If the opposite is a general manipulator with a control technique, or a acemaster with a lack of experience, maybe he can save the situation, but his opponents are neither. Linglan wants technology and technology to experience. The destruction of the learning space for several years, even if it is a small white mech, can become an experienced mech.

Just when the acemaster had just let the mech bounce, his back was once again hit with a heavy blow. This time the blow was bigger than the previous one, and the armor was directly knocked down to the ground. Never let the other party have a chance to stand up.

The sound of "嘭", the huge fuselage broke into the ground, splashing countless dust... This loud noise attracted the attention of several mechs in the air battle. They saw the following situation, the two super-class mechs suddenly stupid, they could not help but exclaimed: "Captain!" The action of fighting is inevitable.

Not to mention Li Yuyu, Han Jijun, Lin Zhongqing, three people on the other side, fighting one of the special mechs, and with the tacit Qilong, Luo Lang, Xie Yi three, seeing the other side slowed down, almost simultaneously aware of their chances coming……

The fastest reaction is Qi Long, the guy with the talent of the beast, who discovered the flaws of his opponent almost for the first time. He first flew past, and the lightsaber slammed into the slow-changing lightsaber because Distracted elsewhere, the lightsaber of the special mech is directly shaken by the prepared sword of Qilong, and is followed by the other party's response. Qi Long’s lightsaber slammed into the armor chest that had already opened in the middle door...

"Zh..." The harsh sound suddenly sounded. This is the sound of the light sword and the armor light shield energy. The contact point between the two is suddenly sparkling.

The special mech, when the face was hit, changed his face, and he was a little scared, but he saw the armored light shield play a protective role and suddenly calmed down. He saw the other side desperately resisting the lightsaber in an attempt to consume his mech energy. He knew that his counterattack opportunity came, and his eyes flashed, and he controlled the right hand of the mech, holding the lightsaber and slashing at each other...

The sound of "嘭", the lightsaber that had not yet been sent to the front was intercepted in the middle of the road, and only another mech was actually rushed up. Using his lightsaber to stop his own lightsaber, not only that, but the other party raised his other hand at the same time in his control cabin, the beam gun that he did not look at at all, it looks so huge at this time It is frightening.

The muzzle blooms in white. He hit his mech heavily, even though the light shield of the special division's mech is stronger than the high-level mech. A luminous beam can't hurt his mech, but the other party obviously won't fire only one beam. If he can't get rid of these two people, the final result will be that the light shield energy is consumed by light, and he is hit by death. .

No one wants to die, he doesn't want to. He knows that only by accelerating and retreating, they will have a chance to live without their follow-up. So he turned all the engines on and pulled the speed to the extreme. In just one second, he could completely get rid of their attack... When the speed of the mech was switched to the extreme speed, the mech suddenly flew backwards... ... he saw his armor out of each other's lightsaber, even if they desperately turned on the engine, but the level of armor can not let them keep up with his speed.

Grade teacher with disabilities finally relieved, he knew he would have passed the danger, as long as he escaped the crisis, he must kill these **** ...... Just then, his armor back suddenly is an strong impact, positive speed back mech direct stopped, this time, just out of the lightsaber again hit his armor, while the other beam gun, mercilessly pulled the trigger again ... ...

"Good for you, Xie Yi!" Qi Long could not help but shouted, original Xie Yi control mech attack came from behind, suddenly found each other speed back, will temporarily change the action, do contradict sideways directly to the super hit Mech stop……

Before and after the attack, the energy of the special machine armor shield is more, and it can not withstand the crazy attack of the three lightsaber and the beam gun. Finally, the fluorescence of the armored light shield becomes dim and finally disappears completely...

Chidlom decisively cast off his lightsaber has become bleak, mech thighs on both sides at the same time two magnetic pop swing blade, he pulled a copy Chilon, mercilessly cutting insert the other two magnetic swing manipulation cabin ......

There is no control cabin for the protection of the light shield, even if the opposite is a special mech, it can not block the insertion of the magnetic blade...

"Ah..." The special sergeant screamed, and Qi Long judged the position very accurately, directly inserting the key parts of the other party. The special sergeant knew that he was afraid that he would be spared. He smiled violently and slammed the self-destruction system...

Qi Long’s animal feelings were very sensitive. When the other party pulled up the self-destruction system, he felt the crisis and quickly shouted: “Flash!”

