
Chapter 367: The King of Fighting!

This mech is in a state of being a beast, with strong limbs, and the power that erupts is the most powerful. In melee, the power is completely overwhelmed by other human armor. As for the type of animal that will appear, it depends on the preferences of the controller. The armor in front of Ling Lan presents the image of the Lion King.

The only shortcoming of the animal type is that it cannot enter the sky and the starry sky. The thrust of the engine is up to the maximum of 50 meters. However, the ability to fly at high altitude has been abandoned, and the ground attack ability has been greatly improved. Not only does it have a strong force, but on the ground close combat, the human armor has no way to resist the strong impact of the other side. The only thing that can compete is only Focus on the humanoid ace mech of the close attack.

On the remote side, because the back of the animal-shaped mech is equipped with two long-range high-radiation laser guns, the range of the laser gun is far more than the ordinary beam gun and high-energy laser gun. Therefore, in the long-range attack distance, the humanoid machine When A has not been able to attack it, it is attacked by it first.

Although the animal-type mech is very awkward on the ground, it is a king of the land war, but there are still not many ace-masters who will choose it, because just like its name, it is only the king of land, and now the battle, A large part is in the sky or in the sky. In these two aspects, the animal-type mechs are stretched, and once they enter those battlefields, they will definitely be exploded by other people's ace.

The third mech is the armor that focuses on long-range attacks that Chaucer drives away. Although it is smaller than the animal-type mech, it is larger than other types of trump card. Especially in the starry battlefield, the long-range attack is that no other mech can compete with it, and the speed is also the second strongest. It is a little worse than the deformation machine, and other mechs are not comparable. This kind of mech is the second-best in the battlefield (the first is the deformation machine), and the second is strong. In terms of comprehensive strength, this mech is ranked first.

The fourth armor is compared to other human armor. It looks extremely thick and thick, and it has two swords on its back. One handle is a heat weapon and a light sword with powerful energy. One handle is the most powerful cold weapon wide sword of physical strength. When you look at this situation, you know that this is a mech that focuses on melee attacks, otherwise it will not be equipped with two close-knit weapons.

The light sword does not say for the time being. Just look at the cold weapon wide sword, the width of the blade about one meter wide, and the center of the sword is nearly 50 centimeters thick. Obviously, this is definitely a super heavy cold weapon, overbearing. . Cut a sword out, as long as the power is enough. Can destroy the armor shell directly. Because the defense of the mech is the light shield, it has the highest defense value for the hot weapon, and the defense value for the cold weapon is the worst, which is the biggest reason why the mech does not eliminate the cold weapon.

The melee armor is the strongest in close ability. On the ground, he and the animal-shaped mech are almost the same in strength, but lack of long-range attacks, but in the sky and the sky, once it is close to success, it almost determines the victory. Therefore, close-fitting mechs on the battlefield often get the most feats. But its survival rate is also the lowest compared to other ace mechs. But as long as they can survive, this type of mech is often the main mech of the emperor's mech, so it is called the king of melee warfare by the federal soldiers!

When Ling Lan saw this mech, he fell in love with it. The eyes exude a strong radiance that you want to have. She is eager to board this mech, which is very related to Ling Lan's likes to be close to fighting, so Ling Lan also prefers close-knit on the mech.

However, Ling Lan still looked at the fifth mech as he resisted his own heart. The fifth mech is very strange. The back of the mech should be a suspension system that can hang a variety of long-range weapons. But this mech is not, it bears a thick round metal directly behind it, some of them are in the tortoise shell, but can be added by the tortoise shell with some vertical and horizontal pipe mouth, just like the blue veins are covered with . Ling Lan counted a few times, each side of the three roads, a total of six, the top is two, a total of eight nozzles.

Ling Lan felt a bit inexplicable at first. I don't know what type of ace mech, but fortunately, the small four gave a force to find a similar type of mech from the database. This is known as the artillery type. Mech. It can be said that this mech is equal to a small mobile attack bastion. Its firepower is the most powerful of all ace mechs. The eight-barrel fire can automatically adjust and determine the target of the shooting. Basically, even if it is a trump card, it is difficult to resist the power of its eight-barrel firearms. This kind of mech is suitable for a large starry battlefield. Once attacked, it can destroy a large number of enemy aircraft, so it is also known as the king of stars.

