Chapter 336: Intense Fight!

In another secret room, D2, who is commanding the hackers to fully carry out the t plan, can't help but scream when he sees this scene: "He is not a senior mech, he must be a prince..."

Sitting next to d2, that is, d3, cold sweat on his forehead, anxiously reminded: "Fast, fast notice d1, immediately send our ace master to come over, otherwise the mech warrior here alone can not stop him. Friendship Prompt the first update site of this book, Baidu please search"

D2 under the reminder of d3, suddenly awakened, t plan is still almost successful, if they are broken into here, they will give up. So he quickly contacted d1, and the news was that the battle over the trap was in a deadlock, and there was also a acemaster who was infinitely close to the king, and their ace master had already confronted them.

"It is necessary to delay the time." Seeing Linglan squad solved four or five mechs, knowing that d2 can no longer hesitate, decisively sent the remaining two teams of armor.

“How long will it take to succeed?” d2 ordered the mech team that protected the secret room to go to the front of the battlefield, and then asked a hacker who was carefully entering the hacker's ability to a black box in the secret room.

"It has already entered the breeding stage. At this speed, it will take at least an hour to form it." The hacker wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and whispered back.

"Can't you speed up?" d2 heard an hour, and suddenly frowned.

"No, it will be dangerous soon, they will devour our energy, all..." The hacker heard the speed and his face suddenly changed. He had experienced the research process of the domestic t virus, and some people thought Accelerate the speed of training, it will vigorously deliver the ability of the hacker, but it is ruthlessly swallowed by the t virus, and the result of that person. It is death.

The reminder under his hand made d2 calm down. He was very clear about the things of the year. He also knew that the cultivation of t virus was urgent. He only hoped that everything would go smoothly. As long as the training is successful, they can leave the virtual world and wait quietly for the victory brought by the t virus. Huaxia Federation will be their spoils.

"Boss, they sent two teams of mechs." The movement of the mechs is certainly not only the small four who are exploring the secret base. This time, the fourth student learned the lessons from the previous one and immediately reported it to his boss, lest the boss play again. He has a head and abuses him.

"Oh, let me go all out." Ling Lan put all the energy blocks in the package to the federal advanced armor she is currently manipulating. If it is not the level of maneuvering the armor will have a great burden on the body and back. Ling Lan wants to use the king-class mech, its standard six-tube maglev gun, as long as three or four hair, you can get all these armor masters.

Ling Lan sighed in the heart, the king-level mech can only be a killer. She is not sure that she can't use it. She knows very well that with her current ability, she can only control the king's mech for five minutes. After more than five minutes, her body can't hold back the huge anti-phagic power brought by the leap-level control, and it will completely collapse.

In the enemy camp. To do this kind of idiot behavior is completely suicide. Ling Lan will never let himself fall into desperation in order to present a prestige.

Ling Lan just filled up the energy, and felt a slight vibration on the ground. Needless to say, the last two teams of the secret base center were coming over. They must solve the enemy planes in front of them before they arrive. Otherwise, there will be more than 20 mechs. Even if the armor has strong control ability, they can't resist it.

"The enemy is sending more troops. Take time to get rid of these mechs." Ling Lan connected the squad dedicated channel and decisively issued this order (the small four opened the nine mechs at the same time they entered the mech. Exclusive squad call channel).

Everyone knows that the situation is critical and must go all out. Like Linglan, they put the spare energy blocks in the package into the mech to ensure that the armor is full of energy. Because of the next battle, they will no longer seal some advanced skills that consume a lot of energy in order to save energy.

I saw five people in Qilong, plus Li Yuyu, each controlled their own mechs, running fast, suddenly left and right, so that the enemy could not judge their route, they could not hit them with a beam gun, but because of this floating Exercise, so that the enemy can not determine who they are attacking...

All the enemy planes are tense, because the remaining 18 armor can be the target of six people. Suddenly, six elegant and moving mechs disappeared... Oh no, it’s not disappearing, but it’s a six-story glimpse of the high-level skills that can be mastered by a senior mech.

There are two kinds of skill movements of the senior armor. One is the z-shaped flashing. In fact, the Qilong six people used this kind of work at the beginning, and the other is the light and shadow slide that they are now using. The reason why the six people finally attacked, and chose the light and shadow slides in unison, is because the light and shadow slides not only have the function of acceleration, but also have the effect of confusing the enemy. It will delay the external camera of the enemy aircraft, and it is difficult to determine their real position and time of shooting.

