Chapter 267: Transfer therapy!

Li Yingjie is secretly surprised. Li Yuyu said to the staff who supervised Li Yingjie's treatment cabin: "Help me open the treatment cabin!"

"This..." The staff hesitated to look at the team leader and dare not heed the order immediately, even though Li Yuyu is the chief student of the military medical research profession, which is equivalent to half of their leaders, but this is related to the treatment of the students, work The staff did not dare to act rashly.

When the team leader saw it, he explained: "Li, the student is currently undergoing treatment. If the interruption is now, it may affect the final recovery time."

Li Yuyu heard the words, raised his right hand, opened the contact and carefully entered some content, and then said: "Please rest assured, I have applied to the military academy to take over the treatment of Li Yingjie, and soon you will receive the transfer procedure."

As the chief student of the military medical research profession, Li Yuyu has the right to apply for any injury in the treatment center. Of course, the military school is responsible for the two people, will follow the entire treatment process, and prevent any incidents that endanger each other. Whoever makes a mistake will be severely punished by the military academy.

Upon hearing Li Yuyu's explanation, the team leader let go of his heart. Soon after the team leader received the transfer order, he told the staff to interrupt the treatment of the treatment cabin and then opened the treatment cabin.

The change here caused other first-year students waiting in the treatment center. They all came together and saw that the treatment cabin was suddenly opened and changed color. One of them was Ling Yi, who was accompanied by Li Yingjie’s treatment. Asked: "What do you want to do? Don't you know, interrupt treatment will affect his recovery?"

The team leader explained: "This student will be transferred to the Military Medical Research Center for treatment. You can rest assured that the therapeutic agent there is several times better than ours. His injuries will not be affected, and he can even recover early."

Xie Yi looked suspiciously to Li Yuyu. Are these people in the upper grades really so kind? Can't be blamed for thinking more, after all, they just had a duel with the senior Thunder. According to the members of the group who arrived, Lan’s boss just defeated the first person in the battle of the Thunder, officially won the gambling of the game, and the people who were not allowed to be thundered were angry. I don’t have a letter of approval here, I want to come to Yin.

Li Lanfeng saw it and smiled and explained: "We are the Promise Machine Group, and this Li chief is a military medical research major. If you know our military school, you know that the military medical profession will not participate in the battles of major forces. ”

Because the military doctor is the holy man who saves the wounded and dying, he must treat the wounded equally. Therefore, regardless of the military academy or the military, it is absolutely forbidden for military warriors to fight with major forces, because once the military doctors are involved, they cannot guarantee their own hearts. Especially on the battlefield, if it is attributed to different forces and a slow delay, it may cause a casualty, which is unacceptable to the military.

Xie Yi was originally a package inquiring, gossip king. I know that the opposite schoolmaster said yes, if the other party is really a military medical professional, it can be assured that Li Yingjie will not be black. So he retired, but still watched Li Yuyu a few people with vigilance. If he found it wrong, he must stop them from hurting Li Yingjie in the first time.

This time, Xie Yi is still relatively simple. It is not clear that military doctors are also human beings, but also have joys and sorrows, especially for those who love and hate, even if they are seriously responsible for treatment, they will try their best to 'torture' each other. Although this kind of torture is good for the patient, there is no doubt that no patient is willing to bear it.

When the treatment cabin is fully opened, the treatment fluid filled in the warehouse is sucked out at the same time, very quickly. Li Yingjie’s body was revealed. After a few seconds, his military uniform was dried, as if he had never been surrounded by a therapeutic fluid.

At this time, Li Yingjie had a chance to speak. He asked: "Two brothers, how are you here?"

"Hey, why can't I be here?" Li Yuyu snorted and treated Li Yingjie. He didn't have the patience to treat the lobby brother. How can he hate this kid?

Li Yingjie was speechless, and he found that the question he asked was indeed an idiot. Li Yuyu is here, wearing the military uniform of the chief student, of course, is the student of this military school, and the student who can become the first men’s military school must of course be admitted. Did he accidentally hurt his head when he was injured?

"Well, if I ask the wrong, I should ask, what are you doing here? Is it to see me jokes?" Li Yingjie glanced at Li Yuyu with a sigh of relief. His relationship with his two brothers was not good. He Can not be narcissistic to think that the second brother came over with his brother and brother.

"Because you have self-knowledge, you also know that you are a joke, yes, I am here to teach you, so poor performance in the ring, really lost the face of our Li family." Li Yuyu hate iron is not a steel road, even if Li Yuyu refused to be the heir to the Li family, nor did he say that he did not admit that he was a Li family, so he was extremely dissatisfied when he saw Li Yingjie’s performance so poor.

