Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 181: : The disappearance of Lingxiao inheritance!

Chapter 187: The disappearance of Lingxiao inheritance!

"Goodbye!" Ling Lan saw Ling Xiao's lips move, leaving the last two words, and then she was driven out by a strong force, Ling Xiao once again drove her out...

Ling Lan has not returned to God, but the face of Xiao Si has changed dramatically: "No, the inheritance space of Dad is disappearing!"

Ling Lan heard the news, she tried to go in again, but was stopped by the inheritance space. Even the little four, the **** who is almost omnipotent in the virtual world, has been forcibly expelled by some kind of horrible power in the space, and it is impossible to get close...

At this time, Ling Lan’s mind rang Ling Xiao’s voice: “No, my child, please forgive me, this irresponsible father, please take my responsibility and protect your mother Lan Luofeng!”

With the disappearance of this voice, Linglong's inheritance space disappeared into the virtual world of Scout Academy, and there was no trace left, just as Linglong's inheritance space never existed.

"Boss, Dad, really disappeared..." Xiao Si suddenly appeared in Ling Lan's side. In the virtual space, the fourth is free to become the image he wants, so a five or six-year-old doll is tight. Grabbing Ling Lan's clothes corner, the sad eyes burst into tears.

The reason why Xiaosi is so sad is because he has not had time to appear in front of Ling Xiao to introduce himself, called Ling Xiao’s father...

Ling Lanqiang endured the tears that would flow out, and touched the comfort of the small four heads: "Dad has not disappeared, he will always stay in our hearts, isn't it?"

Ling Lan’s words made Xiaosi think of something. He resisted his own waterfall-like tears. He just wanted to talk, but he found the information transmitted from the virtual space. He couldn’t help but change his face: “Boss, let’s get out of here, Some hackers and imaginary people are approaching here..."

Xiaosi hurriedly fled the scene with Linglan, and several of them flew back to the treatment cabin. Xiaosi is on the way to escape. Don't forget to wipe out all the traces they left in the virtual space. Xiaosi believes that with his level of intelligence, the average person can't find a problem. However, Xiaosi is still very cautious. After returning to Linglan, he sneaked back to the original place. He thought about it. If he was accidentally discovered something, he completely destroyed the virtual world of the Scouting Academy and destroyed all the data inside. He must never bring the danger to his boss.

Just a few seconds after Xiao 4’s escape with Ling Lan, there were suddenly five people in their place. They have four people in uniforms. A man is a black robe covering his entire person. It is impossible to see the appearance at all, it is the standard equipment of the person with virtual evolution ability.

A person with a slightly higher status in the uniform asked a few other people: "It should be here, you should check to find out what is wrong here."

The other four people began to act when they heard the order. Soon after, they told the leader the results of the collection.

"Colonel, there is no sense of the existence of the inheritance space, and there is no trace of being moved by humans..." One of the uniformed players looked sly, but he knew who the inheritance space was. Once lost, the entire federation There are immeasurable losses.

"Colonel, I have successfully recorded all the students who are close to here within three hours. This is the list..." Another uniformed player said that a blank piece of paper appeared in his hand. The name was filled with the student's name, and he handed the information directly to the leading colonel.

The colonel reached out and took the list, but did not look at it, but turned to look at the black robes on the other side of a black robe and said: "J. Lieutenant Colonel. Have you found anything?"

Colonel J is the military specializing in supporting a special team. As for the other party's information, the colonel does not know, even if the other person's appearance, he has not seen it. The colonel was not dissatisfied with this because he knew that any imaginary person except his immediate chief knew the other person's true body, and others had no right to know this. All this is the means necessary to protect the imaginary power.

No matter which country, the imaginary power will be fully monitored, especially for the imaginary power of the hostile country. It is called a killing. After knowing the true identity of the other party, as long as there is the possibility of killing the other party, even if it is a painful price. Will choose to start.

Because the current human society can't completely break away from the virtual world, and the virtual power evolver is the search for the equivalent of death in the virtual world. People who are stronger in real life once they are in the virtual world, as long as they are targeted by the other side, there is almost no possibility of escape. It should be said that the virtual power is a kind of destructive balance for the virtual world. This ability similar to death makes the powers of all countries extremely jealous and afraid...

Colonel J reminded the colonel to wait patiently, and then he shed his own virtual power and began to sense the energy of the surrounding chaos.

The colonel took the opportunity to quickly browse through the list, and did not see the object of doubt. He threw the information to the uniform team members who stood by him. "Let the monitoring room give me the information of these people. Call it out and check it out carefully. Don't let any doubts go."

"Yes, Colonel!" The uniform team quickly left after receiving the information.

