Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 341: : Sleeping little baby!

Chapter 341: Sleeping little baby!

At this time, Xiao Lan, who left Ling Lan to solve the t virus, came back. He suddenly appeared in Ling Lan’s sea of ​​consciousness.

Ling Lan saw that Xiaosi appeared, and knew that Xiaosi must have solved the t virus. However, the t virus is too much to kill the federal virtual world. Linglan still couldn't help but ask: "The t virus, the flower of the last days, was disposed of."

Xiaosi smiled and nodded: "Well, it's all handled."

"Is it sure that there will be no more t viruses in the virtual world?" Ling Lan did not worry about asking again.

"Well, as long as the boss doesn't want to see it, the t virus will not appear here." The little four black eyes flashed and replied decisively.

Ling Lan just let go of her heart, she did not see Xiao Si when she did not pay attention, bowed her head and snickered.

Xiao 4 of course has to sneer, he just said that Ling Lan does not want to see, t virus will not appear again, if Ling Lan wants to see it, when does the virus want to appear when it appears...

Yes, he was the fourth to transplant the t virus, the flower of the last days, into his learning space for in-depth training. Xiaosi believes that the virus does not matter whether it is good or bad, it depends on who the user is. Moreover, it is hard to see a thing related to the dreamy galaxies, and the fourth is reluctant to erase it...

You must know that the tutor in the study space dislikes him too small and refuses to talk to him. Ling Lan has many things in his real life and will not often chat with him. In the virtual world, in addition to the primary evolution of the small light brain on the spaceship, the entire virtual world, he has not encountered a new self-awareness of the emergence of intelligence ... Yes, Xiao 4 he is lonely.

Xiaosi excitedly left the Linglan consciousness sea, and the next second came to a blockade space in the study space. There was a baby lying in the air and sleeping in the air. His body was connected by countless white and black lines. One end has not entered the endless darkness of this space, and never sees the end.

Xiaosi flashed again, and then hanged to the baby's side, curiously reaching out and touching the soft face of the other side. The little baby who was disturbed, the beautiful eyebrows wrinkled and the red mouth screamed angrily. It seems that he hates people disturbing his sleep.

"Little guy, sleep like a dead pig, you can survive, you have to thank you little brother... Well, you saved me, the name should start from me, what is it? Xiaowei? Xiaoshi No, the name of Xiaoshi and my little four sounds the same, but the boss gave me the name of Xiaobei. "The little four is dissatisfied with the tunnel, his eyes turn around, obviously with a trace of mischief," I decided, I will call you a small flower... Xiaohua, you have to wake up quickly, mix with me later, pack you to eat spicy and spicy. You remember me, I will be your boss in the future, after You have to call me a little brother!" Xiaosi proudly announced.

The sleeping baby didn’t know at this time. Before he woke up, he was taken a vulgar name by the unscrupulous Xiaosi. Until he grew up, he understood the vulgarity of the name and resolutely protested in front of Lan’s boss. Only succeeded in saving face and having a new name.

Xiaosi looked at the sleeping baby and was in a good mood. He was satisfied with the nod and found that there was a head in the future...

The fourth child who was caught in the good old days, suddenly looked up, he frowned, because in an instant, he sensed a virtual ability who should have been in the trap, and was quickly approaching the position of his own boss.

The little four figure moved and instantly returned to Ling Lan’s sea of ​​consciousness, and immediately told his discovery to Ling Lan.

After Ling Lan learned that he didn't want to, he asked Xiaosi to come out and kill the man. Li Lanfeng killed more than a dozen people, no matter whether the spirit or the virtual ability has been exhausted, Ling Lan did not want him to continue to work, bringing unnecessary hidden dangers.

Witt, who was on the road, suddenly felt cold and then rolled over the overwhelming imaginary and horrible virtual energy. Although he was responsive and directly sacrificed his own imaginary ability to protect himself, the strength of the two was too far apart. His protection was only to let the powerful energy get a meal, and then his body was crushed and broken. .

He seems to feel that his soul is bursting, and then there is a black in front of him, no more consciousness. He did not have the chance to see his body as the earth, slowly turning into a white point disappearing into this virtual world.

On the other hand, the illusory person who is close to the exploration team, Lei Te, suddenly found that his virtual ability began to fluctuate violently. This is a warning sign. He slammed and stopped protecting himself with virtual power. He began to test the situation around him, but found nothing unusual. He shook his head inexplicably and could only move on, but it was obviously more cautious than at the beginning.

