Chapter 223: The Viper Family!

The giant python finally stopped twisting, and the huge snake head slammed down the ground, and picked up some dust and fallen leaves. The machine carefully repaired it: "It is dead..."

"Not yet!" Ling Lan replied coldly, how can this trick trick her? In the original deep forest, no animal has ever seen it, and some are even more cunning than this python.

"Ah..." The machine looked at the python with horror, so that it hasn't died yet?

Ling Lan pulled out a short blade from the outside of the two hind legs of the rabbit. The left hand slammed into it, and a short blade was thrown out, whistling into the head of the python.

When I saw that I was about to hit, the python suddenly looked up, and the big mouth biting the flying short blade with a big mouth, I heard a 'snap', and the short blade that was made of high-performance was directly fragmented by it. It can be seen how powerful the bite force of the python is. If Ling Lan personally stepped forward, one would not be investigated and attacked by the sneak attack. I am afraid that the machine will be destroyed.

However, this terrible blow is also the last attack of this python, because the second short blade did not know when, even Linglan quietly shot out, when the python bite the first short blade, the first The two short blades pierce directly into the snake's head and penetrate the entire snake head.

When the python was dying, it seemed to be a painful spurt. After the big mouth screamed and screamed, the snake head slammed on the ground and splashed a trace of dust again.

Seeing this scene, Ling Lan manipulated the rabbit's mech to jump forward, and the machine was all stunned and screamed, screaming: "Lingtian is on the line, be careful that it is not dead yet." In case the other party has another fake death, the rabbit machine Isn't it dangerous to go up like this?

"This time is dead." Ling Lan faintly replied, went to the snake head, pulled out the carrot blade that was nailed to it, put it in the rabbit's mouth, and then pulled out the short blade on the snake's head. After rubbing a few times on the ground, this was inserted back into the hind limbs. No way, there are too few weapons on the internship, and Ling Lanke has to take it.

When Ling Lan was ready to leave, the machine did not repair and said again: "That, you don't take the spoils?"

In the previous moment, when the rabbit armor killed other mutant beasts, he never took the spoils on the mutant monster. This made him feel bad and died. You must know that it is a point... although each has only a few points, it can be reduced. Many, so many beasts are collected, and there are dozens of points.

In the mech world, there is no point. It is really difficult to walk. If he has countless points, he will not be pitifully trapped in Sanyo Town. He will directly shoot 10,000 points. Even if King Lei, there is no way to stop it. He took him out of Sanyo Town.

"The booty?" Ling Lan asked curiously, she really didn't know about these things.

"Yeah, there are many good things on the monster. If you collect it, you can redeem the points at the redemption store. For example, the teeth of this python, one can have 3 points, four are twelve points, like rabbit fur you play along the way. One zero point and two points, the wolf fur zero point three points..." The machine is really well aware of the spoils, and the fingers are used to explain the waste of Linglan.

Ling Lan listened for a long time, the original mech world has such accumulated points, but she looked at the snake head, well, she was not interested in re-contacting the ugly body, so she said: "You collect it!"

All the machines thought that Ling Lan was asking him to help collect, so he was glad to go and collect the four fangs on the snake head. Ling Lan’s horrible fighting force made the machine understand all the time. His rewards were not enough to hire such a strong mech. He wanted to make up for it with other things. If he could help the other party collect the spoils and score more points, he felt The owe will be less.

The machine repaired the teeth while looking at the sigh of the middle part of the python that turned into a meat foam. This is the fall of Ling Lan, using the weight and gravity of the mech, and the palm of the snake is crushed into a meat foam. This trick is impeccable both in timing and precision, which proves that Ling Lan’s ability to control the mech has arrived. The degree of unity of the fuselage, this is the characteristics of the special master, which also proves that the guess of the machine is accurate, the controller of the internship rabbit armor is definitely a mysterious and powerful special master.

Of course, the machine is not repaired and does not marvel at the strength of the other side, but regret that the snake skin was destroyed by Ling Lan brute force, he secretly thought that such a huge snake skin, if it is perfectly peeled off, how can I redeem 30 points? This is already a very high amount in the exchange of spoils. Well, in order to accumulate points, hire a master, all the machines are undoubtedly some points control.

