Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 261: : The calculation of the monk!

Chapter 261: The calculation of the monk!

When Wu Hao and Chang Le came to power, they defended each other. Wu Hao shouldered the great pressure to win, and Chang Le hoped to end this gambling in his hands and become the hero of the Thunder.

Compared with the uncertainty of Lin Zhidong and Huo Lao Da, Chang Le is very confident in himself. He has already reached the middle stage of Qi Jin. He believes that Wu Hao is at the same level as the previous two freshmen and has just entered the initial stage of Qi Jin. He still does not believe that this year's new students will be stronger than him, the third Qilong is so strong, I am afraid that is the legendary enchanting.

Changle has already ignored the existence of Ling Lan at this time. He thought that Ling Lan would attack Nie Fengming as a serious injury. It was because Nie Fengming and Qi Long were both defeated and had no resistance. I have to say that when the realm of strength is too different, it is impossible to see the truth. At this time, Changle is like this.

Changle saw that the monk had made a defensive gesture of advanced military body skills when he came up, and suddenly he was happy.

There are a lot of top fighting styles in the military academy, one of which belongs to the military's top fighting techniques. When Changle advances to the level of gas, the body skill that matches it is the top military fighting technique, so it is also the military body that sees the martial arts. The technique is straightforward. The same level of physical skills, high level is restrained low level. This time, Changle thinks that victory is in the grip.

The very confident Changle did not want to test the opponent at all, but directly attacked the powerful attack with a top military body.

When the monk saw it, his eyes flashed quietly. Perhaps because the opponent's attack speed is extremely fast, there is no way to dodge, the monk has to make a cross with his hands on the scalp, blocking the front, intercepting the opponent's attack!

"Hey!" A loud noise, Wu Hao was hit hard, and his feet slipped two traces on the ground. And Changle just shakes his body and stands still.

The performance of this single shot, it seems that the strength of the monk is worse than the opponent. Changle sees a happy heart. He didn't even think about it, he followed it again and kicked it out.

The monk did not choose hard-wired this time, but a slippery step. Got away.

This action made Chang Le even more convinced that the strength of the other party was worse than him, so he did not dare to pick it up. When he first came to power, Huo had taken care of him and he had to deal with it carefully and thoroughly understand the strength of the other party before making a decision. At this time, Changle, who is full of brains and wants to make meritorious deeds, will throw away the reminder of Huo’s boss. He has long been forgotten to retain the three-point defense, and the horsepower is fully open, and he is madly following up against the opponent.

He did not notice. Although the monk has been dodging, it seems that a boat is struggling in the gust of wind, but the face is calm and abnormal, and every dodge is extremely clean and neat. People who are profitable can see it. Every time the monk's dodge is well-informed, the attacking route to the other side is clear.

"No, Changle is too impulsive, I am afraid that the other party's strategy." Sitting in the battle below, Huo’s brow wrinkled, and he couldn’t help but look at Linglan, who was sitting there in the new district, only to see his hands clasped. A calm face. It seems to be well-informed.

It seems that I feel the sight of Huo’s boss. Ling Lan’s cold eyes greeted him. Immediately, his mouth was slightly tilted, and he seemed to say that victory belongs to them.

Huo boss is a bit boring. Although he feels that Changle is difficult to play this game, he does not really want to lose to the other side...

"You are stronger than the other side, just remember to be steady and steady, don't take it in, we can win this game." The monk who was evading remembered what Ling Lan had said on his stage, and he admired it.

Just after picking up a trick with the other party, he knows that the strength of the other side is slightly inferior to him. The original monk can choose to attack with him, and he can beat the other side, but the monk does not want to do so.

Three consecutive fierce battles, let Wu Hao want to use a triumphant victory to prove the strength of their new regiment, so he deliberately weakened, in the other side mistakenly thought that his strength is weaker than the opponent, give up defense and comprehensive attack...

Of course, there is another reason for Wu Hao to design this way, that is, he knows that the other party is learning military top fighting techniques. If the other party is learning other fighting techniques, he will not do so. After all, deliberately showing weakness, it is likely to be self-defeating, let the other party seize the momentum, but let him into passive. Just like the first game of Luo Lang, it was because of the contempt of the other side that Luo Lang once grasped the momentum and gained the upper hand.

The other is the military's top fighting technique, and the military is the direct child of the military family. The real army n generation, the family martial arts was originally a military body surgery series. When he advanced to the temperament, it caused a sensation in the Wu family, because he was the youngest son of the Wu family, and even the grandfather was alarmed, directly teaching the Wu family's martial arts.

