Chapter 375: Constitutional problems?

"Even if this is the case, it is not easy for the other party to kill him. Your leopard can still support it for a long time. Moreover, there are no other enemies around. This is a good opportunity to let your leopard play for a while, maybe it is easier for him to find himself. The "fighting" control style."

No other enemies are nearby, and the fourth is also easy to get up. I don’t know where to get a lollipop, and I’m giving my opinion with a lollipop. Xiao Si, who has been communicating with the No. 3 instructor, has a little style of mech-training instructor. Of course, he has to ignore the lollipop in his hand and the five short body and childish face.

Ling Lan very much agrees with Xiao Si's opinion. This is undoubtedly the opportunity for the leopard to improve her ability again. She decided to stand by and then told the little four: "Small four, pay close attention to the surrounding situation, if there is an enemy close, notify me immediately." After that, Ling Lan shook the giant sword in the handshake. If there are enemies close to it, in order to ensure the safety of the partners, she must shoot.

Xiaosi heard the words, and he was guaranteed to take care of him on the spot.

Ling Lan thinks that Xiaosi has made some small mistakes from time to time, but in the big things, she has never let down her trust, so she also let go of her heart. She "fucked" the control armor with a quick flash and saw her mech. Suddenly disappeared in place, and the next second, appeared in the nearest Luoyang.

Although Xiao Siyi said again, the three of them were all right in Qilong, but they were shocked by the energy of self-destruction. Linglan still didn't feel relieved and decided to check it out personally.

At this time, the five mechs that are fighting in the air. In fact, it has become a situation in which Li Lanfeng confronts the special mech. Li Yuyu, Han Jijun and Lin Zhongqing are basically "inserting" the battle between the two. At most, they can only look for opportunities in the distance, and send a "shooting" beam gun to aid Li Lanfeng.

The reason for this situation is that the strength of the opponents has doubled due to the anger of the anger, and they can no longer resist as before. If they go forward to fight the interception at this time, they will definitely be shaken by the other side. In power. They have been unable to withstand the current special mech. Men crossing the future are not good as 375

Secondly, it is also because of the return of Li Lanfeng, the combat power is also rising straight, although the "fighting" is controlled by the high-level mech, but in strength and skill, it is not weaker than the other. Many times. When they accidentally fell into crisis, they all relied on Li Lanfeng's strong rescue and escaped from danger. These facts made them understand that at this time, they had no way to "plug in" their hands.

After a minute or two of shaking, Li Lanfeng finally adapted to the opponent's attack power and attack frequency. The situation is much better than the beginning, which makes Li Yuyu, who can only take the time to shoot the "shooting" beam gun, with a loose heart. They are very afraid that Li Lanfeng, who is alone against the special division, will be in danger in the next second, which makes them always scared.

Ling Lanyi went to Luolang and saw that the armor of Luolang was almost invisible by the shell of the self-explosive energy of the special mech, and the whole mech was dull. The armor shell, either shallow or deep, is covered with countless scars and several scars. Even through the bottom, you can see the dense parts and lines inside. Fortunately, there was no fatal wound in the "fighting" control cabin where the defense value was the weakest. This made Ling Lan feel relaxed and knew that Luo Lang would not have any big problems.

At this moment, the small four who had been focusing on air battles suddenly turned a blind eye and told Ling Lan that Luo Lang in the control cabin had responded.

Ling Lan heard the words, immediately connected to Luo Lang's dialogue button, shouted: "Luo Lang, I am Ling Lan, I heard please answer."

"Boss..." After a few calls, finally the sound of Luo Lang's weakness rang at the end of the dialogue channel.

"Is there any injury, do you want Li Yuyu to come down for treatment?" Ling Lan asked with concern.

"No, the boss, before the departure of the school, I have already given us a few first aid medicines as a spare. I have already drunk, and now I feel much better." Luo Lang’s voice is much stronger than at the beginning. Prove that his situation is indeed getting better.

Knowing that Luo Lang is fine, Ling Lan is trying to see the situation of Qilong, which is 50 meters away. She has not acted yet, and she sees Qilong’s mech suddenly sitting up.

Ling Lan’s heart was happy, and the next second came to Qi Long’s side: “Zilong, how do you feel?”

Xiaosi said that Qilong’s injury was similar to that of Luolang. Now it seems that Qilong’s enchanting physique is not a fake. Luo Lang was injured and recovered slowly by first aid “medicine”, and Qilong’s situation was obvious. It is much better.

Sure enough, Qi Long’s answer proved this: “Nothing, boss, I just fainted, my body was not hurt.” Qilong’s powerful big door proved that he is still strong now...

"Since it's okay, you and I went to see Xie Yi, I guess Xie Yi is not hurt this time." Ling Lan worried that Xie Yi, he told Qi Long Road. The two quickly came to the jungle and found Xie Yi, who had broken several towering trees because of the explosive energy.

