Chapter 389: Li Yinfei!

When Ling Lan arrived at the accommodation area, the entire battlefield had reached the final finishing work. The high-hanging squats are like a mountain to the invaders. They are overwhelmed by the pressure, and as long as they attempt to die, the beam of the scorpion will hit the other side without mercy and kill directly.

This kind of combat power makes all invaders completely devoid of war. The reason why they did not put down their arms and surrender is because they still hold the last glimmer of hope in their hearts, and pray that the fleet in the sky can land new planets, block the smashing, and save them. go.

Of course, they were finally disappointed, because the ground forces quickly transferred the pictures from the satellites that resumed communication to them, and when they saw their last hopes, the four major fleets that were being rushed at this time were surrounded by the four major fleets. There was no such luck, and they laid down their weapons and announced their surrender. They became captives of the Chinese Federation.

Because there is no starship, the mech below the Emperor's mech, there is no way to rely on the power of the mech itself, to get rid of gravity and return to the starry sky. Therefore, if they do not choose to surrender, the final outcome can only be the battlefield. Not everyone can do the same, so when the first person puts down the weapon, others follow the weapon, which also means that the airstrike war is finally over.

The ground forces quickly received the captives of these surrenders, began to clean up the battlefield, and searched for the surviving soldiers, while the accommodation area, after a brief panic, under the leadership of the mentor, began self-help. The gun of the Imperial Master made the military school students suffer heavy casualties. For a time, the entire military school fell into a sad and depressed atmosphere.

The war on the ground came to an end, but the battles in the stars were in full swing. The reason why the four major fleets rushed to the new planet so quickly was because of Ling Xiao’s sake.

When Ling Xiao controlled to rush to the new planet, he also sent rescue orders to the four major fleets. Although Ling Xiao is not sure what happened to the new planet, Ling Lan used this method to transmit news. Ling Xiao believes that the situation of the new planet must have been very bad. Ling Xiao initially suspected that the horror of Warcraft around the new planet appeared. The riots, so I want the four major fleets to take the military students out of the new planet to ensure their safety.

Wrong and wrong, when Ling Xiao arrived in the outer space of the new planet, he found countless non-star ships, and immediately understood that this must be an invasion war. Ling Xiao thought that the four major fleets were coming, and worried about the safety of their daughters, they abandoned these starships and sneaked into the new planet from the eye of the starship. I have to say that the god-level mech is really terrible, completely shielding my own signals and images, leaving many starships unconscious, and finally quietly sneaked into the new planet.

The final result, facing the encirclement of the four major fleets, the enemy's starship team is of course completely annihilated. Even if a few starships escaped from the encirclement and fled the new planet, they were chased by the four major fleets.

It must be said that the invasion of the new planet, in an attempt to obliterate the hope of the future of the Federation, has already touched the top scales of all the top leaders of the Federation. No matter the government or the military, no matter which faction, it has issued a murder order. Even if the faction has such a dispute of interest, the protection of the future of the Federation is a common goal. Therefore, everyone has chosen the same approach, using **** means to shock the countries around them, telling them that the Chinese Federation is not What they think is so irritating.

The last invasion war ended with the invaders annihilated. The casualties of the new planet also shocked the federal government and the military. The ground forces sacrificed more than half of the troops, and the various armored teams were almost disabled. They are sad that 100,000 military school students have sacrificed a whole 8,000 people in this battle. These are the excellent seeds of the various branches of the future, but they have not been on the battlefield, and they are in the military school. This is their sin.

Such a huge fleet can sneak into the federal government and reach the new planet. There is no doubt that certain departments of the federal government must have problems. The price of blood has caused the federal government and the military to decide not to appease. The president and the three marshals of the military have signed. A common order was set up to directly clean up spies in the federal government, and even some locusts that disregarded national interests for personal gain were also cleaned up.

This action is called the blood-staining movement, the means of iron and blood, so that those who are lucky enough to escape the search and scouts are scared and scared, and they dare not act again. This makes the Union surprisingly smooth in the subsequent revenge war. Quickly harvested the results.

Of course, there are many doubts about the emergence of the cymbal inside the military on the new planet. After all, thousands of light years away, the ridges of the 23rd Army are being built, and why did they appear on the new planet at that time. However, Ling Xiao appeared too timely, and the order to convene the four major fleets was very accurate, recovering the fault loss of the federal minimum of five years.

This result makes the Federal President and the three marshals very gratified, absolutely worthy of merit. However, they recalled Ling Xiao to ask the reason. When they knew that Ling Xiao was worried about his son’s discomfort in the military academy, he laughed when he pretended to be a member of the assessment team.

