Chapter 278: Small four shots!

Xiao Si saw a lot of buttons on the bed and sneaked in. Soon, he found Shi Mingyi’s safe with a lot of pharmacy. When he opened it, he found that there were all kinds of things to help except for the narcotics. The medicines, these medicines are all called aphrodisiacs.

Xiaosi has already found the explanation of aphrodisiac in the database. He said with a small tangled feeling in the sea: "Boss, it seems that there is no antidote to aphrodisiac. The only antidote is to find a woman for him... but this military school is a boy. Only you are a woman."

Seeing Ling Lan’s sharp eyes swept over, Xiaosi quickly bowed his head to the finger: “Of course, it’s not good, it’s okay to find a man...” There is a man who solves the man in the database, even though the little four don’t understand. Why do you have to use men and women for antidote... The simple little four still don't understand what love is.

"You don't have any bad ideas." Ling Lan did not feel good.

At this time, Luo Lang struggled to climb up, forcing the discomfort in the body to Ling Lan said: "Boss, I can." Luo Lang does not want to drag the boss's hind legs at such a dangerous moment.

Ling Lan glanced at the legs of Luo Lang, which was slightly trembled at this time. In this state, can she really follow her to the headquarters of Tianji? Ling Lan does not think that Luo Lang can really do it.

Perhaps feeling Linglan's distrust, Luo Lang bite his lips, and his face firmly said: "Boss, believe me, I can do it!" He Luolang will not lose to the anesthetic, and will not lose to that inexplicable Aphrodisiac...

Luo Lang’s insistence made Ling Lan’s heart sigh slightly. Luo Lang’s appearance seems to be the weakest of all the small partners. The strength of the bones is not lost in Qilong. It can be said that the other people in this area are in this respect. To be the best. Ling Lan believes that if she really let Luo Lang follow her, even if she is self-inflicted and bruised, Luo Lang will definitely follow her behind before she completely faints. It’s really a distressing little guy...

Ling Lan had to nod and said: "Know it!"

Ling Lan’s answer made Luo Lang’s face show a smile, and the boss still wanted to believe him...

At this moment, Ling Lan took a step, and when Luo Lang had not reacted, he slammed it behind Luoyang’s neck. Luo Lang with a hint of incomprehension, his eyes closed and fainted.

Ling Lan stretched out his left hand and took advantage of it. He gently held Luo Lang and whispered in his mouth: "Stupid boy, I am against you, is it more convenient?"

"Ahhhhhhh! Boss, you actually gave the virgin to the stupid boy of Luolang!" Xiaosi saw the whole madness, saying that this is the virgin hug of Lan’s boss. His original setting was that he got the fourth. Ah, why is this kid going cheap? At this time, the envy of the hatred of the small four is incomparable to the backwardness of the world's science and technology, there is no entity that allows the agent to deposit, otherwise he will take possession of the boss's virgin eight hundred years ago.

"Shut up, my virgins have long been taken away by my mother..." The words of Xiaosi made Linglan somewhat speechless, saying that it was not her mother's hug? It should be... Ling Lan is somewhat uncertain.

"The same **** is not counted, the opposite sex, the opposite **** knows not, but also the boss you take the initiative." Xiaosi dissatisfied with the rebuttal, said that the blue mother's hug is not counted.

"That is not Luolang, my virgins have been taken away by my dad." Ling Lan calmly told the truth of the fourth faction, his heart and mind have long been gone.

The little four said: "How can I not know?"

"In other words, you have already fallen under my dad's military trousers, and there is nothing else in the eye." Ling Lan scornfully, every time he sees Ling Xiao, every kind of flower idiot, there is no such thing. A little bit of so-called intelligent performance of the body, Ling Lan once again determined that the small four this product is absolutely defective.

Ling Lan even suspected that Xiao Si could come to the low-level space of her previous life, because the person who created the fourth is unable to accept this defective product, and in the eyes of the unintentional thought, throw the small four into the low-level space. Let him fend for himself?

Ling Lan feels that this reasoning is very reliable. Xiaosi feels the idea of ​​Ling Lan. On the spot, he thunders and thunders. He is excited to refute this paradox. He proves that his fourth child is a heavenly world, and there is no unique magical body. He hopes Linglan should cherish his omnipotence. Little brother...

Of course, Ling Lan has become accustomed to this kind of behavior. When she was young, she would be "domestic violence" because she could not bear the other's behavior. Now she is extremely calm and not shocked. Ling Lan thinks that her facial skill is so powerful, and that the fourth is to be the first to do her best. She does not help her to strengthen her heart day after day, year after day. She can't do this.

