Chapter 355: Sneak attack?

At this moment, the controller of the surveillance radar suddenly shouted: "The number of UFOs, the number, is initially judged as nineteen."

This sound also caught the attention of the captain. He was busy ordering: "Infinitely expand the UFO picture."

The operator of the search screen got the coordinates given by the radar controller, began to search, quickly found the target, and began to gather the picture, and soon the picture appeared on the big screen of the control room, from the beginning of the nineteen black Point, then slowly expand, and finally finally see a little shape, although the resolution is very poor, some distortion, but everyone still sees that the shape of these flying objects should belong to the battleship class.

Civil spacecraft are very different from warships, and they are easily separated in appearance. Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. Where did these unknown warships come from, why did they never receive a warship to route their stars?

"Send a signal to let the other party know the identity." The captain gnawed his teeth and ordered that although he had already felt that the big event was not good, he was still lucky and hoped that the warships would come from friendly forces.

"Contact the ground and inform the situation." The captain prepared for both hands and ordered the correspondent to report the intelligence to the ground defense forces.

"Captain, we can't contact the ground at all, the satellites have failed." The team leader palely told the captain the cruel reality.

The captain heard and slammed up and shouted: "I must contact me. This is absolutely an enemy." At this time, the captain still has something to understand. This is absolutely an enemy. Now only hope that they can report this news to the ground forces in time, otherwise... the captain thought of this, the body shook and shook, and the cold sweat came out.

Once successfully attacked by the other side, the first men’s military school located on the new planet... will definitely be finished!

"The other party did not answer, Captain, what should I do now?" At this time, the correspondent who tried to contact the opposing fleet had failed after many efforts. He anxiously asked the captain.

The captain’s mind flashed, and the silver teeth suddenly bite and decisively ordered: “The starship will immediately shift, switch the angle of ninety, and even escape at high speed!”

This order, all the technical control personnel in the main control room began to be nervously controlled. The patrol ship made a beautiful 90-degree turn in the starry sky and quickly fled to the west starry sky. The captain's side captain could not bear it. Live and whispered: "Captain, is this okay?" The most serious punishment of the Federal Military Department is to escape without fighting. If the military knows, the captain will definitely be sent to the military court.

"There are 19 warships on the other side. We just rushed to death. I can't let my brothers die in vain. Moreover, we have a more important task, that is, to successfully contact the ground forces and tell the other side of the situation. To do all this, we must live! Even if I am sent to the military court, I will not regret it.” The captain’s eyes with perseverance continued, “The deputy ship, if the new planet was successfully attacked, is located on the planet. All the teachers and students of the first men’s military academy will inevitably be one-pot..."

"No matter which force the other party comes from, I am afraid that the purpose is to let our federation break the inheritance. The teachers of the first men's military academy, but the best of our entire federation, we will never let them succeed." The captain slammed the tunnel.

At this time, the fleet of the nineteen warships also discovered the federal escaping patrol ship. The warship light brain began to warn: "The patrol ship was found in front, the target is locked, the target escapes, please issue a new order, chase Or give up?"

The commander of the fleet got the news and decisively ordered: "Abandon the pursuit and act according to the original plan." The patrol ship thought it was safe to escape to the west? The chief commander’s mouth showed a cold smile, with a hint of ridicule.

Sure enough, from the other two directions, two fleets suddenly appeared, one fleet of nine warships, and the other, but thirteen. Although the federal patrol ship is in an emergency change angle, it can still be plunged into the fleet of thirteen warships.

"Damn, gunfire attack!" Seeing that he had fallen into the other side of the network, the captain knew that they had no chance, and his eyes flashed. Even if he had to pull a back, he would tear the big road.

The main gun of the patrol ship finally opened fire, and the gunfire dragged its brilliant tail to the entire star sky and directly hit one of the warships. In the face of the sudden attack of the patrol ship, the battleship began to evade, the gunfire wiped the hull, and the original light shield with light was suddenly dimmed...

As long as it is fired again, it may really give the other party a terrible blow. Unfortunately, the patrol ship has no chance to issue a second fire, because the fleet has never given it a chance, and they see each other’s rounds of fire and fire. For the gunfire from the sky, the patrol ship is desperately dodging, and the light shield is full and can't resist. With a bang, the bombs in the hull were exploding in an instant, and the entire hull was quickly swallowed up by the fire. Just like the fireworks that bloomed, it turned into the ruins of this starry sky.