They laughed too much for their sons, and also fortunate that Ling Xiao rushed to the new planet for this reason. The president and the three marshals are very clear that if there is no enlightenment, the invasion war will definitely be won by the other party. At that time, they will receive the news that the first men’s military academy was completely erased. This result appears, they seem to It is necessary to resign and resign in order to extinguish the anger of all the people in the Federation.

Even so, the deaths and injuries of military school students have reached more than 8,000. Fortunately, the government’s crisis public relations is very powerful, and the focus of the people has been transferred to the enemy, especially tens of thousands of prisoners. It is known that many people participated in the invasion. Suddenly, the federal people’s strong indignation was aroused. The anti-war voice in the federal government disappeared without a trace. The rate of participation in the army, which has been decreasing year by year, has increased several times in the month.

This made the president and the military suddenly relieved. In order to comfort the angry people, the president and the three marshals finally reached an end, and issued an order to attack the Dolan League in full. That is the enemy who found the enemy in this invasion war. The weakest country in the league.

Perhaps the fear of the federal exposure of their actions, affecting the image of the super-powerful stalwart of the superpower, the singular empire unexpectedly silenced the Chinese Federation to send troops to Dolan, and the Chinese Federation knows that the culprit is the Dossier, but because of fear of two Once a superpower has a war, the entire human world will enter another world war. Therefore, the Huaxia Federation once again tolerated this tone and decided to recover this evil from the accomplices.

Just as the Federation sent troops to Dolan, the requiem of the military school students who died innocently died, "The Night of Tranquility" quickly spread from the virtual world. Perhaps the lyrics are very close to the military school students and the hearts of the family members. Sadness, melody and sorrow are strong, so that the singer will suddenly become the favorite singer of the military school students...

Because there was no secret support from the empire, no secret agent secretly leaked the federal military action plan, and the federal attack on Dolan was very smooth. One month later, the Dolan League was leveled and the Dolan was officially placed in the federal territory. This victory made the Federation suddenly fall into the carnival. The sorrow of the original invasion of the air raid military school was reduced a lot.

After a month's over-excession, not only the anger of the federal military people gradually subsided, but the internal stability of the first men's military school that had recovered was also calm and anger from the beginning, and the eyes of each student were full of horror. Anger and worry, and gradually calmed down, and restored a smile.

"Boss, good news! Good news!" In the early morning, Xie Yi flew upstairs with excitement. He should have just got up and didn't take care of everything. The whole image is very embarrassing. He didn't notice Ling Lan seeing him like this, his brow wrinkled slightly, and excitedly shouted at Ling Lan, who was sitting at the dinner table.

Ling Lan had nothing to do with this. She picked up the white napkin around her, clicked on her lips, and then placed it at the table, and then she looked up and stunned.

Xie Yi was excited and excited. When she saw the cold expression and eyes of her boss, she suddenly woke up. He quickly bowed his head and did not dare to yell.

Xie Yi eats the sly, so that Qi Long, who is sitting on the side, laughs. Han Jijun reluctantly pulls him, indicating to Xie Yi to leave some face, while Luo Lang is like Ling Lan, a cold eye In the past, if the boss didn't like it, he didn't like it.

As for Lin Zhongqing, he did not look up, still kept his head down for breakfast, and it didn't matter to him anyway. This is what Xie Yi asked. Well, when they are from their own family, the Linglan team can be as united and friendly as they have seen outside, and they will have the opportunity to step on it again.

"Let you be so What is the good news." Ling Lan saw that Xie Yi finally knew that convergence, and then asked faintly.

When Xie Yi heard it, she knew that her boss was not really angry. The excitement that was interrupted was once again heated: "Boss, Li Yinfei is coming to our military school."

"Li Yinfei?" Ling Lan frowned. Who is this person?

"What, Li Yinfei is coming, really?" Didn't wait for Ling Lan to think of who, one side of Qilong exclaimed excitedly, "Xie Yi, how do you know?"

"I just got on the military school forum. When I entered, I saw this news. Now everyone is excited about it." Xie Yi met the people who are good, and the emotion is even more exciting.

Han Jijun and Luo Lang face each other, and for a moment they did not think of who Li Qifei was so excited to make Qi Long and Xie Yi so excited.

Lin Zhongqing, who was on the side, put down the chopsticks and said quietly: "Silent night!"

"Ah, it's her!" Luo Lang screamed and suddenly screamed. Some time ago, he was also very fond of this song. Rs()

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