Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 316: : The sea of ​​magnetic storms!

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Chapter 316: The Sea of ​​Magnetic Storm!

The departure from the planet was very smooth. When the public channel received the public notice of the warship and officially entered the starry sky, all the fighters were relieved. To be honest, they were afraid that at the end of the day, the energy riots of the x192 broke out in advance, letting them become One of the ruins of the planet, even if there is no income, it is good to be able to go back alive.

But before they were happy for a long time, they felt that the system of the transport ship began to appear chaotic. The lighting equipment in the transport cabin, which was originally brightly lit, had a problem and began to flash.

"What is going on, why can't we control the lighting system?" The operator in the control room of the ship was exclaimed.

Before he even reported to the captain, he heard the operators in charge of other systems exclaimed: "The radar in front is out of order, not good, and there is no reaction on the left side..."

“There is an instability in the surveillance system, and rippled snowflakes appear...”

One bad news was reported in the control room. The captain was cold and sweaty. He did not dare to hesitate and contacted the fleet command ship urgently. Only then did they find that there was a problem with their ship, but all of them. Starships have this problem.

However, they could not find the reason for a while. Just when everyone was overwhelmed, they didn’t know who they were, and they found the x193 planet not far from them. Its star map is different from usual, the original gray planet. There was a circle of lavender ring smog.

This abnormality made the people of the fleet commander pay attention to it. After the experts' research, they found that the circle of lavender smog turned out to be the sea of ​​magnetic storm that made everyone change color, and the sea of ​​magnetic storm It is expanding outward at a very fast speed.

The sea of ​​magnetic storms is a terrible existence in the starry sky. In the place where it has been abused, everything is rolled into powder without leaving any traces. Even more frightening is that the sea of ​​magnetic storms is not stable. It can explode anytime and anywhere. At that time, the sea of ​​magnetic storms became a wave of magnetic storms, which suddenly expanded. Everything in the surrounding stars is swallowed up.

Knowing that x193 formed a sea of ​​magnetic storms, the command ship ordered all starships, regardless of other equipment, to move forward with full force and strive to escape the danger range of the sea of ​​magnetic storms. It has to be said here that the two sets of the starship's driving system played a key role at this time. When the automatic driving system collapsed, this time, the actual commanding ability of the starship captain was reflected.

The starship was different, and Ling Lan in the transport cabin immediately felt it. A strong sense of crisis hit the heart. Ling Lan did not want to, let the small four directly connected to the main ship of the starship, know that the sea of ​​horrible magnetic storm is forming in the x193 planet not far from them.

Although the transport ship is desperately driving in an attempt to leave the scope of the sea of ​​magnetic storms, the speed of the transport ships is significantly worse than the cruise ships that protect them. Not to mention the leading ship that led the way.

Xiaosi’s understanding of the sea of ​​magnetic storms is obviously higher than that of the experts here. He anxiously told Ling Lan that if he estimated that there was no mistake, after half an hour, the sea of ​​magnetic storms would erupt, and for half an hour, the transport ship’s There is no way for speed to get out of the scope of the magnetic storm. In other words, Ling Lan, they stayed in the transport ship, they died.

The fourth analysis, only the front of the main ship, is the most promising escape, even if the speed of the cruise ship faster than the transport ship is also escaping ... of course. This is to command the main ship to start flying at full capacity.

In the command of the main ship, the commander received the latest command from the main brain, his face became extremely embarrassed, and there was some anger in the eyebrows.

His adjutant saw him: "General, what happened?"

"The main brain lets us move at full speed. Don't worry about the starship behind." The commander took a deep breath and he replied in a low voice.

"Why?" The adjutant was shocked and asked suddenly.

"Because, the sea of ​​magnetic storms will fully erupt within half an hour. Except that our main ship may escape, other starships will be impossible." The commander was heavy and authentic.

"Then we just do it, maybe this is a good plan designed by the main brain." The light in the adjutant's eyes flashed and quickly disappeared.

"There are millions of fighters in the transportable ship, and that is millions of lives." As a commander, he could not abandon his own soldiers.

"General, this is the mech world, and we have tasks on it. Even if we really need such sacrifices, we must do it hard." Auxiliary Wen Wen reminded me.

"Ah...hey, I forgot." The commander slammed his forehead and smiled. The mech world was so real that he forgot that he was only in the virtual world.

The commander who had no concerns decisively issued a command to advance at full speed, just as the adjutant said, he must complete his task anyway, even if he sacrificed, he is only glad that this is a virtual world, he does not It will be a life for a lifetime.

