"I am also very happy, you are getting stronger and stronger..." No. 9 tutor praised the authenticity.

Ling Lan just wanted to reply, and he heard the fifth instructor standing on the side and coughed heavily. Ling Lan and the No. 9 instructor turned back in unison and gave him a sneak peek.

The No. 5 instructor touched his nose very innocently: "I just remind you, now I have to solve Xiaolinglan's momentum problem, time is not waiting for people..."

The No. 9 instructor heard the words, once again cold eyes stabbed the No. 5, and the anger in his eyes made the No. 5 have to wave again and again, indicating that he had a mouthful. Perhaps it is really a thing, a metamorphosis on the 5th, so that the other mentors are extremely alert, so far away, even the number one, but also on the fifth. On the 9th, I was not on the 5th. The only thing that could make the face of the 5th look ugly, but let the 5th have nothing to do with her, never had to deal with the No. 9...

However, the reminder on the 5th also let the 9th know her task here. She said to Ling Lan: "Ling Lan, you should first look at my ability."

When the voice just fell, I saw the fingers of No. 9 and suddenly ignited five clusters of light blue flames. It was clear that there should be a heat of heat, but it was strangely spreading a bitter chill. Ling Lanyi’s awkwardly retracted his hand, and the No. 9 tutor was not as half-truth as the No. 5 instructor said. Since the Nineth Mentor said this, it means that the blue flame can do all this and devour any energy. This is really horrible.

Seeing Ling Lan no longer move the manual foot, the 9th continues to say: "This is my natural awakening, the property of my awakening, in fact, like you, is a water attribute, a kind of variation, but you are awakened Ice edge. And I am awakened by the ice flame."

"Ice Flame?" Ling Lan was confused. She knew that there are three forms of water. Gaseous, liquid, and solid, solid is her talented ice system. The gaseous state generally refers to the fog system, and the liquid state is the normal form of water, but it has never been heard, and the water system has another variation branch ice flame.

"At the beginning of my awakening, talent is not this form." Seeing Ling Lan's face confused, the cold and serious face of No. 9 showed a smile, which made the whole person appear bright on the 9th. Also let the fifth side of the side, the eyes are different. In the face of Ling Lan's sorrow, No. 9 did not explain, just let Ling Lan seriously look at the blue flame on her finger. I saw the blue flame that radiated the ultimate chill, and began to change color, slowly changing from blue to light blue, and then turned into a transparent flame. It gradually turns yellow and dark yellow. Orange, finally turned red, then turned into a deep red, and finally, it turned into a dark black flame, and even Linglan was surprised that as the color changes, from the extreme chill, the temperature slowly Rising, and finally slowly becoming hot, especially when changing black, Ling Lan couldn't resist the heat that seemed to burn everything, and involuntarily retreated three steps, which was able to withstand the compelling heat.

"Nineth mentor, what is going on here?" This is definitely not a water property...

"You feel it, yes, I am actually a double-attribute awakening. The awakening is a water-fire attribute that the world thinks is incompatible. From the beginning of the awakening, my instructor judges me and can never become a field master, because my Two kinds of awakening talents, each other against each other, can't be compatible with each other, forcibly upgrade, once the two energies are confronted, my end will be explosive and dying..." No. 9 recalled when the instructor was sentenced I completely lost my confidence. If it was not the number one, I am afraid that there would be no such person.

There are so many dreams, the competition is too fierce, and it can't be a strong one. It can only become a knockout, which makes her always good.

Ling Lan heard his eyes flashing up: "So, the ninth mentor finally found the mystery that makes the water and fire compatible?" Because Ling Lan is clear, the No. 9 tutor is a domain-level master.

"Yeah, I said to me on the 1st, since God made these two kinds of talents awaken at the same time, there must be a way to make the two compatible, not desperate. The predecessors can't do it. It is because there is no way to find the right method, not impossible. It is necessary to understand that existence is the reason.” On the 9th, the first teacher’s words were told to Ling Lan. On the 9th, there was some embarrassment and confusion, but Ling Lan. But it was a move, this is not what her predecessor said: Avenue 50, Tian Yan forty-nine, is one of them? It means that no matter what, there will always be a chance in the dark.

On the 9th, I don’t know if Ling Lan understood her. She continued: “Since then, I have studied how to make the properties of the fire and water incompatible. I have suffered a lot of injuries, even many times, I I almost entered the ghost gate. Until I once, the water property is hard to become the ultimate cold..."

"Cold?" Hearing a strange saying, Ling Lanton felt that this might be the key point.

