Crown of Chaos

Chapter 205, The mysterious spirit changes

Salian Exchange, derived from Chaos Prayer, is a brand new magic designed by Aaron by gathering the power of the three gods of Chaos. This magic is different from the Wish spell in spells. Salian Exchange is a spell compared to , more like quasi-magic like initiating a transaction.

The exchange of this magic is based on the three sacrifices of the Three Gods of Chaos, namely Khorne's Blood Sacrifice and the Blood God's Skull Sacrifice, Tzeentch's Transformation of Everything in the World, and Slaanesh's Extremely Exciting and Fresh Experience.

All three actions please the Three Gods of Chaos.

The caster who casts Chaos Wish can choose any of the following wishes:

[Perform a powerful attack on a single enemy (all four gods can have different effects, Nurgle is disabled).

Release a group's area-of-effect killing skills (all four gods can have different effects, Nurgle is prohibited).

Summon a Chaos Demon for your own use (all four gods and demons are allowed, but Nurgle is prohibited).

Get a huge bonus on a single attribute and have an advantage in any competition related to that attribute (exclusive to Khorne).

Resurrect a dead person (Khorne only).

Within a certain period of time, learn a designated magic (exclusive to Tzeentch).

Within a certain period of time, learn three random magics (exclusive to Tzeentch).

Gain a designated physical mutation (exclusive to Nurgle, currently disabled).

Restore all status at once, expel all negative effects, heal all wounds including broken limbs, and obtain a blessing of continuous recovery for at least one day (exclusive to Nurgle, currently disabled).

Permanently changes the shape of one of the body's facial features (must be imaginable by the user), and obtains a substantial enhancement of all social abilities in a short period of time (exclusive to Slaanesh).

Within a certain period of time, the user will gain a large amount of additional agility and constitution bonuses based on the user's lost life (exclusive to Slaanesh). 】

This is the effect of the Five Ring Salian Exchange Technique, which can be said to be very, very powerful.

In addition to the five rings, Salian Exchange Technique also has seven and nine rings. A higher number of rings also means greater wishes and more powerful divine grace.

But of course, the Salian Exchange Technique also has side effects.

The first is that once a transaction is started, there is no going back on it. Even if the user does not want it, he still has to pay the price.

Then the final interpretation of Sallian Exchange lies in the hands of the Four Gods of Chaos.

Finally, the divine favor of Chaos is not so easy to obtain. There is an upper limit to the Salian Exchange Technique that any mortal can bear. Some people cannot bear it even once and will expand into Chaos Eggs on the spot, but some people can bear it many times. of divine grace.

But if you abuse this exchange technique, it is only a matter of time before you become a demon prince (very small probability) or become a chaos egg (high probability).

Aaron may be one of the very few in the kingdom who can negotiate terms with the four gods of chaos.

After all, he is the general agent of chaos in the country. The control of the four gods of chaos has been cut off, and they can no longer influence him. Therefore, for the time being, cooperation is greater than confrontation.

Aaron thus gained crucial bargaining power.

He negotiated a price with his good brother Tzeentch, and he hired this Treacherous Xiling from his good brother Tzeentch. As a price, Aaron donated all his excess chaos energy and promised to Next, a huge change will be created to please Tzeentch. At the same time, all parts of the Son of Bane except the Strife divinity will also be dedicated to Tzeentch.

This is the price. For Chaos, if you ask for something, you will definitely get a response, but the price is always so high.

Aaron paid such a huge price, and he just borrowed the right to use the Treacherous Xiling for a period of time. When it is used up, he has to return it to his good brother Tzeentch.

Master asked me to work for you. The strange Xiling possessed itself in front of Aaron. Its robes covered with chaos runes were filled with light, and waves of chaotic magic surged through it like a tide. Between the ebb and flow, the body under the demon Tzeentch's robe is constantly mutating. It is sometimes in human form, sometimes in animal form, ups and downs.

Follow me. Aaron's face didn't look good. He had paid too much and hoped it would be worth it.

Yes, Lord. The Tzeentch demon wrapped in its robe bowed its head respectfully. Its Chaos Contract was in Aaron's hand, and it could only obey.

Aaron nodded. He thought for a moment and turned his attention to the nut box on the table.

Three minutes later, Aaron came out of the room holding a nut in his hand. Eleanor had already changed into her pajamas. Miss Pastor was a little strange: Aaron, do you have something to go out for?

Well, I have something to do. I have to come back later. You go to bed early. Aaron hugged Eleanor, kissed her on the lips, and rubbed her face with the back of his hand.

I'll wait for you to come back.

Miss Pastor has a quiet beauty about her, so he can't help but want to bully her, tease her, make her shy, make her happy, and observe her little emotions.

But once Eleanor really fell in love and felt dissatisfied, Aaron was the quickest to surrender.

