it started to rain. Aaron wrapped himself in a brand new high elf commander's cloak. On his shoulders, he let the cold ice rain slap randomly on the divine spark shield, and the warm flames of Tzeentch mixed with the air.

The great northern forest of Myth Drannor is full of ruins of battlefields, and the air seems to still be reverberating with the echoes of magic.

Aaron brushed his fingers over the ruins in the forest, feeling the former battlefield with his fingertips.

The Crying War, the battle of Myth Drannor's demise.

More than 1,800 years before the soul of the Crowned King Iltargrim returned to Arvandor, three Nekaroth demons were raging in the Great Forest of Cormanthor. These three Nekaroth demons were created by Netheril. The evil spirit summoned by the Great Arcanist.

The Grand Arcanists of Netheril have been looking for the stolen scrolls of Netheril. When they realized that the elves' high magic was not inferior to the magic of Netheril, one of the Grand Arcanists determined that the elves were stealing Netherese scrolls. He was the culprit of the sex scroll, so he summoned three demons and began to take revenge on the elves.

After experiencing a long period of glory, the arrogance of the great arcane masters of Nese has reached its peak. In their view, there is no magic in the world that can rival them. If such magic exists, then they must be The murderer who stole the scroll of Nese.

This ultimately led to the Weeping War and the downfall of Myth Drannor, a war for which the Netherese are generally believed to be responsible by Realm scholars.

However, according to what Sister Misty said, a small part of the Nese Scroll seems to be really hidden in Myth Drannone.

So who is to blame?

Aaron couldn't think of the answer for the time being. He looked at the city of singing covered by the corrupted Mystery Chain from a distance and muttered silently.

Let's explore the area ahead later.


After traveling for two days, Aaron gradually approached the infamous Moander Road.

The entire forest was now a place of decay.

The plants became twisted and towering, and the big trees reached straight into the sky, covering the forest airtight. Aaron could vaguely see the shapes of some animals and plants in the past.

Now, they have all been dissolved under the divine blood of Moander. Whether they are plants or living things, they have been transformed into a brand new life form, and they have been merged into lumps one after another under the will of the divine blood. I can't tell what kind of filth it is.

A stone wall, vines on the stone wall, and an old deer and a young deer. The buildings, plants and animals were condensed into a half-dead and half-living mixture. It was like a living thing. It was twisted and swollen on the wall. There were ferocious faces of demons, and pieces of misaligned and upside-down marble slabs paved the way forward. The light falling from the tree shades cast a deep shadow on the scenery in front of them.

Twisted rotten thorns kept twisting behind the ruins, attacking Aaron from the bushes, from the sunken ground, from the shadows, from inside the dead trees, spitting corrosive venom, waving the tentacles, trying to pull down this man. uninvited guest.

However, these attacks were of no use to Aaron, who was personally chosen by the Four Gods of Chaos.

The Viscount of the Sunset Territory even put away his elf commander's cloak and his white dragon leather armor, using his own skin to feel the power left behind by the God of Decay.

The Sword of the Dark Moon opens a path ahead, and every time it is swung, the unnamed corrupted object will be broken in half and continue to advance forward.

The Sunless Night used the Fire of Tzeentch to ward off the incoming corrupt plants, which unconsciously tried to divide and surround Aaron.

The Sword of the Dark Moon sliced ​​through a muscular body covered in mucus, cutting off the screaming and howling heads. As Aaron recited a spell, a group of Tzeentch fire demons and Khorne vampires were killed by him. Summoned out.

On his own, Aaron relied on the demons of Khorne and Tzeentch, as well as the power of Nurgle that had always been silent, to carve a path on the road to Moander!

As for why not summon a Slaanesh demon?

Aaron said: Slaanesh cannot do it.

However, the closer he gets to the heart of Moander's Path, the more resistance Aaron encounters.

A Khorne vampire was under siege. Tentacles lurking underground surged out and pierced its legs, dragging it to the ground, down the slope, and into the rotting spring. The vampire struggled hard, and finally Still submerged in the thick lake.

Aaron struggled to climb up the steep slope, and the stench of rotting smell hit his face. The ground became wet, slippery, and sticky. Flies and bugs were flying on the yellow-green humus. Human-shaped and animal-shaped creatures were already stuck together. New life was born.

The dependents of Moander are lurking in every corner, ugly faces are constantly appearing on the walls, and even the tree dome above is tilting and starting to break, as if the physical world where this road is located is beginning to collapse.

The voice in Aaron's head became clearer and clearer.

right here.

The rotten sap clung to his skin. Stimulated by the rotten vegetation filled with the blood of Moander, Aaron once again felt the activity of Nurgle's power. It was like a creature that would never Like a satisfied glutton, he devoured the power of corruption.

Aaron's throat couldn't help but swallow. The poisonous gas spit out by the corrupted plants made even the dragon's metabolic system feel the pain with every breath. Moander's divine blood turned this place into a dead place, located in What was in the center of the entire city was pure apoptosis.

But he felt like he was too full and Aaron even burped.


This is the power of Nurgle, this is the power of the power of chaos.

Getting closer and closer to the sealed pure and good being, Aaron noticed the giant tree he saw in the vision. The top of the rotten giant tree in the valley was just above Aaron's head, with only one gap in between. Parasite-like twisted building.

The tops of these houses are inlaid with a layer of rotting vines, peeling flesh and blooming flowers, but there is only a deep shadow surrounding Aaron.

There were no roads connecting the valleys, so Aaron had to let the Chaos Demons create a passage.

