Chapter 237: Fighting style!

Ten seconds of protection ended, Ling Lan did not wait for the other side to shoot like the first match, full-time master this extremely unscrupulous attitude, let Ling Lan think that the other party is not equipped with the control of the mech to come to fight.

So Ling Lan did not hesitate to control the rabbit's mech, and a powerful squat, the mech was flying against the ground like an arrow. She instantly extracted the carrot blade in the rabbit's mouth, and suddenly slammed it. Sweep, draw a brilliant red light, cut to the control cabin of the human armor on the opposite side.

"Warning! Danger!" The other party's main brain only had time to say this warning. The original bright cabin suddenly fell into darkness, and then the system sounded: "You are dead, please choose to continue the next round or leave?"

The full-time master was bombarded by this unexpected ending. He thought that the attacking opponent must have used improper control, otherwise how could he kill him? This rabbit is so despicable, no wonder that the team will issue a killing order, and he will pity the other party...

The full-time master decided to go back and find the other person, and then gave a good lesson to let the other person understand that being a man can not be so mean. The full-time master opts out of the match, then finds his own battle record and wants to find out the information of the rabbit. I didn't expect the other party to choose anonymity, which made the full-time master think that the other party was prepared and wanted to use these rules to break the rules to defraud his points. He was extremely unscrupulous in his heart and protested directly to the mech world system, hoping that the system could determine that the other party’s victory was invalid, not only that. He also complained that the other party may have used an improper method and violated the system rules.

Soon, the system will feed back. The system determined that the battle was effective, the protest of the full-time master was dismissed, and the content of his complaint was judged by the system as an obituary.

For obituaries, regardless of reality or virtual world, the punishment is very strict. Full-time masters were directly deducted from the system by 2000 points and were penalized for ten games. This result made the full-time master burst, and he was unable to control himself. The country directly vented the exit, and then the more cups appeared. The full-time master was kicked out by the virtual world. By the way, he told the other person that he would It is forbidden to enter the virtual world for three days.

The full-time master looked at the red warning subtitles and slammed the virtual world's login cabin. Climbing out from inside, roaring: "The **** main brain, mad at me."

A login cabin door next to him. This time suddenly opened. There was a teenager sitting inside, and he asked with confusion: "Joe Lin, how come you? It is no wonder that you can't find you in the mech world."

He called the full-time master in the mech world, but was told by the system that he could not contact, because he was worried about the following line, and the other party left the virtual world.

Qiao Lin saw each other. It’s like finding the object of the complaint and immediately telling the other person what happened in the mech world.

The man’s brow wrinkled and did not agree with Qiao Lin’s opinion. He said: “Since the main brain has not found the other’s fault, it means that the other party has absolutely no cheating. Perhaps you were too underestimated.”

Qiao Lin angered: "How could it be, even if I didn't pay attention to each other. It is also an intern trainer. Can you take me a second? I haven't entered the Mecha-level Challenge." After all, he still can't believe he will be The same level of internships was a killer, he could not accept the ending.

The man heard the news, knowing that Qiao Lin could not accept the result, he euphemistically advised: "It is very likely that the other party is a hacker, doing a little trick to make the main brain unable to see through, you are angry now is also white angry, it is better to look for the machine later Revenge back."

Although this kind of comfort to Qiao Lin, his face is a little disapproving, the mech world is said to be the safest virtual world, hackers can't do anything in it, unless it is a more horrible virtual evolutionary person, but the virtual evolutionary is relying on Directly hurt the opponent's mental strength to win, see Qiao Lin's current excitement, can directly rule out this. The fact is probably that he just guessed that Qiao Lin had a big idea. Under the chance of coincidence, he had this one-shot spike.

If Joe Lin is the younger brother of Ray Wang Qiao, he would not say these comfort words. Looked at the still dissatisfied Qiao Lin, he could not help but sigh, even though he is a brother, has the same blood, talent is completely different, Lei Wang Qiao is a high-profile genius, and Qiao Lin is a Adou, who can't afford it, can only be used as a blessing by his brother's prestige...

After continuing to persuade Qiao Lin, he said goodbye to the other side to lie back to the virtual login cabin. At the moment when the login cabin was closed, Qiao Lin, who had always had a different face, suddenly showed a mocking smile...

In the past two days, a message was blasted in the low-level machine. In the newcomer match, an internship rabbit armor slashed nearly 40 intern trainers in the same day and went straight to the rookie. The top of the list.

