Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 314: : tacit understanding.

Chapter 125: The emergence of the Great God?

In one of the basic training rooms in the Azure Star Training Hall, there are three mechs in progress that are avoiding obstacles in the ground and in the air.

A human armor and a bird-type mech quickly completed their basic training. Only one rhinoceros-type armor flashed a bit of awkwardness, and the process was only half.

The other two mechs that have completed the training task are quietly conducting a private chat between the two. The bird-like mech is disgusting: "Lu Xiaolong is too stupid, let him choose to control the simplest animal type. It takes more than fifteen minutes to complete the basic training. It is necessary to know that the assessment content is several times more difficult than this. The qualified score must be within five minutes. God knows when he can achieve this grade and graduate."

"I originally felt that others are stupid and good to call. Now it seems to be my mistake. The mechs can't be played by the silly man." The human armor is authentic, and seems to be annoyed that he did not expect it.

"Don't we stay with this fool? The students who graduated with us Scouts have entered the real mech world. I heard that several people have already changed their guns and replaced them with better mechs." Some impatient, I feel that I am dragged down by that fool.

"At the beginning we wanted to form a three-person team. Lu Xiaolong was the front-line shield. You were responsible for high-altitude blocking, and I defended against remote sniping. If we give up on him, we must find new players in the mech world..." It is best for them to do what they want.

"When the fool graduated, we have already integrated with the new team. I am very worried about whether he can cooperate with us. I have to know that in the middle and late stages, the team must be able to complete the task. At that time, the team can't. There are well-known weaknesses..." The bird-type mech has lost patience. He is not optimistic about Lu Xiaolong, thinking that he may drag their hind legs.

"Well, we don't wait for him, let's go to the assessment first, but how do you tell him?" The human-type mech has always been a good old man.

"Look at me, wait for the fool to practice, I said to him." The bird-shaped mech knows the difficulty of the human armor. I volunteered myself.

Waited for a while. The animal-type mech finally completed his basic training, and ran to the front of the two mechs waiting for him. Sorry, "I'm sorry, Aka. Da Li, let you wait for a long time."

The bird-like mech sighed: "Xiaolong, it seems that we have to act separately."

The animal-like mech is a glimpse, and I don’t understand the meaning of this at a time.

"I have discussed with Aka. Let's go to the basic assessment first. After going out, we will go to the mech world to collect resources, then complete the task of building the team and set up the team." The bird-type mechs said their arrangements. .

The animal-type mech is incomprehensible: "Is the team task not the three people who need the minimum requirements?"

"We went to the Mech World Forum and saw that there are professional players who take this kind of task. We will complete the team building task with the team that is not satisfied with the minimum requirements. After receiving the person, we will quit and let others join in." The type of mech is a sneak peek when the other person is smart. When it is not smart, it is clever. It is known that there are personnel requirements for the task of building the team.

"It turned out to be the case, that would be great. I have been worried that I have dragged you down. I have been trying to tell you this time, let you find new members, don't wait for me anymore." With a sigh of relief, he really reluctant to leave the two friends who are willing to accommodate him.

"Oh, you already know that we are dragging us..." The bird-like mech is laughing, my heart is very annoyed, I regret that I don’t know that the other person has such an idea, otherwise I don’t have to find such an excuse, but also hate each other, since there is Such an idea, why not say it early, really when they are friends, will never be willing to drag them down, this Lu Xiaolong obviously wants to rely on them.

"Xiaolong, don't worry too much about this matter, we are good friends, you have to work hard here, don't be too late for us." The human armor felt the anger in the heart of the bird's mech, and quickly Open the road. If they were known to abandon their original teammates, their team would never be able to recruit people. Regardless of reality or virtual network, abandonment and betrayal of teammates will be cast aside and despised, and he is not willing to bear this crime.

The animal-type mech is embarrassed to say: "Well, I will work hard, I must catch up with you as soon as possible through the assessment."

The bird-type mech controller snorted and dismissed his words, but under the warning of the human mech, he had to give a comforting sentence: "In fact, don't worry too much, wait for us to get more resources in the mech world. You will be able to help you update the more powerful mechs as soon as you come."

The animal-type mech was moved: "Thank you, Aka and Da Li."

Human armor and bird-type mechs are ready for immediate assessment. The beast-type mechs want to observe their assessments and learn from the experience. The human-type mechs advise: "You should observe the assessment of the same-type mech-type mechs, that is true. Useful to you."

