Chapter 401: The True Confrontation!

Time passed unconsciously for three days. In another three days, it was time for the Lingtian Mech Regiment to fight with the Thunder Armor.

When everyone thinks that Lingtian must take the time to practice the team's team, they find that the heads of all the heads of the Lingtian Machine Group, including Ling Lan, are in the same class as usual. It seems that I don’t care about this coming soon, and I decided to decide on the survival of the Mech Group.

Ling Tianji's behavior, so that all the forces that care about them are very puzzled, even if Chaucer, can not judge what the idea of ​​Ling Tianji group.

In fact, Ling Lan did not call all the people who played the team to train the team. It really did not want the list to be exposed to the Thunder Armor Group too early. However, she did not waste these three days. As long as Ling Lan is free, she will simulate the battle scene between Ling Tianji and the Thunder Armor with Xiao Si in her own sea of ​​consciousness.

After three days of repeated scrutiny, basically, all the formations that Chaucer can use, including all kinds of coincidences and luck that each member may explode, have a record. If it appears in the final battle, Linglan will have corresponding countermeasures.

Of course, Ling Lan does not think her team will be worse than the team that Chaucer sent, but in order to ensure the final victory, she is fully prepared. Ling Lan knows very well that there are too many factors in the battle that may change the outcome of the battle. Ling Lan does not want to lose this game because of this. Since the members of Ling Tianji Group believe her, then she Be sure to lead the Lingtian machine group to the peak, and live up to this heavy trust.

And this day. Ling Lan is still on time, she has made a decision in her heart. Until the last day before the final battle, she will gather all the members of the game to gather. Perform the only one-time practice. The reason why Ling Lan is so bold is because she believes that the people she chooses are the genius and enchanting characters in the mech control. One practice is enough.

The morning theory course is coming to an end soon. With the end of this class, it was announced that lunch time had arrived. When the prompts for the class just sounded, after the students sent the mentor to the mentor, some hungry students had already rushed out one step ahead...

"Lan boss. After class." Sitting next to Luo Lang has come to Ling Lan's side and whispered, the hand is very agile to help Ling Lan to pack things.

Ling Lan heard the reminder of Luo Lang, this opened the original half-eyed eyes, just in the classroom, she is doing a new round of deduction with the fourth.

At this time, a tall young man with a little childishness suddenly appeared at the door. He probed the probe at the door and saw Ling Lan, his eyes jerked. Quickly knocked on the door and made a sound, attracting the attention of the students who had not left the classroom.

"Ah, isn't that bad new source?" The students couldn't help but whisper. The Thunder’s suppression of Changxinyuan has spread throughout the military academy, and many newcomers are very much admired for the courage of Changxinyuan. Of course, many people think that Changxinyuan is not self-reliant at all, and even dares to confront Chaucer. I was almost retired from the military academy.

But I have to say that Changxinyuan is very lucky. At the last moment, I encountered a mech master to help, escaped the obstacles set by the Thunderbolt group, and finally got the chance to continue the life of the military school.

However, most military school students are not optimistic about the future of Changxinyuan. Even if Chaucer left the military academy today, as long as the Thunder is still the first force of the military academy, as long as Chaucer did not withdraw the decision of the blockade, Chang Xinyuan’s military school career was Not good, the final result is likely to be dropped out. Because no one believes, Changxinyuan will be so good next time, and once again encounter a powerful mech team to help him do more difficult team tasks in the mech world...

Such a controversial person suddenly appeared in front of them, and the students in the second-grade mechs who controlled the special class could not resist the voice of the argument.

"Lan Boss, is it free now?" Chang Xinyuan did not seem to hear the whispering voices in the classroom. He looked as usual and just shouted to Linglan loudly.

Ling Lan looked at Luo Lang around him and found that he had already packed it up. He nodded to Chang Xinyuan, then stood up and walked out.

Luo Lang quickly followed, Qilong Xie should see, did not hesitate to get up and follow. Ling Lan went to the door, and this said to Chang Xinyuan: "Go!"

Chang Xinyuan sideways, let Ling Lan and his party go ahead, this is followed by Xie Yi left the second-grade mech to control the classroom of the special class.

When Ling Lan and others left, the whole classroom suddenly screamed. Everyone couldn’t stand the gossip, and they asked the students of other Lingtian machine group members in the class. Chang Xinyuan asked Linglan what was going on.

"Wu Hao, what do you think Changxinyuan is looking for in Lan's boss?" Ye Xu saw it and couldn't help but be confused. In his eyes, Lan Lao and the unfortunate often have no connection. However, these two people who are not on the border are clearly concerned.

It turned out that Ling Lan’s membership list, Ling Lan did not disclose to other heads of Ling Tian’s group. Once, Ling Tianji’s group was transformed from the new group, and it was brought to the senior students. There is a rejection psychology, Ling Lan believes that it is better to keep this secret before it is stabilized. Secondly, all the teams in the Lingtian Machine Group do not need to provide a detailed list to the Mech Group. Each team leader only needs to report the number of players. The reason for this is to ensure the autonomy of the team. Secondly, it does not want other forces to have the opportunity to know the true strength of the Lingtian Mech Group.

