Chapter 255: Qi Long debut!

"Staff, hurry to send the treatment center!" Tang Yan quickly shouted, and saw two uniformed staff carrying a stretcher on the platform, and soon sent Li Yingjie to the treatment center.

Ling Lan quickly turned around and told Qi Long: "You will inform Xie Yi, let him accompany, tell us about the situation."

Qi Long listened and contacted Xie Yi quickly, let him follow Li Yingjie to the treatment center, and timely report the treatment of Li Yingjie.

Li Yingjie, even if he lost both hands and was not willing to admit defeat, touched the Qilong martial arts, and let the members of the new group re-recognize the arrogant Li Yingjie.

From then on, from time to time, I was tempted to bully their **** ancestors. For the freedom and future of the partners, I was willing to do my best to fight. At this time, even if I hated Li Yingjie’s freshmen, I quietly let go of the mustard...

Since you treat me sincerely, I also treat you with sincerity. We are the comrades who died together, and never give up together!

Li Yingjie was quickly sent away. There was only one Song Wei Road still awake on the field. Tang Yan said with a blank expression: "The second battle, the Thunderbolt mech group four years old Song Wei Road wins! The overall situation is more than 1 1."

Tang Hao just announced the results, the Song Song Road over there can no longer support, the whole fell to the ground and fainted, Tang Yan can only send people to send Song Song Road to the treatment center, just two games, but let the two sides of the four generals All entered the treatment center, showing the fierceness of this fighting competition.

Ling Lan's eyes flashed, and the temperature around him dropped a few degrees, so that Qi Long and Wu Hao couldn't help but make a nap. They didn't have to ask and knew that Lan boss is very angry now. Otherwise the temperature will not be so different. However, they are very happy to see Lan Lan, this means that Lan Lao is about to worry, and the Thunder people can only be worse than Luo Lang Li Yingjie.

The reason why Qilong’s monk is so schadenfreaked, in the final analysis, is that the Thunder is too embarrassed to start, there is no point at all. Otherwise, Luo Lang and Li Yingjie will not be so heavy, and Ling Ling will not be so angry.

With Tang Yan’s announcement, Lin Zhidong, who had been waiting, finally breathed a sigh of relief. He finally won this fight. He didn’t expect the opponent to be so strong. He was so fierce with their players... Lin Zhidong’s faint regret, maybe he should Do more to master the situation of the other party and make arrangements. However, only a moment ago, Lin Zhidong’s eyes quickly strengthened.

The overall situation is one to one, and the two are on the same starting line. In the next three innings, he will win the gambling as long as he wins two more games. Compared with the opponent's card, he has two strongest cards in his hand. He can't lose this game.

Lin Zhidong looked at the two seniors who had been sitting around and watching the game. There was a trace of respect in his eyes. His posture was very low. He whispered one of the words: "Feng Ming Xue. The next one, I am afraid I will trouble you to play, and expand the results for our Thunder." These two strong people are not his If you arrange it at will, you must ask the other person's wishes.

One of them was named by Lin Zhidong as the head of the Ming Dynasty. When he heard the inquiry, he smiled heartily: "I saw that they played so wonderfully, I did it itching. In the next game, let me play." ”

His smile has not diminished, turning his head to look at the new group area, his eyes with appreciation and praise. It seems that he is very fond of the new group. Finally, he did not forget to remind him, "Zhidong. If the Thunder really wins, tell Chaucer not to bully them, and to cultivate them, they will definitely become the pillars of our Thunder future."

Just entering the military academy can match the ranks of these old people. He believes that the future of these teenagers may be better than their development.

Lin Zhidong nodded and smiled: "This is inevitable, otherwise I will not arrange this gambling." The implication is that you have to look at the other party before you want to accept it.

When Feng Ming’s senior nodded, he no longer snorted. And another young and strong young man beside him is faintly said: "This year's freshman is really strong!"

"Huo boss?" Feng Ming, the head of the school, turned his head and looked at his captain. I don't know why the other person said so.

"There have been two masters of the level of strength, and what is the remaining three?" Ying Ting youth raised his eyebrows, like laughing and laughing.

Feng Ming’s schoolmaster confessed, and Lin Zhidong was awakened. He looked shocked and said: “Huo’s boss means... No, it’s impossible to be a level of strength!” Lin Zhidong repeatedly shook his head and vetoed, “Absolutely Maybe, how can there be so many energetic masters in the new life, two or three have already supported the sky... They must use Tian Ji horse racing, the next one must be their strongest one."