This fighting technique is the study and quenching of the Wu family through the masters of the n generations. It draws the most essential places from the military top fighting techniques, and combines with other top fighting techniques. Of course, learning this, is bound to be very familiar with military various body skills, and even a lot of moves are to restrain military body skills, including military top fighting techniques.

This is also the reason why the monk is so boldly designed, because he is familiar with the other side's moves, even in the first few moves, Wu Hao's mind directly emerged the killing trick against this trick. However, Wu Hao believes that the time has not yet arrived, so it has been forbearing until now...

Now, Wu Hao believes that the time is right! Because the opponent once again made a move, both fists hit at the same time, this is the second dragon strike of the military top fighting technique. This trick is terrible. As long as both hands touch the opponent's body at the same time, there will be a gas-powered circuit between the two fists. It will directly destroy the inside of the opponent, and it is one of the most powerful killing techniques in the military top fighting.

But this trick has an Achilles heel, that is, the chest is wide open, plus the double punch at the same time, the blow must be in the end, there is no room for manoeuvre, as long as the empty door is found, the other party is too self-help to change. So the monk thinks the time is ripe...

I saw that Wu suddenly stopped and stopped, and he no longer ducked. His hands jerked together, his arms squeezed directly into the opponent’s double fists, and then shouted. The originally closed hands suddenly separated, and the arms were opened. The other's arm is vigorously stretched out...

When the opponent's two fists are swept away from their own side, the monk will only close the arm, then make a fist, and double-handedly hit the other's chest - two dragons to change! This is the Wushu's scholastic learning, changed to the military's top fighting techniques, two dragon strikes, but it is a tactical study of both offensive and defensive, making up for the weakness of the original two dragons can not defend!

"Oh!", I saw Changle being directly attacked by the monk, and fell heavily on the ground, slipping out a few meters, and then wowed a **** sword...

The unexpected scene made everyone very surprised, because the scene has always been Changle dominant, did not expect the sudden change of the situation, the monk actually knocked the other side.

Changle fell there, covering his chest and unable to control the blood in his mouth. He asked in pain: "How can you have such a trick..." He is familiar with military fighting techniques, of course, understands the other side's trick. Come with him from the same door.

Wu Hao replied coldly: "To learn military skills, you should know which one is the strongest military body."

What Changle thought of, his face was even white: "Wujia, you came from that martial arts... I was so bad luck." After that, he was completely unconscious after a whole person. The monk is still under his mercy, but he has hurt his heart, not completely destroyed. Otherwise, Chang Le has no chance to tell him these words...

Bad luck? Is it really just bad luck? Wu Hao’s mouth showed a smear of disdain, and he was a little embarrassed that he had lost confidence just now. Fortunately, Lan’s boss let him know that he was actually strong enough...

Colonel Don Juan had come forward to check the situation of Changle at this time and found that the injury was serious. He quickly asked the staff to send Changle to the treatment center, and then announced that the new group had won the game. At this time, the situation became two. Than two, the two returned to the same starting line again.

And everyone’s attention is on the last game, and everyone expects that the first person in the military school fight will not really play...

Wu Hao walked down the ring in a cold, four games, can only be one without any injury, his performance is enough to prove that he is absolutely suitable for the head of the new group.

"Good job." Seeing the monk came to his side, Ling Lan gave a compliment without hesitation.

The monk heard this sound, and the original cold face showed a smile. Soon he woke up and shook his head. He didn’t expect that just getting Linglan’s sentence would make him so happy, even more than his father’s approval. Be happy...

This time Xiaosi did not wait for the other party's list to be announced, and directly transmitted Ling Lan's name to the past, no matter who the other party is, the last game of the boss always has to play.

The five minutes of the midfield finally arrived, and Tang Yin on the ringade announced loudly: "The new regiment vs. Thunderbolt mech group, Linglan played against Huo Zhenyu for five years."

With this announcement, the audience sounded a warm call, because Huo Zhenyu was the first person in the military school fighting, and the former head of the Thunder Armor Group. Previously in the military school, the popularity was no less than that of Lei Wang Qiao, but since After the fourth grade Huo Zhenyu gave the head of the team to Chaucer, his reputation was slightly less than that of Chaucer, but even so, when Huo Zhenyu really appeared in the ring, the old people who were expecting Huo Zhenyu to play would be controlled again. I can't help myself, I am cheering loudly.

"It’s really that he played, hey, it seems that the Thunder is a must for the new group.” The leaders of the major forces in the box sighed.

Not long ago, when I saw Huo Zhenyu on the ring, I felt that it was very likely that he played, but with a hint of luck, I hope that the other side will scruple the identity of the first person and will not easily go on the battle.


carry out!

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