Chapter 209: Shooting!

Wu Hao and Li Yingjie led the team quietly to leave the restaurant. Qi Long was close to Ling Lan Road: "Boss, what are we going to do next?"

Ling Lan's sentence controlled the entire spacecraft to listen to his strength is very clear, of course, this is also Ling Lan did not want to conceal his meaning, Qi Long was triggered by Ling Lan's decision suddenly aroused pride, emotional.

This is his boss, always dare to do things that others can't do! Qilong’s heart is full of pride!

"It's up to you to sit down and try to help us delay the time and attract the attention of the crew in the spacecraft." Ling Lan whispered, Qilong's mission is very heavy, because in her plan, it is best to let Qilong catch The captain who has been sitting in the captain's room.

"Wait a minute, let Luo Lang help Peng Jiayan! You wait and see, let me wait for my final order!" Ling Lan's look is very serious and prudent. Their actions are smooth or not, which is closely related to the situation in Qilong. I only hope that everything will go well.

"Know, boss!" Qi Long replied cautiously.

"Xie Yi!"

"At, boss!" Xie Yi hurried back.

"When Luolang attracts everyone's attention, you immediately let the students in the restaurant two classes return to the hall, remember that the action must be secret, if you can't do it, don't move it and don't act rashly!"

Their actions are not many, but they are fine. What's more, Ling Lan does not want the students in the restaurant to leave a lot, which will make those crew members suspicious.

"Understood, boss" Xie Yi answered nervously. Ling Lan’s request was not simple. His actions must be very difficult, but Xie Yi did not want Linglan to be disappointed.

Commanding all this, Ling Lan took Lin Zhongqing and Han Jijun quietly left the restaurant and came to the hall.

Now, there are a lot of Scouting students in the Central College, almost all of them are Class A and B classes. It seems that when she arranged Qilong for their affairs. Wu Hao and Li Yingjie are also active.

Seeing that Ling Lan appeared, these students’ spirits jerked and their eyes filled with war. When Wu Hao and Li Yingjie greeted them, they told them that Lan’s boss would bring them to play big one today.

Everyone is thinking about what this big thing is. Many people speculate whether it is the same as the big fight, and declare the war to the crew here. When I think about this possibility, everyone is bloody. Since the big fight, they have not encountered such a scene of blood, let them miss them. Say. They are the captain of the ship and the crew. There is no good feeling. Even said that they are very disgusted, so they hit a rack with them, they are willing to go.

Wu Hao and Li Yingjie each occupied a corner at this time, and there were many people gathered around. They saw Ling Lan coming and quietly nodded, suggesting that Ling Lan was ready.

However, Ling Lan did not speak or act, but walked back to her seat and sat down, and also signaled everyone to sit down: "First look at the show!"

Just as everyone sat down inexplicably, they heard a burst of cheers from the restaurant and the crew were angry. I saw a student of a loyal college quickly rushed, and shouted in surprise: "Luo Lang shot!"

Luo Lang’s shot represents the decision of the innocent king Ling Lan of the Scouting Center Academy. He will not bow to the other side. Just like the big fights in the beginning, I am willing to fight hard, even if I will fail, I will not bow.

Everyone looked excited at Ling Lan in the seat, waiting for his order.

"Let's wait!" Ling Lan looked at the contactor in his hand and said calmly.

at this time. There were several Class A Scouts who had been evacuated from the restaurant. They looked at the battle in the hall and they had a flash of surprise in their eyes, but they still remembered Xie Yi’s reminder that they would walk to Linglan freely. By the way, the look naturally finds an empty sofa to sit down, as if they don't know at all, or they have nothing to do with each other, and they are very cold.

Ling Lan at this time seems to be cozy, in fact, is collecting the entire spaceship with the small four nervously. Xiaosi is very powerful. He has successfully sneaked into the main brain. He monitors the situation of the entire spacecraft through the main brain, and then points out the dangerous areas and the places where the crew is concentrated, which is convenient for Linglan to follow.

At this time, almost everyone's line of sight on the spacecraft was concentrated in the restaurant. Even the captain in the captain's room paid attention to the restaurant and observed the students in the hall from time to time with very little thought.

However, at this time, the video image that the captain saw was already a virtual image of the small four. There were only a few people in the hall who stayed here, and scattered sparsely throughout the hall, and there was no reality to gather together. .

The reduced people were placed in the restaurant by Xiao Si. This one-in-one, one increase and one decrease, successfully concealed the truth in the hall.

Soon Ling Lan gathered hundreds of people around, and Ling Lan finally let Xiao 4 release information, let Qi Long shot!

