The 290th chapter: Ling Xiao’s wish!

Under the mask, it really is the handsome face that makes the whole federation excited, and the standard smile of the face is still so respectable.

Ling Xiao’s words made the two personal guards look at Ling Lan with horror. Although they always knew that General Ling Xiao had a child, they did not know the detailed situation, and they did not know that they were in the first men’s military school. No wonder the general would be inexplicable this time. I am here to see his children.

The two teams of guards flashed a glimpse of their eyes, and they unanimously shifted their sights to other places, indicating that they did not care about the personal affairs of the head. However, it is obvious that the ears of the two men are tall and deep, and they are still very good. They are still very curious about how the generals and his sons get along with each other...

Ling Xiao’s straightforward but full of fatherly words made Ling Lan somewhat awkward, knowing that at the beginning of their meeting, Ling Xiao’s performance was very restrained. It should be said that the absence of Ling Lan’s 16-year gap has made Ling Xiao simply do not know how to express his father’s love... Ling Xiao Ling Lan, who are caught off guard, are adapting to their new identity and accepting each other’s existence.

I didn't expect it to be separated for a while, and then seeing Ling Xiao, my father turned out to be a mild and subtle performance, and became aggressive. I am your father. You must accept me like that... but this kind of Ling Xiao also let Ling Lan was not prepared enough, and I didn’t know how to deal with it for a while.

She can't say with all her heart, don't want her father to think about her... well, this kind of rhetorical dialogue is not suitable for their father and daughter. Therefore, Ling Lan is only silent!

"You have been away for so long, we all miss you very much, and your mother is worried about whether you are adapting to life in the military school these days, so I know that I have this opportunity, let me come and see." Ling Xiao see Ling Lan silence, I feel After having a play, once again fully expressing his feelings of thinking, she decisively threw the black pot to her own wife. In front of outsiders, coughing, he still needs to maintain the generality.

Ling Lan glanced at the cold eyes and faintly said: "Tell me mom. I am here all well, and if I want to be a son, I suggest that you go back to discuss with your mother. According to your current situation, you can regenerate one. At that time, there was no such time to think about it."

"Oh... that's what happened in the future." Ling Lan didn't give the face's answer to Ling Xiao's smile, but he didn't dare to say anything. Who made him daddy to be his daughter?

Let me go. It was his fault. It suddenly disappeared for 16 years. Why did Pu Yi create a big oolong when he appeared, and he threw his daughter into the big wolf cave of the first men's military school. Every time I think of this, Ling Xiao is very upset and very upset.

Although Ling Xiao was hit by Ling Lan, his powerful heart was not affected by the slightest influence, and he still firmly carried out his plan. Yes, he is ready to leave the military school. Successfully seized the heart of his daughter and willingly called him a father instead of the cold written name. When he thought that his daughter would tell him a daddy, he would feel the blood boiling.

At this time, Ling Xiao has neglected, Ling Lan, who has always been ruthless and arrogant, will become a petite drop? It is clear. It’s impossible for Ling Xiao’s idea to be realized...

Although Ling Xiao is in front of Ling Lan, he seems to have some heroic shortness of breath. Even the gentle smile that originally gave people unlimited sunshine, at this time, it seems a bit embarrassing, but this kind of slightly loved father's love. Let Qilong have a mixed feeling. There are a few people who even look at their own bosses with envious eyes. It really is their Lan’s boss. Even in the face of General Ling Xiao, they can be so calm and overbearing...

Compared with the relationship between Ling Lan Linglan and his son, and think of himself, everyone wants to cry without tears. Why is Lan’s father, Master Ling Xiao, so tempered, so gentle, inclusive, and think about his own When I have time, I am full of anger, and my discerning dad, they begin to suspect that they are likely to be picked up...

I have to say that Ling Xiao’s expression of fatherly love has hurt the hearts of these children.

After that, after painstaking thoughts, Ling Lan, these little friends, decided to return home, and they launched an independent war and began their long-lasting revolutionary career. Also let their father, when the night is quiet, poke the knife against the statue of Ling Xiao...

In the face of Ling Xiao’s move, even the calm Ling Lan couldn’t help but lost. How did Ling Lan know that this national idol, the ultimate power of the Federation, would be so cheeky, Ling Lan, who had always been unable to express the situation, could only touch his nose and silence again. I can’t really go around and visit her dad to ruthlessly drive away!

In the end, Ling Xiao’s performance was very touched by Ling Lan’s heart. At this time, she really felt like a savage daughter who was used to being spoiled by her father.

What kind of person Ling Xiao was, immediately felt the awkwardness of his daughter's heart, suddenly burst into anger, and decisively thought he was right.