After a moment of induction, Colonel J said: "There is no energy residue left by other virtual abilities." The energy of the imaginary power can only be felt by the imaginary power. "The disappearance of the inheritance space should be irrelevant to the imaginary power."

The colonel heard the answer from Colonel J, and he was relieved. If it was from the destruction of the enemy's imaginary power, he would have to be sent to a military court. A crime of negligence and dereliction of duty could not be confined.

"But..." J. Lieutenant’s voice was a little confused. "The residual energy here makes me feel a little uncomfortable."

"Ah?" The colonel was excited and excited. "Do you feel something is wrong?"

Colonel J shook his head and said: "There is no such thing. Perhaps some of the energy that overflows the space from self-destruction has some effect on my virtual ability." He can't say why, it's just an instinct, not a danger. But the energy makes him very uncomfortable, as if his virtual ability is somewhat repulsive.

When the colonel heard the words of Lieutenant Colonel J, his heart suddenly became clear. The inheritance space left by the god-level masters must have some spiritual energy bodies of the god-level masters. These energy bodies are extremely powerful, if the virtual powers are in the virtual world. The only existing opponents are these god-level powerhouses. Their mental strength is so powerful that these gods of death are also helpless and hopeless.

After the colonel who had figured it out, he lost the words of Lieutenant Colonel J. He began to blame his superiors for explaining the disappearance of Linglong’s inheritance space. Although he escaped from the military court, he had to have a valid reason to explain this. Such a strange phenomenon, so he frowned and asked: "What is the reason for the jealousy of J, your guess, the disappearance of the inheritance space?"

Colonel J was silent for a moment, then slowly began: "In fact, there are many reasons for the disappearance of the inheritance space. One is that the destruction of external forces is largely from the imaginary power. There is also a kind of inheritance space. Has been passed down, once the heirs fully learn to inherit all the capabilities in space, the inheritance space in order to guarantee the unique uniqueness of the heir, will choose to self-destruct..."

The colonel's eyes lit up: "You mean, it is very likely that the disappearing inheritance space has been successfully inherited?"

Colonel J nodded slightly: "Yes, this is one of them. Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the owner of the inheritance space set the final deadline. Once this period is exceeded, whether it is When people continue, the inheritance space will start self-destruction."

The colonel had been surprised to hear the possibility of successful inheritance. The period that Lieutenant Colonel J later said might change his face. He did not want Ling’s inheritance space to be self-destructive because of the last reason. The loss to the federal is too great.

He only hopes to be the second. As long as they find out the descendants of Ling Xiao, they can get all the secrets of Ling Xiao’s promotion to the god-level master from the mouth of Ling Hao’s heir. At that time, I believe that even if there is no way to successfully advance to the level of the division, the federal energy production of the top of the mechs, Shizhen earthquake entire human society, the federal top power dream can be achieved.

The colonel who had the results of the investigation had no intention of staying in the virtual space and immediately left the scene with five people.

Soon after they left, just in the place where they just stood, the figure of Xiaosi appeared quietly. His small face was very serious, and his mouth whispered: "Why are you capable?" It’s a bit of a skill... It disappeared again.

At this time, regardless of the virtual space or the real space, the disappearance of Lingxiao's inheritance space has been rumored. Because Linglong’s inheritance space has never been successfully inherited, the students have always maintained great enthusiasm for the mysterious inheritance space of the college virtual space, and they are always concerned about it, so the disappearance of the inheritance space will be the first time. The spread of the students broke out, and the military that originally wanted to control the news was caught off guard.

The only thing that makes them happy is that, besides some of the top leaders of the military and the dean of the college know the true origins of the inheritance Others are not sure which strong person the inheritance space comes from.

The investigation of the military department has quietly proceeded. The high-level enthusiasm for the inheritance of space has been successfully inherited. Therefore, the people who have been in contact with the inheritance space in the recent month have been closely monitored and searched. Once they are found to be abnormal, these students will be controlled and secret. Ask.

To this end, they even seconded the hypnotics in special forces to hypnotize these children, trying to find the truth, but these seemingly suspicious students did not get the inheritance of Ling Xiao, which made them extremely disappointed and let them Anxious, the action began to fierce, not as concealed as it was at the beginning.


Sorry, the update is late! Perhaps because of the rain, I feel sore on my back, so I have more time to rest. I am sorry to have kept everyone waiting.

When I was on the line, I saw that the pink was over 200. This surprised me a lot. I thought that 200 would have to wait a few days. I didn’t expect the pros to do so. It seems that I have to work hard!

Tomorrow's double, first send 200 pink plus, if the state is good, add a chapter to the previous chapter... ()

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