In this way, in the madness of Xiaosi, Ling Lan directly resisted Luo Lang on his shoulders. When he left, he did not forget to cast a few feet on Shi Mingyi's body. Ling Lan is not simply venting anger. These feet have her unique temperament. It can be said that if there are no peerless masters to help the other side clear these energy, Shi Mingyi’s broken bones will be cured and there is no way to stand up again. .

When Ling Lan was in the room of Shi Mingyi, Xiao Si became extremely calm from the original state of madness. His eyes flashed and asked: "Boss, can you shoot?"

At that time, it was set up. When the Luolang was rescued, all the monitoring equipment of the entire Tianji headquarters, as well as the main brain of the exclusive Tianji headquarters, would be allowed to play the role of Xiaosi. How to play it, of course, the premise is that it cannot be exposed afterwards. Out of their new group...

"Well, don't forget to find out those who have kidnapped Luo Lang." Ling Lan's mouth was slightly twitched, his eyes were endlessly cold. "Luo Lang has never been held by them. You should know how to do it." ”

"Kill them?" Xiaosi heard the words excited, Ling Lan has not allowed him to shoot in the virtual world. He is actually very depressed, knowing that his greatest skill is to dominate the life and death of everyone in the virtual world...

"No, don't need it, these scums are not enough for my little four to get this sin. It is enough to destroy their spiritual body..." Ling Lan in the sea of ​​consciousness sensed the head of Xiaosi gently. The words are extremely cruel. Little four or do not understand, sometimes, living is more uncomfortable than death!

"If you know the boss, just look at me..." Xiaosi dropped a sentence and went to complete the task and "killing."

Ling Lan looked at the little four who disappeared into the sea of ​​consciousness. The mood was extremely complicated. She didn't know if her decision was too cruel. After all, destroying the spirit of the other party made the other party become an idiot. Shi Mingyi was directly destroyed by her brain. It is certain that she must be an idiot who is not good at doing things. She does not regret it. She even thinks that it is her kindness to keep his life. But those people are just accomplices. Apart from participating in the kidnapping of Luo Lang, they have not done too many evil things...

At this time, Ling Lan felt that the breath of Luo Lang on his shoulders became more and more hot. The unbearable and weak feelings in his heart disappeared directly. It is true that those people are only accomplices, but if they are not, how can they seize Luo Lang alone? What? If Luo Lang was destroyed...

Thinking of this, Ling Lan couldn't control the boxing out suddenly, hitting the wall directly, and the darkness spread along the inside of the wall, spreading around, and there were countless cracks. Because Ling Lan's power is extremely clever, there is no scar on the surface.

Ling Lan’s eyes were more intense, and she decided to be loyal to her heart. She can't bear the consequences of losing Luo Lang, and she can't forgive those people, so this result is the price they have to pay.

If you hurt my brother, you must let the other party pay the price of blood. Otherwise, how can she be worthy of those who trust her and love her partners? For this reason, even if the hand is stained with blood and sin, it is also worthwhile.

At this time, in the quiet room of the quiet headquarters of the headquarters, a sudden exclamation came out: "What happened, how is my screen black?"

The duty members in the headquarters saw that the video they were monitoring had a strange situation and suddenly jumped in panic.

"I am here too, and it is also black." The other monitoring team also exclaimed.

"I can't see it here either." The monitoring room suddenly panicked.

"Don't panic, check the main brain system right away." The captain of the class said calmly to the team members.

With this voice, everyone started to act, and everyone used their own methods to try to get in touch with the main brain system, only to find that nothing was gone. They simply can't contact the main brain system, just as the main brain has been blocked.

"Captain, I have not responded here." A team member shouted in cold sweat.

"I am also here can't get in!" Another team member puts his hands in annoyance, even if he connects the main brain countless times, it will sink into the sea.

"Not good, it is a hacker attack. Cut off the main brain system and open the para-brain system." What happened to the captain's reaction, and was shocked, and quickly informed the players that the attacked main brain and the headquarters were all cut off. Then start the secondary brain to take over all the monitoring equipment and security equipment at the headquarters.

"Yes, Captain!" The captain's order made the players feel alive. It is true that they are not running out of water. They also have a para-brain system. As long as they have been in the process of starting, they can ensure that the headquarters is safe.

However, when they artificially cut off the power of the main brain and turned on the secondary brain, they found that the situation remained the same, all the equipment was in awkward and could not be used...

"Captain, what should I do now?" One of the team members seemed to be younger and sobbed uncontrollably. They thought that if something went wrong, they would definitely not be able to take it.

"It’s definitely not enough for us. We are going to call all the hacker members of the group to the surveillance room..." The captain at this time couldn’t keep calm, and his forehead sweated and fell like rain. Rs()

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