The three men flew out to different places, just flew a few meters, the special-class mech burst open, the self-detonation of the special mech is not the extent of the ordinary mech, although the three in the moment the light shield opened to the maximum The defensive value, but still can not completely offset the explosion energy, the three mechs directly out of control, and finally squatted on the ground.

The most miserable one is Xie Yi, because he wants to resist each other, the time of dodge is the latest, and the power of exploding is also the biggest. He was directly bombed by this force into the jungle and broke several large and continuous. Tree, this fell to the ground...

Qi Long, Luo Lang, and Xie Yi, although they used the method of losing both sides, solved the special mech, but after all, the mech was solved. There is no Li Lanfeng, only Li Yuyu, Lin Zhongqing, and Han Jijun are attacking another special mech. Their situation is very difficult, and even some are not good. If it is not because Ling Lan knocks down the ace, let the special mech Because of the fear, they stopped the attack in their hands, and they met with Li Yuyu in the air, and they also got a short breathing opportunity.

This battle also made the three of them know that they were very different from the super-class mechs with rich experience in combat. At the beginning, they were not the hard-working protection of Li Lanfeng. Perhaps some of them were out of the battlefield. But even so, Li Lanfeng, who has been the main attacker, is not immune to being shot down...

Li Yuyu looked at the special mechs in front of her eyes and hated her incompetence. He couldn't save his brother in the lobby, and he couldn't save Li Lanfeng, who is also a child of Li. If his armor control ability is stronger, Li Lanfeng will not be protected because they want to protect them... Li Yuyu has only hope, the last two The beam did not hit Li Lanfeng, even if he felt that this luxury is a minimal existence...

In the same way, Han Jijun, who was breathing heavily in the control cabin, was crying at the same time while he was taking a short break. After all, Li Lanfeng was trying to save him. The person who was originally shot down on the ground should be him. The last two beams should be what he bears. But all this, Li Lanfeng replaced it. To say that Han Jijun will initially suspect that Li Lanfeng has joined the new regiment. Is there any intrigue and tricks? At this time, he will never think so again. Imagine which stupid person will stupidly lurk into the opponent team, and can selflessly die for the opponent? He really misunderstood Li Lanfeng, Han Jijun regretted thinking.

Lin Zhongqing, staring at the special mech, when recovering his physical strength, is secretly asking himself, if he encounters this situation, can he do this choice of Li Lanfeng?

Lin Zhongqing found that he couldn't answer the question categorically, which made him a bit ashamed. Li Lanfeng has just joined the team and can be a member of the team as his brother. He will protect them at the expense of himself. He followed Lan’s boss and joined the team for so long, but he is not sure whether he can do it... this is his and Li Lanfeng's gap? The other party is really a person who treats people sincerely and selflessly, just like his smile is as sunny and kind, not his full of darkness, with countless calculations, people who are mixed out from the dark lab can compare...

It’s amazing!

Lin Zhongqing thought with a smile, Li Lanfeng gave people a completely different feeling from Lan Lan, Lan Lan did not speak, just sitting on it has an imposing manner, a look makes people feel chilling, overbearing. He let the people who follow him settle down, not timid, not shrinking, not hesitating, not even stunned. He is like a sea **** needle, he is not afraid of anything at his side, do not have to worry about something~www.ltnovel.com~ As long as he follows him firmly, Lan boss can take them out of the world, this is the energy of the overlord, People can't help but be convinced, pinning their hopes and keeping up with him.

And Li Lanfeng saw it for the first time, just like a big brother next door. Gentle and kind, people can't refuse. He will always be happy when he smiles. In the unconscious, he quietly won yours. Trust, regard him as an important relative and friend... Just like now, even if he is not too much contact with Li Lanfeng, he has already accepted the other party in his heart. Of course, what the other party is doing does make him have nothing to say.

Some people, born with a favorite ability, just like this Li Lanfeng!

These thoughts just flashed in Lin Zhongqing's mind, and the temporary respite soon ended. The reason was that the three people in Qilong began to attack the special divisions violently, and the special strategists who confronted them with Li Yuyu saw the situation of their comrades. It’s not good, I want to meet, but how can Li Yuyu make the other party succeed? Seeing that the other side wants to help another special-level teacher, they don’t want to, they rushed straight over and intercepted this special mech. Down...

The three men of Li Yuyu did their best and finally blocked the special mech for a few tens of seconds. In these dozens of seconds, they announced the ending of another special mech.

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