Chapter 324: The Truth!

At this time, in another room, Ling Lan and Li Lanfeng, who had already registered, were lying in bed and closing their eyes.

Soon after, Ling Lan received a short message. She opened it and was very excited. The next second, she kicked Li Lanfeng on the upper bunk very unceremoniously.

Feeling the huge force from the bed, Li Lanfeng sat up, did not ask what happened to Linglan in the lower bunk, and heard Ling Lan said: "There is news on the 2nd, and quickly clean up, we find them. ”

Li Lanfeng looked bright, set a coat and jumped out of bed, followed Linglan to the place where Qilong lived.

The reason why Ling Lan got the news so quickly was not because of the ability of Xiaosi. Of course, if Qi Long’s information is registered, Xiao 4, who has been lurking in the network of Xunlong’s base, can definitely get the news in the first time, but Ling Lan wants to make everything look natural, so when registering, Bribery of the logistics staff of the Xunlong base, of course, she also let Li Lanfeng use his ability to naturally get the goodwill of others, and desperately brush the other side's goodwill, and smoothly let the other party agree.

In fact, when Qi Long’s information was just registered there, Ling Lan was informed by Xiao Si, but Ling Lan was very calm, still lying in bed when she didn’t know anything until she received the logistician. The information, this pretending to be excited.

Of course, the other party does not violate the rules of the base. After all, Ling Lan just wants to find lost comrades, not to listen to the secrets of the base. And now the Xunlong base, this phenomenon is not only Linglan. Many soldiers who have been separated from the original team for such reasons have also made these requests. It’s just that Ling Lan’s request is at the same time. Extra meager payment was given.

This reward is very simple, just a bottle of Linglan with a high spirits for first aid. As early as the help of the small four. Ling Lan knows that this person's hobby is drinking.

Why is Linglan surrounded by spirits, cough, in fact, this is the habit of Linglan’s last stay on the sickbed. She is used to disinfecting her wounds with alcohol. It is not suitable for the world now, and nothing is handled directly. The practice of spraying with a healing agent is done.

Ling Lan has always had some shadows on this treatment method, in case there is any tetanus. Not looking for death? So habitually add a few bottles of high spirits to your backpack. If you are accidentally injured, you will open a bottle of wine and disinfect it. This will spray the healing potion...

For the habit of Ling Lan, Qi Long, although they are puzzled, will not question. They just secretly guessed, is the boss a good wine, but the parents did not agree, only to find such a reason is not a reason?

can only say. Some things have become the habit of Ling Lan. If you want to change, you can't change it at one time. Therefore, Ling Lan has become a good wine person in the eyes of the players without knowing it.

And when Ling Lan took out the spirits and handed it to the logistics staff. Li Lanfeng couldn't help but secretly help, wondering if Ling Lan is a good rabbit, so he would think of bribing with spirits.

But no matter what the reason. In short, Ling Lan sent the reward too much for the logistics staff to agree. The result is that the other party is extremely powerful and responded almost the first time. This made Li Lanfeng once again sigh. The rabbit’s seemingly chaotic action always works very well.

The two quickly found the rest of the Qilong people and knocked on the door.

The door is still Yang Yilong. Who told him to sleep on the bed closest to the door? He opened it and found two strangers. He asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"Luo Ying, they are not there?" Ling Lan said coldly, the cold sight made Yang Yilong feel a cold heart hitting his heart, he flashed into it, shouting: "Luo Shangyu, someone looking for."

Qi Long heard the words, his eyes lit up, and he jumped from the upper bunk. He walked to the door in three steps and two steps. He saw the familiar face of his own boss and was very excited: "Captain, you are finally here."

Qi Long, the captain of the sound, let the other people in the room jump up excitedly and ran out.

Yang Yilong saw the dark tongue, but he could think of the feeling that the man at the door gave him. He knew why these mechs were so excited, and only those people could conquer this group of proud mechs. At that glance, Yang Yilong knew that the captain was definitely a strong man, because he had felt the same pressure on the captain of the Leiguang team.

Seeing the other two partner probes asking him what the other party is, Yang Yilong quietly said that he should not talk too much, continue to lie down and sleep, do not disturb them.

The captain-level characters, for their mech-logistics, are high-ranking, and he does not want to provoke the captain to be dissatisfied.

A few people in Qilong excitedly embraced Linglan one by one, and then they saw the familiar face that stood smiling at Linglan. Apart from the machine, everyone else couldn’t help but bow, especially Li Yuyu, face. It is even stiffer.

Li Lanfeng said with a smile: "On the 8th, I was stunned by the design, so I designed to take away the position of your captain. I am sorry for you. This time, I want to understand, the status is not important. The most important thing is the partners, please forgive me."

Li Yuyu’s words are just awkward, don’t go too far, don’t speak. He knows that his expression is a bit wrong. If a monitor is just filmed, I am afraid that there has been a flaw. Li Lanfeng is undoubtedly helping him cover up the past, but he is not used to acting, and he does not know how to deal with it.

Xie Yi saw Zhang Li’s arm and said: "A few of us can survive. It is already a lucky one. I still want to do what I used to do. You said yes, No. 8."

Li Yuyu looked at everyone and looked at him with a smile. He had to bluntly replied: "Forget it, don't say anything before."

