Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 396: : Stepping stones and the chicken!

"Gao Yunyun's suggestion is very accurate. One person's mech warfare is indeed the most beneficial to us. On the contrary, the human team fights. It is the most unfavorable for us. Although we set up the mech group, the large mechs fight us. I have not experienced it. I believe that in the mech world, the most experienced of you is only a cooperative battle of four people. There are even many people who have only contacted the small team task of 6-1 people."

Ling Lan’s questioning made some people nod in the place. Indeed, except for individual people, these captains’ strength is not enough for them to participate in large-scale team tasks. There is really no experience in this regard.

"If Chaucer is simply a shame that needs a victory to wash the Thunder and loses to us, he should choose a larger team of more insured people to fight. However, as far as I know, Chaucer is very lonely and confident, even some arbitrarily acting. To defeat us with this insurance method may be a shame for him."

Ling Lan said here, paused, and then continued: "The reason why he challenged us at this time is that we are really afraid that we will use this opportunity to grow up. Second, their fifth-grade legion assessment will be To start, Chaucer probably wants to use this challenge before the assessment, and engrave his name on the history honor list of the military academy... In order to achieve this goal, he will not even fight the 4 battalions. Choice, it is only possible to choose a one-person team challenge that reflects the most personal abilities." Speaking of it. Ling Lan seems to have no pressure at all, and does not care to pull the cuffs of his right hand, and his attitude is indifferent. She continued: "As for the special division, he will not choose. The players who play with him should be senior mechs. This challenge is his personal exhibition game. Those players are just for the village. His strong background."

Ling Lan said here, the corner of his mouth could not help but reveal a hint of ridicule. It is actually the easiest to deal with the enemy who is high in self-esteem. He always thought that Chaucer might be the biggest enemy of her military school. It seems to be the easiest one to deal with now. I hope that after this challenge, Chaucer will not be lost! Ling Lan finally found a rival who is quite a fan, and didn't want to finish it.

"Ah. Isn't he looking down on our Lingtian machine group?" Ling Lan's words made people in the place angry, and his face was full of anger, many people even roared. If, as Ling Lan said, Chaucer made this choice, absolutely indicating that they are not in the eyes of Chaucer.

In the face of the anger of the audience, Ling Lan once again looked down, no more meaning. On the side of Xie Yi, knowing that his boss has no interest in explaining it, he immediately explained to his boss that “Is there any concern about a gossip news recently?” Xie Yi is not clear. Why haven’t the words of their own bosses have become less and less in this year, just to communicate with them with their eyes and movements. However, the effect is not bad. The team members can almost understand the meaning that the boss wants to express. However, although the tacit understanding is getting better and better, the pressure on the team members is getting bigger and bigger. I don’t know when I will be taken to the side by the boss. People are jealous.

Xie Yi’s words brought the attention of everyone together again. Today, Xie Yi is not only a member of the Linglan team, but also a diplomat of the Linglan team. What Xie Yi said is often what the Linglan team wants to express, and they can't let them down.

Just when everyone was confused and didn't know which one Xie Yi was referring to, Xie Yi once again said: "I heard that Qiao Wei has been trying hard to chase soul singer Li Yinfei, but Li Yinfei is high-profile. Announced that her future companion will be the invincible king. Only by reaching this one, she is also qualified to pursue her. In order to become the king of Li Yinfei’s mind, to qualify for the other side, Chaucer must speak with excellent results. He wants to be the king of the military school, and let him be stained by the king, it is our newly established Lingtian machine group. In order to prove that he is the king of the real military school, he can only use the roller compact Victory also comes to wash the shame, so he can only use the way that Lan boss said to challenge, the beauty is wrong." Xie Yi smiled and sighed, so many people in the room could not help but laugh.

At this time, at the corner of the stairs on the second floor, a black shadow was standing in the dark corner. When I heard Xie Yi’s words, the body couldn’t help but tremble a little, but it quickly stood still. It seems that the scene just now is just an illusion.

"Just obsessed with that face? It seems that my speculation is accurate. Chaucer really is the abominable king..." The shadows of the shadows flashed a disgust, and the murder came out, but soon disappeared. It’s full of bitterness. He is still a special master, and how to solve the other side, he is still too weak.

Soon, the black shadow recovered from the blow, and the eyes became firm again. He believed that as long as he worked hard according to the arrangement of the rabbit, one day he would become stronger and reach the same strength as Chaucer. At that time, he Be sure to break the embarrassment in person.

