Chapter 349: No more hands!

The highest commander of the base saw the following soldiers act, and then turned away from the command, went to his exclusive office, and sent the report of the situation to the main brain of the mech world according to the original setting, and the report he issued. All orders. It was only the sending channel that Caesar's hackers had moved, and the contents of his report were directly transferred to the main ship of the spacecraft hidden in the base. And the real federal master does not know everything that happens here.

The warship successfully switched to high speed, temporarily out of danger, but Ling Lan was forced into a desperate situation because of the order of the commander. When the commander ordered the switch to the high-speed position, Xiao Si, who had mastered this situation, immediately told Ling Lan about the bad news.

If Ling Lan is not far from the warship, these times are enough for Ling Lan to log in to the warship. However, when Ling Lan is fighting with Caesar's ace armor, in order to solve the other party as soon as possible, she deliberately leads the other party to pretend that she is out of control. At this time, she has fallen to an altitude of about 800 meters, and the position of the warship is 1,700 meters. The difference is nearly 1000 meters.

This distance made Ling Lan's time extremely urgent. She controlled the ace's mech to fly to the warship at high speed, attempting to land in the warship when the warship had not officially entered the high speed. However, when Ling Lan was about to successfully approach the warship ejection port, the warship successfully opened the high-speed position, and flew out like a flying arrow, let Ling Lan pounce on an empty space, and instantly opened the distance with Ling Lan.

Ling Lan saw the shape, silver teeth bite, decisively pushed the speed of the king-class mech to the highest point, which is the extreme speed of the mech. The extreme speed is generally in a sealed state and will not be easily opened, because the extreme speed damages the mech engine very much, and the energy consumed per second is no less than the heavy energy projectile of the transmitter A. Moreover, the speed requirement runs on the controller's physical requirements. Also very high.

Ling Lan did not start the speed at first, because he was afraid that his body would not be able to withstand it. At the same time, he was lucky. He thought that the high-speed can successfully log into the starship, but he did not expect that the last moment would be a loss. However, in the face of the current desperate situation of the Xunlong base, the Linglan will not hesitate any more!

Because she must successfully log in to the starship before the starship has broken through the atmosphere, otherwise, the power and energy of the mech alone cannot escape the gravity and fly to outer space, even if Linglan is controlling the king at this time. Class A can't do it, unless Ling Lan controls the god-level mech. In fact, even if the king-level mech can fly to outer space, based on the strength of Linglan, the physical quality can not maintain long-term leapfrog control...

This time, Ling Lan’s cautious choice was learned by the blood. She understood that she should go all out to do anything in the future, and don’t be lucky, otherwise the price paid may be more.

Time disappeared a little bit, Ling Lan's mech is getting closer and closer to the warship, 100 meters, 50 meters, 30 meters, 20 meters, 10 meters... She saw that the number of five-point control countdowns she set has become less and less. The cold sweat on his forehead couldn't control and slipped down. For the first time, I felt that I could do nothing.

Clearly speeding up a little, she can grab the handle of the last edge of the warship's last shot, but she tried her best but couldn't take another step, and the x192 high glaze nuclear power source also began to emit a red warning of energy exhaustion. Light... Does she still fail in the end, there is no way to leave the Xunlong base? Ling Lan’s heart flashed a hint of bad feeling.

What makes Ling Lan nervous is that she feels that her body is beginning to have pain, from a slight pain, and slowly becomes a pain similar to tearing. It seems that the anti-phagic power of the leap-forward control has seriously affected her body. As time goes by, the situation is getting worse.

Just as Linglan began to despair, in the mech channel, suddenly a voice rang loudly: "Rabbit, come on!"

Ling Lan's spirit was shocked. She jerked her head up and saw the ejecting mouth at the tail. A familiar mech figure appeared. It was the leopard. He pulled the handle with one hand and tried to reach Ling Lan with one hand, trying to catch her. Mech.

Seeing the leopard, Ling Lan’s heart trembled and decisively extended his right arm. The partner did not abandon her. Why did she give up hope? Ling Lan did not fear the severe pain from the body, and pulled the mech engine to overload operation. The speed of Ling Lan's mech was shot again, and the hand with the leopard came closer and closer, five meters, three meters, one meter.

"Ah..." Ling Lan unwillingly screamed, and the energy of the x192 high glaze nuclear power source was finally exhausted. Ling Lan finally slammed his hand and grabbed the two armor fingers. When the moment slipped, Ling Lan’s mech power disappeared, and the mech fell down uncontrollably...

