Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 184: : God-controlled genre!

Chapter 184: God-controlled genre!

Han Zengya still wants to say something. The Luo Chao around him is anxious. He even made a hand to cover Han Zheya’s mouth, so that Han Zunya was shocked to forget the struggle and talk.

This action of Luo Chao also shocked other friends. Is this their shy Luo Chao sister? Subconsciously looked at Ling Lan, my heart sighed, love, it really makes people crazy...

Luo Chao saw everyone looking at her, which reflected that he had overreacted, shyly put his hand down and hid behind Luo Lang. In an instant, the shy Luo Chao sister came back.

Ling Lan pretended not to see the eyes of everyone, but still with an ice face, asked coldly: "Other people? Do you think you can't finish it?"

At this time, several people who have experienced the war of warcraft in World of War suddenly remembered that Ling Lan, who was still ten years old, had mastered the mechs and even killed the squad of the X-series of the Japanese Empire. No doubt, the boss A control has reached a height of horror, if they do not take these three years to bravely catch up, once the boss recovers, they will be further away from the boss...

Qi Long’s original firm heart was more determined. Han Jijun, Luo Lang, Lin Zhongqing, and so on. They secretly clenched their fists and set their goals in their hearts. They were not the intermediate mechs that Ling Lan said, but they were Long-class senior machine. They also don't want Ling Lan Qilong to leave them.

Seeing that my brothers firmly promised to complete the task after three years, Luo Chao looked at Ling Lan with admiration. This is Lan Lan, and only Lan boss can convince his brothers that they will promise to complete this. Task...

Undoubtedly, Ling Lan is definitely a perfect boy in the heart of Luo Chao, who is in the beginning of love, strong, majestic, convincing and secure. Ling Lan has noticed the girl's heart in Luo Chao. However, I can't think of a solution. I can only pretend that I don't know anything. I only hope that the three years will make Luo Xie's feelings fade slowly, and finally disappear without a trace.

Ling Lan was like this. After the farewell of the friends, he left the Scout Center College and returned to the Lingjia old house. He continued to recuperate for a while. During the period, the Scout Center Academy sent countless healing agents, as well as some precious cultivation resources, especially special genetic agents. I will send a few pieces from time to time. Plus the genetic agent that Linglan should inherit. Let Ling Lan's body recover faster, and the body that was restored after a year will be completely restored in eight months. There are no hidden dangers.

After Ling Lan's body was fully recovered, Mu Shui Qing let her come to his retreat.

When Ling Lan arrived, the wooden water that had already been waiting for it opened and asked: "Let you come here, know what it is for?"

Ling Lan shook his head and nodded again. Mushui Qing smiled and waited patiently for her explanation.

Ling Lan said: "I shook my head and said that I am not very clear. I nod my head and know that the instructor will definitely explain it to me."

"People are big!" Mushui Qing couldn't help but laugh, since the death of Ling Xiao. For the first time, he was so open-minded. Ling Xiao and his son really did not deserve to be a genius of genius and genius. They always made things that would surprise him. It is also his luck to accept them as a disciple.

Mu Shuiqing finally converges on the laughter and continues to say: "Yes. Let you come over, there are some things to tell you, I am one of your father's enlightenment mentor... Of course, this is only on the face, in fact Your father is my true disciple." The true disciple and the enlightenment student are two completely different concepts. The enlightenment student only mentions the students he likes and does not have any relationship, but the true disciple is inheriting them. The heirs of the genre can be said that this kind of mentoring relationship is equivalent to the father-son relationship.

Ling Lan thought for a moment: "What should I call you? Master?"

Mushuiqing can't laugh and cry: "Or call me a master!" Since it is taught by hand, Ling Lan is his true disciple. What is the name of the master? Moreover, he does not care about the problems of his generation. In their genre, once they enter the door, they have only a teacher relationship and no other relationship.

Ling Lan touched his nose, some speechless, if you call the other master, isn’t it a big generation with his father? Is she going to call her father's brother? Ling Lan is somewhat entangled.

However, Ling Lan quickly lost her emotions. Even if she was called Master Mu Shuiqing, she did not have the opportunity to call her father, Ling Xiao, brother. In this case, why should she struggle? Ling Lan, who figured it out, no longer tweaked, and immediately shouted: "Master!"

"Good! Good! Good! This is my good disciple, do everything neatly, don't be indecisive. At this point, you are better than your father." Mushui said happily.

Ling Lan heard the words, recalling the feeling that Ling Xiao gave her in the space. Her father’s work was relatively crisp and straightforward. It was not as indecisive as Mu Shuiqing said, but Ling Lan quickly threw these thoughts away because of wood. Shui Qing began to talk again.