"Boss, things are not good, the main ship has been commanded at full speed. It seems that they have discovered the time of the outbreak of the sea of ​​magnetic storms." The younger four who had sneaked into the main ship, felt the change of the main ship, and immediately reminded Ling Lan. Road.

Ling Lan heard a wrinkle, she felt that they are likely to be calculated by the master brain, she raised the right arm of the armor angrily, broke the card device fixed on the right arm, and connected the team's call channel, cold Cold said: "We are designed, it is abhorrent."

"Boss, what's the matter?" Ling Lan's words surprised the players and asked why.

"This land reclamation is a scorpion. I am afraid that there are people on the command ship who are really sent to investigate the Xunlong base. And we are all here to give them a victim of a reasonable arrangement close to the Xunlong base." Ling Lan sneered I said my own speculation, and everyone couldn’t help but change their face.

"Our mission..." Han Jijun seemed to think of something, his face became extremely ugly.

"As the front line said, I am afraid it is also an excuse. The main brain did not expect us to successfully complete it." Li Lanfeng sneered at the interface. "We are just cannon fodder. The main brain is obviously in the next big game, and we are all these people." Chess pieces, just don't know if the people on the command ship are the same."

"Who is the chess player for whom, maybe not." Ling Lan finished, the left arm again waved, and broke the card position device at the left arm.

This kind of violent behavior made the same-class aircraft warrior who did not know the truth look at it. There were several mechs who were already very boring, and their eyes jerked. They followed Ling Lan to make such violence and broke the card device. They were fixed in the cabin for a few days, and they actually had complaints in their hearts. Since some people take the lead in doing it, they are happy to follow suit, and it is good to be free to move around in the transport cabin.

"The road to life must be created by ourselves. We must rush to the command ship before the sea of ​​magnetic storms has completely erupted." Ling Lan said her plans, and only wherever they went, they had a way to live. Fortunately, The short-range speed of the mech is higher than the speed of the main ship. As long as it has not been delayed for too long, they still have a chance to catch up.

As for how to enter the main ship, Ling Lan is not worried, because the small four who have obtained the control of the main ship will quietly open the ejecting port of the mech, let them enter the inside of the mech... Of course, they will be discovered after entering. Ling Lan also refused to accept the consequences at this time.

Upon hearing Ling Lan’s order, the team members did not hesitate to break the card device on the body. Li Yuyu glanced at the mechs in the cabin and sighed: “These people, it’s a pity to die here, do you want to Remind them?"

"If we delay a little time, we will become one of them. When we can't save ourselves, don't be discouraged." Ling Lan confessed that she had no such heart of the Virgin, she had to make sure The life of her partners is said again.

Li Yuyu is still weak. Ling Lan is very appreciative of Li Yuyu, because the doctor needs this kind of weak heart, but a competent military doctor, not only needs this heart, but also has calm and cold blood, in the choice When you must be decisive, you can't be indecisive. Ling Lan believes that at this point, Li Yuyu is not enough.

Ling Lan’s words surprised Li Yuyu’s heart. He did not say anything, but he silently followed Ling Ling’s side because he thought of what his mentor had said to him. The military doctor was not only a doctor but he was also a soldier. The instructor once judged him like this. He is perfect for the doctor. But in the identity of the military, he is extremely lacking. If he can understand the meaning of the soldier, he can become a perfect military doctor. At the beginning, he was very puzzled, but the words of Ling Lan just let him feel faint...

"What are you doing to destroy the deck? You don't want to be killed. The accidental vibration caused by high-speed flight will hurt you." When you see the cabin in the transport ship, you can't help but shout in the public channel. stand up.

Some are preparing to forcibly break the armor of the deck, and they suddenly stop struggling. Indeed, how do they temporarily gain freedom? If there is any fluctuation, there is no card slot device, they are likely to be thrown up and hit hard. Ship walls, even if there is control cabin protection, can not guarantee that they will not be injured, it is better to stay in the card position device to ensure safety.

Therefore, the mechs who are still in the deck no longer envy the free-moving mechs, and the already-deficient mechs have some regrets in their hearts. If they really encounter strong shocks, they break the cards. The person in the seat is likely to be really injured, so it will not be worth the loss.

Only Ling Lan nine people were unmoved, squeezed the mech in front of them, came to the door of the transport compartment, and considered how to quickly open the hatch.


Sure enough, there is more power in pink... I am obviously looking for abuse!

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