Of course, experienced senior machine players can judge by experience. Light and shadow slides can't confuse them... But these mech fighters are not real people, but real, in their fight, Qilong They know this.

In the main brain setting, these only 20% probability will not be confused, that is, the possibility of being confused is quite high. And Qilong, they ignored the crazy beam attack of these mechs. In the next second, they came to the front of the target mech, ruthlessly raised their cold weapons and chopped to each other.

The armor's light shield can be said to be specially created to deal with various energy weapons such as beam guns. It is a little weak for the cold weapons that are completely destroyed by violence.

Seeing that the five mechs were picked up by Qi Long, they directly planned the energy on the light shield, and the powerful force directly gave the heavy crit of the mech. The two collided fiercely and suddenly sparked a spark.

Qilong, they are not simply ruthless. The place they choose to attack is the connection point of several regions of the mech. In order to maintain the flexibility of the armor, in the manufacture of the mech, you have to give up the defense strength of these places, such as the shoulder part, the neck part, the waist and hips, the arms, the ankles, the knees and so on. Their choice made them effective and directly destroyed part of the mech.

Only one mech has escaped this crisis and entered the probability that 20% will not be confused. It is extremely lucky. The attack failed is Luo Lang, which makes Luo Lang feel a little uncomfortable, can't understand, why is he only so bad luck?

Luo Lang silver teeth bite, attack again, since the failure to make up, he does not believe that the next attack, the other party can still have this 20% lucky.

Luo Lang has 100% confidence in his attack this time, but when he finds that he is short-selling again, the whole face is red, and even if he is a long mother, he can’t be a woman. Just discriminate.

The lingering Luolang followed by a light and shadow slide. Luo Lang was on the main brain. He didn't believe it. This mech fighter can really be so lucky, and it won't be confused...

The ideal is beautiful, the reality is cruel, and the third attack of Luo Lang’s confidence is full, and it flashes again. At this point, Luo Lang couldn't help it anymore. He blurted his mouth and said: "Bastard..."

At this time, Ling Lan's choice of the right and left bow is also a step of light and shadow, to deal with real people, this skill is more or less flawed, but the effect is excellent, is one of the preferred skills of all players. The cold weapon she used in her hand was a magical weapon forged by Chang Xinyuan. She did not regret the unique sharpness that was revealed by Ling Lan at this time.

I saw Ling Lan killing one by one, directly smashing the outer shell of the two mechs in front of her. She felt that the hard shell of the mech was not as hard as she thought, and she felt it easy to sneak in until the armor was Control cabin.

The mech is the deadliest weakness of the mech, because the controller is in it. Whether it is a real man's armor, once it is hit in the control cabin, it will be determined by the master brain to be a devastating blow. Sure enough, the mech exploded in an instant, and Ling Lan’s video was ready to indicate that the enemy plane was completely destroyed.

When Ling Lan saw it, he couldn’t help but sighed, and he couldn’t believe it in his hands. She always knew that she would not be very sharp, but she could not think of it to such a degree that the high-grade mechs in the mech world could not withstand an attack that did not regret.

At this moment, Ling Lan was behind an enemy plane and saw Ling Lan destroying his two friends. He stopped moving, thinking that with the opportunity of revenge, he quickly raised his cold ~ 狠狠 向 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌

Ling Lan, who controls the whole game, does not move, and the one who does not regret in the hands is directly slammed backwards. The hidden and sudden movement of this movement, the mech was not able to respond at all, and was directly stabbed in the control cabin.

The enemy plane held up the cold weapon in the hand, but there was no way to squat down. Linglan manipulated the armor with a powerful scorpion, and then slammed it, and then the armor flew, and the dragon was desperately trying to use the cold weapon. Attacking the back of a mech of the Changxin source lid. The sudden attack made the mech unable to react, and uncontrollably flew forward, directly fell on the lid of the Changxin source, and the attack stopped.

He just wanted to struggle to climb up from Changxinyuan's lid armor. Suddenly on both sides of the lid, two giant teeth appeared, and the armor was bitten because the lid was completely destroyed by the enemy plane. Covered, no one saw, the center of the lid suddenly split, forming a round hole, and then a purple beam of light hit the body of the mech, directly blasting the mech to a diameter of 50 cm. The round hole, and that position, is the maneuvering cabin of the mech, the enemy plane fell on the lid of the Changxin source...


The next chapter, at 11 o'clock in the evening. ()

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