Chapter 207: Calculation!

Ling Lan shook his head and said: "No, wait and see!"

The captain of the spacecraft suddenly came up with such a move, and there must be some reason. Ling Lan’s mind suddenly thought of the hunter comics seen in previous lives. From the moment he boarded the ship, the assessment of the hunter’s license began.

"Is this a Mawei for us? Or, as I thought, the first exam that started with us started? It's very interesting!" Linglan's mouth showed a hint of fun, and the originally boring journey suddenly became very interesting.

At this time, the crew began to provoke a provocation. It seemed to be intended to arouse the anger of the students and let them go forward, but they did this work because the students finally endured and did not challenge them. Respond.

In fact, this is because Ling Lan chose to wait and see, and the sleek monk did not want to make a mess in the unclear situation when Ling Lan did not move. Li Yingjie was not a brain, though he was impetuous. Of course, I know that I can't jump out blindly at this time. The students of the Scouting Center College have habitually followed the three major teams since the big fight. Since the three teams are not moving, they must of course watch the cold eyes.

Since the students of the Scouting Center College, which occupy half of the country, are still unmoved, the students of other colleges will certainly not be able to take the initiative to jump out and explore the road. After all, they are the elites of various colleges, and they will not be so simple that they will burst into a provocation. The scene that was originally tense and instant, dissipated in silence.

This also made the captain in the captain's room could not help but slammed the camera and voice system.

He turned to another person in the captain's room and said: "Oh, these students are tmd bloodless?"

"They are called reason, the provocations you arrange are too low-level, and the smarter children can see that it is not right." The middle-aged man is wearing a neat and tidy military uniform, temperamental and elegant. White makes him look mature and stable, different from the captain's rudeness and embarrassment.

The major smiled and handed over a bottle of white wine in his hand. The captain snorted and unscrewed the lid and drowned.

"Don't drink so urgently, what kind of gas is it with yourself?" said the major.

"Md, how can these little **** have no temper? For so many years, it was the first time they met." The captain was wrong.

It is his task to assess the strength and character of the student on the spacecraft. It is very useful to provoke this trick, because every time there will be several impulsive kids jumping out to let him kill the chicken and monkey, so that he has the opportunity to view The students face a strong repression attitude.

"In fact, it is not without, but it has been stopped." The major went to the video and played back the previous picture. Several people want to stand up and protest. But it was stopped by people around me. There is also a picture of Qi Long and Ling Lan.

The major magnified one of the pictures. It was a student at the Scouting Center College. He pulled the teammates around him and glanced at his teammates in a certain direction. It seems to remind the other party to see the situation.

With the direction of the other party's prompt, the major has dialed the screen again, Ling Lanwu Li Yingjie three teams are exposed in his eyes.

"Don't you see that the students are waiting for the attitude of these people." The major pointed out that Ling Lan reminded him.

"Cut, do you think I can't see it? When I spoke, this group of kids was obviously irritated by me, but they chose to look at it for the first time..." The captain actually saw it.

"Yes, I have just checked it roughly. These students should be students of the Scouting Center. You also know that the first military school, students from the Scouting Center alone, account for one-tenth of the entire college. There is no doubt that the Scouting Center Academy is the most staffed in the military academy..."

"However, it is also the least cohesive!" The captain of the spacecraft looked disdainful. He was not from the Scout Center Academy, so he did not have much affection for the Scout Center. Although the children from the Scouting Center are better and more powerful than the students in these general colleges, their infighting is really powerful, almost a mess.

"Yeah, this is also the largest number of factions in the Scout Center, but it can't be the first force in the military school! It is hard to be overwhelmed by other academic factions. This is also their sorrow." Especially in these three years, the Scout Center faction is even more Obviously, the forces are not even in the top three.

“It’s not just this, because the student talents from the Scouting Center are strong, but they can’t be the strongest in the military school. This is the biggest reason why they can’t be the first force.” Captain’s words Point out the weakness of the Scouting Center Academy. Although the students of the Secondary School are generally more talented than other students, the first strongest person who can stand at the top of the peak is not one of them...

"Yeah, especially in the past three years, the top three, the Scouting Center College can not even rank one, the strongest one is only the fifth place, had to be sighed, the old top Scout Center College also fell. The major is deeply touched. Although he is not a central college, his boss, mentor, and benefactor are all part of the Scout Center School. They are very fond of the Scout Center.

