Chapter 276: Sneak into!

At the headquarters of the Celestial Team, a ghostly figure fell quietly into the garden. This time, this point of time happens to be the corner of all patrol sights...

Linglan was only one step and entered the garden corridor. At this time, Xiaosi had already made a cover for the corridor. In the monitoring room, the monitors can only see the picture in the first few seconds...

Ling Lan's speed is ghostly fast, leaving only a glimpse of light under the dim light. Crossing the corridor and coming under the building, she did not choose to enter the hall, but came to a corner of the wall.

Seeing Ling Lan's hands moving up and down, flying along some of the bulges of the wall, the whole person climbed the fourth floor like a gecko. Luo Lang was now hidden in the innermost bedroom on the fourth floor. She had to rescue Luo Lang before considering other things.

Xiaosi had already given her the picture of the whole headquarters. She knew the floor on the fourth floor, that is, where she climbed. There was a room window that was not locked, so she could open it, and the room happened to be no one at this time. . This is undoubtedly a good opportunity to shorten Ling Lan's time.

Ling Lan came to the window of the room and moved the window gently. In the dead of night, even a very slight friction, it is also a bit eye-catching. Ling Lan was very calm, no hesitation, only moved out of the space that could flash into her figure and turned into the room.

Outside the door of the room is the main passage. The small four has already displayed the picture outside the passage. Knowing the patrolman closest to her, there is still a distance. Linglan does not hesitate to open the door, just like in his own villa. , generously walked into the passage, there is no kind of vigilance and caution lurking to other homes.

Ling Lan believes in the judgment of Xiaosi, and Ling Lan has no time to waste at this time, because Xiaosi told Ling Lan that the person who had bad intentions against Luo Lang had already rushed to the bedroom in Luolang, she must fight for time. .

After a long walk, Xiao Si suddenly warned that there were two patrols approaching the corner of the turn.

Ling Lan came to the corner with a step. Her feet stepped on the wall and climbed to a beam, lying there. If you look at Ling Lan from this direction, Ling Lan’s figure is clear at a glance, but from the opposite side, Ling Lan’s body is completely blocked by the beam. There is no way to find someone hiding behind the beam...

Perhaps the patrols did not expect that the headquarters of the impregnable in their eyes would actually sneak into an enemy, and they would go to the fourth floor. They must know the following layers, and they are very strict, and the people who are generally lurking are less than two layers. So they were a little relaxed and walked over the beams very casually, never thinking about looking up...

Ling Lan and other two people passed under her, and they quietly fell silently. In order to prevent the aftermath, she palms like a knife and directly slams into the back neck of the two.

The two arrived, and Ling Lan left the two and held them to the next room, which was still empty, and threw the other into it.

These are all small, Ling Lan did not want to kneel on them, but in the inner strength of the other side of the neck, put a little talent belonging to her. If the other party fails to clear her clean abilities, their progress will be greatly reduced. This is Ling Lan's punishment for them.

After being thrown into the room, the next thing is the work of Xiaosi. The fourth will lock the door, just like the spacecraft, their liaison will be interrupted forever until tomorrow morning. Before Ling Lan has not completely vented his anger, the fourth must ensure that they have no chance to get in touch with the outside.

After solving these two people, Ling Lan quickly rushed to the destination. This road, in the case of early warning by Xiao 4, and in order not to be discovered by the enemy, Ling Lan adopted a sneak attack method, and she did not find her trace. Before, trip the other party directly.

In the monitoring room, because the small four has been replaced with false pictures, the patrols who were knocked down by Linglan are still patrolling the passage in the channel according to the original route...

The white youth finally felt the pain in his head away from him, and his mental strength returned to his normal level. He walked out of the treatment room with excitement and prepared to go to his bedroom to enjoy today's loot. When he thought that the beauty would eventually bloom under his body, his heart was hot and it seemed that he had not been so excited for a long time.

Bai Yi Youth is the fourth-year chief student of the Starship Commanding profession. His name is Shi Mingyi. He is one of the deputy heads of the Tianji Machine Group. Originally, his ability was not enough to serve as the deputy head of the team. The men, and even one of them is the mech master under the head of the regiment. Due to his strong support, Shi Mingyi became the deputy head of the telescope a year ago.

During his time as a deputy group, Shi Mingyi did not use the celestial machine group to collect information on the beautiful youngsters of the military school. Of course, he also has a choice. Some people with deep backgrounds will not be offended. Some civilians, or students with no deep background. In the course of the year, five or six teenagers have been poisoned by him. Now these people have become members of his team, and he is very loyal to his love.

