Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 331: : The existence of BUG.

Chapter 331: The existence of bugs.

Seeing that the players and the new players are getting along very well with each other, Ling Lan’s mouth is slightly tilted again. Then his face slammed cold and ordered: "Prepare for action."

Everyone immediately stood up straight, and the face that was easy to laugh and laugh suddenly became calm and serious, and the original relaxed atmosphere was swept away.

Li Lanfeng once again admired Linglan, he temporarily joined many teams, only Linglan's team, the most efficient, easy time is very easy, the key players will never delay, the mood conversion is perfect. Just like Ling Lan’s order, even if he relaxes in front, the players can enter the battle state instantly. This is completely the mentality and experience that the veterans can have, and the youngsters who have been with him for three years have done it. This makes Li Lanfeng feel the crisis again. If he does not work hard, he will be taken care of by these people. It is.

Li Lanfeng felt grateful when he felt the pressure. Fortunately, he found the rabbit early and joined his team. He believes that as long as they strive to become stronger and continue to grow, the Lingtian team will inevitably become one of the most powerful teams in the Federation. He has confidence in Ling Lan, he has confidence in himself, and he has confidence in these youngsters.

If you really meet the so-called king in the future... He doesn't believe it, in the rabbit, with the help of these teenagers, he can still be so humiliated... Li Lanfeng fiercely clenched his fist, he can definitely change his life !

When everything was ready, Ling Lan took the players on both sides and hid them on both sides of the gate, then told the fourth to open the gate.

The door was opened abruptly, and the people inside suddenly bowed, and the Linglan team hiding on both sides, in the battle of Ling Lan, such as the tiger down the mountain, pounced on their respective goals.

Ling Lan took the lead and took three micro-spins with his fingers and jumped two steps. Her right foot slammed and the whole body vacated. In midair, she slammed her hands and six micro-anesthesia syringes flew into the six shooting mouths.

Ling Lan is very confident that she will not miss her hand, because she has already used her mental guidance ability to accurately tie the six micro-anesthesia syringes to the shooter hiding in the iron wall according to the route she hopes.

The six screams just came out and stopped, why is there a sound in this time? It is really because the hole is too small, in order to ensure that the other side, Ling Lan chose the most delicate eyes. Who let the shooter open his eyes and stare at the mind. According to the flight route, the eye is the easiest place to be shot.

I saw six micro-spins directly smashing the quasi-mind, and then ruthlessly tied the eyes of these shooters, and the eyes are the most sensitive parts of the human organs, the nerves are the most rapid, so they are allowed to react before the anesthetic reaction The screams came, but only at the moment of the opening, Li Yuyu’s increased anesthetic was too overbearing, and the eyes were closest to the brain, and the other party was almost instantly thrown down. This is also the reason why the screams stopped.

At the same time, following the Ling Lan six people who flew out of Ling Lan, when Ling Lan blasted, they crossed Linglan and instantly came to the front 30 meters, fiercely rushing to the six weapons. Military.

"Enemy!" When the six men were fiercely rushed to them, even the slower soldiers knew that these people were enemies and non-friends. One of them quickly yelled at the scorpion and raised the heavy weapon in his hand. Six people who are ready to fly, ready to shoot. Although the firepower is fierce and fierce, it is not so convenient to use them. It is far from the agility of the light beam gun. This is why Qilong dares to directly rush it up. They are in a hurry. Can not attack in time.

At the moment Zilon took their shots, the deafening alarm sounded in this empty space, and the entire base center was occupied by this sharp voice. Ling Lan, they know, this is definitely the three soldiers who are hiding in the dead corner, and only they have this time to do this thing. But they don't matter, because once you get here, it's impossible to not expose it.

The Qilong six attacked very fast, and they had not yet waited for these soldiers to pull the trigger of the heavy fire weapon. Qilong’s attack had already arrived. The six people in Qilong knew that the situation was critical, and they used their strongest killings as soon as they came up.

Seeing that my head is going to be hit, the fierce fist with the sound of empty explosions proves that once hit, it will be seriously injured if you don't die. Instinct, let the six soldiers choose to dodge rather than attack, but even if they dodge, they can't avoid the needle caught in the fist of the fist.