The collection ability of the machine is still very strong, the four teeth take less than two minutes, but even so, Ling Lan still feels uneconomical, perhaps this is why Xiao 4 did not give her a proposal, killing the beast may only need Ling Lan In a matter of seconds, it can be collected but it is a waste of time. This is definitely not what Linglan wants.

Ling Lan saw that the machine was all collected, and he no longer hesitated to move on. Although all the way to be cautious, but no longer encountered any beasts, and did not encounter any danger, this strange situation makes the machine all repaired. I don't know why, looking at the front of the rabbit's mech, he jumped without hesitation. Every time the jumping distance was the same, the arc of motion and the rhythm were exactly the same. This precise control made his mood slowly calm down...

After about five minutes of travel, suddenly, Ling Lan stopped and said: "Be careful."

Although the choice of learning is not a formal mech fighter, but these years from the force, so that his combat experience is extremely rich, heard Ling Lan's reminder, has already set a defensive posture, the surrounding situation is filled with multiple perspectives The screen of the mech, but in addition to quiet, there is no change.

No, there is actually a sound, it is the slap of the wind when the leaves are blowing, but this is a very normal scene... The forehead is still sweating, the quieter and normal, the more dangerous it is approaching.

The machine was not aware of this moment and he did not notice it. He unconditionally trusted Ling Lan, so he took such care to Ling Lan’s sentence so much, and even thought that the crisis was in sight.

"Jump!" Ling Lan screamed and screamed. The machine didn't even think about it. He directly controlled the mech and the whole person leaped. He saw the red light flashing from the foot of his mech.

"Hey!" is the sound of piercing into the flesh and blood, or it is pierced into the mud. The machine has not been repaired yet, and it is heard that there is a loud scream in the back.

The machine has not yet repaired the mech to expand the video range, and I feel that my body has been hit hard.

From the screen, the machine is very clear to see, the attack on him is the rabbit armor, the other side stunned with the hind legs. This embarrassment was greater than the power that Linglan pushed away. The whole mech of the machine was all flew out, and several large trees were hung up, and then fell heavily on the ground more than 30 meters away.

If the physical quality of the machine is still excellent, the repeated impacts alone may cause him to be seriously injured. However, even if the machine is repaired, he feels that the whole person has been shaken and can not help but spurt a blood spray. Come out...

"Is it necessary to kill him in Lingtian?" The first reaction was to do this, but it quickly lost the idea, because he believed that according to Ling Tian’s strength, he wanted to kill him, and it would be easy. Let him suffer a little bit of injury.

Linglan there, with the help of the machine, with the help of the engine, hurriedly high, flew into the air, escaped a rapid silver raid, but also helped the machine to avoid it. This time the fierce attack. Because of this silver light attack route, the first one encountered was the machine repair,

Ling Lan controlled the armor to land on the ground steadily, carefully watching a silver giant python that had been circling for more than a dozen meters. This python is bigger than the python that Linglan killed before. The two lanterns of the same size have a cold chill of cold eyes, and they do not hide the killing.

"Unexpectedly, the fierce beast hovering here is the python family." Ling Lan frowned, although Ling Lan was not like a girl who was studying space, he would not be afraid of any beast and beast It is difficult to hide her nature is still very disgusted with this slippery cold-blooded reptile, so I found that the opponent is these pythons, and my heart is still somewhat unhappy.

Ling Lan glanced at a point not far away, and had already pinned a slightly smaller python's carrot blade. The python was struggling to get rid of the carrot blade.

Can not help but snorted, Ling Lan know that the carrot blade is certainly not available to use. The rabbit armor is also a practice armor. In addition to the carrot blade in the cold weapon, there are only two high-performance short-edged blades, one of which has been 'strongly sacrificed' in the previous battle. Linglan can use Cold weapon weapons, only the only short blade.

Although there is a beam of light gun on the back of the rabbit's armor, Ling Lan knows that the energy of the short gun alone cannot break the defensive power of this giant python snake skin. Of course, it doesn't mean that it really doesn't work. If it's the key to playing, it still works, such as the eyes of a python, or the mouth without a skin wrap... but in a sports battle, it's very difficult to hit them. As a last resort, Ling Lan did not want to use the beam that is not reliable.

Ling Lan picked up the only short blade in her left hand, but she regretted that she was too big. She should prepare a sharp sword or a lightsaber in advance, so it would be much easier to kill these pythons. Rs()

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