On the 9th, the eye was satisfied, Ling Lan’s comprehension was super strong, and he could always catch the key points. She smiled and nodded. “Yes, in fact, there are two ways to change the water from normal to gaseous. One is to use high temperature. It turns into moisture, and the other is based on extreme cold, so that the water that solidifies into ice is excited into a gas, which is what I call the cold..."

Ling Lan certainly understands this, she nodded.

When the No. 9 instructor saw Ling Lan nod, she said that she did understand, so she continued: "When I turned the water property into the ultimate cold, I tried to let the cold into the flame. You should know that the flame burned. It will generate heat, but the cold will compress this heat indefinitely..."

"Is this not another contradiction?" Ling Lan frowned and asked.

"Yeah, one heat is generated but the heat is removed. It seems that they can't coexist with each other, but when the temperature of the flame is getting colder?" No. 9 seems to be interested in assessing Ling Lan's thinking ability. Instead of saying the answer directly, I threw the question to Ling Lan.

"In general, as long as the heat at the center of the flame is guaranteed, in theory, the flame will not disappear." Ling Lan thought about returning. "However, the heat of the flame is maintained. The answer is not unified. Less scientists even proposed that the flame can be maintained in negative degrees, but this theory is currently not supported by actual data, which is a pioneering theory." Ling Lan looked for relevant theories in her mind, and she said that her eyes were bright. In the end, she was pleasantly surprised: "Is the No. 9 instructor really finding the data that can maintain the flame with negative degrees?"

The No. 9 tutor was satisfied with the nod: "Yeah, when I will try to lower the temperature of the flame, once the temperature becomes lower, the flame will become weaker and weaker, and even the final failure will be completely extinguished. However, I feel that this may be My way out, after six years of repeated research, I finally succeeded in cooling the flames. I no longer have that kind of burning sensation. When the flames get cold, it means that the contradiction with water is reduced to the lowest point. Then I spend After five years, I finally integrated the water chill into the cold flame. I just didn't expect that the successful fusion of water and fire turned into an ice flame that could devour all energy... This thing, even I feel a little scary." The No. 9 tutor said that he couldn’t help but smile.

At first she just wanted to simply integrate the water and fire properties and successfully promoted to the field powerhouse. However, it is a mistake and a horrible killing. Every time she makes her talent, she has to think twice. Because once she used it, she said that she would not die with the other party. You know, when the ice flame comes out, there is no living.

"I tell you this, just want to tell you that there is no absolute thing in this world, just like you are too rigid, although it is contrary to your body's own attributes, but it is not unsolved. Maybe to reach the body It may be difficult to be one, but I believe that as long as you have patience and careful research, once you find the commonality between the two, it is time for you to completely solve the problem." The 9th instructor finally said her purpose, she The new saying is that for Ling Lan, I want Linglan not to be discouraged, don't be impatient, and slowly.

"Thank you, Master No. 9!" Ling Lan was moved, and sincerely grateful to No. 9. Even the most difficult water and fire can be compatible with each other. Her physical fitness and momentum are definitely not unsolvable problems.

"Xiao Linglan, now I understand, since you want to go your own way, then you have to rely on your own strength to solve this problem, and we can't help you." At this time, I have been doing the wall painting five. The instructor, opened his mouth with a smile.

"Thank you for the 5th mentor." Ling Lan turned to the No. 5 instructor, but compared to the No. 9 came, obviously not so sincere, almost let the smile of the No. 5 mentor face.

"Ling Lan, since you understand, then go back! Just like on the 5th, everything can only rely on yourself." On the 9th, the expression on the 5th is stiff and stiff~www.ltnovel.com~Fear five The number of hate Ling Lan, quickly opened the Ling Lan to leave the study space, the look of the guardian scorpion made the fifth eye secretly turned a blind eye... Is he so careful? Uh? It seems that it is true, and the best thing to know about him is the sister of the 9th. On the 5th, I felt a thoughtful smile on my chin.

Seeing the fifth and revealing this strange smile, the 9th is even more dangerous. She will never let Ling Lan suffer the fifth. So she decisively pushed Ling Lan hard, and Ling Lan felt that she was black.

"Xiao Linglan, remember, the key to solving is the road you choose. Hurry up and think clearly, what is your path?" In the chaos, Ling Lan seems to hear the 5th tutor said this in her ear. In a word. This made Ling Lan feel awkward. When was the No. 5 instructor so kind?

It seems that for a long time, it seems that it is only in the blink of an eye. When Ling Lan resumed consciousness again, she has already arrived in the real world. She looked at the time displayed on the contact on the wrist. Well, it was just that time, just a few seconds away. Ten seconds.

Ps: The update is late today, please forgive me.

In addition, I recommend my friend's text: Ye Caoxin's "Farming Farm", crossing the farmhouse, pk reborn! Dears who like ancient sayings can go and see. ()

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