Because this is his Eleanor, his only Eleanor!

I don't want her to be involved in what I want to do next.

The darkness outside belongs to Aaron, the clean whiteness belongs to Eleanor, she is a flower bathed in the sun, and Aaron comes to be the root buried deep in the ground.

Change starts now!


Night, dock area, Stowburg Pier, Black Hook Gang.

Compared to a few months ago, the dock area of ​​Suzal has gradually become deserted. The merger of the Blackfire Gang and the Fishhook Gang is not very peaceful. Even with the support of the Zhentarim, the merger of the two gangs has cost more than a dozen dollars. The cost of human life.

But who cares? Even in the capital of the kingdom, the dock area is a famous place for stolen goods and chaos. Not to mention noble ladies, even civilians know that there is nothing wrong with going to the dock area. It is too normal for someone to die here from time to time. The guards of the capital always Focus on aristocratic areas such as Sanguan District, followed by civilian areas. As for the dock area, who cares?

As long as the dock area can pay taxes on time, the bureaucrats who manage the dock don't pay much attention to it. Occasionally something happens, and the reaction in the dock tax officer's head is: Damn, it's a fight.

Someone got into a fight and got a bloody head. It was a brawl.

Someone died in a fight on the street.

Someone was stabbed eight times in the back at home and died. It was also a case of brawl.

The dock area has its own operating rules for the dock area.

——Original words from Susar

The dock area is very quiet tonight. Except for a few fires, there are almost no people moving. There are not many pedestrians on the streets. Since the end of the Battle of Arabelle, a large number of freight and trade have suddenly stopped, and arms orders have been greatly reduced. In the past few days, People come and go at Yue Wharf. There are endless jobs to be found on the wharf, but now you have to pick and choose when working on the wharf.

Many dock workers who rely on selling coolies are now living very hard. Some people have begun to curse why this war is not fought longer, causing everyone to lose their lives.

So many times, wars not only have negative effects. In many cases, wars even promote prosperity. When the aristocracy spends gold and silver for a certain goal, businessmen see business opportunities, factories have orders, and blacksmiths have jobs. Even dock workers will be short of people to carry bags. When civilians see the hope of rising class, it will lead to the cohesion of national identity.

Of course, war will kill people, and war will bring pain and suffering, but the dock workers and gangs don't care about this. Maybe many Arabels long for peace, and maybe peace is good for the kingdom, but their interests are really affected. No wonder they voted with their feet.

Spring plowing has begun, the lean season in April, everyone's money is tight, and even the price of the warbler standing on the street corner has dropped. In the dock hut near the entrance of the Black Hook Gang headquarters, two gang members are chatting.

One gang member was older, about forty years old, with a fat body, and the other gang member was younger, less than thirty, with a thin body. They sat together, with a dim kerosene lamp hanging on the wall.

The fat guy was the janitor, and the skinny guy was the patroller. The two of them were eating late-night snacks and chatting.

The fat guard complained: There is no longer a war in the north, and our cargo volume has been reduced by 30%. I really don't understand the boss. We obviously have a lot of people, why do we want to merge with those people from Fishhook?

Yes, the volume of goods has not increased. It was fine before, with six people working and four people in charge. Even after the Zhentarim came, they brought their style with them. Now there are four people working. There are six people in charge, but why are there more and more people and fewer and fewer people working? The thin guard also complained: Originally, I planned to expand the manpower, but it turned out that it is better now. The war in the north is over, and the business If we go down, why do we still need so many manpower?

Hey, it doesn't matter. I'm already my age anyway. The fat guard shook his hand: Do your job well and stop complaining. No matter how much you complain, the orcs in the north will not be resurrected.

Yes, it doesn’t matter to you, but it doesn’t matter to me. I’m not even thirty yet!

The thin guard complained to the fat guard in his heart. He thought to himself, why don't you, an old man, just explode the gold coins? You have been working as a janitor for twenty years, so you have saved a lot of money, right?

Considering the relationship between the two parties, the thin guard did not say it to his face, but sighed: Recently, some people have begun to discuss whether they can go out to make a living.

Go out to make a living? The fat doorman looked at the night sea outside. The sea water crashed against the wooden piles on the pier: But where do we need you? Arabelle? Arabelle is not a city by the water.

Hey, listen to me, it's not Arabelle, it's over the Sunset Hills. The thin guard became interested when talking about this matter: Just west of Arabelle, in Sunset Town near Hurek Forest, it is said that Salian Viscount Aaron will be conferred there by His Highness! Isn’t that place close to Feilong Lake?”

His Excellency, Viscount Salian, is he going to be sealed? The fat guard was stunned for a moment, and he quickly asked: But if he was to be sealed, why would he choose Sunset Hills? Hurek Forest is not only haunted, but there are also people in the north. The Pirates of the Moon and the forest tribes to the west.