Li Yingjie heard a violently turned over a big white eye. How did he forget that his second brother was born with a poisonous tongue? As soon as he met, his second brother would not be worth the money he had approved. Of course, he did not want to be arbitrarily accepted, and he always tried to resist the uprising. Unfortunately, he was several years older than him. He had a strong suppression of fighting techniques that he had learned more than a few years from his childhood. He had repeatedly failed in his uprising and has not had a chance to turn over. .

It was a great opportunity to turn over four years ago. Unfortunately, Li Yuyu refused to succeed, and turned his face with Grandpa. He directly moved out of the Li family, and he did not have the opportunity to meet with the other side again.

Li Yuyu did not care whether Li Yingjie would be angry or dissatisfied with his words. He directly told him: "Wait a minute, just go to the Military Medical Research Center with me. Next, your injury is my responsibility."

"No, if it can be cured here, why should I go there?" Li Yingjie replied proudly, he did not owe this nasty brother, and would like to be more guilty here.

Li Yuyu heard the words, leaning down on his face and patted Li Yingjie’s unconvinced face in the treatment cabin. He whispered: "I have taken over to treat you. It has become a fact, so you must accept it. ”

Li Yuyu's gloomy face made Li Yingjie's heart bell ringing. Did his two brothers turn into poisonous hands from the poison tongue? He struggled and wanted to talk. At this time, a cold voice suddenly sounded at the gate of the treatment center. Although the treatment center was large and there were many people, the sound seemed to sound in everyone's ears, and it was clear.

"I want to know, what happened?" At the door, a cold teenager who was chilling with the cold, slowly entered the treatment center with this sentence.

I don't know why, when he entered the treatment center, the temperature of the whole center seemed to be a few degrees lower. Even more, some people felt an invisible pressure and fell on their heads. There was still some noisy voice. The child was still, and everyone’s eyes were attracted to the boy.

It turned out that Ling Lan, who was fighting the battle of Taiwan, had arrived. There were still many captains who were new to the group.

Li Yingjie’s original ugly face heard this sound, and suddenly it turned bright. He turned his head and looked at it. He did not forget to yell in his mouth: "Lan boss!"

Li Yingjie's performance made Li Yuyu's face change slightly, and Li Lanfeng's eyes, which had been paying attention to Li Yingjie, quickly flashed. He looked up and looked at Ling Lan, his eyes became extremely deep.

"Li Yingjie!" Li Yuyu couldn't help but anger, and the voice was raised a few degrees, showing his inner anger. He was dissatisfied with Li Yingjie who casually recognized someone as a boss, and was also sad for his brother in the lobby. Because he believes that only Li Muzhen is the boss of their Li brothers, and Li Yingjie, the bastard, even gave the honor of the lobby brother to others, which made him unable to forgive.

Li Yuyu’s anger was not able to make Li Yingjie feel scared, but it was even more ugly. Li Yingjie is such a person, dissatisfied with you, even if you press him again, he still refuses to accept, but if he is convinced, if he is convinced, as long as a cold eye, he will not dare to move. At this time, Li Yingjie vividly expressed this character's performance, and also made Li Yuyu's anger more vigorous.

If you say that you are in the lobby, you will let Li Yuyu involuntarily close and want to protect each other. If you see Li Yingjie, it is completely different. Li Yuyu’s original good temper is running out, leaving behind roaring and poison tongue... No one was living in peace.

Li Yuyu and Li Yingjie were glaring at each other. Li Lanfeng was slightly swaying and just wanted to talk and persuade. A cold voice sounded at his very close distance: "Why is my team member not being treated? Please explain?"

It turns out that Ling Lan has come to Li Yingjie's treatment cabin directly to find the staff responsible for treating Li Yingjie.

Maybe just coming from the fighting field, Ling Lan still has a hint of arrogance. This forced gas field has caused the staff to have a cold sweat on their foreheads, and they have not been able to return.

"Well?" Ling Lan raised his eyebrows, his cold eyes made the staff suddenly chill, and he quickly replied: "I'm sorry, yes... it was his transfer to the Military Medical Research Center."

"Transfer Military Medical Research Center?" Ling Lan frowned. I don't know what this is. On the other side, Xie Yi took a step and told Ling Lan in Ling Lan's ear. Ling Lan listened to the beheading. I understand it.

After Xie Yiyi finished speaking, he retired. Ling Lan paid attention to the four Li Yuyu, and Li Yuyu suddenly felt an invisible pressure.

Li Lanfeng's eyes flashed again, because he felt a familiar energy... Perhaps the other party is really his kind, this is the first time he feels the existence of the same kind, which makes his heart beat involuntarily. few times.

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