Chapter 264: Victory belongs!

Huo Zhenyu didn't think because of Ling Lan's seemingly understatement. He was more cautious this time because he suffered a loss. Ling Lan’s reminder also gave him time to prepare, so he said that it was Ling Lan’s active attack. It’s better to say that the two attacked each other.

Because, Huo Zhenyu, who was prepared early, chose to attack and defend, directly using his strongest attacking style to fight against Ling Lan.

Masters have a trick, unlike the low-level fighters who can play hundreds of thousands of strokes. Sometimes, one or two strokes can often determine the outcome. Huo Zhenyu is clear, he believes that the other side is also clear, so the opponent's move will definitely not be as simple as the appearance, this punch is definitely an earth-shattering punch.

Of course, Huo Zhenyu will not retain his strength. He is so arduous and screams: "The ultimate fighter!"

With this sound, Huo Zhenyu's right hand was held into an iron fist and slammed into Ling Lan's fist.

This move fully reflects Huo Zhenyu's boxing style. He is taking a strong and powerful route. He has not yet met Ling Lan's fist. The tearing of the air blows the people watching the battle, even if it is not Directly facing this trick, you can also feel the terrorist power contained in the fist.

Ling Lan's look was slightly moved, and the strength of the fist was seven points. He suddenly used nine points. Only such a horrible and arrogant boxing trick is in line with the identity of the first person in the other military school. Ling Lan's heart quickly appeared a dignified, not afraid to ignore the opponent.

"Hey!", two strong fists touched, Ling Lan felt that the other party's strength is very heavy, definitely not her two-stage opponent can beat the opponent...

When Huo Zhenyu just touched Ling Lan’s fist, he felt a choppy force coming from his fist. Although it was strong, he was still in the range of resistance. He had not waited for him to let go of his heart, and he felt a new force superposition. On the basis of the original strength, he rushed to him again...

Huo Zhenyu's face changed slightly, and he snorted, and the inner strength of the crazy running body once again confronted this huge force. The advantage of Extreme Overlord is that he can kneel down when he has not surpassed his own limits, no matter how powerful the opponent is.

At this time, Huo Zhenyu couldn't help but rejoice in his choice at the time, and directly used his strongest trick, instead of other tricks, otherwise this sudden superimposed force directly injured him.

However, Huo Zhenyu’s peace of mind was only between a few moments. Soon, he felt that a new force appeared, and once again superimposed on the original strength, and this force almost defeated his power, so he lost. ?

"No!" Huo Zhenyu, who refused to admit defeat, screamed in the sky. His eyes roared and his face turned red. At the same time, the entire right arm suddenly surged...

Upon hearing the 'tear', Huo Zhenyu's entire right arm sleeves were directly split and turned into pieces that fell to the ground, revealing their strong and strong arms, and the bulging muscles and roots bursting out. Blue veins.

In order to resist Ling Lan's third-stage strength, Huo Zhenyu directly used the ultimate strength of the limit fighter, he loyal hope, this is the opponent's final attack, otherwise, only meet the failure to meet him.

Ling Lan’s eyes flashed in the light, and the original white face appeared a blush. He only heard her snoring, and on the basis of the third strength that would have disappeared, the fourth force was born out of thin air...

This power is really strong, and it is the energy of the first three forces. When Huo Zhenyu feels that this fourth force is coming, his face suddenly becomes pale, his energy use has reached a limit, and there is no extra power. To resist the fourth force that emerged...

I heard the sound of “啪!啪!啪!”, Huo Zhenyu’s arm suddenly burst open, and the whole arm was like a sieve. Numerous blood swords were shot from various parts of the arm, which also contained numerous arm bone fractures. the sound of.

Because of this fourth force, Huo Zhenyu's arm was directly scrapped. But the attack didn't just stop here. Then Huo Zhenyu was directly shocked. In midair, "Hey!", a blood came out of his mouth.

Ling Lan saw a fist, her brow slightly stunned, the red faint on her face disappeared, and her eyes turned pale. Because of the underestimation, she forced her to run a four-stage force, causing a counter-attack and causing her to suffer a little internal injury.

This time, Ling Lan got a little lesson, that is, in the battle, you can't underestimate any opponent, you must go all out, otherwise it will be easy to be turned over by the other party.

"When did I become so proud and complacent?" Ling Lan couldn't help but spit on himself. The original cautious personality has gradually disappeared since he knew that his father was not dead. This is not a good phenomenon.