In the restaurant, the two sides of the original confrontation will be calmly broken because of Luo Lang’s shot. The crew were furious and wanted to go to the front of the group. Who is Koluo? It is the character who sits in the third class and looks at the two (Ling Lan is not counted). Although there is a gap between Qilong’s strength, it is not much worse than the military commander. If it is not the military’s fighting skills, he will not be wronged. The land became the three seats of the college.

When Luo Lang repelled the third batch of attempts to teach his crew, Luo Lang had felt a little tired and tired. The strength of the crew was very strong. If they just wanted to control him, they did not want to hurt him. I am afraid he could not succeed. Repel the first three batches.

"Cut! It was defeated by a little girl, you are really shameful!" With this voice, a young, fashionable hairstyle, a light-skinned expression, a slightly sinister look in the doorway of the restaurant appeared in Luolang. A few eyes, let Luo Lang feel very uncomfortable.

The crew saw the youth appearing and shouted in unison: "Captain!" I didn't expect the youngest crew in this grade to be their captain. Luo Lang and the Qilong of the array of inconsistencies frowned slightly, and the heart was alert.

"Oh, I didn't expect to have such a great product. I wouldn't give me a warm bed now." The youth is like a good thing, and looks greedy.

"Stop, bastard!" The other party with insults makes Luo Lang's pretty face blushing and angered.

This angry look makes him more beautiful! The beautiful picture makes the crew members present a glimpse of it. If they are not determined, I am afraid that they will be confused by Luo Lang.

In the eyes of the youth, the flash of light flashed through, but still smiled in his mouth: "Call me to live? Is that inviting me to do it?" After finishing a step, his fingers stretched out to Luolang's chin, it can be said that it is an attack, it can be said It is an attempt to be thin.

The other party's action made Luo Lang's heart more annoyed. He directly blocked it and stopped the other's fingers. At the same time, his right leg kicked to the other side.

"Oh!", the other party responded quickly, and the same interception, the two men stepped back two steps at the same time, it seems to be quite equal. The Scout students shouted for the wonderful counterattack arm of Luo Lang. Only Qi Long frowned again. Because he is clear, the strength of the other side is probably a little better, and Luo Lang is hard to beat.

Luo Lang also understands this very well. The anger of the original heart has disappeared. The whole person has become calm and serious. This ability to adjust emotions quickly makes the young man’s eyes shine, and his heart is secretly surprised. I can’t think of this girl like a girl. The teenager, who is very good at controlling emotions, has just become angry and has become calm and self-sufficient in the blink of an eye. This kind of control that comes and goes freely makes him extremely envious. Be aware that the ups and downs of emotions will affect the ultimate strength, and may become strong, but more is weak.

"This kid!" Qi Long's original brow furrows loosened. He couldn't think of Luo Lang's so boldness. He even opened up his talents. He knew that Luo Lang's talent is very dangerous. It is likely to open dark personality and belong to unstable talent. In general, he will not open.

I am afraid that the task of Lan’s boss has made Luo Lang’s pressure on the mountain, and he has emerged a stronger opponent than him. He refused to admit defeat and decided to take the risk to open the game and prepare to gamble once.

Undoubtedly, Luo Lang’s luck today is very good. He turned out to be the ultimate calm personality that is extremely suitable for fighting, so that Luo Lang’s combat power has soared. Even Qilong, at this time, he is not sure that he can defeat this personality.

Luo Lang and the young captain once again made a last move. This time, Luo Lang still retired two steps, but the youth captain even retired four steps, which made his face change. From the previous move, he has clearly felt that the strength of the other side has suddenly increased. He was weaker and his teenager became stronger than him. He was in a disadvantage.

"What is this enchanting!" The youth captain couldn't help but secretly know that he has always been called a so he will enter the micro-peak at such an age, only a sentiment and opportunity I can enter the gas level, but the other party's original strength into the top of the peak, but suddenly into a half-step qi ... ... Yes, more than the full satisfaction of the existence of the gas, he thought it was a legendary level, did not expect reality It really existed, and it was met by him.

In the captain's room, the captain saw the duel between the young captain and Luo Lang, and suddenly he said: "Well, this kid looks like a pair of maidens, but the explosive power is surprisingly horrible. The devil can hit the opponent."

In a word, Luo Lang and the young captain once again confronted a few tricks. The captain’s response at the moment has become a little difficult. Everyone has seen that the young captain is at a disadvantage. This fact makes the crew members present a little face. Change...

At this time, Qi Long received a text message from Ling Lan: "Hands!"

Qi Long didn't think about it. He flew straight out of the arrow and waved his right fist straight to the young captain who was busy intercepting the Luo Lang attack.


The first one today! Good night, I am going to sleep! I feel so sleepy all night long...()

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