It was just a simple rubbing, the needle scratched their cheeks, and their faces suddenly shed blood, but this kind of small injury is nothing in the eyes of professional soldiers. They just wanted to lift the weapon and buckle the trigger. I found my arm started to be weak. And the wound didn't feel the pain...

Poisonous? No, it’s an anesthetic. They feel that the whole person is getting numb and can’t move anymore... And at this time, they saw the six people, raised their hands and slammed them down.

Yes, it is tie, because they see it clearly, the other hand is holding a tiny syringe, the syringe is tied to them again, and in the next second, they are in the dark...

Li Yuyu saw that the person who had stood still was in the middle of his narcotics and finally fell into a coma. He found that it is easier and more convenient to solve the enemy with a potion than to solve it... He subconsciously looks at the clean syringe that has been used. If he is thoughtful, perhaps he should change his fighting style and knock down the enemy. Why not be a little more relaxed, maybe he should try to add what he has learned?

Without waiting for Li Yuyu to think more, a dangerous atmosphere suddenly enveloped them, perhaps with experience, or perhaps their spiritual strength is familiar with Li Lanfeng's virtual ability. This time, Li Lanfeng's virtual ability did not make Qilong several people. I feel particularly frightened.

Seeing the next second, Li Lanfeng’s body slammed into the earthquake. Even if they were invisible, they knew that the enemy’s imaginary power had attacked them, and Li Lanfeng protected them.

In the center of the base, in a beautifully decorated and comfortable room, two black robes were sitting close to each other. One of them slammed into the body and made a sigh in the mouth. He opened his eyes pale and angered: "D2 the group of bastards, isn't that the people sent by the federal government to investigate, including those who are imaginary, have been led to the trap? Why is it attacked here? And also came a powerful virtual ability?"

Another person heard the words and opened his eyes: "Carter, are you still suffering?" He did not join the attack just because there were only nine people. He thought that his companions could easily kill this group of people, but they could not think of it. The failure, and the companion and the opponent's virtual ability confrontation is actually at a disadvantage.

"Yeah, the other side's imaginary ability is stronger than mine. My attack was intercepted by him. Pete, this time we work together, we must let them come back."

"Good!" Pete and Carter are similar in strength. Since the opponent is stronger than Carter, he can't do it alone. But he believes that as long as they attack together, they will be able to leave the powerful and powerful people of the Union.

Thinking that they can kill a powerful imaginary power, Pete is excited, which represents the supreme merit, perhaps his rank will rise another liter because of this record... Pete's eyes flashed a greed.

Pete is so confident because they have been working together for more than ten years. With a very tacit understanding, there are several people who have died in their hands. Pete doesn't think that this virtual ability can withstand their joint attack.

Seeing that Li Lanfeng stood still and his face was dignified, he knew that the cruel battle between the imaginary powers had begun. Even in the protective circle of Li Lanfeng, Qi Long and others felt an invisible pressure, and their mental strength was A strange amount of energy is suppressed, making them extremely uncomfortable. As time went by, Qi Long's face began to become pale, even if Li Lanfeng was fully resisted, but still let the other party's virtual ability leaked a little under his interception.

And this little virtual ability makes them feel dangerous, as if there is something to swallow up their soul Chang Xinyuan, whose mental strength is relatively weak, began to hold his head, showing painful Expression, squat down.

The virtual power is only leaked a little bit, and it is not directly attacked. It makes people so painful and uncomfortable. They have really felt the horror of the virtual power until now. Sure enough, in the virtual world, they are death, this kind of attack from the soul, so that they have no resistance at all.

Seeing that everyone understands the fear of the imaginary power, Ling Lan has opened up the spirit to protect Qi Li’s mental strength. With the protection of Ling Lan's spiritual strength, Qi Long's face turned better.

The reason why Ling Lan did not guard with the spirit at first was to let Qilong truly understand the horror of the imaginary power, so that they would not think that the imaginary ability is the existence they can compete with. Before reaching the rank of a master, anyone in front of the imaginary power is an unarmed baby, let him slaughter.

Ling Lan remembers very clearly that his father said that the virtual power is a bug in the virtual world. Only the master who knows how to use the spirit of the external spirit can resist, but not all the kings. Everyone knows how to use mental power, because the use of mental power is one of the necessary conditions for promotion to a god-level teacher. Therefore, the god-level teacher is a person who has no fear of imaginary power, because he is also the same as God. Rs()

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