As it turns out, Ling Lan’s guess is correct. Xie Yi is indeed the most tragic one. The closest to the self-explosive mech, the most explosive energy, followed by continuous impact, so that Xie Yi's mech is broken. The whole mech has no fluorescence of the light shield, showing the color of the armor itself, and the gray one.

The mech is no way to ensure the integrity, its left arm has been shoulder-broken, "exposed" a variety of broken wire ends with sparks, the right leg is crushed by explosive energy, and "fighting" control The cabin is also pitted, edged, and even has a deep dent, flying up... The man who crosses the future is not good.

Seeing the terrible scar on the "fighting" control cabin, Qi Long's face "color" suddenly changed. He immediately "fucked" the armor, letting the mech in a half-squatting state, and then quickly opened the "fighting" control cabin. The door, can't wait for the lifting platform that slowly landed, Qilong chose to jump directly from the "fighting" control cabin.

The Qilong, who landed, rolled down and rolled down the force of the landing. Then the whole person bounced off the ground, used both hands and feet, and climbed up the Xie Yi's "fighting" control cabin.

For a team member, the passwords for the "Operation" control cabin are the same. The reason for this is that it is afraid of this situation and needs teammates to help. See Qilong in a part of the left side of the "fighting" control cabin, the five fingers clasped, violently force, opened a small iron cover, "show" a digital input button. He quickly entered a string of numbers on the number keys, and he heard a "beep" sound. The "fighting" control cabin lock was opened, and the entire "fighting" control cabin was automatically bounced off, "showing out" an adult. Enter the window.

Qi Long immediately sneaked in. After a while, he would hold Xie Yi out. Xie Yi has been dizzy at this time, and there is still blood in his mouth that is spit out because of the injury. It seems to have suffered a serious internal injury.

"How is the situation of Xie Yi?" Ling Lan saw it and immediately asked with concern.

"Fortunately, I was only suffering from internal injuries. I have just given him the first aid "medicine" given by Yu Yuyu, and it should be fine." Qi Long’s face was a little better, when he entered. Xie Yi, who saw his face pale and barely breathing, almost scared him. He was really scared. This has been with them for more than three years, and the cheerful boy left them like this.

However, Yu Yu’s first aid medicine is really good. One can go down, and it’s not a few seconds. Xie’s face’s face is so good that he can see a lot of breath and it’s stable. It seems that afterwards, he’s going well with Yu Yu. The seniors exchanged some. Qi Long looked at Li Yuyu, who was looking for an opportunity to shoot in the air.

Knowing that Xie Yi was fine, Ling Lan was relieved, and he told Qi Long to take care of Xie Yi.

"Know, boss." Qi Long replied cautiously. He walked back to his mech, boarded the lift, and held Xie Yi into his mech, carefully placing Xie Yi on his sub-seat and tying it with a seat belt.

After doing all this, Qi Long closed the "fighting" control cabin and opened the mech slowly. Qi Long was very clear. From now on, he is not fighting for himself, but also protecting Xie Yi. He must ensure that his mech can not be shot down, because in the mech, in addition to himself, there is the existence of Xie Yi.

"Xie Yi, we will definitely live." Qi Long’s eyes flashed, and he whispered to himself, and at the same time he said to Xie Yi, he also said to himself.

Qi Long, who is focused on "fighting", did not notice that Xie Yi, who was faint, made an almost inaudible voice - ah!

Xie Yi was transferred to the Qilong machine, which made Ling Lan feel a lot of peace, and solved the three things of Qilong. Ling Lan finally concentrated all his attention on Li Lanfeng who was in the battle.

"Hey? Actually pulled back the situation?" Ling Lan was a bit stunned. When she went to check Luo Lang, Li Lanfeng was still in a disadvantage, and only the power of parry had no backhand.

" Boss, your leopard is really talented in the armor "fighting" control, and soon adapted to the ability after the promotion, and all the potential capabilities of the advanced mech are outbreaking. Come out." Xiaosi has been paying attention to Li Lanfeng's battle. He saw his own boss wondering and explained.

"Well, the leopard's "fighting" control talent is really good." At the beginning, she knew this. When they practiced the basic "fighting" control together, she got multiple times because of the learning space. Time practice, but in the end, her grades are only a little better than leopards. If she didn't have these golden finger blessings, maybe she lost to the leopard.

Xiaosi heard that Ling Lan met his words, and suddenly smiled, but soon, he wrinkled his buns face, locked his brow, and puzzled: "However, your leopard seems to have some physical constitution. problem."

Ling Lan raised an eyebrow: "How do you say this?"

"The physical strength of your leopard seems to be exhausted... He can only support two minutes of battle at most." Li Lanfeng's state at this time, the small four who have been monitoring is very clear. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)


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