Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 230: : The secret of the military school open!

Chapter 230: The secret of the military school!

"This little four is really more and more bold!" Ling Lan once again determined that the intelligent body of the learning space is absolutely wonderful, all kinds of performances are exactly the same as a real child, and all emotions, including Lai Pei.

Ling Lan drove the mech to the west gate of the town. The west gate was a little less than the other gates, because it was the gateway to Xinyang City, and the passage of Xinyang City was only one day. The time will be reoccupied by the new beast. In particular, the strength of those fierce beasts is really strong, and the people above the senior mechs are simply unable to pass, so this is the most difficult one in the novice period.

Ling Lan’s rabbit armor was there, shaking his head with his radish, and the cute touch did attract a lot of attention, but it soon faded. After all, the mech still depends on the strength. The boys only curiously licked their eyes and threw their heads behind.

Soon, Ling Lan saw a humanoid mech appearing at the west gate, looking around and knowing that this person should be repaired, and then the maneuver jumped to the other side. This sudden movement seemed to think of the other party. Seeing the other side's first reaction to make a defensive posture, you know that the manipulator's handling response is good.

"Is there any repair?" Ling Lan asked with the public channel.

"Lingtian first line?" The unbelievable voice of the other party proved that he was very disappointed with the appearance of Linglan's mech.

"Yes!" Ling Lan replied.

"Sorry, I have to go!" The voice of the machine was a little angry, and he felt that he was being played. Directly maneuvering the mech to go back, but found a carrot-shaped blade in front of the mech.

"It's good to see my strength. I don't want anyone to break the agreement." Ling Lan's voice was extremely cold, I don't know why. All the machines were repaired and I felt that a cold heart hit the heart.

"Well?" Ling Lan had a bit of intimidation in his voice, but his heart was ashamed. In order to score, he actually did something to force people to come, too much.

"Good!" The machine didn't want to think about it, and agreed to it. As a mech-retrogen genius, he is very familiar with the manipulation of the mech, he turned back very fast, but the other party is in the same time. Going forward two steps, taking the first step, manipulating the weapon to stop himself, and just controlling that, he feels that the strength of the other party is absolutely not bad, which is one of the reasons why he simply promised it. Of course, he will not admit that he is because of the other party. The deterrent brought about by changing the mind.

"This passage to Xinyang City has many beasts along the way. Of course, the beast that is closest to Simon is not as strong as the deepest. We go forward and look at the first wave of beasts, if you can Let me approve, I will give you the task." The machine said nothing. "Of course, if you can't satisfy me, I won't continue with you."

"Yes!" Ling Lan approved the proposal of the machine. "However, I have to keep up with my speed. Otherwise I won't take care of you." Ling Lan didn't want to fight, he wanted to protect him. Ling Lan’s idea is. If she blocks most of the beasts, the other party has no ability to protect themselves. She would rather give up this task than to help him complete the task. Ling Lan believes that since the strength is not enough, it is better to continue to hone in the Sanyo town, and then the strength is enough to go to the wider world.

"Okay!" The machine repaired the rabbit armor in front of him and replied.

The two mechs flew in the direction of Xinyang City. There were mechs who knew all the machines, and several of them quickly opened the contact and released their latest discoveries to friends.

"Outside the number, outside the number, I just saw that the machine was repaired with a rabbit internship.

"Cut, this guy hasn't died yet? Didn't he die enough last time?"

"He is really getting worse and worse. This time it was mixed with the internship. I bet he will die halfway again." This is the voice of gloating.

"Who told him not to join the power of Lei Wang, he should only be able to mix in the Sanyo town. I heard that Lei Wang has let go of the words, no one can help him. In the past few days, there were not three other places to pick up the kid. Is his mission? Fortunately, the group is gone, otherwise the three boys will definitely be killed by the Lei Wang." This is the first men’s military school student, only the first men’s military school personnel understand the machine and repair the Lei Wang resentment.

"Where do you say that the rabbit armor is? Isn't it afraid to pick up the mission?" asked the same student of the first men's military academy.

"It is definitely not our first men's military school, otherwise how dare to pick up his mission? In the military academy, this is already an open secret, even this year's freshmen will be reminded by old students." Another first men's military school The students replied, "Only the freshmen of other colleges don't know these things, dare to take over the task, but after a few more lessons, I believe that these newcomers will not take over the task."

"You said, will this King of Lei will not be shot?" More military school students joined the topic curiously, and the channel they chatted was the channel of the exclusive military school.

