Chapter 252: Achilles heel!

Both Wu Hao and Li Yingjie changed their faces and slammed into the ground and screamed at the area where the Thunder represented. The words of Zia not only insulted Luo Lang and Ling Lan, but also insulted everyone in the new group, which made them extremely angry.

As a classmate who grew up with Ling Lanluo and others, Wu Hao and Li Yingjie are of course very aware of the feelings between Ling Lan team, absolutely the purest brotherhood. From the first grade, Ling Lan, who was maturer than them, is as inclusive as a big brother. As for his own brother, the interaction between the Linglan team, sometimes a tacit understanding of their eyes can make them I looked envious of it. They simply can't imagine that someone would be so skeptical about the relationship between the two.

Li Yingjie was originally an undisciplined person. He was dissatisfied with the earth: "It is better to say that Lan Lan and Luo Lang are in this relationship. It is better to say that Qi Long and Luo Lang are together. The two men have been fighting together and fighting together. The time they get along with each other. Not more?"

This made Qi Long angrily hooking Li Yingjie's neck, slamming his fists down his head and making him screaming, so that Li Yingjie was so screaming, but the force was not as good as Qilong, he could not break away from Qilong's poisonous hands. Apologize, this allowed Qi Long to let him go. Qi Long is of course angry. He is such a big man on the stalwart. How can he like a man... Compared to it, Qi Long still likes the beautiful sisters who are stupid.

At this time, Xiaosi once again told Ling Lan the list of players sent by the other party. This time they chose their fourth strongest player, Song Weilu.

Ling Lan quickly wanted to understand the reason for this arrangement. In the first game, they lost the high hopes of Zia, and the Thunder had to be cautious. They were afraid to send the worst person, and they would have to lose one more powerful person on their side, and they would not want to be the strongest. The individual sent it out, and in the end there was no generals to fight, so after considering it, he sent the fourth strongest insurance and tried to win the game.

Ling Lan looked back at Qilong several people. Just wanted to let Qi Long prepare, he saw Li Yingjie step forward and automatically asked: "Lan boss, this time I go."

Ling Lan only feels that the teeth are suddenly sour, the same is the beginning of the initial stage of the spirit, and Li Yingjie, a level of Luo Lang, has no chance of winning the top opponents, unless Li Yingjie also has Luolang’s unexplained, mysterious Mo The talent of the test can only have the possibility of counterattack.

Seeing Lan Lan’s cold face and looking at him, Li Yingjie squeezed his fist nervously. Although he knew that he had voluntarily requested to play, it was likely to affect Lan’s lineup, but he did not want to lose to Luolang. I also want to prove that I am not a coward. Just in the ring, I accidentally trembled and let Luo Lang misunderstand him. He was very upset, so after seeing Luo Lang hard to win the first game, Li Yingjie did not want to be too far behind Luo Lang.

Li Yingjie’s fighting spirit made Ling Lan change his mind instantly. She nodded and said, “Well, don’t give us a new group.”

Ling Lan’s temporary change of mind was because Luo Lang unexpectedly won the game. Therefore, Li Yingjie’s loss will not change the overall situation. After all, there is one weakest person, Wu Hao and Qi Long, no matter who. As long as no accidents can win, this is why Ling Lan will agree with Li Ying's outstanding war.

As long as it does not affect the final outcome, Ling Lan is still willing to meet the wishes of these boys.

When I heard Ling Lan’s approval, Li Yingjie showed a surprise in his eyes. He thought that Lan’s boss didn’t like him very much. After all, he used to be annoying. However, Ling Lan’s eyes were not disgusted and perfunctory, and his attitude was extremely serious. At that moment, Li Yingjie fully realized Ling Lan’s trust in him.

I don't know why, he suddenly remembered what his second brother Li Yuyu said to him: "When you know what brotherhood is, you will understand that power is not irreplaceable."

At this time, Li Yingjie seems to understand the words of Er Tangge faintly. He looks at Ling Lan. If he is, he should not go to the position of the head of the group...

Colonel Don Juan from the stage has already received a list of the two sides, and when the time comes, he announced loudly: "The new regiment vs. Thunderbolt mech, the second fighting match, one year Li Yingjie against the four-year Song Lu Road!"

Yun Xiu in the box heard this announcement, suddenly felt refreshed, and quickly turned back and shouted: "Yu Yu, your cousin played, the opponent is Song Lu Road of our grade."

Li Yuyu, who was closing his eyes on the sofa, slammed his eyes and saw Li Yingjie’s enthusiasm on the stage. He couldn’t help but frown: “Song’s Road is already a master of the gas level. I’m afraid Li Yingjie is not his opponent.” Even in the mouth How can I look down on Li Yingjie? Li Yuyu couldn’t help but worry about Li Yingjie at this time.

Yun Xiu has objections: "Not necessarily, just the boy who looks very weak, but can beat Zia, who is also a hard-working class. I think this new student is not as weak as we think, maybe your cousin also enters. The gas level is up."