But it also has a fatal weakness, that is because its own load is extremely heavy, speed is the worst of all ace mechs, it is easy to be close. If it is close, especially by the close-knit king who is the same as the trump card, it almost declares its ending. Therefore, once it is dispatched, it must be protected by an ace mech or eight super-class mechs, which intercepts the approach of other ace mechs at a critical moment.

Ling Lan decisively abandoned the fifth mech. Ling Lan is not interested in this kind of mech that wins the victory by its own configuration. Only those mechas that need control ability can make her challenging. Ling Lan decisively returned to the bottom of the fourth mech, a flying body, hands and feet, quickly climbed the mech, opened the switch of the control cabin.

“咔”, the control cabin was opened, revealing a window that allows adults to enter easily. Ling Lan looked down and entered the control cabin and immediately sat down.

Ling Lan will control the door closed, the light will suddenly dim, then Ling Lan will press the mech start button, the armor cabin will become bright again, at the same time, the seat is automatically popped up. The seat belt tightly entangles Ling Lan's body to prevent the controller from being injured by the vibration caused by the manipulation of the armor.

"Light brain start, automatic detection, please wait! The estimated time of this test is two minutes. If you need emergency start, please press the emergency start button." The armor is set according to the program and sounds to remind the controller.

Ling Lan used this mech for the first time, and it was not under emergency. Of course, I chose to start normally. This time she went to the battlefield of the nine dead and a lifetime, to ensure that nothing is lost, if the two minutes of saving, so that the mech did not check out the hidden dangers, Ling Lan was too late to cry.

Ling Lan is a calm and rational person. Of course, she will not let herself be in this danger. She patiently waits for two minutes to start the inspection and determines that the mech is all right before she starts to control the mech.

"Small four, take over the light brain from now on, can't let the light brain store the battle data below me." The armor has the function of automatic archiving, one is to determine the merits of the controller, and the second is also beneficial to the mech reformer. According to the operator's habits, the armor is partially adjusted to make the mech more in line with the needs of the controller.

Of course, the storage function of the military school mech is to facilitate the instructor to check the control skills that the students have learned. If there are any shortcomings, the students can immediately adjust the changes.

Ling Lan is very clear that by the end of the war, when the military school surveillance system is back to normal again, these passive mechs will be traced, and the storage of information is a strong evidence of their tracing. Ling Lan did not want to expose himself to the top of the military school. Even if she was the son of Ling Xiao, she did not want to.

Imagine that even if she is as strong as her dad, she can't resist the calculations from within the military. If the military knows that his son is also a mech control genius. Ling Lan does not believe that those who have counted Ling Xiao will continue to sit still. If they think that Ling Xiao and his children will not continue to grow up, not only is she at risk, but it may also affect the safety of Ling Xiao. .

Ling Lan certainly knows that Ling Xiao is very strong, but she does not believe that Ling Xiao has enough ability to withstand calculations from friends who may be friends. During this time, Ling Lan knew that Ling Xiao was a very emotional person. Unless he determined that the other party really betrayed him, Ling Xiao would not actively suspect his friends.

This is the advantage and shortcoming of Ling Xiao. Ling Lan appreciates Ling Xiao and also secretly worried about him. Therefore, until now she still dared not let Ling Xiao know her true strength, she was afraid that Ling Xiao was happy, and revealed her affairs to the so-called friends...

In the end, Ling Lan is still worried about the high-level hidden in the depths of the military almost killed. It can be a matter of course, without any flaws in the arrangement, in the heart of Ling Lan, only the military marshals and generals are possible, and may even be the result of several people working together together... so even the first marshal who is extremely trustworthy Linglan’s innermost heart is still unbelievable.

"Know, boss!" Xiaosi heard Ling Lan's instructions and immediately returned with excitement. Because Ling Lan has always restricted the small four-plug mobile phone in the virtual world, now he has finally helped him. This makes Xiaosi feel that he can really help the boss... Does this mean that he will be well deserved? The first younger brother?

Xiao Si took this kind of excited and proud mood and took over the control of the armor. The first step is to shield the armor's storage system.

Xiaosi understands that his boss does not want to shut down the storage system. Otherwise, Linglan can shut down the storage system personally, and he does not need to shoot. Ling Lan’s reason is that he wants to create the illusion through the ability of Xiaosi, so that the mech can display unmanned state. In other words, no one can find out from the storage system that someone has used this mech.


The second is more complete! Sorry, this time again every day, shy away! ()

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