Chapter 223: A natural villain!

"In their eyes, we were originally a group, or do you want to leave us?" Ling Lan cold eyes to Li Yingjie, sharp and cold eyes let Li Yingjie's original dissatisfaction suddenly disappeared. However, he is not convinced to sing Qilong: "Zilong strength is stronger than me, is it better to be from him?"

Ling Lan’s fingers slammed Qi Long’s chin and let Li Yingjie take a good look at the thick face of Qi Long’s smile. She asked faintly: “This face, you think is overbearing, arrogant and bully. Face?"

Li Yingjie stunned and saw Qilong smile at him, his eyes twitching. This face of Qi Long is simply the label that I am honest and I am a good person. Let him come forward, let alone suppress the other party, and definitely make the other party arrogant. Even if you defeat the other party afterwards, you will let the other party wonder if you are negligent or not. There is no deterrent...

Just like the feeling of losing to Qi Long at the beginning, I will never be convinced, thinking that I am just not careful... No, he still refuses to accept each other until now, even though it is clear that Qilong’s strength is indeed stronger than him, he can There is no way to admire Qi Long.

Li Yingjie glanced at Ling Lan subconsciously, then looked at Qi Long in the smirk, and suddenly understood why he would not accept Qi Long, because Qi Long lacked the domineering spirit of Ling Lan! Although Lan’s boss has already cleared the domineering moments at the moment, once he confronts him, the domineering momentum will make him tremble. This kind of fear will slowly deepen into the bone marrow over time, let him live again. There is no thought of rebellion.

"Our group can't have only one image, and it can be handed over to Qilong." Ling Lan released Qilong's chin and took back his right hand.

Sitting on the side of Ling Lan, Luo Lang looked out of the backpack and found a wet towel. He held Ling Lan’s right hand and carefully and carefully wiped Ling Lan’s jade fingers. Well, he thinks that Zilong’s greasy face is too tarnishing Lan’s white, elegant and beautiful sage. He must serve his own boss.

This scene made Qilong's forehead black line. Oh, is this treating him as a germ?

As one of the parties, Ling Lan, the blue veins on both sides of his forehead twitched. However, seeing Luo Lang’s serious face, Ling Lan decided to ignore it. How to do with him. Anyway, it's just a temporary contribution to your right hand, and there is no loss, at least to ensure that it is clean, no need to wash your hands.

Ling Lan ignored the other people's eyes and continued: "The arrogance is equally important. This can shock some villains and make them afraid to offend us easily. We also need to be overbearing. Sometimes, it is more effective to play with people." Ling Lan said her thoughts. If you want to mix in the first men’s military school, it’s not the best policy.

Wu Hao nodded thoughtfully, Han Jijun glanced, and then opened a window, his eyes brighter and brighter. Lan boss means hard and soft? Both hands must be hard?

"Why can I come out?" Li Yingjie still did not understand Ling Lan's decision. Qi Long is not suitable, is there not a monk?

Ling Lan glanced at him, his mouth slightly tilted: "The arrogant child, isn't it yours?"

Ling Lan’s words made Wu Hao Qi Long and others unable to sneer. Other players close to Ling Lan, including Li Yingjie's team secretly sneered, they think of Li Yingjie's arrogant performance just entering the Scouting Academy, and as the Lan boss said, it is a arrogant and arrogant family. .

Ling Lan’s words made Li Yingjie’s entire face dark, because he also remembered the unsatisfactory performance when he was young and ignorant. It was the stain of his life.

Ling Lan felt that he could no longer bully this seemingly annoying dude. In fact, he was only proud of his arrogance. He took a shot of Li Yingjie’s shoulder and said, "In fact, we are not suitable for doing this. Things, on the status of the family, we are not as deep as your background (Ling Lan quietly on the back than a gesture of lying in my back), so only you are suitable to do this kind of thing, it is most like doing it."

"Like a monk, a look of righteousness, at first glance, comes out of a well-disciplined military family. Can you ask him to be an arrogant and unreasonable second ancestor?" Ling Lan pointed out that Wu Hao asked.

"Yeah, Li Yingjie, you are born with a arrogant momentum, no one can compare with you, you will sacrifice for our team." Wu Hao from Ling Lan's words to understand what his future image is, so he hurriedly said good Taking Li Yingjie, his classmates for ten years certainly understand Li Yingjie's temper and like to listen to good words.

The words of Wu Hao undoubtedly made Li Yingjie feel better. Looking at the same table, Qi Long and others looked at each other with a look. An impulse was proud and proud: "Look at your pleading, I will take this task with difficulty. ""

Seeing Li Yingjie like this, Ling Lan couldn't bear to look straight and turned his head. This kid was sold and still helping the number of people. How can he stay so cute...

