Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 228: : The cute rabbit armor!

Chapter 228: The cute rabbit armor!

"This is definitely not what a new student can do. Who is he? Who is the controller of the rabbit armor?" The human-type mech has been suspicious at the moment and began to guess the origin of the other.

Just then, there was a sudden noise behind the human armor.

"Hey..." This sound came from afar, although it was extremely slight, it was accurately captured under the powerful audio equipment collection of the mech.

This is the roar of the mutated hamster! The man-made mech controller screamed and changed his face, yelling: "Not good, the time of the mutated mouse is refreshing... Run!"

People's mechs don't even think about it, they know that the road has definitely been blocked. Only when they move forward quickly can they have a hope of living. If they are lucky, they can break through the new area and enter the human town.

The human-type mech is broken, the engine of the mech is opened to the maximum, and the shuttle is flying fast...

The sound behind it is getting louder and louder, and the messy but complicated voice proves that there are countless mutated hamsters chasing him behind him. On the forehead of the human-type mech controller, the sweat flows down like a stream of water and flows directly into him. s eyes.

The sweat has a salty taste, and the mech world has faithfully reflected this. He feels his eyes are sore and sore, but he dares not to wipe it, and he does not dare to blink. He is afraid that he will be inadvertently mutated after a pause. The hamsters catch up and finally become their food...

The mutated hamsters in the ruins are very powerful. The claws and teeth are their weapons. They can easily tear the metal shell of the smashing machine. So many mutated hamsters can instantly swallow the human armor. So once you get caught up in the encirclement, there is almost no hope of living, death is inevitable...

The screen of the mech has a signal in front of it, and the distance is 100 meters. Is it an export? The humanoid mech controller has a hope of life, raising the speed of the mech engine again, that is to say. The mech engine is now overloaded, but in order to survive. This is an inevitable choice.

80 meters, 50 meters... Turning in front, what is the flash point? Is it a portal?

The eyes of the man-made mech controller are full of hopes. As long as you pass through the portal, he can enter the human town and get out of the novice zone. Be sure to cheer!

30 meters. It will be successful soon! The manipulator's face is full of surprises. I didn't expect him to leave the novice area so quickly. Maybe he will break the record and become the fastest recruit in the human town?

at this time. The sound of "嘭", the fierce voice suddenly sounded in this quiet and cold underground passage. The human-type mech controller only felt that his mech was hit by a force, and the mech that was flying quickly was This giant force directly hit the control out of control...

No, can't fail like this! The human armor controller is extremely embarrassed at the moment. He desperately tried to stabilize the fuselage's fuselage, the mech finally landed, a sly, stumbled forward and ran forward, there are still ten meters. Just give him three more seconds, no, one second is enough, he can leave this terrible underground passage...

But the time he expected, God did not give him, he heard another violent collision, the second attack came, another mutant hamster slammed up, and this attack, humanoid mech Can no longer control the balance, directly hit the fly out, fell in front of the portal...

As long as he is one meter, he can touch the portal, but unfortunately he has no chance... The endless variability of the hamster rushes up, covering the human armor, and then hearing 嘎吱嘎吱The bite of the sound...

Do not! The mech controller looked desperately at the portal that was close at hand, and the screen turned dark. This was the reason why the mutated squirrel rushed over to cover the screen. In an instant, he saw a hint, whether to choose the resurrection. ? In order to prevent the controller of the mech from dying due to various painful deaths, the effect of death pain is directly reduced to zero.

He pressed with a smile, the mech screen returned to light, and has returned to the resurrection area of ​​the ruins. The human-style mech controller is extremely remorse at this moment. If you go in for a minute early, no, just go in for one second early, or don’t go to the corpse in the first half, run all the way, he is not here now, but in The human town area, the real world of adventure into the mech world...

There is only one chance. If you miss it, you will never have it again. Now you have to go through the novice zone and you can only wait for more partners to work together to get through the underground passage.

Ling Lan, who has come to the human town, does not know that there has been such a thing behind her. There is a man-made mech controller who almost passed the novice zone because of her. She is now receiving a system notice that she broke the record of entering the fastest mankind town and asked if it is public or anonymous. Linglan certainly chose to be anonymous, but she spurned the system of the mech world too, and broke the record. reward……

She checked the map and found the Mech Fighting Challenge Hall. She did not expect to enter, but she was rejected because she did not have points, so she was not qualified to enter the Challenge Hall to watch the battle...

