Chapter 352: The action of annihilation!

In a huge secret room, on the big screen with three sides as big as the wall, there are nine old people who look serious and wear the generals of the generals. The atmosphere is a bit nervous.

"It took 16 years and spent a lot of manpower and material resources. The final result was defeated. Not only that, but also let us Caesar lost more than 30 top hackers and six top imaginary abilities. "A cold general on the screen holding a piece of information, very dissatisfied."

"Can only say that the Chinese people are too embarrassed, quietly dispatched a number of people with virtual abilities, and destroyed our t plan in one fell swoop, and our people were almost unprepared, almost all of us were annihilated, if we still have a dark team lurking There, I am afraid that we still don't know what happened there." A general and awkward general on the screen can only smile with a smile.

"According to the news sent below, China is not without paying the price. They are among the top imaginary abilities who are ranked within ten of the total sacrifices in this campaign..." Another cold-faced general opened the sentence.

"We Caesar can sacrifice four top imaginary powers..." One of the other generals on the screen heard a sigh of relief. "A Chinese imaginary person can't offset it."

"Yeah, there are more than 30 top hackers. We almost hurt our muscles. We will be able to get into a passive battle next time. We will easily fall into the passive. This loss, we can't just count it." Agree.

"We must let the Chinese people pay the price!" The most marginal general, full of anger, shouted.

"We must let the Chinese people pay the price!" Another general on the screen also agreed.

"We must let the Chinese people pay the price!" Soon, all the generals agreed with this decision.

In the center of the screen, the oldest general who remained silent for the old age, he took off the pipe in his mouth and finally opened the door: "Those who want to share a piece of cake, it is time to make a contribution, but also give A **** lesson in China.

"According to the latest news from the Intelligence Bureau, I heard that a talented mechurer appeared in the first men's military school in China. I was promoted to the ace of the ace at the age of 19, and I was praised as the second... ..." At this time, a general told the people the latest news he had received.

"Ling Wei!" The generals heard the name of Ling Xiao, and his eyes suddenly became dignified. Several of them even repeated the name of Ling Xiao, and it is obvious that these generals are extremely jealous of Ling Xiao.

"Can't let China have another sneak peek, otherwise we Caesar will really be overwhelmed by China." Finally a general told the voice of all the generals.

You must know that Ling Xiao is the youngest person to advance to a god-level division, and he has the most balanced ability. He is judged by all countries as the most powerful mech-level mech. From that moment on, understand in Everyone who knows the secrets of God-class mechs knows that the first strong man in the future human world is definitely unmistakable. This is also the important reason why they joined forces with other countries to conspire to remove Ling Xiao sixteen years ago. They cannot let Ling Xiao grow up and become the strongest person in the world. They believe that they are the most powerful Caesar. If the strongest one appears in Other countries are definitely a shame for them.

It is a pity that it has not been possible to get rid of Ling Xiao, and it is not so easy to murder Ling Xiao. Ling Xiao has become the strongest and has been just around the corner. They can only accept this fact. But a Ling Xiao is already the limit of their patience. The second name of Ling Xiao has undoubtedly touched the nerves of Caesar...

"Since China has ruined so many high-end talents, we will ruin their hopes for the future!" The oldest general in the center of the screen holds the pipe, revealing a cold smile, "Huaxia Men's First Military Academy... ...hey, do Chinese people really think that the hidden clothes are seamless?"

The words of the old generals made all the generals look bright, and the nine generals who obtained unified opinions quickly formulated their retaliation plan. This program was called by them - the annihilation action!

The Huaxia Federation did not know at this time that the crisis was about to come to the first men’s military school where they had been trying to hide the secrets. The military knew that the Xunlong base was occupied by a group of unknown forces, and there were even many virtual abilities in it. To ensure the stability of the virtual world, the Huaxia Military Department dispatched a fleet, and the virtual powers were dispatched by a dozen. Three of them were the top ten virtual abilities of the top ten, and the commanders who fled from the Xunlong base The official led and rushed to the Xunlong base.

One can go this time, let the Caesars who sneaked in the Xunlong base successfully quit, they found the adjutant who was lucky and did not die, only to understand that this group of people came from the Caesar Empire. The Huaxia Federation was extremely angry and made a serious protest to Caesar. The Caesar Empire did not recognize this as a filth. They never sent any hackers to invade the virtual world of the Chinese Federation.

The two countries began to come to me in diplomacy. When the eyes of the Chinese Federation were gathered in the diplomacy of the two countries, several countries quietly started to act.