Ying Ting’s youth heard the words and only glanced at Lin Zhidong, who was a little scared. He secretly shook his head. Although Lin Zhidong’s performance in all aspects was good, he was not a military strategy professional. The key moment was still stable... However, this is already Joe. The embarrassing thing, since he let go, he has to believe that Chaucer can prop up the entire Thunder.

Lin Zhidong just posted the list over there, and the small four here is Ling Landao: "Boss, the other party sent Nie Fengming!"

"The second strong?" Linglan is currently able to send only Qilong and Wushu, relative to the head of the military commander, is not suitable for loss. Ling Lan’s line of sight fell decisively on Qi Long’s body. Although Qi Long’s level is higher than the level of the martial arts, it is still not the opponent of the opponent. However, Ling Lan believes that Qi Long’s battle must be rewarded. ......

"Zilong, ready to fight!" Ling Lan opened his mouth.

With this sound, the monk's expression quickly fell, and Qilong shouted excitedly: "Know, boss!"

The two were provoked by the first two games, and they all wanted to play in the third game. Unfortunately, Linglan finally chose Qilong, so a frustrated one, two faces with different expressions appeared in this way. Ling Lan before.

In the face of the inexhaustible grievances sent by the monks, Ling Lan’s eyebrows, helplessly said: “The monk, you have the opportunity to play, don’t worry.”

Ling Lan’s words made Wu Hao’s eyes bright, and suddenly he converged his expression of grief, and triumphantly lost a look at Qi Long: Hey, let you win one, and the next one will be my turn.

At this time, the monk did not know at all. In fact, Qi Long was a poor cannon fodder arranged by Ling Lan. To get the final victory, he had to rely on him and Ling Lan.

Tang Hao received a new list sent by the two parties. When the time came, he announced: "Thunder Machine talks about the vs. New Regiment, the third fight, and Nie Fengming has a year of Qilong."

This sound made the following commotion, especially those old people, looked surprised, they could not think of it, for this game, the Thunder actually dug their former deputy head, if he appeared, is the former leader of the Thunder will also appear? That person is the first person in the military school fighting!

As the two entered the ring, and they got the answer that both of them were ready, Colonel Don Juan calmly announced: "The game begins!"

With this sound started, Nie Fengming and Song Yulu made the same choice. He was ready to look at the opponent's strength and make a decision, so he did not attack, the first time to do a defensive action, and his eyes carefully and carefully watched the opponent's Posture action.

Nie Fengming thought that the opponent would do the same, but Qilong made him unexpected. After jumping and stretching a few times, he suddenly rushed up. He blinked in front of Nie Fengming and raised his hand and punched. door.

Qi Long’s fighting style is not like the Chinese Federation’s tactics of attacking and defending. He is closer to the style of the federal neighboring Caesar Empire, pursuing full-scale attack and attacking and defending. The defense is almost impossible in Qilong.

Ling Lan has always wanted to let Qi Long know how to defend, but many times of madness, let Qilong go to another way of physical fitness. Since it can't be prevented, simply prevent it and improve the body's resistance. In Linglan's study space, this kind of exercise is called the physical refining, which is the most difficult road to go. However, once it is Dacheng, according to Ling Lan's words, it will become the body of King Kong, which can resist the tens of thousands of pounds.

Therefore, Nie Fengming is destined not to have the opportunity to observe the opponent, and it has ushered in a violent storm.

Nie Fengming left and flicked right, finally escaped the sudden attack of Qilong, almost scared a cold sweat, fortunately he had a lot of experience in fighting, changed to a poor person, must be beaten by opponents, not yet exerted strength It is inexplicably defeated by these chaotic boxing.

Nie Fengming gradually adapted to the unreasonable and brutal attack technique of Qilong. Originally, the left-handed right-handed flash began to fight You came to me, punched and kicked, and played extremely fiercely. It’s hard to divide.

Tang Yan saw this scene, his brow was slightly picked, and his face showed a smile. At the beginning, Qi Long attacked unscrupulously, making him think that this young boy is the weakest fighter in their new group, even the most. It seems that it is his eyes.

His seemingly impulsive behavior is extremely disciplined, and every move is attacked in the most uncomfortable place. Even more amazing is that his every attack route perfectly protects all the space of his own Achilles heel. If the opponent wants to hit these parts, he must choose to be hard-pressed, otherwise it will return without success.

Major Tang Yan secretly exclaimed in his heart. I didn’t expect this year’s newcomer to have so many talented teenagers, especially this young boy, who is farther away in the field of physical combat than his two former teammates. It can even be said that while others are still learning to imitate, he has begun to explore his own way of fighting.

Tang Yin’s line of sight involuntarily aimed at the bottom of the ring. There are still two teenagers there. Will it be equally outstanding?


First more! There should still be one more in the code word!

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