It seems that having a strong backing is not a good thing! Ling Lan decided to resume the past, pretending that Ling Xiao is still "sacrificing", so that she can make more use of her growth.

Ling Lan analyzed his own mentality here, and decided to continue to grow on his own, and Huo Zhenyu spit out a blood in the air, let him slow down, and the air turned over and fell to the ground, of course, because of his internal strength. Already consumed, the landing failed to stand, and it took three or four steps to stop.

The students watching the whole battle stood up in a stunned voice. They didn’t expect to be as powerful as Huo’s boss. They couldn’t help but punch each other’s punches. Everyone thought that the world was subverted. What is this mysterious boy in front of him? ? Just entering the school gate, can you beat the first person in the fight?

Huo Zhenyu tried to raise his head and looked at the thin boy who was still calm and face-to-face. If he was not determined, he would have no way to support it.

I saw Ling Lan quietly withdrawing his right arm. Huo Zhenyu can still see that the other's arm is showing a kind of uncontrollable tremor. It is obvious that the other party uses such a powerful trick, it is not without sequelae, which makes him feel in his heart. Some comfort, at the very least, the other party is not really impeccable.

If the other party is unscathed... Huo Zhenyu can't help but smile in his heart. He believes that his confidence will be directly broken by the other party and he will have doubts about himself. Is the body skill of hard work in the past five years just a joke...

Even so, his confidence is still hit and close to collapse. Huo Zhenyu knows that it is necessary to re-establish confidence and forget the shadow that the other party has brought him. I am afraid it will take a long time...

At this time, Colonel Tang Hao looked at Huo Zhenyu and asked in a loud voice: "Huo Zhenyu, can you continue to fight?" Perhaps the onlookers can't know the situation of Huo Zhenyu deeply. As Colonel Don Juan, who was recently onlookers, it is clear that Huo Zhenyu is close. The limit, the battle may not last long.

Huo Zhenyu heard a bitter smile, he directly raised his hand: "The referee, this fight, I admit defeat." The strongest move was defeated, the body is close to collapse, Huo Zhenyu does not know what he can continue to fight.

Ling Lan said seriously: "Thank you!"

Ling Lan said that it was not a guest, or a scene. She really thanked Huo Zhenyu for her full blow and made her deeply understand that her mentality had gone wrong. This is more important than winning a victory. If she hasn't found it, and when she arrives at the real battlefield, even if she is stronger, this mentality can make her wings on the spot.

Huo Zhenyu’s answer did not surprise Colonel Tang’s surprise. He looked at Linglan thoughtfully and then announced loudly: “The new regiment vs. Thunderbolt, the fifth game, the first grade of the new regiment. Ling Lansheng, the total score of the gambling is divided into three to two, the new group won the final winner of this gambling!"

With this announcement, everyone in the new group jumped up and cheered up. It was obvious that everyone was calling Lan Lan. Ling Lan used this victory to establish her lofty status in the new regiment. People can't compete with it.

The monks sitting below heard these calls, and there was no regret in their hearts. Instead, they followed the members and shouted. Many experiences made him understand that maybe he can bring up a strong team, but he can't make it an invincible king team because he lacks the courage and domineering of Ling Lan, even In the mentality, he can't do it like Ling Lan, no matter what difficulties he encounters, he can still be calm and still...

"Haha, I really won..." Several captains around Gao Xiaoyun saw the result, and they all showed a silly smile. Even if they were persuaded by Gao Yunyun, they still followed Lan’s boss. Lan boss won the first person in the military school fighting to win this gambling, or directly shocked them, because of this result, the impact on them is too great.

Gao Xiaoyun proudly laughed and said: "Ha ha ha, now I know that Lan's boss is so powerful... Thunder wants to eat a new group, as long as there is a Lan boss, everything is a dream!"

One of the captains took a deep breath and finally calmed down. He sighed: "High captain, you are right, we will listen to you in the future."

At this time, the captains secretly thanked several of them for being very tight with Gao Yunyun, so they were persuaded by the other side and patiently waited for the results to appear. Now it seems that this step is right. At this time, they couldn't help but regret the captains who were not determined and who were looking for a way out early. As Gao Yunyun said, there is only one chance. If you catch it, you will catch it. If you miss it, you will miss it.

"Let's go, let's go to Lan Lan!" Gao Xiaoyun saw the members of the new regiment rushing to the ring, and excitedly proposed.

"Good!" Several captains responded with high voices. At this time, they really want to enjoy this hard-won joy with everyone in the new group. This is their victory. It represents the new group and really stands firm in the military

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