"Our genre is the foundation, so everything starts from the foundation, and now I want to teach you the basics of our genre..."

"Hey... Master, I will be here." Ling Lan said quickly.

Ling Lan’s words made Wood Water horrified: “How come you?”

Ling Lan smiled bitterly: "Master, our genre is God's control."

Mu Shui Qing jumped directly: "How do you know?" The god-controlled genre has always been a one-on-one succession. Since Ling Xiao’s death, he is left alone. Does the genre still exist?

Ling Lan’s mouth was so light that it could not be light smile: “My father told me.”

The wooden water clear image is what I thought of, and I was surprised to see: "The inheritance space of Ling Xiao is originally that you got it."

Ling Lan’s mouth showed a mockery: “It should have been mine.” Since knowing the inheritance of the God-controlled genre, Ling Lan knew that the inheritance space left by Ling Xiao was prepared for her.

"Yeah, that thing really belongs to you...but the military is greedy." Mushui Qingdi sighed, he can understand the military's practice, just something, not want to get it... God The requirements for flow control are too high, especially the requirements for mental strength are even more demanding. If it is not coincidental, the accidental opening of mental power breaks through the barrier, and even rises to three levels, I am afraid he will also miss the genre. In this respect, Ling Lan's talent is obviously higher than Ling Xiao, because Ling Lan's spiritual strength is inherently powerful.

"Since you have gotten the inheritance of your father, I don't need to teach you the basic things." Mu Shuiqing is in a good mood, which means that Ling Lan is going to be earlier than he thought. He had some regrets too late to find. Ling Lan, let Ling Lan miss the most suitable time to learn the God-controlled genre, which will make Ling Lan practice basal surgery more difficult, and even take several times to complete. Unexpectedly, Ling Lan had already received the inheritance of Ling Xiao, and did not miss the best opportunity.

"Well, my father is at the end of the disappearance, let me find you and learn the ultimate magical skills." Ling Lan said the message that Ling Xiao finally passed to her.

When Mu Shui cleared a glimpse, he immediately understood what Ling Xiao’s move was for. Ling Xiao was to tell him that the heir to the sect of the gods still existed. He wanted to send Ling Lan personally to him to make up for his departure. After giving him the pain and regret.

Mushui Qing eyes red, he slammed his head and looked at the sky, the language whimpered: "Ling, my son, you are worried about my old guy, so I personally sent hope, let me have The power continues to live..." He was so lucky to receive such a good man, but his relationship with Ling Xiao’s teacher and apprentice was too shallow, only a short ten years...

The words of Mu Shui Qing also made Ling Lan wake up. Why did Ling Hao not choose to teach the ultimate skills of the God-controlled genre? Since Ling Xiao has been a teacher, he has mastered all the skills of the genre, and the reason why he did not teach is to let Ling Lan finds Mushui, and uses her mouth to tell Mushui, and the descendants of the God-controlled genre still exist.

Ling Xiao wanted to use this to comfort his master. Of course, there was also the meaning that Ling Lan took over his responsibility, just as he asked Ling Lan to take care of Lan Luofeng.

Of course, Ling Xiao is afraid that there is also the meaning of honing Ling Lan, so Ling Lan patiently looking for Mu Shui Qing, raising Ling Lan's temper. However, he did not expect that Mu Shuiqing was retiring in Lin’s old house. Even before, because Ling Lan’s assassination incident, Ling Qin’s housekeeper begged Mushui to clear the customs and kept protecting Linglan. After seeing Ling Lan, Mu Shuiqing was ready to teach Ling Lan.

I have to say that Ling Lan’s luck is really good. It’s not a waste of After a long time, Mu Shuiqing finally calmed down. He looked at Ling Lan, and the love in his eyes was even worse. Now, in his eyes, Ling Lan is not only the only descendant of the sect of the gods, but also the hope that his good singer gave him. He now looks at how Ling Lan thinks.

"Since you have learned the last step... let me check your mental strength first, let me see if you are qualified enough to learn this final ultimate skill." Although Mushui Qingxin is very fond of Linglan, but he is right It is very cautious to teach the final ultimate skills. It is up to the strength of the mental power to know the power of the genre. If it is not up to the minimum requirements of the gods, he will not teach him in order to be responsible for Ling Lan.

"Good~!" Ling Lan nodded. After that, her mental power began to spread, and soon split into several invisible spiritual veins. None of them had finger-like thickness. They quickly approached Mushui, but this time, Ling Lan met. Obstruction, because it is about one meter away from Mushui, she feels that a strong body-building body cover will keep the wood tightly sealed.


The third is sent, and the task is completed today! Tomorrow will add more than 250 pink, if the state is still good, it will make up the previous chapter of the break... ()

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