Chapter 225: Major forces!

"I don't know, Zhang Jingan did not disclose the tone!" Han Hao replied. "However, according to my report, he will personally visit the person today." He randomly took a card and threw it on the table, then touched it. Touching the chin and laughing, "I want to know now, if the enchanting really joins Zhang Jingan's power, who will be the true leader of the Doha Center Academy?"

The ordinary youth sneered: "Zhang Jingan took a bad move! If the man is as enchanting as he said, he can't suppress the other person." Then he looked at the cards on the table and said, "This is not for me! Zhao Oh, it’s your turn."

Zhao Wei looked at the cards and shook his head. He said that he did not want to, and indicated that Li Muzhen was playing the cards below.

Li Muzhen took a piece from the card and said, "You can't say that, maybe he is willing to serve as the deputy of the other party..."

The ordinary youth looked at Li Muzhen and asked: "Do you think Zhang Jingan has this chest?"

Li Muzhen closed the card and seriously thought about it, then admire: "Wei Ji, it seems that you understand Zhang Jingan!"

The Wei season showed a smile and seemed to enjoy the words of Li Muzhen: "I have been fighting with him for four years. I don't know, I am still qualified to sit by your side?"

Han Xiao smiled. Although the four of them belonged to different planets, they could enter the military school. In order to fight against Doha’s forces and cooperate with the portable players, it is now easy to step on the Doha Center Academy’s forces, and the cooperation with the four people is divided. Not open.

"So, we have to continue to cooperate, can not let Zhang Jingan find opportunities to triumph." Han Yu said.

Zhao Wei shrugged: "Don't look for me in the intrigue, if you start the war, let me know."

Wei Ji glanced at him and said faintly: "I have no hope that you can make a plan and be responsible for playing."

Zhao Wei was glaring at the moment. When he just wanted to speak, Li Muzhen said: "Zhao Wei is the strongest person in our mechs. Who can I rely on him? Who can I rely on?" The anger in Zhao Xin’s heart suddenly disappeared. He slammed his chest: “Reassured, give me the fight!”

Han Wei and Wei Ji both looked at each other subconsciously, with a hint of jealousy in their eyes, but they quickly recovered as usual, one continued to be light and light, and one still smiled evilly.

Li Muzhen did not seem to notice the change of their eyes. They looked at Han Weiwei in a smile and asked with awkwardness: "Do you still fight?"

Han Hao threw the cards in his hand on the table, stretched out a big laziness, and then stood up and said: "Forget it, don't fight, didn't figure out the situation in Zhang Jing'an, I don't feel at ease here." ""

Not far from the several military school students who were chatting, one of them saw Han Han stand up and ran over: "Captain?"

"Go back!" Han Yu said to his team members.

"Go back so soon? Is there something?" Wei Ji frowned and stood up. Although he left little, but since Han Han was leaving, he left no meaning.

Han Xiao smiled and said: "I have to go back and arrange the manpower, stare at Jing'an... I have to understand how strong the enchanting that Zhang Jingan admire, I don't want to let the Doha Center Academy force up again!" The forces of Doha have pressed down, and he did not want to give up the position of the third.

Wei Ji nodded: "Then I will go with you!" At this time, the members of the Wei Ji also ran over, and the two quickly left the villa with their own team members.

Seeing that their figure disappeared into sight, Zhao Wei just slammed the cards in his hand: "md, really when I was their hitter?"

Li Muzhen also dropped the cards in his hand, and his mouth showed a smile: "Since it is cooperation, there is always a price to pay, and this price is still within the scope of our control."

Zhao Wei did not leave his own head and neck, stretched some stiff body, and some dissatisfied: "I don't know why you chose to join them. Isn't it better to join the first and second forces?"

Li Muzhen shook his head and said: "If we join the first and second forces, we will have no right to speak. That is what really means being a thug... and joining them, in order to keep their third position, they will definitely rely on us, with words. We can really stand on the military academy."

Zhao Wei knows that Li Muzhen is right. He looked at Li Muzhen with concern: "But they are still starting to avoid you."

Li Muyu smiled and said: "It's okay, I am such a lonely man, even if I don't want to go to jealousy, as long as you don't show me too close."

"You make me pretend to be a simple hitter character, and you are the lubrication role between us. I don't have a good relationship with you. Who is better with you?" Zhao said coldly, if he is not close to Li Muzhen, then it is called There is a problem.

"In fact, there is not much problem. As long as your performance is always aggressive and aggressive, so that they feel that they are well controlled, you will not be too scrupulous about me." Li Muzhen said.

Zhao Wei said with a cold voice: "Which of the military academy does not think that I am impulsive and aggressive?"