In fact, Ling Xiao has been reluctant to accept his father, Ling Lan, but also very anxious. After bidding farewell to Ling Lan, he has been thinking about how to solve this gap between him and Ling Lan.

Ling Xiao did not have a father, suddenly pulled out such a big daughter, he was also very helpless, do not know how to communicate with his daughter. Although Ling Xiao didn't know how to do it, he was a person who was willing to learn, so when preparing for the Twenty-three Legion, he did not forget to buy a lot of books about parent-child relationship from the virtual network. In addition to his work, when he was free, he hid in the study and tirelessly holding these books to study, seeking to find a solution...

After reading countless books, he finally thought that he could enter the actual stage. He decisively took down the opportunity of the military academy and rushed to the scene to prepare for solving this problem that had been plaguing him for a long time. In short, he must become the most in his heart. Perfect daddy.

Therefore, this meeting is done as directed in the book: Father's love can't be hidden, it must be fully expressed, otherwise the child will feel uncomfortable, think that you don't love him... Only let the child feel your love, He will accept you in order to establish a close relationship with the child...

Of course, when Ling Xiao read books, he was forced to ignore the very small line of the cover: the book is only suitable for 0-3 years old baby.

Ling Xiao felt that he had gained something. He believed in the guidance of the book. He looked at the people behind Ling Lan with a smile on his face. He asked kindly: "You are Linglan's good friends, first. Please take a look at it once, and thank you for your continued care of Linglan."

This kind of kindness of Ling Xiao made the Qilong people unable to calm down. They were extremely flattered and said: "No, Ling, Ling Da..." Well, they are used to the image of the majestic dad in the family. Undoubtedly shocked them.

Of course, at the same time, they are also full of dreams, although they have long known that Ling Xiao is Ling Lan’s father, but they have never met each other. In their hearts, Ling Xiao is still the unreachable national idol. They have struggled to learn for the rest of their lives, and now they are finally in close contact with their idols.

"You are my friend Ling Lan's good friend, call me Ling Uncle." Ling Xiao smiled and said, Ling Lan heard this, the face of the frost was slightly slower.

Ling Xiao’s heart shouted a yes, and sure enough, to be a qualified father, to be a good partner to the children, let the children feel that they are respected, so that he will love you more, with you. The relationship is more intimate.

"Yes, Ling, Uncle Ling!" Several people looked at Ling Xiao’s young face, who could almost be his own big brother’s face, and then compared the two white-faced dads in the house, suddenly burst into tears, this uncle is really a little difficult for them. Alright. But they know that Ling Xiao’s remarks represent Ling Xiao’s approval of them and accept them as Ling Lan’s friends.

Looking at the gentle attitude, smiling face, no perfunctory, full of sincere conversation with a few people in Qilong, Ling Lan completely silent.

Ling Lan knows that her dad is full of charm, but this is too exaggerated. Just such a simple visit to chat, the Qilong five people completely conquered, the face of reverence and admiration, I am afraid that Qilong they have forgotten, There is still a boss around, and Ling Lan’s heart is a little sad, and she is not the opponent of her father...

What is even more frightening is that the small four in the sea of ​​consciousness has not stopped his flower screams since the arrival of Ling Xiao, and it has caused her head to hurt. Not only that, but he also complained that Ling Lan did not give him a chance to talk with Ling Xiao. A kind of sad and sad performance, almost let Ling Lan once again domestic violence, fortunately after the numerous perverts of the fifth mentor training, before Ling Lan in the madness ~ ~ still decisive restraint.

However, afterwards, Xiao Si was ruthlessly locked into the little black house by Ling Lan, and suddenly the world became quiet, and Ling Lan's whole heart was refreshed.

However, Ling Lan, who is in a good mood, is in a bad mood. Because she heard Qi Long and others put them into the military school, they said everything to Ling Xiao, saying that they were bullied by the old school, they had to accept the Thunder’s gambling, on the stage, the new group III The man was seriously injured, and finally Lan Lan’s fist was determined, and so on...

This said that it would be no problem, I did not expect Luolang that kid, even a face of grievances to tell the celestial things. Ling Xiao heard that there were even good and bad students of the same **** in the military academy. The gentle smile that was still maintained was finally broken...

"啪", the anger of the crown of the smashing slammed the palm of the hand, the only coffee table in the Linglan Villa hall was shocked into a powder.

"Bastard, look for death!" Ling Xiao Li, the momentum of the body flashed past, I heard all the lights in the hall burst, the whole villa became dark.

It turns out that his daughter’s daughter like a jade is so dangerous as a boy...

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