"Come on!" Qilong excitedly cheered Li Yingjie, which made Li Yingjie more expressive desire: "Let you see what is the second generation of arrogant, learn something."

Li Yingjie took the sleeves and said to his team members: "Go with me, let us teach them well."

"Hey!" Li Yingjie's team screamed excitedly, mixed with Li Yingjie, basically all the way.

Looking at the arrogant Li Yingjie, Ling Lan and others collective blackheads, oh, this guy, born to be a villain.

"Captain, what should we do?" On the way, a team member asked Li Yingjie.

"How to do it? Go straight to teach them a meal, how to flatten it, as long as it does not hurt people. Remember, we are arrogant villains, see who is not pleasing to the eye, it is flat!" Li Yingjie glanced at him.

"What if there are people who are stronger than us?" The players still have some bottoms. They must know that the other is also the first men's military school. They are the most outstanding figures in each college. If they kick the board, they are not flat. People are instead flattened by others.

"Don't see someone behind us?" Li Yingjie pointed to the table after Ling Lan. "Do you think these new students can beat Lan's boss?" Li Yingjie is now very courageous. If he is not sure, there is still no Ling behind him. Lan, are they?

Unconsciously, Li Yingjie has already treated them as a solid backing. In fact, he did not resist the instructions of Ling Lan, but he was somewhat uncomfortable and was ordered by Ling Lan.

Ling Lan knows Li Yingjie very well. He knows that the other party is a Saobao, and he likes to show his performance. In particular, this kind of bullying and insulting role is even more difficult.

At this time, at the outermost table, the two parties are arguing.

"Wu Yong, don't be too much." A freshman who belongs to Doha seems to know the person who came to provoke.

"Wu Pei, I am too much? If you didn't deliberately design, would I stay in a number of stars to attend the Scout Academy?" Wu Yong said coldly, "even so, I was admitted to the first men's military school, you destroyed No, I can't."

"The original things are your delusions, and have nothing to do with me. Since we have all entered the first men's military school, it is a happy thing, why do you have to come to me trouble." Wu Pei calmly Asked.

"Because I hit you a decade ago, I just sneaked away, went to Doha, and didn't come back in ten years. I didn't expect that I finally met you today, and finally I can liquidate the original debt." Wu Yong said, " Is it to interrupt your right hand, or your legs? Let you **** pain."

Wu Pei’s face was cold and warned: “Wu Yong, don’t go too far, here are all people in Doha.”

"Haha, will they come out for you? Isn't your college only admitted to the military school?" Wu Yong knows Wu Pei's affairs well.

"Catch it!" Wu Yong said to his partner.

Just as those people were ready to grab Wu Pei, an arrogant voice sounded: "Oh, who allowed you to bully me?"

At this point, Li Yingjie had brought his team members to them. Li Yingjie raised his proud chin and glanced at each other with a scornful look. This kind of ignorance of the other party’s expression made Wu Yong’s anger on his face quickly climb.

"He is not a member of your college." Wu Yongqiang endured the anger of his heart, and coldly reminded Li Yingjie not to make a fuss.

"Hey! Isn't there anyone telling you that people in Doha are covered?" Li Yingjie said that he was arrogant, but he got the response from other colleges in Doha: "Yeah, we are all covered by him." Knowing that this is just an excuse for Li Ying’s outstanding hand-to-hand, so he has exported.

“Don't you be so arrogant in your Scouting Center?” Wu Yong’s eyes flashed coldly and chillingly.

Li Yingjie did not answer, but turned to ask the students at the Scouting Center College: "Brothers, some people say that we are very arrogant, can we not let them down?"

"Yes!" Many of the more aggressive students at the Scouting Center College stood up and surrounded them. They had a big deal. This scene made Wu Yong dare not act rashly, but he refused to retreat, questioning. : "You are not reasonable?"

Li Yingjie smiled and said: "All said that we were arrogant also asked us to be unreasonable? Are you stupid?"

Wu Yongyi, in the end, had to bite his teeth. "You are walking." This is a swearword that has no choice but to let go. It also means that the conflict will end. The sane person will not let the incident escalate. The two parties will tacitly take two shots. Scattered, each time back to each family.

But Li Yingjie is who he is, and he is absolutely unreasonable to talk about Zhang Shijiazi. When he listens to the other person's sentence, he is not good.

"Walking?" Li Yingjie sneered twice. "I want to see how you walked me, Mom, give me a fight!"

Recommend friends to pick up the star of the landlord's text, absolutely good-looking: "Jade Cui" couples returned to primary school, together have a space, began a perspective of gambling stone, the mythical way of the stock market

Book number: 2850908


This is today, but I always feel that it is very embarrassing to write, and the card is so powerful... I don’t know how the pros are watching?

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