The animal-type mechs felt that the human-type mechs were right. So, I asked the animal-type mechs to check the scene and found that several animal-type mechs were undergoing assessment. He chose one of the shortest starting times and clicked on it. Ready to observe.

Seeing that the animal-type mech disappeared completely in the training room, the human-type mech and the bird-type mech only chose their own basic assessment and were introduced into the space for the assessment task.

When Lu Xiaolong entered the assessment space, he saw a rabbit armor jumping and dancing in the air of irregular obstacles. Lu Xiaolong’s first feeling was that he was blind. He rubbed his eyes and found that the picture in front of him was real. He was gradually taken to the other side's beating. He felt that he was not a mech, but a living rabbit, jumping wildly in the jungle.

Suddenly the picture was still, Lu Xiaolong woke up from the phantom just now, only to find that the rabbit armor in front of the eyes had been cleared, he suddenly remembered something, looking at the top of the screen, a line of red words flashing and jumping: "Congratulations **** One minute and eighteen seconds of mech-based control of graduation results entered the top 100 in the elite list."

"One hundred elites!" Lu Xiaolong felt that his eyes had to be spent. There was a kind of luck so he got on his head. I didn't expect to accidentally come in and observe an assessment. I even chose a character at the level of the gods. Feeling something, he is used for life.

However, Lu Xiaolong was quickly discouraged, because he found that there was nothing more than a beautiful and magnificent dance jump in his mind. This was a failure to observe. He missed such a perfect opportunity.

Lu Xiaolong, who was dejected, once again chose to observe the examination of the animal-type mech. In addition to the end of the rabbit armor, several other mechs were still in the assessment. Lu Xiaolong looked at the list and could not afford to enter it. Watching.

At this moment, suddenly a new mech was jumped out of the selection. Lu Xiaolong didn't want to, and clicked directly.

This is a cheetah mech. Lu Xiaolong just looked up and saw that the cheetah had already flown out, turned into a streamer, and even a glimpse of a ghost.

"Master!" Although Lu Xiaolong did not control the drip, but the viewing level is still very powerful, immediately felt, his luck is coming again.

Sure enough, not long after, the other party came to the irregular movement obstacle zone, the feeling given by the last rabbit armor, Lu Xiaolong once again felt, he once again had the illusion that the cheetah mech in front was really a The preying predator cheetah dexterously evades all obstacles and rushes to the target it sees without hesitation.

There may be some time, Lu Xiaolong did not go to see it at all, he was once again immersed in the flexible leap of the cheetah until the end.

“Congratulations to xxx, with one minute and nineteen seconds of mech-based control, the number of graduates has entered the top 100 in the elite list.” Sure enough, when Lu Xiaolong looked at the screen again, a score very close to the rabbit armor appeared in front of his eyes. Also entered the top 100.

"Wait a minute, I must go to the mechs lottery to go to the prize!" Lu Xiaolong feels that he has continuously hit the control armor, his rp is absolutely explosive, and one is unfortunate, may draw the legendary mech equipment. .

If he can recognize these two great gods, it is a pity that the gods must choose to graduate and leave. Lu Xiaolong regretted that he had no interest in watching. He left the assessment place and went to the room where he practiced but found that he thought that the two great gods who graduated and left appeared at the same time. before……

"Ah... why are you still here?" Lu Xiaolong’s voice exploded in this room. It turned out that Lu Xiaolong had not closed the public microphone when he had just talked with his friend.

The rabbit armor and the cheetah armor were originally practicing their respective foundations. When they heard the sound, the rabbit head and the cheetah head turned around and looked at it.

Lu Xiaolong thought that he had seen the confusion in the eyes of the mech, which made him almost slap in the face, trying to remind himself to wake up with pain.

"Don't you all enter the elite list of 100? Why don't you choose to graduate?" Lu Xiaolong still couldn't control his curiosity and asked his own questions.

However, when this was said, Lu Xiaolong had some remorse. I don’t know if the two great gods would dislike his noise and then choose to leave this room to go somewhere else. Then he would not completely lose the hope of meeting the two gods. ?

Sure enough, the rabbit armor turned directly to look at the cheetah mech, and then put a head on it, and continued to practice its basic movements. Great God is not so good contact, Lu Xiaolong is down again.

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