Chapter 312: Robbery.

When I heard Ling Tian’s approval, Li Lanfeng was very excited. He took a deep breath and calmed himself down. This time he must perform well and can't lose face to his rabbit. Li Lanfeng is very clear, want to stand firm in the rabbit team, with his friendship with the rabbit is not enough.

Li Lanfeng manipulated the mech and slammed it out. He fell into the endless desert where many armor had been swallowed up. He saw the quicksand under the foot quickly swallowed the armor's legs. Soon the armor fell down at a very fast speed. At this speed, I am afraid that after one minute, the entire mech will not be topped.

"The desert mode set by the mech is inconsistent with the actual situation, the buoyancy is very different, and the setting needs to be changed. Change to 20, not enough, 30, still not enough, 40, some have passed... Correction, it should be 37 or 38, Determined to be 38. The original machine armor lacks grip, the fill factor is chosen to be 10, there is a lag, and the coefficient is changed to 9. The success is negative. The original negative particle number is wrong, the negative value is increased by 20, which is wrong, increase to 25? Adjusted to 24, OK..." In the team channel, the sound of the speed of the sky is very fast, and if there are no fingers to control the super high speed sound.

This surprised the rest of the Linglan team. They knew what it meant. They didn’t say that the control of barbaric roughness was only based on the intuition of Qilong. Even Han Jijun, who has superb computing power, could not do so in such a short period of time. Collecting the actual data on the ground and making such accurate corrections, the sound of the rapid tapping and waving also means that the other's finger speed has reached a terrible speed at this time.

This allowed Qi Long and others to pay attention to this half-way, and they couldn’t help but pay attention to it. Although they would not doubt the vision of Lan’s boss, they couldn’t actually feel it. They didn’t know that it looked like this kind of modest. It’s also a manipulative genius, and it’s true that Lan’s fancy people are not simple.

However, several people in Qilong were shocked. Then they calmed down. They didn't wait for Ling Lan to order, and then adjusted the mech with the adjustment of the mind, because Li Lanfeng's mech was set by this. I have easily pulled out my legs from the quicksand and stood up, just like stepping on the ground, waiting for their arrival. This also proves that his settings are absolutely accurate.

This scene also surprised the mechs who were still struggling in the sand, but quickly understood what, and quickly changed the settings manually, but this is not as simple as they seem, manual changes, must be on the machine Everything is well established. If it is only a half-baked solution, there is no way to achieve Li Lanfeng.

"Okay, we act." Ling Lan saw it, no longer hesitated, and directly issued an order.

With this sound. The eight mechs that remained on the platform flew out like a cannonball, and easily landed in the desert, converging the heavens and the people, and quickly went deep into the desert.

This scene allowed the monitoring of the starship to be acquired and was quickly transmitted to the command room. The adjutant in the command room saw the performance of the team. The face suddenly showed a smile: "It looks like it is not all garbage. A team, there is still a look, especially this mech..." He is referring to the first appearance of adapting to the desert situation.

"So, the folk armor controllers may not be really useless." The commander replied dignifiedly. "However. I always feel that this land reclamation is not so simple..."

"You mean..." A lieutenant.

"I just received the notice from the main brain, saying that it is not far from us. The planet X193 is a bit strange. Now we are exploring what happened. We will inform us when there is any exact information." The commander frowned. He has been studying, what method is used to get them close to the Xunlong base, but he still has no idea what he wants, and he can only passively wait for the notice of the main brain, which makes the commander who likes to hold everything in his hands feel uncomfortable. He doesn't like the feeling of being held by people.

"It seems that the main brain is very afraid of this problem again..." The adjutant looked at his eyes and seemed to be thinking about something.

"So, we can only passively wait for the main brain to inform..." The commander sighed that he was getting less and less about his mission.

Seven days passed quickly. The Linglan team did not have anything in these seven days. Because Linglan did not seek wealth for the land reclamation, it did not divide the team into several groups like other adventure teams. . The nine teams of the team are divided into three formations in a triangular formation, and they have been acting in the same area and echoing each other. Even if there are some unintentional adventure teams, seeing that the Linglan team is full of members, it is also a triangle formation that can be attacked and defended, and does not dare to act rashly.

The triangular formation is actually a basic formation of the Federal Mech Formation. It is a triangular shape formed by three armor formations and unified action. This type of formation, any one of the formations can be turned into an arrow of the team's advancement, is one of the formations often used by the Federal Army's mech group.