Because of this, Shi Mingyi did not reveal the hobby of his preference for men. Good at camouflage, he used his own cards to gain a lot of good feelings among ordinary students and become a sunny, honest and sincere person. He is a good student in the minds of the mentor, the chief student whom the students admire, and the deputy head of the fairness of the secret machine group...

Shi Mingyi is very clear about the secret of his success. No one knows that his spiritual variation is hypnotism. In addition to confidants, I know that he likes men. Outside, he converges very deeply, even if he gathers a beautiful young boy with different looks, because he is a handsome and beautiful man, everyone never thinks in that direction...

As the deputy head, Shi Mingyi has a special rest room at the headquarters, at the end of the fourth floor. Although there is only one bedroom of 20 square meters, it is very luxuriously furnished, and the floor is covered with long hair carpet.

Open the door and go in, the first thing I saw was a contemptuous door to the door, the antique Taishi chair. But this Taishi chair is very strange, three or fourty degrees taller than the average chair, almost to the height of a normal table. I don't know if it's really sitting or setting. Behind the Taishi chair is a thick layer of curtains that makes it impossible for people to see the scene inside.

Shi Mingyi glanced cautiously at the door and found that there was no one. It quietly closed the door, then locked it and set a protection password to make sure that no one but his own could enter his room.

He crossed the Taishi chair directly, opened the curtain, and saw that there was only a circular water bed inside, and the chain that was hanging down was the thickness of the thumb, which had a strange beauty. On the ceiling, there is a flat, smooth mirror that clearly illuminates everything on the bed.

I saw a teenager in a green uniform lying on the bed, his beautiful face, his brows locked, his eyes closed, it seemed to be in a drowsiness, maybe his body was a little discomfort, and his face looked pale and more youthful. Very pitiful, very weak. This scene made Shi Mingyi almost burned into the fire, and he wished to turn into a hungry wolf and directly enjoy this beautiful boy.

And this beautiful boy is Luo Lang who has been searching for a long time.

Outside the big bed, no other objects were seen in the entire room. The four walls were covered by thick draped curtains.

Shi Mingyi swallowed a sip of water, slowly walked to the bed and sat down, gently stroking the face of Luo Lang that blows the bullets, some lingering.

His fingers slowly descended from the face of Luo Lang, came to the neck position, slowly untied the button of the Luolang uniform, yanked open, revealing the white shirt inside, and the faint white skin .

At this point, Shi Mingyi couldn't stand it anymore. He hurriedly tore the white shirt, and he heard a tear, and the button cracked open. The beautiful body of Luo Lang was exposed in front of Shi Mingyi, two on the chest. A small, rosy cherry makes Shi Mingyi’s mouth flow out...

"The best, it is the best. I didn't expect the first men's military school to have such a beautiful woman. The people I have tasted before are simply a scum..." Shi Mingyi sighed, his fingers continued down along the chest of Luo Lang. Feel the feeling of uploading your hands, the skin is smooth and moist, full of elasticity...

Perhaps these touches made Luo Lang feel uncomfortable, his brows were wrinkled more tightly, and the anesthetic was too strong. He still lay there and did not move. Shi Mingyi was originally prepared to taste the taste of the other party. You can see the performance of the other side like a dead fish, and feel that it is not enough. After thinking about it, he pulled a chain hanging on the bed and buckled it on the left hand of Luo Lang. Then he pulled the other side of the chain and buckled the right hand of Luo Lang.

Then he pressed a button on the bed and saw that the curtain on the left hand suddenly opened, revealing a cabinet. There are countless fun tools inside, and even some SM tools, of course, there are several high-tech safes.

Shi Mingyi pressed the screen of the safe with his finger, and saw the original dark screen lit up. A digital button appeared. Shi Mingyi quickly pressed a string of numbers and heard a click. The door of the safe popped up. There are quite a few pharmacies inside, and there are several sets of disposable syringes.

Shi Mingyi took out two cans of medicine from the inside, and then took out a set of disposable syringe equipment, first extracted a potion, went to Luolang's side, took a shot in Luolang's arm, and then extracted Another can, and hit it again.

After doing all this, Shi Mingyi threw the disposable syringe device into the trash can, then closed the safe, went back to the bed, pressed another button, and the curtain was closed again, and the original was restored.

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