The disturbances in the national diplomacy did not affect the assessment of the first men’s military academy. After a week of assessment, the assessment of the military academy was finally coming to an end. The major legion assessment teams were making the final candidates, and the talents introduced by each legion were Not many, in order to get the best genius cadets who are best suited to their army, they have to think twice.

As the review team of the Lingxiao 23rd Army, the team finally unified their opinions. The final selection list was put in the hands of Ling Xiao. Ling Xiao looked at it casually and said: "That's it."

"General, don't you think about it?" The adjutant around him finally couldn't help but reminded him.

Ling Xiao glanced at him in confusion and asked with a smile: "Qiao adjutant, what do you think? It doesn't matter, we can study together."

Ling Xiao is not the kind of majestic general. He has always been pleasing to the eye, so that his majesty generals will be like a spring breeze. While admiring him, he will not be afraid to speak his own ideas.

Joe’s adjutant daringly opened one of the pages and pointed to several of them. He whispered, “These people, just a few times before, with Lan...” Ling Xiao smiled at him with a smile. Joe’s adjutant’s face was red and he changed his way. “There was a fight against Linglan. They were defeated by Linglan. One of their team was originally enrolled in our 23rd Army, but they were missed because of serious injuries. According to the assessment of their assessment, Major Qin Feng said that he had inadvertently heard that they wanted to retaliate against Ling Lan."

Ever since I knew that Lan Shao was the son of the generals, the assessment members who came along with the generals had long known about the things that Lan Shao had learned after he entered school. When I knew that Lan Shao led the first-grade freshman group, he would be the senior and the first force of the military school, the Thunder, and the martial arts team. They defeated the gambling in the ring. They couldn’t help but feel proud. The son of the god-level master, Master Ling Xiao, is so strong as a young man.

Ling Lan was completely accepted by them, and their hearts began to tilt Linglan infinitely. Even if Huo Zhenyu was indeed a rare talent, they thought that they would revenge to Linglan a few years later. . If the military ethics did not allow themselves to use power for personal gain, they had already brushed these people down.

In the end, they still listed them in the final list, but there is still some inconvenience in their hearts. This is one of the reasons why Joe’s adjutant will remind General Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao listened to this and couldn't help but smile: "Is this not very good?"

Ling Xiao’s words made Joe’s deputy official bow, and did not know what the words of his own general were.

"I am still afraid that Ling Lan will enter my army afterwards. You uncles and uncles have taken care of her too much, and without the sense of competition, the whole person will relax." Ling Xiao thought, "There are these people, can Give her a little more difficulty, knowing that there are no strong seedlings in the greenhouse."

After reading this, Ling Xiao once again looked at the adjutant with a smile and said: "In our Twenty-three Legion, there is no privileged position. No matter who you are, you must start from the very beginning. The difficulties must be tolerated, and no one can avoid them. If these people are really capable, the training should be cultivated, and no means should be used. If Ling Lan is bullied by them in the future, it will only prove that her ability is insufficient. What's the point to say?"

Joe's adjutant was shocked by the look of Ling Xiao's eyes. It seems to be seen through the general, the back is suddenly cold sweat, he can only comfort himself to think more, hear Ling Xiao These words, busy and repeated, are not afraid to say more.

After the final confirmation of Ling Xiao, the adjutant Joe quickly took the list and left the residence of Ling Xiao and handed it to the military school. Tomorrow, the list will be published on the official website of the First Men's Military Academy along with the list of other legions. This also means that their assessment work is all over, and after a full day, they will leave the First Men's Military Academy.

Ling Xiao looked at the adjutant away indifferently, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes. When he turned and prepared to go back to the room to rest, he found that his Ming Wei Lin Zhengnan, the young and flamboyant face was looking at him seriously, there was an angry and disapproved in his eyes. Ling Xiao could not help but raise an eyebrow and asked: "Xiao Lin, do you have something to say?"

"Qiao’s adjutant’s behavior was obviously problematic. Why did the generals trust him like this?” Lin Chengnan thought that this was his luck and his blessing. He worshipped Ling Xiao from an early age and wanted to become Ling Xiao’s left arm and right arm, his most trusted subordinates.

Many times, Lin Zhengnan saw that the adjutant's actions were obviously misleading to Ling Xiao's intentions. He wanted Ling to make things that jeopardized his prestige, such as taking power for personal gains. This made him younger and couldn't stand it anymore. He finally asked questions. This general who made him admire as a

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