When the small four-way Linglan report has already fixed the imaginary ability, the Linglan team has already arrived at the exit.

Ling Lan swept a team of players, took out the confession in his arms, and thought of it and handed it to Li Lanfeng: "Leopard, this information you keep, remember, this road can not be decided to die, to live to the city of Hongyang The city owner, otherwise the mission will fail."

Li Lanfeng heard a slam, and he did not expect that Ling Lan would finally choose to shoulder this responsibility. From the very beginning, the plan was made to understand that there would be such an important role. Li Lanfeng always thought that this role was not Qilong or Luolang. Because their strength is the second and third strongest in the squad, and they are also partners who grew up together as a rabbit. From the perspective of trust, they are also their priority.

But now, this task was handed over to him. Li Lanfeng completely felt the rabbit's trust in him. This made him feel very excited. He took a deep breath and took a sigh of relief on the surface. Li Lanfeng has already determined that in the heart of the rabbit, his importance is definitely not much less than that of Qi Longluo. He must be worthy of the true feelings of the rabbit.

In fact, Li Lanfeng thought more. Ling Lan chose Li Lanfeng. He felt that Li Lanfeng was a scheming man with a bad stomach, and the strength of the mech control was not worse than Qi Long. She believes that the rest of the team, Li Lanfeng can continue to survive. However, this also indirectly reflects Ling Lan's strong trust in the leopard, Li Lanfeng is not touched by the move.

Ling Lan then looked at Qi Long, and the right color said: "Qilong, then, you lead the team members to protect the leopard, even if you are dead, you can't let the leopard die."

Qi Long looked awkward: "Yes, boss!" Qilong, they are very clear, the next time is really difficult time.

"The following is the action according to the plan. We split the two ways." Ling Lan's eyes indicated that the members of the team left, and also ordered the small four in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Implement the original plan."

After Xiao Si took over the order, he immediately took action and wiped out the action. The person who erased the virtual ability was only a temporary job. Only now is the time for him to display his skills.

In a certain accommodation in the temporary camp where the survivors of the Jinglong main ship were placed, one of the soldiers who paid attention to the contactor at the moment, suddenly showed a surprise on his face. He looked up and said to several nervous partners around him: "The news came. The commanders got their hands there, let us start, control the warship, and wait for them to return."

"Okay, then we started the action according to the original plan." One of them, like those led by these people, immediately nodded and listened.

These people immediately sorted out the weapons in their hands and quietly left the camp and lurked to the warships. Their goals had long been decided, that is, the cruise ship that brought them back. According to the agreement, the commanders will also sneak into the warship after returning. When the owner of the Xunlong base has not noticed it, he will open the warship and flee the place.

Ling Lan, who had already explored their plans, decided to fish in the water and let the team's people successfully lurk into the cruise ship. If the military officers used these as shields, no one would find their actions.

Qilong, they quickly left the cafeteria, and they had to rely on themselves. Ling Lanmu sent them away and gave a sigh of relief. A sudden appearance of a message in her hand was the confession she gave to Li Lanfeng.

Almighty Xiaosi has already completely prepared this information. Ling Lan will not put things in a bowl. She entrusted Li Lanfeng and also left a copy of her as long as they have one Individuals can live this task. This practice is actually a violation of the rules, but with the adjustment of the small four, everything becomes a matter of course.

Ling Lan took the information back again. The reason why she split the soldiers was to solve the hidden dangers. The people who came in from the Caesar Empire could not let go, because she could not leave the hidden dangers that might bring any crisis to the team members. under. Second, she must rescue the frenzied federal investigators, and she needs them to be a shield for their own team.

Xiaosi simulated the commander's contact number. After sending the news to the people in the temporary camp, he left Linglan and began to obliterate the hackers lurking in the command headquarters.

Ling Lan rushed to the warehouse as quickly as possible because of the cover she had made for her. Although there is still a person with virtual ability, Ling Lan, who already knows how to control the spirit, has the ability to protect himself, so he is not afraid. This is why Xiaosi is safe to leave his boss.

In a secret room of the command headquarters, eight black robe hackers, looking at the screen in front of the screen, the original t virus has been successfully launched for more than 20 minutes, and they are ready to greet the victory. But the facts, but they beat them. The virtual world of the federation is still functioning normally, and there is nothing wrong with it. Rs()

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