"However, this session may not be the same." The original regretful eyes of the major suddenly became dignified, because this time the students of the Scouting Center College were surprisingly united, and perhaps they may have a real king, let them Confidence orally. If so, the forces of the military academy are likely to undergo earth-shaking changes because of their participation.

"Maybe, this test will bring us a surprise." He and the captain have never been satisfied for so many years, because the students' final choice is not the answer they want.

“Is it going?” The captains of the spacecraft, which have always had a bad impression on the Scouting Center, are not optimistic about them. The infighting was originally a feature of the Scouting Center. Is this possible exception?

"Let's wait and see!" The major was not annoyed, and smiled very tempered.

"Yes, but I have to let them endure as soon as possible, otherwise there is no way to see what we want to see." The captain's eyes flashed sharply, and a strong breath quietly spread. At this time, he is no longer the rude captain, as if it is a wild beast from the depths of the universe, powerful but dangerous!

Ling Lan knew that these two days and nights would never be stable. She still couldn't understand what the captain was trying to provoke, if it was an assessment. What do they want to check? Before she had figured out something, an unexpected conflict appeared in front of her.

The first day of the first day was extremely stable. Although the crew was provocative from time to time, the students who calmed down were restrained, but the stability disappeared at night.

At dinner, Ling Lan six people came to the restaurant and simply ate dinner. The spaceship provided a buffet, but there were very few things and the taste was not good, although the students were somewhat dissatisfied. I also know that I have already arrived at the other side's site. I can only bear it.

But some things are not solved by them. Soon a student who had a good dinner back was knocked back when he walked out of the restaurant, and soon a few strong crew members surrounded the student group, one of whom was carrying his shoulders. The attitude arrogantly let the student kneel to apologize to him because the other party hurt him.

This kind of insulting apology, of course, the students refused. He argued that he was going well. When the other person passed by, they suddenly turned into a collision. He had no time to react. Hit, an apology should also be the other party's apology.

"It seems. The captain has made a move!" Ling Lan brows slightly wrinkled, does the other party want to see the student's military value? Or would you like to take the opportunity to see other students’ attitudes towards this?

"Is it a cold-blooded or **** response? Or do they want to assess the students' heart?" Ling Lan looked at Han Jijun, and his heart faintly touched something.

Han Jijun seems to have some feelings. The two frowning people remembered the same time when the Scout Center College was admitted to the hospital.

"The assessment with the Scouting Center Academy is exactly the same." Soon. Han Jijun, who wants to understand, smiled.

"This time, the content of the main assessment is probably united!" At the beginning, Ling Lan slowly inferred the content of the assessment.

"I agree!" Han Jijun nodded, and he also felt that this was the most likely.

In the face of a group of powerful, tacit and emotional ship crews, there is no way to compete with the strength of individuals or teams. To achieve equal status, you need to have enough strength to defend your dignity and power. The weak is the power to speak...

The disadvantages of the number of people need to unite and unite. Of course, personal performance and combat effectiveness are also one of the focuses of observation. How to unite depends on the individual ability of some people, and combat power is the primary condition for equality. Otherwise, even if they are united, no strength is in vain.

"There are counts! The other side is good!" Han Jijun admire the authenticity, designing this assessment program is undoubtedly a genius.

The major in the captain’s room suddenly felt itchy nose and sneezed. He licked his nose and depressed: "Weird, how inexplicably sneezes? Is the thermostat system broken?"

"Detection ~ ~ constant temperature system is normal, Major Wang Yi, your feelings are wrong." The main brain of the spacecraft with the doubts of the major, then self-test, and then quickly return.

"Yes? Is anyone thinking about me?" The major groaned.

"This question, there is no detailed information for me to analyze, please forgive me for not being able to provide you with an answer!" The main brain replied responsibly, although it felt that the problem of the major was boring and idiotic...


This is the first!

Keke! Why was the previous chapter so late, because I was asleep on the way to the codeword, yes, that kind of hand was placed on the keyboard, but the person fell asleep on the bed...

When I blinked again, it was 11:20, and I went to sleep for more than three hours. The most important thing is that I still have 1000 words without a code... I feel that the whole world is not good.

People really forced out, 1000 words in 40 minutes, definitely my top speed! In the tears, I fortunately broke my own record... The second is sent at the last minute! ()

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