Chapter 195: Ling Da will!

On this day, Ling Lan entered the fighting room for basic training as usual, but not long after, it was interrupted by a serious Ling Qin.

"Ling Qin grandpa? Is there something?" Ling Lan saw the heavy expression of the other party, then automatically stopped the action in his hand, while picking up the towel and wiping the sweat, asked.

"Homeowners, just the military has sent an urgent notice, the newly promoted Lingda of the Federation will soon visit Lingjia to visit the owner." Ling Qin's expression is very confusing.

To know that the generals are the facts of the military under the marshal, the entire federal plus this newly promoted general is only nine. Each of them is a commander-in-chief of a group army or even several group armies, and the lame can make the federal earthquake shake the existence. Why do people who need them look up in the past, why would they personally visit Lingjia?

If Ling Xiao’s family is alive, he would not be surprised. After all, Ling Xiao is the only member of the 12-level priests in the Federation. Even if the marshal does not dare to look down, these generals do not dare to be scornful. Not impossible. But now Lingjia’s owner is Ling Lan, who is just 16 years old. He is still a teenager who has been exposed to the outside world and has little development in the future. The average person will not notice such a Lingjia...

The most what Ling Qin cares about is the other party's surname Ling. This makes Ling Qin have to be more heart-felt. Some people worry that the big man will not come from the Ling family who was driven out of Doha by them.

If this is the case, it is very likely that this is a warning from the other party. I am afraid that I will let Lingjia pay some price this time! Ling Qin was inevitably a little scared at this time.

Ling Lan heard a slight frown, and she also had some interest in the name of Ling. However, she did not have the complexity and worry that Ling Qin thought, but she was depressed and she was so far away from the high-level view of the military. Now I am afraid that the visit of the general will be re-emphasized by her, which is inconsistent with her original design.

However, Ling Lan also knows that since the military has been notified, they are not allowed to refuse, and she can only block the water.

"Ling Qin grandfather, first prepare, and then see the machine to act!" Ling Lan has a Shang Fang sword in his hand, that is, she is the remnant of the **** level teacher Ling Xiao. Even if this Lingda will be malicious to Lingjia, he will not dare to make it hard.

"Yes, the owner!" Ling Qin took the lead.

Ling Lan returned to the bedroom and changed a set of guest dresses. Since the other party is a general, she can't be rude.

As for Lan Luofeng, Ling Qin and Ling Lan did not inform her. Ling Qin because Ling Lan is already the owner of the Ling family, all matters should be subject to Ling Lan's wishes, unless Ling Lan is not, will consider to inform Lan Luofeng. Ling Lan, I don't want to let these things disturb Blue Luofeng. Since three years ago. When the transmission space of Lingxiao disappeared. The last message let her take care of Lan Luofeng, Ling Lan will regard Lan Luofeng as the object of his life.

When Ling Lan and others received the arrival of the generals team, Ling Lan took Ling Qin and Ling Yu to stand at the gate of the Lin family's old house and wait respectfully. As an ordinary citizen with no warfare and no grade. Ling Lan has not yet qualified to wait indoors.


The first thing that caught your eye was the two miniature mechs, the logo of the chest, Ling Lan clearly, it was a special Mekong Guard of the military generals level, and then connected with five luxury suspension vehicles to form a team to quickly come here. On both sides of the team, there are three micro-machines to make the most peripheral guardian, and finally two micro-machines.

Unexpectedly, the general patrol team of Lingda was unexpectedly simple, and there was no such huge momentum as Ling Lan thought. Ten miniature mechs plus five luxury suspension vehicles. It made up a simple team. This made Ling Lan’s heart faintly greet the Ling Da, and at least did not make her feel so arrogant.

As soon as the team arrived at the Lingjia Gate, the ten mechs were automatically suspended and the team was monitored in all directions. At the same time, from four luxury suspension vehicles. Quickly down a dozen full-service full-service garrisons, forming a large circle in the blink of an eye, protecting the remaining floating car group.

Until then, on the suspension car, the door on the sub-base opened, and a 30-year-old major walked down the car and carefully checked the situation, which opened the rear door of the suspension car.

Ling Lan saw only a figure wearing a general, bowed his head, bent over and jumped out of the suspension car. I don't know if it is an illusion. Ling Lan always feels that the other party got off the bus, and some tensions are cramped... This makes Ling Lan feel suspicious.

Ling Lan quickly put this suspicion in his heart and revitalized the spirit. He took Ling Qin and Ling Yu together and hurried forward to meet.

At this time, the Lingda will have looked up and the two sides met with each other and they were shocked.

Ling Lan saw the face of the man, almost discolored on the spot, her face was memorable, not only because Lan Luofeng often took pictures of Ling Xiao in front of her, but also because in the inheritance space, the face was even more She accompanied her through her childhood.

Ling Qin's performance is even more unbearable. He is excited to control his body's trembling. Zhang's mouth is trying to call the name in memory, but perhaps too excited, so that he can't make a sound.

