Chapter 322: Anxiety!

For these reasons, the seven people in Qilong survived and died. They did not dare to be directly bombed into the back of the warship. Of course, several people were seriously injured. Here, they have to say that they have the benefits of Li Yuyu. However, he directly took out the special remedy that he had studied. It took a day or two to recover the injury. After a few minutes, he recovered most of it.

Originally, Qilong thought of the most tail to find Ling Lan boss and Nian Tianren, the energy remaining in the magnetic storm and the energy of the exhaustion of the mech so that they could not get close to the tail. Just when they were helpless, the machine discovered a secret, that is The drone armor around you can be charged by the player as long as the breakage rate does not exceed 40%.

After knowing this secret, Qilong seven people were very surprised, which means they have the opportunity to go to the end to find Lan boss. They looked around and found that there were more than ten mechs that could be collected, and they were not damaged by the amount of magnetic violence. Seven people picked the best seven mechs and changed them. When they just wanted to go to the tail, they listened. In the middle section of the starship, there was a mech to explore the situation.

The damage caused by the tide of the magnetic storm caused the entire warship to be damaged. It was not only the tail staff but also the middle part, because of the huge explosive power, let some staff with little protection or not in the mech. The mechs of the machine were sacrificed, and it was a real casualty.

Although the warship command said that there were basically no survivors in the tail, they sent a team of mechs to come over and explore. The original Qilong team found the mech squad of the warship, and wanted to hide for the first time, but Han Jijun had a good idea and ordered the squad members to directly greet them.

Sure enough, seeing a few of them, the mech squad did not doubt at all, but almost cried out with excitement. They thought that the comrades in the tail had sacrificed, and they did not expect survivors... which made them ecstatic. Where else I want to ask the team number and related information of the other party.

In this way, Qilong was taken into the safe area of ​​the warship and found that they were bruised and they arranged to lie in the treatment cabin for a night.

in fact. Qilong also has a fatal flaw, that is, their mech control suit is not a formal military control suit, it is a civilian control suit in the mech world, and it is still somewhat different from the official mech suit. However, they were very clever, tearing up the place where their control suits were easy to expose, and Qilong almost got out of it. At the same time, they were also embarrassed, decisively wounded themselves, and dyed their own remaining control suits, and the **** wounds made the rescuers ignore the control suits. Everyone's attention is on their injuries, and they have passed the most difficult level.

After a night of rest, they put on a military uniform that was temporarily deployed, because the tail of the armored accommodation was at the end and was also blown up. Therefore, it is impossible to have their clothing and daily necessities. The warship logistics must of course be considered for them. Not only the military uniforms, but also the military’s official mech control suits are also sent out without a shortage, so that Qilong A few people laughed and finally got safe.

Of course, there is another reason for the warship rescue logistics to believe that they are warships. That is the staff who are familiar with the tail mechs and theirs, all of which are left in the explosion, which also caused the Qilong seven people to easily sneak into the warship. They subconsciously believe that the manipulators who control the armor of their warships are of course their own.

They don't think that someone can sneak in without a word, so no one will doubt the origin of Qilong. They are only secretly confessed, the comrades in the tail are not completely annihilated, or the lucky ones have survived, which is also a comfort to them.

There is another reason for them to let them go through Qilong. They dare not look at Qilong’s inquiries and pleadings in their eyes. After searching and rescued seven of them in Qilong, they found that the air of the warship began to rush out, and the warship did not have enough energy to create air to maintain the balance of the air of the warship. In order to ensure the safety of the people in the middle and front, the commander had to suspend. Search and rescue, close the air gate in the second half to prevent the air from leaking.

Although Qilong seven people repeatedly pleaded for search and rescue, and said that there must be a living mech in the tail, but in the end they still did not successfully enter the tail, time waiting for people, they must be responsible for the rest. So I had to close the air gate and stop the search and rescue.

The expressions that Qilong hoped for made the search and rescue soldiers feel guilty, and the instincts were sorry for their comrades in the tail. So after they were sent to the recuperation cabin, they subconsciously avoided them. No one was willing to verify their identity because they were afraid that the other would ask for the final search and rescue results... In this way, Qilong escaped once again. may.

I have to say that they are very fortunate that the surviving soldiers on the warships are almost sorrowful to sacrifice half of their comrades, so they are extremely favored by the survivors and have to go through some necessary confirmation procedures. The commander got the report of the surviving mechs in the tail, and didn't think much about it. It just showed the staff to take care of it. Because at that time, the commander was guilty, how could he carry this scar, and I don’t know how long it would support the commanding ship to drive to the Xunlong base...