If Wu Hao thinks: "Maybe, Chang Xinyuan wants to seek asylum." Units and groups can't fight at all. If Chang Xinyuan is smart, even if he refuses to surrender to Chaucer, he needs to find a solid backing. Resist the chaos of Chaucer.

"It seems that Chang Xinyuan also wants to blog. Now, in the entire military academy, in addition to our Lingtian machine group, we have the courage to fight against the Thunder mech group. What other forces dare to come forward to shelter him?" Behind the monk, a mocking The sound of arrogance suddenly sounded.

The monk turned his head like a smile and said to the person who came behind him: "I didn't expect you to understand this."

Li Yingjie heard the words. I screamed at the monk: "Don't you think I am stupid?"

Wu Hao laughed and said nothing. The ridicule in the eyes was exposed, which made Li Yingjie angry. He violently patted the table and angered: "I didn't want to see you in general before!"

"I know that you used to be able to balance everything because of your strength, so you don't need any kind of strategy at all." Wu Ying saw Li Yingjie who was fried, and quickly raised his hand to make a surrender, and the exit comforted.

"Know it!" Li Yingjie raised his head proudly. He thought that Wu Hao said it was right. If it weren't for the first men's military school to gather all the geniuses of the federation, let Li Yingjie Alexander have to make a compromise. So doing things must be calculated. This kind of troublesome thing, he is very disliked. You know, he likes to speak with his fists and use his strength to convince those who disagree with their Lingtian Mech Group.

Ye Feng saw Li Yingjie, who was proud of himself. He suddenly lowered his head and his shoulders shook uncontrollably. When the monk saw it, he kicked the kick and kicked it, letting him converge.

Ye Xu is not easy to hold back the smile, looked up and said to the monk: "Captain. I have to leave beforehand, you talk." In order to avoid being discovered, Ye Xu decided to withdraw first.

When the monk saw it, he said: "Ye Feng. Just as I have something to ask you to discuss the team, Li Yingjie, let's take a step. Let's talk again next time."

Li Yingjie stunned and said, "Oh. Know."

When Wu Hao and Ye Xu left the classroom, Li Yingjie suddenly thought of something. Suddenly roared loudly: "Wuhan, you bastard, even mocking me, you stand for me..." After that, he did not hesitate to lift his legs and chase it up...

In the mech control class, several other members of the Lingtian team shrugged their faces in the face of the students' horrified inquiries. This kind of picture often appears between the head of the martial arts and the head of the group. However, the two of them have never fallen out of their way. On the contrary, the relationship is much more harmonious than that of other secrets. It proves again that the confrontation of words has Time is also a way to promote friendship.

"Qin Yi, you are in the Lingtian machine group, the two heads are so close, there is no problem?" A student near Qin Yi, could not help but ask. He is accustomed to the other ranks, and even if he is dissatisfied, he will not be able to do so. He will not be able to do so. The general manager will show that the team is peaceful, a false smile, and the irony of the red fruit of Ling Tianji Group. So fascinating...

While Qin Yi packed up his own things, he smiled and said: "There is something wrong with Lan's boss on it, and the following can't be messed up. Besides, Li's character, who we don't know, his roots are us. The secret of the team's disclosure, even if he is himself, is very clear about this."

"There is one more point. The other heads of our Lingtian machine group may not be able to accept each other. However, as long as Lan Lan’s order is given, we will not forget that we are from a team. This is how we have grown together for more than a decade. The trust and friendship that will not fall apart because of these..."

How can the students of the Scouting Center College be forgotten, led by Lan’s boss, and made the feats again and again, and now they are about to usher in new challenges, the most powerful force of the first men’s military school, Thunder Mech The regiment finally became their next goal of conquest. It is really exciting to think about it. Which newcomer who just came in dared to confront the most powerful veteran forces? They did it when they were still in the new group. Which newly formed mech group dared to fight the most powerful old machine group? They Ling Tianji group dare... Every decision of Lan boss has brought a new record, and this record, Qin Yi believes, will never stop. (To be continued...)

Ps: Today's daughter is fierce and sleeps late. Although she hastened thousands of times, she still passed 12 o'clock. Even one is not guaranteed. The promised double is even more unsuccessful. I really can't help it. If the parents are still not sleepy, you can wait, because my second is more code, but only get around 2 o'clock to get better.

There are, then recommend a friend to open Wen Wen: Title: Wang deep house wife, ISBN: 3323803, author: Wind Solutions I, Introduction: I rebirth, **** away from the men! Overhead text, there are not a few chapters at the beginning, parents can first collect nutrients!

Looking at the man who crosses the future is not good as the latest chapter to Changfeng Literature ()

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