Li Lanfeng just breathed a sigh of relief. He stepped forward and hurriedly hugged Li Yuyu. "Thank you brother for your tolerance and understanding..." Li Lanfeng knew that he was not acting when he said this... He really I hope that one day in the future, Li Yuyu can say the same to him. Li Lanfeng also knows that this is probably his extravagant hope.

Ling Lan slammed the clapping in a sudden manner: "It’s good to let the ice be smothered. You can unite in the future, you can’t go back in the nest.” Ling Lan’s words announced that this matter was the end. Everyone happily welcomed Linglan and Li Lanfeng into the room.

Li Lanfeng took Li Yuyu, and the two sat on the bed belonging to Li Yuyu, whispering, and it looked like it was like a chill.

Only Li Lanfeng knew that he seemed to be in a state of shock. He was still very shocked. When he saw Li Yuyu, even if he was good at disguise, he almost broke his merits. Because the **** Ling Lan did not say in advance. His family Li Yuyu also joined his team.

Looking at the simple face of Li Yuyu, Li Lanfeng couldn't help but sigh. What exactly did they owe to Ling Lan? Not only did he join, but Li Yuyu, who could not join the team, joined in... but his heart started uncontrollably. Proud, rabbit, really can do things that others can't do.

If there is a rabbit's help in the future, can he also break free from the so-called fate... Li Lanfeng's eyes flashed. But quickly gathered and threw away this stupid thought. He must not harm the rabbit, and he has to pay a painful price to change his life. Grandpa Zhuge said very clearly at the beginning, this price is probably his life.

Although Li Lanfeng chats with Li Yuyu in the mouth. In my mind, I remembered the time when he and Ling Lan actually used the original face in the virtual world.

At the Xunlong base, Ling Lan and Li Lanfeng must leave the mech. Of course, they are easier than Chiron. Because in the virtual world, Ling Lan and Li Lanfeng are a magical existence. Because of the small four, Ling Lan easily changed the civilian mech control suit originally worn by Ling Lan into the official armor control suit. Li Lanfeng is a virtual person. Although he can't directly change the inherent settings of the virtual world, he can camouflage. Therefore, the two men under the armor, there is no flaw at all, no difference with a group of mechs.

It was only Ling Lan and Li Lanfeng who left the first side of the mech, but almost let Li Lanfeng reveal the flaws. If the virtual ability also concealed his expression, his horrified expression would definitely make people around him find the problem.

Linglan has already formed a cold noodles, even if he saw Li Lanfeng did not collapse.

"...Boss!" Li Lanfeng swallowed the blue word in the throat, just said the boss's two words, it looks like greeting the captain of his own team.

"Nine, keep up." Ling Lan's cold eyes implied a warning, although others could not see Li Lanfeng's expression, perhaps too familiar with the leopard, Ling Lan still felt Li Lanfeng's gaffe.

This look made Li Lanfeng's originally grievances calm down. He lowered his head and patted his forehead, hating his own uneasiness. I don't know each other's bottoms, but Ling Lan is still very calm. In the mentality, he completely lost to the rabbit who has been young for three years, which makes him a little embarrassed.

At this time, Li Lanfeng would not be surprised why Ling Lan, who is only ten years old, can go to the mech world and can make Ling Lan like him. He is undoubtedly a virtual person like him. And the virtual ability, in the virtual world, any so-called blockades and boundaries are invalid, there is no way to prevent them from entering and leaving, so Ling Lan can enter the mech world at the age of ten, which makes perfect sense.

It’s just that Li Lanfeng is a sly, ten-year-old Ling Lan, the virtual ability is so strong that he is not aware of it. No wonder they were so good, even if he is advanced in the mech training hall, the rabbit can accurately come to his chosen training hall. Now think about it, it must be Ling Lan used the virtual ability to find his direction.

Does this prove that the rabbit also attached great importance to him, so he would use his virtual ability to find his position and pretend to encounter?

Li Lanfeng felt warm in his heart. It seemed that he was not unilaterally giving friendship. If he boldly told Ling Lan his true identity, perhaps they are now the most intimate confidant friends, he will not be behind other rabbit partners. It is.

Li Lanfeng at this time heart will inevitably emerge a trace of regret, but he was immediately restrained by him, because he does not think it is late.

In this way, Li Lanfeng, despite a small awkwardness in his heart, accepted Ling Lan. After all, Ling Lan was young for three years, and the rabbit has always been a strong presence in his heart, admiring the strong, so some small gaps are extremely normal. But these are small things, Li Lanfeng will not be willing to give up his heart, looking for a rabbit for seven years.

Ling Lan, when knowing the true identity of the leopard, the first thought is, sure enough, the leopard is very dangerous, the second idea is that the leopard is not a good person!

However, Ling Lan does not mind, as long as the leopard really treats her, as long as she does not hurt her partners, she will give the leopard a position to stay in the team regardless of what the leopard will do in the future.

Of course, at present, Li Lanfeng’s position in Ling Lan’s heart is only this. If Qilong, they want to do something bad, Ling Lan will definitely pull up the sleeves, take the initiative to make suggestions, and help out.

Ok, our Queen Ling Lan does not have a sense of justice. She just wants to let these trust her, willing to follow her younger brothers to take care of them, and train them into a strong side of their field.

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