"Qin Shu, I haven't seen you for a long time!" Ling Xiao couldn't help but smile. In the seventeenth year, I saw the person who had been cared for since childhood. He had mixed feelings in his heart and almost could not control his tears.

"Homeowner..." Ling Qin finally squeezed out the sentence, and the tears flowed down.

As the captain of the current Lingjia Mechs team, Ling Yu is also very shocked. After all, Ling Xiao is his idol when he was young. However, relative to Ling Qin's excitement, he wants to be more calm, because he is now the captain of the current homeowner Ling Lan's mech escort, only loyal to Ling Lan, so he is excited, but he looks at Ling Lan reflexively. .

"Lingda will be your lord, the slutty butler is somewhat rude, but also hope to forgive me! Please come in!" Linglan cold eyes directly on the side of the Ling Qin, so Ling Qin the whole person is clear, know that he has forgotten, and quickly returned to Ling Lan, not Dare to look at Ling Xiao.

Ling Lan became very calm at the moment. In the 16 years, the destruction of the learning space showed its excellent results. It did not lose its sense because the other party was like Ling Xiao. Before the other party showed his identity, they could not Self-confident.

Ling Lan's polite Ling Da will make Ling Xiao's footsteps a stagnation. The original smiling face suddenly became stiff, but he knew that it was not suitable for conversation, so he went into the door with a hard scalp.

It is obviously his own home, but now he seems to be a guest! Looking at my son's attitude, I don't want to see him very much... I didn't see my father's surprise at all, but I was careful to guard him, just like he was stealing something, it was too much! Ling Xiao’s heart was full of resentment, and he wanted to have a close hug with his son. Unfortunately, his son did not give him this opportunity.

Ling Lan looked at Ling Xiao, who was walking in front of her, and began to think about what was going on in the end? Is it really Ling Xiao in front of me? Although the federal identification uses the genetic DNA cells, it completely eliminates the possibility of using plastic surgery to impersonate others. However, Ling Lan had to be so skeptical, because the time that Lingda will appear is too clever, Ling Lan still remembers that the inheritance space of Ling Xiao disappeared three years ago...

Of course, perhaps the front of the line is really Ling Xiao, but why did he have to "fake death" for 17 years, but suddenly appeared now? Is there any mystery inside? Did he complete a secret mission? Have to die? Or when Ling Xiao battlefield, there was no death at that time, but was saved by people who lost their memory?

At this time, Ling Lan filled the countless plots. In particular, she thought that after Ling Xiao’s memory loss, she might marry her wife and have a child. Then she recovered her memory suddenly after 17 years. This is the time to return. Ling Lan’s heart is raging, no matter what the possibility. It is a kind of injustice to her mother Lan Luofeng. For the honor of career status, he abandoned his wife and children, this man should kill! Those who have married their children because of amnesia, if they don’t come back, they will forget it. If you come back and want to enjoy the blessings of the people, you should still kill!

Ling Xiao, who walked in front, suddenly felt cold and felt that there was an inexplicable murder around him... But who would want to kill him here? Ling Xiao shook his head inexplicably, driving away the chill in his heart.

Entering the Lingjia old house, Ling Xiao saw the familiar hall in front of him, and the photo of him and Lan Luofeng still hanging on the wall. Of course, there was a new photo next to it. It was a photo of Ling Lan’s 16-year-old rite. .

The familiar scene made Ling Xiao's eyes hot, and the tears almost collapsed. Fortunately, these years of hardships made his heart stronger than 17 years ago, and Ling Xiao took control of this excited emotion.

"Qin Shu, where is Luo Feng? Is she good?" Ling Xiao first wanted to know the person he was most concerned about in his heart.

Ling Qin just wanted to answer, but he thought of something. He looked at Ling Lan and waited for Ling Lan’s instructions. Although Ling Xiao is Ling Lan's father ~ Lan Luofeng's husband, his former owner, but now the owner is Ling Lan, he must first get Ling Lan's approval.

In addition to Linglan's performance from the door, Ling Qin sensitively felt that Ling Lan was not happy with Ling Xiao, and even had a kind of vigilance in it. This also made Ling Qin have to be cautious, and Ling Qin, who is slowly calming down. I feel that the big Ling Da will appear too wonderful.

After all, Ling Xiao has already sacrificed for 17 years. If this Ling Da is really a singer, why did he hide himself for 17 years? Ling Qin instinctively feels that it is not simple. When he can't calmly treat Ling Xiao's resurrection, it is still not a private idea. It is better to hand it over to the current owner, Master Ling Lan.

In the past three years, Ling Lan’s performance at home completely convinced Ling Qin. He thought that Ling Lan was enough to deal with this. So he bowed his head and did not make a sound. Instead, he took a step back and highlighted Ling Lan. He used this action to tell Ling Xiao that Ling Jia is now dominated by Ling Lan.


This is to make up yesterday, today's chapter may have passed 12 o'clock, in order to ensure that two before 12 o'clock, I will repeat chapters in the next chapter, please do not subscribe, wait for me to modify and then subscribe! It is estimated that I will be able to watch it in two hours... I can’t help it! ()

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