Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 394: : Thunder's challenge book!

It’s such a simple matter, it’s very difficult to go to Changxinyuan. His hand speed has been stuck at the highest value of the intermediate hand speed. You know that if you improve it for one second, you can be judged to advance. Senior machine officer. But this is the second, so that Changxin source can't help.

When Ling Lan knew that Chang Xinyuan couldn't break through the speed of the hand, it was known that Chang Xinyuan encountered a bottleneck in talent. This is not a substitute for training. To break through requires an opportunity. Ling Lan I don't know where this opportunity is. After Chang Xinyuan knew about this situation, the entire NPC was hit and it was very decadent. Fortunately, the rest of the team often asked him to do things, and used the busy transformation to let Chang Xinyuan forget this blow, which saved the genius of the genius reformer.

Chang Xinyuan’s problem is just waiting for an opportunity. Although this opportunity seems very ethereal, at least there is opportunity.

In the squad, Li Yuyu’s manipulative talent is very good, but he put all his thoughts on the pharmacy research. If it’s not Linglan’s hard command, every member of the squad will practice the armor every day for no less than two hours. I’m afraid Li Yuyu will not Go to practice the mech control. Ling Lan after the invasion of the air raid. It is clear that on the battlefield, under the special masters, they are all cannon fodder. In order for the team members to survive as much as possible, it is safe to let them advance to the special division before graduation.

Zhao Wei's mech control ability is in the squad, except for Ling Lan. The strongest one, and he is like Zilong. He is a crazy addict who is manipulative, and he often participates in the mechs of the Promise Mech, and his combat experience is better than Qilong. This made Ling Lan very reassured to him, I believe that even the other members of the team lost the chain at the crucial moment. Zhao Wei will not.

Sometimes trust does not take too long to develop. Zhao Wei’s character made Ling Lan accept him very quickly. It is undeniable that Zhao Wei’s friend of Li Lanfeng is also an important reason. In short, Zhao Lan is considered by Ling Lan to be a person who can be trusted. Of course, in order to truly integrate into the Ling Tian team, Zhao Wei still needs to continue to work hard. Since Ling Lan decided to set up the team, of course, the team will not be allowed to have weaknesses. She asked for an opportunity to talk about Li Lanfeng. Perhaps Li Lanfeng had a blind trust in Ling Lan. When Ling Lan asked him about his physical condition, Li Lanfeng did not hide it and directly told Ling Lan about his actual situation.

The facts are as Ling Lan expected. Li Lanfeng is indeed because of the mental strength is too strong, the body can not bear the sequelae left behind. Just like the Linglan of previous life. Fortunately, there are genetic agents in the world, as well as various physical exercises to improve the physical fitness, so that Li Lanfeng does not have to die like Ling Lan’s past life. Even so, his body has not really improved, and has been in a state of extreme weakness.

According to the truth, Li Lanfeng's body does not allow him to take the path of the mech trainer. When Ling Lan asked Li Lanfeng why he should choose this kind of behavior that is obviously suicidal behavior, Li Lanfeng once silenced and seemed to have a hard time. In the end, he just said bitterly, he wants to be a strong, can really control his own destiny.

When Li Lanfeng said this, his eyes were obviously with a hint of embarrassment, but more was decided. Perhaps, he decided to take this road, there is no certainty, but he does not want to succumb to fate, even if he pays the price of life, he must fight once.

Seeing such a Li Lanfeng, Ling Lan could not help but think of herself. Although she was forced to disguise her as a man, but then what she did, her efforts are not to really control her own destiny.

Ling Lan feels the same, she thinks of Li Lanfeng's identity, he is even worse than himself, just a side of the Li family. Although it is not clear what family Li is, but she has seen a lot of small talks in her previous life, I can imagine that a younger brother who wants to really get the right to speak and be a free man must have a family. Uncontrollable strength. Otherwise, they can only be used as a tool for family use, and may even become a victim of the family at certain necessary moments.

Ling Lan, who knew it in his heart, decided not to ask Li Lanfeng. After all, it was Li Lanfeng’s private affairs. Ling Lan didn’t want to touch each other’s wounds. However, for Li Lanfeng to die, he must become a strong person to determine his own destiny, so Ling Lan appreciates it. The person she recognized is really not a coward!

Since Li Lanfeng has this kind of courage, Ling Lan has spared no effort to help his good friends. She carefully developed a training program for Li Lanfeng to enhance her physical fitness, and she also taught Li Lanfeng without hesitation. However, the effect is not as good as Ling Lan's imagination. Compared to Ling Lan, who has been practicing from the mother's womb, Li Lanfeng, who is already 20 years old, has cultivated it and can hardly see any effect.