"Report, has solved one of the eastern patrol ships!" The fleet from the east sent a report to the main fleet at the first time, and then the battleship was sent from the west battleship. The search just wanted to escape. The patrol ships were destroyed by them, and together with a patrol ship patrolling the west, a total of two patrol ships were destroyed.

The chief commander received a report from the two fleets and was satisfied with the position: "The three patrol ships mentioned in the intelligence have all been destroyed, and all the satellites around them have also eliminated the signal. It is time to take the next step. Now I am ordering that the defecation action will begin officially!"

With the command of the chief commander, the three fleets merged into a huge fleet, and all the warships came over the actual position of the first men’s military school of the new planet and began to open their ejection ports. Soon, from the ejection port, countless black round metal objects quickly landed on the new planet...

"The technology provided by the Japanese Empire is really good. It can avoid the search of terrestrial radars. Now it is late at night. It is estimated that the ground air defense units have found that our people have successfully landed. Next, they will look at each other's strength. "The general commander looked at the metal round objects like the spring rain and completely covered the entire man's military school, and could not help but smile."

"Yes, the general, this action will definitely give the Chinese people a blood lesson!" The adjutant around him replied in a cold, with a touch of hatred and blood in his eyes. The blood of the Caesar Empire must not flow in vain!

"Boss, wake up! Boss, wake up!" Ling Lan woke up, no blinking, still staying asleep, can be mentally activated instantly, the first time to sense the situation in the room, found that everything is normal and not dangerous, this is in Asked in the sea, "Small four, what?"

"I suddenly lost all the satellite links around the planet. This is very abnormal." Xiaosi quickly told Ling Lan about the situation.

"Can't you contact me again?" Ling Lan heard a sudden stunned heart.

"I can't communicate, I have now turned on all the radar on the ground, and all the monitoring equipment in the military school... I haven't found any abnormalities yet, but I always feel that something is wrong. It seems that there is danger." Xiaosi nervously replied, " I found a similar case from the database of the military school's main brain, probably from an information warfare from the enemy..."

"Close our eyes and know nothing about the outside situation. Do they want to attack?" Ling Lan brows, she can't help but think about the Xunlong base, will it be related to that matter, is it not? Where did she reveal the flaws and was discovered by the enemy?

When Xiao 4 heard Ling Lan’s words, his eyes lit up and he nodded again and again: “Yes, yes, their purpose is probably to attack!”

Ling Lan had a decision in an instant, she told the small four: "Small four, there are new situations immediately reported to me, especially pay attention to the situation in the sky, six years ago, you have not forgotten." Ling Lan could not help but think of What happened on the World of Warcraft, was also successfully air raid by the Japanese Empire.

Ling Lan thinks this because the first men’s military school is located here. The ground forces have been monitoring the ground very strictly. It is impossible for the enemy to successfully sneak into the big forces. And they used such a big hand to carry out a comprehensive signal blockade, which means that their sneak attack is by no means a small fight. Since the ground sneak into the impossible, it is very likely to go directly from the sky. This is also Linglan’s special care for the small four. s reason.

Ling Lan commanded a small four, slammed her eyes, and her right hand jerked up and jumped out of bed. She quickly put on the military uniform and opened the door. She came to the nearest room in a few steps.

Ling Lan did not choose to politely knock on the door but a direct kick.

"Hey!" A loud bang, Ling Lan directly opened the door, the door slammed into the room with this powerful force.

The sound of "呯", when the door was halfway, was crushed by a force, and then a burst of momentum burst forth, shaking the pieces directly.

The first thing that was revealed in front of Ling Lan was a fist. The person on the bed suddenly turned over and landed on the ground. With the upper body and only one pair of underwear, Qilong, with one hand on the ground, is like a cheetah. As soon as he sees the opportunity, he will attack.

Ling Lan glanced at Zilong’s powerful body and strong muscles. He pressed the envy of his heart and said coldly: “The enemy, ready to fight!” This kind of strong body, she is absolutely impossible in this life. Owned, Ling Lan regretted to think.

When Qi Long was awakened, the nervous emotions suddenly eased when he saw his boss standing at the door. But when I heard the words of the boss, I felt nervous again. He stood up violently, picked up the school uniform hanging on the hanger on the bedside, quickly put it on, and immediately followed Linglan’s steps and asked anxiously: “Boss What happened?" rs()

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