The fire of Tzeentch swirled into a vortex in the air, burning along the path he must take under Aaron's exquisite control.

It looks like the finish line is not far away.

Hundreds of rotten vines covered with sarcoma hang on the surface of the giant tree in the sky, forming a tangled mass. Strange and unfamiliar flowers cover the giant tree from the bottom to the middle. The moss secretes yellow-green gas all the time. In the distance, You can see some unnamed corrupted creatures hiding behind the hills in fear.

They found that their attacks had no effect on Aaron, and instead would be absorbed by Aaron's power.

This is it. Aaron murmured to the air. He walked up the ramp. Pussy bumps bulged on the ground one after another, like scabs on wounds. He held Su Lun's hand tightly. The Dark Moon Sword was given to him. Despite going through a series of battles, the Dark Moon Sword still looked dazzling. In a place that should have been turbid and withered, its mirror-like blade actually reflected pieces of brilliance.

Just as Aaron was about to move on and get closer to the giant tree in the sky where the young girl was sealed, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

Who?! Aaron turned around and aimed a fireball empowered by the power of Slaanesh at his back.

Your Excellency Aaron~Your Excellency Aaron! The son of Calimshan appeared wearing a camel fur coat and was dirty. When he saw Aaron pointing his finger at him, he quickly waved his hand: It's me, it's me ah!

Anomin? Aaron put down his hand, his eyes couldn't stop being surprised: Didn't I ask you to wait for me in Shadow Valley? Why are you here?

Me? I'm worried. An Nuoming struggled to get closer with one foot deeper and the other shallower. He worked hard to reach the edge of the rotten land purified by Aaron: You have been here for several days, and I am wondering how you can still return. He didn’t come back, so I followed my lord’s voice... Mr. Abrando, Mr. Aaron... you...

There was a look of suspicion on the face of the son of Calimshan. Apparently, he saw the sight of Aaron controlling the Chaos Demon.

You have gone too far, Anomin, go back now. Aaron's eyes were fixed on the son of Calimshan, and he asked: How did you get here? You only have the elite level. Strength? Don't tell me you haven't encountered enemies along the way.

My lord has responded to me! Facing Aaron's suspicion, Anoming almost subconsciously took out a holy emblem from his chest: Look, Sir Aaron, this is the gift given by my lord Ai Brando. My holy seal!

He guided me to find you! I'm so happy that you're still alive!

The son of Calishan said excitedly.

...You are very lucky, An Nuoming. Aaron nodded. He hesitated for a few seconds, took out the water bottle containing the water from the Pool of Light, and handed it to An Nuoming: This is for you Want water.

Thank you, I'm very grateful! An Nuoming excitedly took the water from the Pool of Light and held it in his hands.

It's very dangerous here. You'd better go back as soon as possible. Aaron glanced at An Nuoming again and signaled him to leave as soon as possible.

Watching Aaron enter the valley, An Nuoming cherished the water bottle of the Pool of Light and called out to the Qi God Monster in accordance with his contract with the Qi God Monster.

The contract between us has been reached. According to the agreement, you must fulfill your promise and save my mother!

In the void, a voice responded to Annuoming's call.

Anomin of Calimshan, you have been deceived.

Qi Shengui's voice was calm, with a hint of contempt: This is not the water I want. I can't save your mother.

It's not the water I want? How is it possible?! An Nuoming was anxious. He held the water level that Aaron gave him tightly. He didn't know where the sound came from, so he could only spin in place anxiously: This is the water of light. The water of the pool! That’s it, that’s it! This is the water of the Pool of Light, look at it, look at it again!”

You idiot, Aaron Salian deceived you. He didn't go to Myst Drannor to get water at all. He just poured some water from a creek. The figure of the air monster emerged, and in the shadow, a tall The sturdy black shadow slowly approached: You were deceived, Anuoming.

Who are you?! An Nuoming was startled. He pulled out his weapon tremblingly and pointed it at the shadow's face: You are not an angry monster! Who are you?!

Me? Haha~ I am the Qi God monster who signed a contract with you. Not only am I a Qi God monster, I am also the demon elf who kidnapped you. I am also the Albrando who answered your prayers~

The shadow chuckled, and gently flicked Annuoming's sword away with its huge demonic claws: It's my voice, from beginning to end, it's me. Your god has fallen, it's all me, and only I.

Everyone is deceiving you, your father, your mother, your companions, the daemons, the Harpers, and Aaron-Salian. Look at them, look at how hypocritical they are!

An Nuoming's voice couldn't stop trembling, and the young man couldn't help covering his head in fear and trembling: No, no, this is not a scam, this water is not fake, I know, the pool of light is Water is corrupted, so it should be like this, Sir Aaron, he didn’t lie to me, this is the water I want!”

Anomin was almost ready to believe the words of Shadow subconsciously, but he suddenly remembered the description of Sandra the Wind Chaser, and the Pasha's son became hesitant again.

This caused the chaos runes that had spread all over his body to stop when they approached his neck.

Idiot! The shadow scolded angrily. It wanted to say something more. In the valley of the rotten giant tree in the distance, a breath full of magnificent vitality was coming from the valley.

The shadow no longer hesitated, it went straight towards Anomin, penetrated his chest, and penetrated his body!

A shrill scream made the Son of Calishan appear in the pillar of light.

The dark figure, the twinkling eight-pointed star, the skull-like demon face, and dozens of chains and skulls on the giant demon's wings.

The original demon prince, Be'lak, is back!

There's nothing I can do to help you now, Aaron Salian.

The purple-grey flame was crushed under Beelak's fingertips.

You won't get a second chance!

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