It’s not a big news for nearly 40 consecutive victories. Many people have had such achievements before. Of course, those people are not completing this feat in one day.

Indeed, in terms of time, the rabbit armor is a bit surprising, but this is not one of the reasons for the sensation. The reason why the whole mech world is shaken, or because the rabbit armor faces the opponent of the same level, but it is a killer, not a second time, but the second time, this achievement is absolutely unprecedented, although I don’t know Not after, but in the short term, no one can do this...

Moreover, this is not a leap-forward competition. Because of the level, the strength is quite different, and it is easy to achieve one hit. In the novice match, because they are all newcomers, it is difficult to see such an overwhelming gap. Many people suspect that the rabbit armor may have been staying in the training base of the mech training hall. When it reaches the limit, it enters the mech world, so the strength will be so high.

Of course, some people suspect that it is a trumpet opened by a master. However, this kind of speculation is directly denied by the official of the mech world. Because the mech world is not trumpet, each person’s brain wave is unique and uses brain waves. Mental power as the virtual world of the login source, it is impossible to make a second account.

Even if the hacker of mental variation or the more horrible virtual evolutionary person can't change the mental power of his brainwaves, he can only use the shielding method to make the system unable to see their true body. But they can't change the facts that already exist, for example, from a mech master to an internship...

The official announcement has pushed this matter to a climax. More and more people have been practicing rabbit armor in the training hall for several years before they have a blockbuster today. The rabbit armor did not stop his victory. On the second day, he even slashed more than 60 people and pushed the winning streak to 100 games. All of these 100 games were all enemies.

This record makes those low-level mechs more crazy, many people regret that they did not practice the basic control at the beginning, did not cherish their first mech, and changed into a better mech before they became familiar. Many people began to admire the rabbit armor, and even thought that he would become the most talented mech controller in the federation... It is likely that another genius appeared.

On the third day, when everyone expected the rabbit armor to continue his campaign, they found that the novices could not find the figure of the rabbit armor in the match. When everyone was confused, someone calculated the points of the rabbit armor. Found that the winning streak 100 points enough for the rabbit armor to advance to the lower level of the machine.

In other words, the rabbit armor can participate in the lowest level of the leapfrog challenge. Many people think that the rabbit armor will definitely participate in the leapfrog challenge, but found that the mysterious rabbit mech really disappeared in the entire mech, It seems that the crazy record of the previous two days is just a dream, a matter that everyone has collectively fantasized.

"Li Lanfeng, you have been studying the fighting techniques of the rabbit armor recently. What did you find?" In the fourth-grade dormitory, Zhao Wei, who has been coming to the door, saw Li Lanfeng studying the videos again and couldn't help but ask.

"As everyone said, the basic control is close to perfection, and every move is not wasted, clean and neat." Li Lanfeng looked back seriously.

"It seems that the fighting style of the other party is very similar to you!" Zhao Lan understands Li Lanfeng, and his good friend is also the person who pursues the perfect foundation. This is why Li Lanfeng has not advanced to a special master. Staying in the senior machine for two years, is to want to master the advanced machine-based basic control to the skilled even perfect. Otherwise, Li Lanfeng’s current level of mech is the same as him. Two years is enough for him to spy on the mystery of the acemaster.

Zhao Wei has always believed that Li Lanfeng has a pathological paranoia about basic manipulation, and he does not agree. Everyone knows that the more advanced the armor, the more complicated the control tricks can be learned, the more powerful it is. Many people don't want to waste time on the basic control of low-level mechs. In his eyes, every level The basic control can be done as long as it is skilled, and it is not necessary to practice to be refined to perfection. Zhao Wei has always believed that Li Lanfeng is wasting time.

However, Zhao Wei will not force Li Lanfeng to change his practice. Compared with the strength of Li Lanfeng's mech control, he is more convinced of the other's head and strategy. He even thinks that Li Lanfeng is more suitable as a strategy strategist than a full-time mech.

"Yeah, this style is really like..." Li Lanfeng seems to think of something, and his eyes are far away.

"Will it be the person who is your teacher?" Zhao Wei remembers that Li Lanfeng said that perfect control of the basic control is a hard rule for their teachers, so they joked.

Li Lanfeng heard a glimpse of what seemed to be awakened. He quickly recovered his calmness and said: "Zhao Wei, finally you said something useful. Perhaps, the rabbit mech is really related to my teacher."

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