Ling Lan knows that the minimum requirement for entering the Mech Challenge Hall is 10 points, because every time you enter, no matter how you don't look at it, you will deduct 10 points. This is definitely the overlord clause!

As for the mech challenge, even if the initial level of the trainee mech challenge, you need 1000 points, that is, Ling Lan enters it, successfully challenge, no 1010 points, can not do.

Ling Lan saw that in her own data, there was only one big 0 in the column of the points. She knew that she had no hope of entering the challenge hall. Now she must find a way to accumulate this 1010 points as soon as possible.

In fact, Ling Lan’s hardship is due to the fact that Ling Lan did not go to basic training. It is necessary to know that as long as he has completed a series of basic trainings and qualified, as long as he does not exchange other types of mechs, 1000 points are basically It is a good one and every newbie can accumulate it. It’s strange to blame Ling Lan. She has already experienced basic training, and of course she will not re-train the foundation. This is why she has no points.

"What should I do now? How can this score be obtained as soon as possible?" Ling Lan thought, subconsciously set the rabbit armor to the previous fixed pre-control mode, only to see the rabbit armor began to kneel there, forelimbs Holding a carrot, shaking his head and starting to squat.

This cute and cute appearance made the mech that passed by it look like a side. There were also a few girls’ mech controllers who stopped in surprise and watched the cute rabbit armor with enthusiasm. Kind, I also want to exchange a identical rabbit mech.

Ling Lan did not feel that she became the focus of attention. At this time, she was asking Xiaosi: "Small four, did you find relevant information?" Once Ling Lan had no choice, he would sacrifice the fourth hand of this universal card. .

"Boss, found, there is a mission hall, you can pick up the task, you can get a certain score after the completion." Xiaosi is very powerful, and quickly found the direction.

"What is the mission? Those points will be higher, more suitable for me to do?" Ling Lan continued to ask.

"Tasks have system regular tasks, special tasks, aging tasks, and also players release tasks. The system's routine tasks are cumbersome and time consuming, but the difficulty is not high, but the relatives are relatively small, more suitable for junior recruits. Use, as for the special tasks of the system, it depends on what tasks can be received, sometimes the points will be very high, sometimes even the regular tasks can not match, as the system's time-effect tasks are not clear, as if related to luck Good luck, good points, bad luck, even no points can be dry. As for the player's task, it is generally difficult and difficult to complete, but the relative points are often more than the system tasks. Generally, the strong will choose to do this. task."

Upon hearing the explanation of Xiaosi, Ling Lan first gave up the routine tasks and the aging tasks. The regular tasks are as small as the fourth one. The time spent is low, which is not suitable for her desire to accumulate 1010 points in the short term, and the timeliness pays attention to certain luck. Value, but her luck value has been reduced by 100, who knows if this will affect her final point income?

Now only her special task and player tasks are available for her. Ling Lan only hopes that he will be lucky, and he can find a task with high scores but short time. Hey, how is it related to luck?

Ling Lan had the decision to control the rabbit armor to the mission hall. She did not know that she and her rabbit armor had been photographed by the good guys and released to the wonderful sharing moment of the mech world. Everyone knows that it is remote. There is a very cute rabbit armor in Sanyo Town...

In another place in the mech, the bustling city of Dunhuang is very busy. At this moment, I am patiently waiting for the other humanoid mechs assembled by other teammates, one of which is a blue-white human-type advanced machine. A suddenly burst into laughter, which made the red armor, which is also advanced in the middle, startled and couldn't help but open the door and asked: "Zhao Wei, why are you so horrified?"

"I laughed at the armor world and finally appeared a person who likes the rabbit armor like you. Of course, he is more exaggerated than you. He directly manipulates the rabbit armor to the mech world..." Zhao said with a smile.

"What's strange about this, is there a certain probability that the rabbit armor recruit can be drawn?" said the red mech.

"When you can enter the armor world, 99% of the rabbit armor has been replaced with other types of mechs. There is almost no control for the rabbit armor." Zhao said, "Of course I didn't see it." Have the same rabbit control as you. Even the core mech in your mech space is set to the rabbit armor..."


So tired... I have made a little change, if you look carefully, you should see what it is! ()

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