However, Li Lanfeng was very fortunate because of the genetic modification provided by Li Yuyu. After the improvement of Xiaosi, the medicine was upgraded to 100% purity, and Li Lanfeng’s fragile body could be absorbed 100%. Li Lanfeng’s body gradually became better. However, I have always insisted on practicing and raising my body and mind, and I have begun to show its effects. The physique slowly improved, which made Li Lanfeng ecstatic, and the chronic illness that had plagued him for 20 years finally saw the hope of recovery.

After a year of hard work, Li Lanfeng's physique can not be compared with a strong armor, but it is no longer the disease that can only control the armor for about ten minutes. Li Lanfeng's time to control the mechs in the fierce battle increased from the original ten minutes to twenty minutes. If the status is better, the support time will be longer. At these times, it is already possible to support a small mech battle.

This also shows. At present, all kinds of mechs, Li Lanfeng will never become a weakness of the team, Ling Lan is very satisfied with this.

Although the Lingtian team has such problems, in general, the situation of the team is still developing in a good direction. Ling Tianji Group, under the efforts of the various captains, is gradually getting on the right track. It is here. A challenge book suddenly landed on the head of the Lingtian Mechs, breaking the calm of the entire military school.

In the accommodation villa in Linglan. All the heads and captains of the Lingtian Metrino Group came together. They came for one thing, and that was how to deal with the challenge book from the Thunder Machine Group.

Yes, this challenge book. It is the strongest force from the military school - Thunder machine group!

The challenge book circulated by everyone is made of paper. Of course, the real challenge book, Thunder Machine Group has applied to the main brain of the military. As the head of the Lingtian machine group, Ling Lan received the SMS notification from the main brain at the first time. However, Lei Wang was very arrogant, and made such a paper challenge book. He personally sent people to the second-grade school building and handed it to the head of the Ming Dynasty.

The monk is very clear about the purpose of the other party's behavior, he wants to declare the whole school. The failure of the battle against Taiwan a year ago, they have to choose revenge this time.

Wu Hao understands the purpose of the other party, but must bite his teeth. Ling Tianji Group has just been established. If this time to avoid the war, Ling Tianji Group will inevitably become the laughing stock of the whole school, let alone, and rise from this.

When all the captains read the challenge book again, the challenge book returned to the monk's hands again.

The monk once again saw the big signature in the final of the challenge book, and the heart could no longer bear the anger. Hate said: "I originally thought that the four forces had suffered heavy losses after the invasion of the air raid last year. They need to cultivate and raise their interest, and certainly have no time to pay attention to us. Therefore, they want to take advantage of it and set up a mech group early. To develop our power, I did not expect this Chaucer to see through our plan. When we have not yet stabilized, we directly issued this challenge book... He obviously wants to defeat us in one fell swoop and completely disintegrate our mech group. It’s awful!” Say, his right hand, who couldn’t stand the anger, couldn’t help but anger the armrests of his seat, and the force directly hit the handrails out of several cracks.

Lin Zhongqing, who is not far behind Linglan, couldn’t help but see his face, and he was heartbroken: Hey, 3000 credit points disappeared like this...

The words of the monk also caused Li Yingjie's anger. He was originally an arrogant person. Without the worries of the monk, he directly said: "Joe, the bastard, knowing that we don't have a ace, I don't even avoid it. I personally challenge myself. In order to win, he has been shameless at all."

Sitting in the opposite of Li Yingjie, Qi Long, heard Li Yingjie's roar, his face showed a smile, seemingly agrees with Li Yingjie's words, but only he knows that he just laughs and is clever and cleverly wrong ~ www.mtlnovel. Com~ thought that he was winning, but he didn't know that he had to deal with the opponent. His boss was already a ace. If you say that the other side may have a chance of winning a year ago, but now, he does not think that Chaucer still has a chance.

Li Yingjie’s words have been resonated with everyone, and several other captains have roared up, and it’s too shameful to be Chaucer.

Only the sorghum cloud sitting in the outer circle did not join the roar, but looked seriously in his face... At this moment, Ling Lan’s originally closed eyes suddenly opened, coldly Scanned a circle. The cold-eyed sight made the roar in the hall suddenly stop.

All the people present were cold and sweaty. The power of Lan’s boss was stronger every day. Now, with one eye, they can make them feel dangerous. Not only that, but the surrounding temperature is frozen.

Ps: This is the first! There should be no problem in completing the two today! Keep on cheering!

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