"Do you think they can pass the mission of Xinyang Channel?". Someone asked, "If you don't pass, how can King Lei be able to shoot, but he will warn afterwards."

"The rabbit is really unlucky. When I first came to the mech world, I got into the thunder king." Someone started to pity that it would sell the cute rabbit.

"This rabbit is still lucky. In the mech world, it is most warned. It will not hurt. If he is a student of the first men's military academy, it is really terrible. Lei Wang will never let go. In violation of his orders, "In the first men's military school, Lei Wang is a unique king, powerful, and powerful, even if the leaders of the second and third forces are not willing to rebel against him.

"Have you heard that this year's new students are very mad, even if they formed a new group, they refused to join other forces, is it that they are so laissez-faire?" Someone suddenly raised this question.

"These freshmen are happy now, and they will cry later. Lei Wang has no time to manage these small things. He is now reconciling his feelings. Once he leaves the customs, it is the super senior of our military school to advance to the ace. At that time, do you think that Lei Wang will let these new students chaos and destroy the order of the school?" This estimate is the power of the Lei Wang forces, the news is very well-informed.

"It turns out!" All the channels are full of sighs. I don't know who chanted: "I don't know if the power of Lei Wang still accepts people..."

The person who broke the news said proudly: "If you want to enter the power of Lei Wang, the minimum requirement is to reach the intermediate machine, and you can advance to the intermediate machine, maybe I can recommend it."

"Well, add a friend, you can help me in the future." The people in the channel began to get excited, and they all wanted to add friends with the news. If you can really enter the power of the Thunder King, you can basically be sure that you can walk in the first men's military school for six years.

"Oh, no problem..." The unexpected person didn't expect to reveal a little bit of the news of Lei Wang, but he was greatly sought after, and his heart once again proud of how accurate it was to join the King of Thunder.

Ling Lan and the machine all did not know that after they left, the mechs who knew all the machines had announced their news. They are now just rushing to the beastly beast area closest to Ximen on Xinyang Road.

Soon they rushed to the scene and saw the white-skinned animal with **** eyes in front of them. Linglan’s forehead couldn’t help but twitch several times: “Rabbit?” Nnd, called her rabbit to kill the rabbit? How to look is very happy.

I didn’t seem to feel anything wrong with the machine. I seriously said: “Yes, don’t underestimate them. These mutant rabbits are terrible. The claws of their teeth are their killers. What’s more terrible is their power. They can kill directly. The low-level mech..." Then he looked at the other side with a worried look. The other side only had a trainee rabbit. If he went up, he would be spiked. It was very pitiful... I couldn’t help but kindly say, "If it doesn't work." Why don't we go back."

The front paws of Ling Lan’s rabbit armor took the carrot from the mouth and said coldly: “Wait for me for two minutes!”

Although she wanted to kill these rabbits, she didn't have to spend so much time, but Ling Lan didn't want to expose her strength to all unfamiliar people, so it was extended by four times.

Seeing Ling Lan manipulating the rabbit armor, the hind limbs jerked, and the whole rabbit armor rushed to the mutant rabbit...

"Ah, can't be like this..." When I saw the behavior of the rabbit's mech, the machine was all changed, and the screams, once the ground violently shakes, will attract the rabbits in the whole At that time, even if the high-level mech, a carelessness would be murdered on the spot, this is one of the important reasons why Xinyang Road is difficult to get through.

The machine was repaired and the machine was flashed away from the original place. It went straight to the 100-meter-wide opening. It was only after a shock that I looked back at Linglan, and then I was shocked by the scene.

Just as Ling Lan manipulated the rabbit armor and waved the blade of the shape of the carrot in his hand, he saw that the rabbits that had been thrown over were flew out, and then they did not move.

The machine repaired and quickly stopped the fuselage, pulled the picture in, and saw the rabbit on the ground fell directly pierced, killed on the spot.

The machine is aimed at aligning the screen with Ling Lan in the battle. It is only then that each action of Ling Lan is very easy and free. The carrot will not fail every time, once, he sees each other. Manipulating the rabbit's armor, the hind limbs slammed on the hind legs, the whole mech came into the air, and a whirlwind swung, and the rabbit that was thrown up was swept away. The scene was like a peerless strong rabbit. A weak bunny with no fighting power... (to be continued...)

Ps: This is to make up yesterday, today I am afraid I have to make up tomorrow... I have been making up the chapter, when can I not make up? ()

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