"The other party is indeed a rescue ship from the Xunlong base. We should be able to successfully enter the Xunlong base... I just don't know how the boss and the lover are doing what they are doing now, is it safe?" Xie Yi whispered, It is difficult to hide the worries of the eyebrows. I don’t know if Lan’s boss survived the tide of the magnetic storm.

"Reassure, boss is who, since we can all survive, the boss will be able to survive." Luo Lang eyes firmly whispered back and forth. For Ling Lan, Luo Lang is the most supportive one. In the eyes of Luo Lang, his boss will not be defeated, even if the tide of horrible magnetic storm can not.

Han Jijun nodded: "Luo Lang said yes, the boss must be fine. What we are going to do now is not to consider the situation of the boss, but how to lurk in the Xunlong base without any flaws before the boss finds us." Han Jijun believes that the difficulties are still behind. They must make preparations early. "When we settle down at the Xunlong base, we believe that the survivors of the existing warships will be registered, and we do not know the information of the members of the warships. By then, We will definitely be exposed."

"If the boss is just fine, he is a hacker, he will be able to find the information of the tail machine, and find the most suitable identity for us." Lin Zhongqing flashed a touch of regret in his eyes, he also thought of this, the warship was affected Giant creation, the average soldier died in the tide of the magnetic storm, and it was too late to clean up the mess. There was no energy to check the survivors. But when everything is stable, regardless of the commander of the warship or the leader of the Xunlong base, this action will be carried out. As Han Jijun said, the exposure is in sight.

Lin Zhongqing said that he couldn't help but smile. He once again discovered that Lan Lao is really omnipotent. As long as he is there, any problem is not a problem and can be easily solved.

"When it comes to hackers, I seem to hear that I have been told by myself. He is also a hacker. If he is, he might get these information..." Xie Yi thought of what Tiantian said on the transport ship. Some regret said.

"Yeah! It's unlucky. If he is there, we will be much safer..." Qi Long heard some annoyed words. "I knew this, I should have let the people go to the advanced warships."

"Now, it's too late to think about it. It's better to brainstorm and think about how we should deal with it." Li Yuyu directly interrupted Qilong's words and reminded everyone not to think about it.

Han Jijun nodded and said: "The chief of Li said that the two hackers of the squad are not there, so we don't have to think about using the hacker's ability to get the information. I still think about other methods. ”

A few people began to think hard, but unfortunately they couldn't think of a good way. Xie Yi saw that the machine was all repaired, that is, the military school in the real world had been relegated for two years. Now it is still a second-grade student. Chang Xinyuan, who is in a difficult position by Lei Wang, is in a difficult situation. I was looking at a corner with a look.

Xie Yi followed and looked, but found that there was nothing but a spider in the net. He didn't have anything... He looked suspiciously at the machine and repaired the new source. What did he think of?

Chang Xinyuan seems to feel the warmth of Xie Yi's gaze, slowly returning to God, he smiled embarrassedly and asked: "Xie Yi, you, something?"

"You stayed in a place to see a place, did you think of something?" Xie Yi asked curiously.

Chang Xinyuan was embarrassed to touch the head: "I just didn't think that Ling Tian's line turned out to be the Lan boss who defeated the Thunder's mech group. I don't even think about it. I will join your team... This makes me feel very dreamy... ..."

Xie Yi was speechless. When they came out of the mech, Chang Xinyuan looked calm and thought that the other party didn't know them. They didn't mind I didn't expect Changxinyuan to fully know them. The origins, but only now, there is a clue, is it his disguise is too good, or his reflection arc is surprisingly slow, until now it is reflected?

Chang Xinyuan’s words made other people relatively speechless. It’s been a night. Friends, you sigh at this time, is it too late?

The sharp eyes of the six people made the machine feel a little cramped. He touched his head again and said: "In fact, I just thought about the words that Lan Lao told us when we started." Unconsciously, Chang Xinyuan also followed Qilong and they called Lan Lan.


The second is more complete, there is no loss of words to the pro, (*^__^*)嘻嘻...

Seeing the bug that Ren Fengyang wrote, it is very likely that I was confused. I have time to check it out and make some modifications. As for why the mech world is now dominated by keyboards, in fact, it is the beginning of the special level, which is the combination of keyboard and human body sensing. Of course, the leapfrog is not allowed to activate the human body, because the human body has feedback power, and the leapfrog will Directly let the controller physically hit hard. These will be explained one by one, explain here first. But thank you, Ren Fengyang, for reminding me that many times, I have mixed myself. Laugh~!

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