"Rabbit..." Ling Lan seems to hear the leopard's screaming screaming, she failed, isn't she? However, as long as the leopard handed over the information to the owner of the city, their mission will be completed, even if she stays at the Xunlong base, it will not affect the team establishment.

Ling Lan reluctantly closed her eyes and was ready to give up. Suddenly she felt that her mech was caught by a force and the mech stopped falling. Her heart was amazed, and when she blinked, she found that the leopard’s hands had tightly grasped the right hand of her mech...

"Rabbit, I won't let go again." Li Lanfeng said with a smile, he said pun, told Ling Lan that he also told himself that this friendship would not be like seven years ago, because of various reasons, he chose to retreat the scale. .

Li Lanfeng’s words made Ling Lan puzzled. She saw Li Lanfeng’s hands clenching her right hand, and she could not help but be surprised. Did the leopard jump off the warship? For her to give up and leave?

Ling Lan’s mood suddenly became complicated. For the first time, someone was willing to take risks for her... Linglan’s move was just a flash, and calmly returned. She immediately reacted. The two did not fall quickly, but were dragged by a force. Follow the warship and fly up quickly.

Ling Lan looked at the leopard's mechs decisively, but found the legs of the leopard's mech. At this time, Qilong's mech was caught with both hands...

"Hey, boss, it's hard to see you so embarrassed." Qi Long laughed and rang from Ling Lan's channel, let Ling Lan Surprise Center a loose head, although she was excited, but habitually cold, let She can only respond faintly: "Yeah, are you satisfied?"

Ling Lan’s cold words made Qilong’s chuckle slammed. He only felt that his heart was chilling, and his body could not help but shake. If his hand is still stable, I am afraid that this shake will come out. event.

Qi Long secretly regrets, how can he forget that his boss is a heart-wrenching person who must report? Qi Long has already foreseen that after he returned, he was caught by his own boss in the fighting room, and the scene of crazy abuse... Hey, his life is hard to protect.

"Boss, you are the most handsome boss, even if you are awkward." Qi Long attempted to save his sad ending, weakly patted his own boss, but unfortunately, his panic level was lost, he even went to the horseshoe It is.

"Oh, when I was the most handsome, it was when I was embarrassed." Linglan’s mouth was awkward, and the mouth was faintly replied, but his mood was very pleasant. This is her little friends, they will run at the crucial moment. To protect her... Well, this time the leopard's figure was once again thrown into the corner by Ling Lan.

Ling Lan’s words made Qi Long almost hit himself with an ear scraper. How could he be so stupid, he still reminded the boss that he had just said something wrong...

Han Jijun, who was still behind Qilong, was pitiful of his own buddies. He immediately opened his mouth and said: "Fast, everyone is working hard and pulling the boss back."

The original team members were also in the same group. Luo Lang and Han Jijun were behind Qilong, each with one hand firmly holding Qilong, and Luo Lang Han Jijun behind him, Xie Yi, Lin Zhongqing they took them.

Why are they appearing here in time, in fact, things are like this...

When the warship has not changed to a high speed, Ling Lan is close to the warship Ling Lan Deng, and the fourth is secretly controlling the warship, and the tail shot is quietly opened. In this move, the federal soldiers in the warship's control room knew nothing, but the Qilong people who had been waiting in the tail control cabin immediately discovered this. They saw that the ejecting port that had been closed was finally opened, without being thin. I think, I also know that their boss is coming back.

But before they are happy, what happened in the next scene not only made Ling Lan miss the opportunity to land, but also made Qilong stunned. The warships suddenly switched to high-speed operation, and they slammed them out without preparation. Fortunately, they were all in the mech, even if they were miserable, they wore a little but they were not seriously injured. A little minor injury, Li Yuyu was present and quickly resolved.

When they stabilized their mechs, they did not find the traces of the boss. Qi Long and others knew that their bosses would not have caught up. They were worried and worried, but they didn’t know what to do.

At that time, Li Lanfeng, who had been silent, suddenly took the information out of the parcel and handed it over to Qilong: "Zilong, I have to go to the mouth to see the situation, there may be danger... This information will be kept by you."

Qi Long heard the words and immediately refused: "This is the task that the boss has given you. I can't go against the boss's order. Besides, the tail channel should be gone by me."

Qi Long’s direct refusal, Li Lanfeng did not say anything again, he just simply stuffed the information directly to Qi Long, and after Qilong had not reacted, he turned and left quickly.

When Qi Long reacted, Li Lanfeng disappeared into the first door of the passage. He silently took the information, glanced at the surrounding partners, and decisively stuffed the information to the Changxin source that had not yet reacted.

Qi Long’s move made Chang Xinyuan directly stunned. He asked in a panic: “Why... give me?” rs()

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