Li Yuyu was silent, and finally faintly said: "I hope so... But if he loses, I will let him know what the consequences of the loss are." Since he and the lobby brother can not become the Li family, then he also hopes that the last Li Yingjie, who can become a homeowner, is even stronger. Even if he is not accustomed to Li’s cold-blooded ruthlessness, Li Yuyu, who has been educated to be proud of Li’s family, does not want Li’s family to fall.

Seeing that both sides were ready to fight, Colonel Don Juan slammed his right hand and shouted: "Begin!"

With this sound, the two are only relatively distant and have not attacked for the first time. The defeat of Zia made Song Yulu extremely cautious. He did not know whether his opponent was strong or weak, so he was ready to look at the situation before making a decision.

Li Yingjie also got Ling Lan’s instructions before he went on the court. He and Luo Lang have just entered the gas level, and their strength has not stabilized, so it is not suitable for people to attack, or to fight mainly. Of course, the situation on the platform will change instantly, so everything depends on Li Yingjie.

Although Li Yingjie is a sly boy, he is not an impulsive boy. The fighting wisdom is still very good. Otherwise, he will not stay in the ranks of the top five for ten years. Therefore, he chooses the same practice as Song Yulu, and the two are far away. Then look around the ring to find a chance to shoot.

In stark contrast to the direct confrontation of Luo Langzia, the two men had been on the ring for almost three minutes, but they never shot. This dull scene made the students who watched the war lose their patience. Several of them even started yawning. Many people began to talk about it and they were guessing whether they would go around for a few minutes...

At this time, Song Lu Road, which was still in the circle, suddenly had a right foot. The whole person shot out like a flying arrow. He blinked in front of Li Yingjie and right-handedly hit Li Yingjie’s left-handedness. Li Yingjie’s defensive posture suddenly revealed such a weakness.

Song Yulu knows that this may be a bait, but Song Yulu also knows that if he does not try to attack, even if he goes around for a long time, there may not be a better mobile phone meeting, so Song Yulu decided to attack.

However, when Song Songlu attacked the past, he found that the weakness was gone. Instead, Li Yingjie had already prepared the lock. This is the home of the Li family, and it is the defense means to deal with the enemy's strongest attack.

Ling Lan saw this scene, his brow slightly wrinkled, knowing that Li Yingjie is afraid to suffer. Li Yingjie's bait and the subsequent response are actually correct. The mistake is that he underestimated the strength of the opponent. If this move is against the opponents of the same level, Li Yingjie will definitely have an advantage, but now it may not be.

Sure enough, Li Yingjie’s locker directly locked the opponent’s right fist. When he touched it, Li Yingjie felt that a powerful force was transmitted from the opponent’s fist and almost shocked his lock.

Li Yingjie knows that if he is shaken by his opponent, he will inevitably take a punch from the other side, absolutely hurt, and even declare his failure in advance... He does not want Luo Lang to laugh at him, so he bites silver teeth. The severe pain in the strong hands firmly entangled the opponent's right fist...

Song Weilu felt that he was about to shake the other's palm, but when he was about to succeed, the other party still wrapped his right fist, and then led out, his whole person felt the power was led to a gap, and then uncontrollably Hit the protective zone at the edge of the ring...

Seeing the protective zone, there was a dazzling ray of light, and there was a glass-like shard in the light. After Li Yingjie took the other's strength to the side, the right fist that had already been prepared had been directly hit by Song Min Road.

The defense is just to prepare for the attack. The ultimate goal of Li Yingjie’s move is here...

However, Song Yulu was equally responsive, and his left palm was blocked in the chest at a critical moment, and he caught Li Yingjie’s unexpected attack!

"嘭" one two people punched each other, issued a crisp sound, they saw the two people fly out, Song Yu Road fell back three steps to stand firm, and Li Yingjie also landed Stand firm after three steps. In the eyes of the students watching the game, the two played a similar match, regardless of the top and bottom.

Only the eye-catching talents found that Li Yingjie’s left-handed left hand was whistling uncontrollably. Just before the opponent’s strong attack, Li Yingjie’s left hand was obviously hit hard.

Wu Hao Qi Long looked very understandable, could not help but change his face, Wu Hao is more worried: "Li Yingjie's left hand was injured, it seems difficult to fight below."

Ling Lan said faintly: "In this game, Li Yingjie was originally in a weak position, so winning or losing is not important. I just want to see how much he can fight."

Li Yingjie has an Achilles heel. When he knows that he is in a weak position, he is not an opponent. He is easy to give up himself. He lacks some resilience in his character. This is why he has been losing Luo Lang many times and finally ranked fifth in the Luolang.

Ling Lan thinks this way. Since Li Yingjie really recognizes her as the boss, she also wants to help Li Yingjie solve this problem. Today is a good opportunity. It is rare that Li Yingjie has such a strong desire to fight... rs()

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