Even so, the Linglan team's luck is good, although they did not conduct a wide range of searches, but still found some rare metals, as well as some unknown minerals. They secretly recorded these, as long as they were handed over to the registered staff on the starship, even if there is no large income, the supply of mecha energy for a few months is absolutely no problem.

Having said that, you must first talk about the use of energy in the mech world and the methods obtained. A common mech, even if there is no login control, there is basic consumption, so each machine has daily pressure to collect energy. The energy can be obtained through missions, or in the wild, or by honor. Purchased in the energy store in the mech world.

Therefore, if you don't have enough energy source for a long time, if you don't have enough energy source, you may not be able to open your armor next time. Replenishing energy is more expensive than stocking. Therefore, in the mech world, ordinary mechs usually only have one standing armor, and the strength is stronger. At most, only one spare mech is equipped. Because there is one more, the ordinary mech can not afford it. Unless it is those who have the ability, or those who have a lot of honor points.

This also allows many mechs to dispose of the eliminated mechs in exchange for some energy reserves on the body. This is why Li Lanfeng wants to exchange one when he wants intermediate mechs. It is impossible for ordinary mechs to redeem all. The mechs are kept on the body.

The reason why it is so harsh is that it is afraid that the mechs can't concentrate on practicing the mechs in the hands. It is necessary to know that the more the mecha, the more detailed the mecha classification, such as the intermediate mech, the single-person mech, there are five kinds, the advanced Mech, it has reached eight. If you can't concentrate on a kind of mech control, then the genius of the armor will become mediocre. Therefore, the mech world had to use realistic pressure to force the mech to go to the impetuous, calm down, and practice the mechanics of a mech...

Therefore, in the mech world, every machine will have a headache for mech energy, and Linglan also worry about it. They can come out for a long time to do the task, but also thanks to Lin Zhongqing, the result of the logistical storage of energy, can only last for half a month, so it is a good thing to gain something here.

Just as they were preparing to move to the next area, they received an urgent notice from the warship command. They hoped that all the squadrons would return to the transport ship within three days, because the transport ship would be off the x192 on time at 12 o'clock in the afternoon. As for the reason, the warships simply said that the x192 planet will have a strong energy element riot after three days. This riot will probably destroy the mechs that are stranded on the planet.

Ling Lan, they negotiated, and prepared to collect another day, they rushed back, although they are only one day away from the transport ship, but Ling Lan does not like to do things, she likes everything to leave some room.

The day passed quickly. They cleaned up the useful resources collected, supplemented the energy power in the mech, and then controlled the mech to return to the transport ship at full speed. When I got to the middle of the road, an unexpected thing appeared in front of them.

A loud bang, "Ling Lan team rushed back to the front of the road, and there was a loud explosion." This sounds obvious is the use of a heat gun armor weapon.

"Knife, you bring your fleet to take a look." Ling Lan frowned on this planet with a hot gun weapon, no doubt is extremely dangerous ~ ~ originally have hydrogen and chlorine in the air, plus When the temperature is high, it is easy to appear self-explosion. If it is affected by the heat gun weapon, it is likely to have a chain reaction, which unfortunately affects the safety of their team. In order to find out the situation, Ling Lan told the Luolang formation as an arrow to investigate.

The Luolang formation was composed of Luo Lang, Xie Yi and Li Yuyu. Luo Lang was temporarily the captain of the formation. After Luo Lang received the order, he took the Xie Yi Li Yuyu and ran quickly.

Soon, they received a Luo Ling Lan waves they sent a video sharing. It turned out that there was a fifteen-person mech team in front of them one kilometer, and they were launching a fierce attack on a group of five-person mechs.

If not mistaken, this should be a robbery, this is the scene of the planet pioneers often happens, some of the poor reputation of adventure group most like to do such a thing, because this time the shot robbery, more benefits than they find themselves obtained .

I want to come to the five-person squad is also a strong, otherwise it will not dry up, a lot of seeing the melee team that can not resist, have chosen to give up most of the resources, choose a safe return. The team did not choose to give in and saw that they could not be spared. They even took the initiative to launch a heat gun. Obviously want to die with each other, but luck is not very good, hot and weapons did not detonate in the air element, so in this case has been pressing play each other, before long, will be annihilated.

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