Li Muzhen heard the words and said: "This is not very good. People who don't want to get into trouble will not take the initiative to provoke you?"

Zhao Wei was silent for a long time and asked for a long time: "When can I be on the Thunder King?"

Li Muzhen paused, and the whole person suddenly became extremely cold, but this breath was only an instant, and he recovered his original warmth in the blink of an eye. He replied in a word: "There will always be opportunities."

Zhao Wei looked at Li Muzhen deeply, and his body was more intense: "I am waiting!"

At this time, there was a breeze blowing in the garden, which blew the hair of the two people. The two different temperament of Wen Yu and Xiao Xiao were surprisingly combined, without any abruptness.

When the freshman enters the military school, the first thing is to carry out the reporting procedure, and by the way, receive the uniforms and dormitory provided by the military school. The accommodation of the military academy is a single-family villa. One villa can accommodate six people. The Linglan team is very coincidentally arranged in a villa.

A few people in Qilong are of course extremely surprised. Only Ling Lan knows that this is definitely her father's handwriting. In order to prevent the gender exposure of her daughter, Ling Xiao spent all his efforts to arrange these younger brothers of Ling Lan to live together, I hope they can protect Ling Lan.

Of course, Ling Xiao made this arrangement, but also secretly investigated a lot. I know that Qilong is very admired Ling Lan. It is Ling Lan’s life and death brother who can cut the knife. This makes Ling Xiao’s pride a bit more enjoyable. He always feels that this kid is coming to **** his baby daughter...

The multi-student students are basically divided into a region. During the registration period, Lin Zhongqing and Xie Yi used their respective abilities to take advantage of the opportunity to understand some things in the military academy, such as the distribution and ranking of various forces here.

The students from Doha are the most numerous, but they are divided into multiple forces of different sizes and are not convinced of each other. Among them, Zhang Jingan’s power is the largest, which represents the faction of the Scout Center in Doha. Even so, it is still under the pressure of the three major forces.

They are the first forces of the Thundercloud faction, the second forces of the Tianji faction, and the third forces of the Promise faction.

When they told Ling Lan about this information, Qi Long was too angry to think that Zhang Jingan had lost the face of their Scout Center. It is important to know that Scouting Center is admitted to the military academy every year.

Ling Lan and Han Jijun looked at each other and showed a glimpse of each other's eyes. Han Jijun reminded: "It seems that Zhang Jingan is coming soon." He turned to Ling Lan, "Lan boss, what do we want?" Cooperation or rejection?

"Come on, come on!" Ling Lan is undecided.

Han Jijun’s eyes flashed and seemed to understand what he was, and he no longer snorted. Seeing this scene, several people in Qilong did not ask questions wisely. They had already known that Lan’s boss and Han Jijun had to turn a few corners to understand, even if asked.

Sure enough, when Ling Lan had just cleaned up and cleaned up and sat quietly on the sofa in the hall, Zhang Jingan went to the door. Can find Ling Lan's address in a short time, Zhang Jingan still has a certain ability.

Zhang Jingan took several of his team members to the door. Qi Long had long been informed by Ling Lan and put them into the hall without any difficulty.

Seeing Ling Lan sitting on the sofa, Zhang Jingan smiled and said: "Ling Lan, I am very happy to see you can enter our military school!"

At this time, Zhang Jingan had no sense of decadence after the failure of the big fighting. Although he was overwhelmed by the three forces, he was the leader of the fourth force. The whole person seemed to be arrogant, even if his face was smiling, his attitude and anger were faint. With a trace of the arrogant Zhang Jingan's words, or his attitude, let Qilong several people's face faintly revealing meticulous. They absolutely do not allow anyone to disrespect their Lan boss, even if Zhang Jingan is their senior in the same year, the same can not.

Ling Lan heard the brow and pointed it, pointing to the sofa in front of him, faintly said: "Zhang Xuechang, please sit!"

Zhang Jingan treated her with the attitude of the superior. Linglan certainly had to use color to directly treat Zhang Jingan as his younger brother and greeted him casually.

This understatement made the faces of several players who followed Zhang Jingan change. When one of them just wanted to come out and warn Ling Lan, Qi Long glanced coldly and snorted.

This coldness sounded like he was ringing in his ear. The man only felt his heart tremble, his blood rushed, and the sound that had already been on his throat seemed to be stunned. He couldn’t say it anymore. His face was violent. A change, looked at Zilong standing next to Ling Lan...

Zhang Jing'an also changed his face. The original pride disappeared. Instead, he was a dignified person. He looked at Qilong in a complicated way and waved his hand to let the player back. Rs()

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