After Xie Yi and other people laughed and gradually stopped, this continued: "Of course, Qiao's idea is very good, personally broke the grievances with us, sat on the throne of the military school king, with this prestige, directly into A certain legion was greatly appreciated, and then sang all the way, step by step, and finally became the veritable king of the entire mech world, winning the heart of Li Yinfei, the great beauty. It must be said that Qiao Yi’s first hand is a good calculation and will us The Tianji Group became a solid stepping board... However, our Lingtian machine group is not a cartilage head. If you want to see it, you can be embarrassed..." Here, Xie Yi’s smile disappeared completely. There is a hint of coldness in the faint, and there is a bit of chill in the boss.

It turned out that I had been with Lan Lao for a long time, and I could inherit the unique trick of Lan Lao. Even Xie Yi, who has always been smiling, can make people feel so cold when they are cold-faced... Everyone quietly looks at Ling Lan, who is sitting on the main chair with a cold face and expressionless face, and confirms again, Lan Laoda Sure enough, domineering, the influence is too strong.

Xie Yi’s remarks finally made everyone understand why the Lan Lao Conference judged that Chaucer would challenge the team with one person. Everyone can't help but admire. The most deeply touched is the monk, who looked at Ling Lan's eyes with admiration, but also with a bit of frustration.

The longer he gets along with Ling Lan, the more he feels that Ling Lan is unfathomable. After the establishment of Ling Tianji Group, Wu Hao knows very well that Ling Lan is the first leader. In fact, he has nothing to do with it. The real management of Ling Tianji Group is He is martial. But when the Thunder Machine Group issued a gauntlet, when he was full of flustered, Ling Lan had calmly collected information and materials related to Thunder and Chaucer. Some news and news that did not seem to match the world, he ignored the past. Ling Lan can see some clues and quickly grasp and judge the possible behavior of the opponent. Obviously, in the overall situation, he still can't compare with Ling Lan.

Thinking of this, Wu Hao couldn't help but look at Gao Xiaoyun, who has already recovered his low profile. This person has been very low-key in the team, so low-key that they have ignored him, but regardless of the Lan Lan, he can see his at a glance. Advantages, among so many people, only point his name to let him speak, this sharp eyesight also makes the monk admire and envy, in mining talent, he is also not as good as Ling Lan.

The monk looked very clearly. The interaction between Ling Lan and Gao Xiaoyun was not arranged in advance, because the surprise and excitement on Gao Xiaoyun's face could not be faked, unless Gao Yunyun was a natural actor, acting arrived at a seamless environment, otherwise It's impossible to do this.

Sure enough, my father’s right, with a good strongman, did allow him to learn a lot of things he couldn’t learn before, and realized the weaknesses he couldn’t recognize before... but father, when one is strong enough to make people When looking up, how can he still have the courage to fight against each other? The monk can't help but smile.........

The Lingtian Mech Group reached a consensus and had only to take action. Sure enough, Chaucer did not give too much time for Ling Tianji Group. The next day, Ling Tianji Group received a notice from the head of the military school. Sure enough, as Ling Lan expected, the Thunder Machine Group chose the one-man team's mech challenge, and the captain of the team was Chaucer.

Behind the main brain notice, the Lingtian machine group and the Thunder machine group must be reminded that after three days, the list of official participants will be submitted to the main brain.

In fact, when Ling Lan judged that Chaucer would choose a one-man team challenge, he already had a list of players in the game, but she did not announce it. Once she wanted to see it again, is there anything missing? Second, she did not want to let the Thunder know the list and make a coping adjustment.

Since Chaucer is going to use Ling Tianji Group as his stepping stone to do the hegemony don't blame her for turning the Thunder Machine Group into the Linguji Machine Group. The chicken is used.

At the headquarters of the Thunder Machine Group, what Chaucer seemed to be waiting for, finally someone hurriedly walked into the headquarters from the outside. Seeing this person appear, Chaucer's original serious face suddenly loosened.

"Is there a list of the Lingtian machine group?" A person next to Qiao Wei quickly asked, as Chaucer's confidant, he knew exactly what Chaucer wanted to know now.

"No, the list of battles is in the hands of their heads. Even the captain below, it is not clear who will eventually play, but it is certain that several heads will participate, and the remaining places should be from the respective captains. Selection." The camer wiped a cold sweat on his forehead and spent almost three days, but still did not find a real list, which made him a little timid, will not be blamed by his own head.

Ps: The first one today! Then is to recommend the friend's text, and the debts owed too much, a little bit still, tears ing! "Fukuda left women" ISBN: 3148767, author: Shujiao Introduction: agglomeration plant extracts, killing God save the horse most love it (pre-micro abuse, back to the main farming business, different abilities, different " Fukuda"). Don't forget to support the parents who like to farm! ()

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