Who knows? Mr. Aaron has accomplished so many miracles. Anyone who follows him has made a fortune. I also want to try my luck. The thin guard felt an inexplicable confidence when he mentioned this name: He is also He is from a noble family, is a spell caster, and understands business. If he is newly sealed next to the Feilong Water Lake, he must know how to swim, right?

That's for sure. There is a waterway. Who would take the dry road?

Isn't this enough?

Hey, don't be so complacent. There are probably quite a few people who want to follow him to Sunset Hills. I guess it won't be your turn. Even if he wants to choose someone who knows how to swim, the people from the Dragon Tooth Gang will be given priority. considerate!

Tsk, damn Longya Gang!

The two people cursed and talked about the failure to annex the Longya Gang. There were rumors before that there was a shadow of the Susar royal family behind the Longya Gang, but I didn't expect it to be true! After Mr. Aaron appeared in the Dragon Fang Gang a few days ago, the Black Hook Gang's plan to merge with the Dragon Fang Gang was urgently stopped by the big shots of the Zhentarim.

Hey, Duck, do you think our gang will be in trouble?

I don't know. Anyway, just don't miss my guard salary.

You fat boy! Don't you have any ideas?

I've been lying down for a long time, twenty years ago.

The two chatted for a while. The thin guard saw that the time was almost up, so he left the guard room and went to patrol with a kerosene lamp. The fat guard burped, sat in the room, and began to think about his future.

What the fat guard didn't notice was that not far from the end of the pier, a nut appeared bizarrely on the wooden plank bridge lapped by the sea. It rolled back and forth gently, attracting the attention of nearby seabirds.

When seabirds see delicious food, they immediately flap their wings and fly over to swallow the nuts.

A few seconds later.

Suddenly, the fat guard heard a scream, which woke him up from his thoughts. He was startled, and immediately reached out and took down a sailor's scimitar and an inferior firecracker obtained from the gray dwarf from the wall. The strange noise had aroused his alertness.

There has been a lot of fighting between gangs recently. With the support of the Zhentarim, there have been many secret riots in the dock area, and some people have even been assassinated in the street.

The fat guard opened the door carefully and pointed the firegun at the commotion outside the door.

Who is it? Who is there? This is the territory of the Black Hook Gang!

A seabird flapped its wings. It had a white head and a white neck, and its lime-gray wings and shoulders flapped twice as it looked at the fat guard.

Oh, what, it's just a bird. The fat guard let out a long breath. He wiped off the sweat with his hands and planned to return.

However, the seabird flapped its wings and flew directly towards the fat guard's face. It dodged the fat guard's dull scimitar in the air and flew directly to the fat guard's face!

Hey! What are you doing?! The fat guard's face was pressed down by the wings and claws of the seabird. When he tried to struggle and used his hands to pull the seabird off his face, the scene that happened in front of him shocked the man. The old man who had been a doorman for twenty years was so horrified that he stopped breathing.

The seabird's face was split open!

It was not a metaphor, but a real crack. Its face split into two parts from top to bottom, revealing the squirming bright red flesh and mutating tentacles. In the flesh and blood, a huge Eye of Tzeentch was facing Looking into the fat doorman's eyes, several spiked tentacles popped out and pierced the fat doorman's cheeks, pierced his eyes, and stretched out from his mouth and nostrils!

Blood spurted out, and the seabird quickly pulled its body closer to the fat guard's face along its spiked tentacles. It spread its wings and clung to the fat guard's face.

Bang! The fat guard kept struggling, using his last strength to open the safety of the gun, and fired a shot into the sky, completely losing his resistance.

The seabird continued to move on the fat guard's face. Gradually, its body began to change. Its head and neck changed from white to the same flesh color as the fat guard. The outline of the fat guard's facial features appeared on its back. It tightened The ground is pressed against the fat guard's face, and the bird's feathers transform into human skin, adhering to the fat guard's skin, and the two gradually merge into one.

The seabird disappeared, and the fat doorman Dak stood up. He wiped the sweat from his face with his hands. His expression stopped for a moment, and then he immediately put on an impatient expression, exactly the same as the fat doorman before.

The guards heard the gunfire and rushed over: What's wrong, Old Duck?! What happened? Why did you shoot?

Bodalas? Brooke? Hey, I'm fine. The fat guard shook his head and pointed at the seabird carcass on the ground: A bird attacked me, so I fired a shot.

Don't fire casually, you'll scare me to death! Seeing the fact, the guards asked a few words and left.

The fat guard packed up his things and walked towards the headquarters of the Black Hook Gang.

Understood, Your Majesty.

The leader of the Black Hook Gang is called Hrafenbeh, and he has known Old Duck for a long time.

I'll replace him right now.

Updated, please vote!

The Queen's extra story has been written, I'll polish it up in the next few days ()

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